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Hopkins School Continental Math League

Application 2017-2018

Join our CML Team in pursuit of math excellence!

Hopkins School will once again field a Continental Math League Team. The CML challenges students to
solve a variety of math problems, tapping into all operations and mathematical standards. Measurement,
operations, place value, number sense, algebra and more - you never know what kind of problems will
appear in a practice session or meet! Students definitely need solid math problem solving skills and a desire
to work on enrichment math both after-school and on their own at home! All team members from Hopkins
will participate in the the Euclidean Division of Grade 5. (Students from both grades will compete in this
division.) There are a limited number of spots available and preference will go to 5th graders.

The Continental Math League Team involves five official meets. Before each meet, practice sessions will be
held after school in the week leading up to the meet. While there is adult supervision, students are expected
to be independently motivated to improve their math and work with teammates to solve problems during
practice sessions. Practice sheets are distributed to each student to complete at home with an expectation that
students will work individually or with other Team members to complete in advance of meets.

Mandatory meets will be held before school in November, December, January, February and March. At each
meet, students will work independently to solve 6 math questions within a 30 minute period. Hopkins
students who participate will compete against students across the United States to demonstrate their
mathematical skill! For more information about CML, please visit their website at

All meetings - practices and meets - will be Thursdays from 2:30 to 3:15. Mrs. Bilello will be the primary
supervisor for the team, but parents, guardians or strong high school math students are encouraged to
volunteer to help! If you are interested in assisting, please fill out the attached section of the application. A
full schedule with practice sessions and meets is listed below. There is no charge for participation. Students
who sign up are expected to participate in all sessions. Parents/guardians need to arrange pick-up at the end
of each practice or meet; transportation is not provided. Please send a dismissal change note to school
indicating participation in CML and the transportation arrangements.

Registration closes on Friday, October 3, 2017.

CML Schedule - Thursdays from 2:30-3:15 at Hopkins

October 19 - practice January 11 - practice
November 2 - practice January 25- MEET
November 16 - MEET February 8 - practice
December 7 - practice February 15 - MEET
December 14 - MEET March 8 - practice
March 22 - MEET
Hopkins School Continental Math League
Application 2017-2018

Complete the following information and return it to the Hopkins office by Tuesday, October 3rd. Students
will be informed of their acceptance into CML via email by Friday October 6th. Student and parent/guardian
will be expected to complete a Google Form, accepting a position on the team by Tuesday, October 10th.

Please print clearly:

Personal Information:

Name _________________________________ Current Grade Level_____________

Classroom Teacher Name & Room #: __________________________________________

Parent Email address :_______________________________________________________________

Parent Cell Phone: ________________________________________________________


Missing practices or meets impact a students ability to perform as a member of this team. Regular
attendance is critical to performance on this team.

Please circle how many days have you been absent and/or tardy from school this year so far: 0 1 2 3 4

Homework Completion & Teacher Recommendation :

Completion of assigned practice worksheets (outside of practice sessions) ar success. These practice sheets
require persistence, dedication and a desire to work on math challenges independent of instruction.

Please circle how many days you have missed a school assignment this year so far: 0 1 2 3 4

Please list the teacher you have asked to recommend you for CML below & have them sign, indicating that
they support your membership in CML for the 2017-2018 school year.

Teachers Name:______________________________________

Personal Statement:

Please list other extracurricular activities you intend to participate in over the next year. List any other
activities outside of school in which you participate in.

Please explain why you think you would be an asset to the CML team. Include your experiences, personality,
special skills, etc. Be sure to share why you WANT to be a team member!


Guardian/Student Contract:
In order to participate in CML, please understand that each team member agrees to the following. Please
review and sign below:
Be on time and in attendance to CML every date listed. Excess absences may result in removal from
the team.
Continue to complete all homework/schoolwork for classroom teachers.
Behave in an appropriate manner during practices and meets
Be a full team player - supporting teammates, collaborating during practices and completing outside
assignments to the best of ability.

By signing this form you signify that you have read the above contract and agree to support the program as

Student Signature Date

Parent Signature Date

*Parents (or high school siblings) interested in volunteering to help supervise practices and meets, please

indicate availability here: ___________________________________________________________

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