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Caja 1

1. Robert L REYMOND, A New Systematic Theology Of The Christian Faith, vol. 9 (Nelson
Reference, 1998).
2. J Van Genderen and W H Velema, Concise Reformed Dogmatics (P & R Publishing, 2008).
3. Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics, 4 Vols. (Baker Academic, 2008).
4. Robert Duncan Culver, Systematic Theology: Biblical and Historical (Christian Focus
Publications, 2005).

Caja 2
5. Douglas F Kelly, Systematic Theology, vol. I (Mentor, 2009).
6. Francis Turretin, Institutes of Elenctic Theology. 3 Vols. (P & R Publishing, 1997).
7. Michael HORTON, The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way
(Zondervan, 2009).
8. Millard J Erickson, Christian Theology (Baker Pub Group, 1986).
9. Wayne GRUDEM, Teologa Sistemtica: Una Introduccin a La Doctrina Bblica (Vida,
10. Robert Lewis Dabney, Systematic Theology (Banner of Truth, 1985).
11. Alister E McGrath, Teologia Sistemtica, Histrica e Filosfica (Shedd Publicaes, 2005).
12. Morton H SMITH, Systematic Theology. 2 Vols. (Greenville: GPTS Press, 1994).
13. Archibald Alexander HODGE, Esboos De Teologia (So Paulo: PES, 2001).
14. John MURRAY, Studies in Theology (Banner of Truth, 1983).

Caja 3
15. Charles HODGE, Systematic Theology. 3 Vols. (Hendrickson Publishers, 1999).
16. Herman Hoeksema, Reformed Dogmatics. 2 Vols. Second Ed. (Grandville: Reformed Free
Publishing Association, 2004).
17. Benjamin Breckinridge WARFIELD, Biblical Doctrines (Banner of Truth, 1996).
18. Stephen CHARNOCK, The Complete Works of Stephen Charnock, vol. V (Banner of Truth,
19. William G T SHEDD, Dogmatic Theology,3. vols. (Kessinger Publishing {LLC}, 2006).
20. John MURRAY, Lectures in Systematic Theology (Banner of Truth, 1978).
21. Ronald HANKO, Doctrine According to Godliness (Reformed Free Pubishing Association,
22. G Henry Kersten, Reformed Dogmatics (2 Vols.) (Netherlands Reformed Book and
Publishing Commitee, 1983).
23. Fred G Zaspel, The Theology of B. B. Warfield: A Systematic Summary (Crossway Books,
24. Cornelius VAN TIL, An Introduction To Systematic Theology, Power, 2010.
25. Leandro Antonio de Lima, Razo Da Esperana (Cultura Crist, 2006).
26. Wayne GRUDEM, Manual De Doutrinas Crists (Vida Acadmica, 1999).
27. Edward W A Koehler, Compendio De La Doctrina Cristiana (Editorial Concordia, 1993).

Caja 4
28. Carl F H Henry, God Revelation and Authority. 6 vols. (Crossway Books, 1999).
29. Francis Schaeffer. Complete Works. 5 vols.
30. Henry H Halley, Manual Bblico De Halley (Editora Vida, 2001).
31. Bruce Milne, Estudando as Doutrinas Da Bblia (So Paulo: ABU, 2005).
32. Benjamin B. WARFIELD, Counterfeit Miracles (Carlisle: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1995).

Caja 5
33. Roger E Olson, Manual De Bolsillo: Historia De La Teologia (Editorial Unilit, 2007);
34. James C Petty, Priorities: Mastering Time Management (Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: P & R Pub.,
35. Steven J Lawson, Foundations of Grace, vol. I (Reformation Trust Publishing, 2006).
36. Sinclair Ferguson, Novo Dicionrio De Teologia (Editora Hagnos, 2011).
37. Justo L GONZLEZ, Diccionario Manual Teolgico (Barcelona: CLIE, 2010).
38. Walter A Elwell, Enciclopdia Histrico - Teolgica Da Igreja Crist, 3 vols. (Vida Nova,
39. Kevin J Vanhoozer, Is There a Meaning in This Text? (Zondervan, 1998).
40. Craig Bartholomew, Canon And Biblical Interpretation {(Scripture} and Hermeneutics)
(Zondervan Publishing Company, 2006).
41. Graeme Goldsworthy, Gospel-centered Hermeneutics: Foundations and Principles of
Evangelical Biblical Interpretation ({IVP} Academic, 2007).
42. Gregory Wills, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 1859-2009 (Oxford University Press
{USA}, 2009).
43. Stephen CHARNOCK, The Existence and Attributes of God (Baker Books, 1996).
44. Joel R BEEKE, Living for Gods Glory: An Introduction to Calvinism (Reformation Trust
Publishing, 2008).
45. John M Frame, The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God (P & R Publishing, 1989).
46. Robert C Harbach, Studies in the Book of Genesis (Reformed Fre Pub. Association, 2001).
47. Homer C Hoeksema, The Voice of Our Fathers (Distributed by Kregel Publications, 1980).
48. Gordon H. CLARK, Christian Philosophy (Unicoi: The Trinity Foundation, 2004).
49. Gordon H. CLARK, The Christian View of Men and Things (Unicoi: The Trinity Foundation,
50. Roger L Omanson, Variantes Textuais Do Novo Testamento Grego (Sociedade Bblica do
Brasil, 2010).
51. Sidney Greidanus, Pregando Cristo a Partir Do Antigo Testamento (Editora Cultura Crist,

Caja 6
52. Herman Bavinck, The Doctrine of God (Banner of Truth, 1996).
53. GREENHILL, William. Stop Loving the World. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books,
54. Hendriksen, William. El Pacto De Gracia. Kalamazoo: Libros Desafo, 1997.
55. SWINNOCK, George. The Fading of the Flesh and the Flourishing of Faith. Grand Rapids:
Reformation Heritage Books, 2009.
56. Ronald H NASH, Questes ltimas Da Vida (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2008).
57. James Montgomery Boice, O Evangelho Da Graa (Editora Cultura Crist, 2003).
58. R C SPROUL, O Que a Teologia Reformada? (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2009).
59. Michael HORTON, As Doutrinas Da Maravilhosa Graa (Editora Cultura Crist, 2003).
60. Valdeci da Silva SANTOS, O Triunfo Da Graa Na Vida Prtica (So Paulo: Cultura Crist,
61. The Word of Promise The Gift of Psalms (Thomas Nelson, 2008).
62. Glenio Fonseca Paranagu, A Festa Do Contentamento (Editora {IDE}, n.d.).
63. Edward Welch, Depresso (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2012).
64. Andreas J Kstenberger and David W. Jones, Deus, Casamento e Famlia (So Paulo: Vida
Nova, 2011).
65. Augustus Nicodemus Lopes, A Bblia e Sua Famlia (Cultura Crist, 2001).
66. Robert W Kellemen, Equipping Counselors for Your Church: the {4E} Ministry Training
Strategy (Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: {P&R} Publishing, 2011).
67. Norman De Jong, Teaching for a Change: a Transformational Approach to Education
(Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: P & R Pub., 2001).
68. Rebecca Jones, A Mulher Segundo a Bblia (Editora Cultura Crist, 2009).
69. F Solano PORTELA, O Que Esto Ensinando Aos Nossos Filhos? (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel,
70. Paul David TRIPP, Guerra De Palavras (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2011).
71. Paul David TRIPP, O Que Voc Esperava? (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2011).
72. Geoffrey BLAINEY, Uma Breve Histria Do Cristianismo (So Paulo: Fundamento
Educacional, 2012).
73. Timothy GEORGE, Theology of the Reformers ({B&H} Publishing Group, 1999).
74. Daniel R Hyde, With Heart and Mouth: An Exposition of the Belgic Confession (Reformed
Fellowship Inc., 2008).
75. John F MacArthur Jr., La Consejeria (Thomas Nelson, 2009).
76. Nicholas L Greendyk, An Explanation of Rev. Hellenbroeks Catechism (Netherland
Reformed Books & Publishing Committe, 1998).

Caja 7
77. George W Knight III, A Profecia No Novo Testamento (Editora Os Puritanos, 1998);
78. Derek THOMAS, A Viso Puritana Das Escrituras (Os Puritanos, 1998);
79. William P Smith, Should We Get Married?: How to Evaluate Your Relationship
(Greensboro, {NC}: New Growth Press, 2008);
80. David Powlison and John Yenchko, Pre-engagement: 5 Questions to Ask Yourselves
(Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: P & R Pub., 2000);
81. Jeremiah Burroughs, Contentamiento Cristiano; Una Joya Rara (Publicaciones Faro de
Gracia, 2001);
82. Albert N Martin, Union Con Cristo (Publicaciones Faro de Gracia, 2002).
83. Merrill C Tenney, Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible. 5 vols. (Zondervan, 1975).
84. Johannes Geerhardus Vos, Catecismo Maior De Westminster Comentado (Os Puritanos,
85. Don Doezema, Upon This Rock,3 vols. (Protestant Reformed Sunday School Teachers
Association, 2003).
86. Herman C. HANKO, The Mysteries of the Kingdom (Reformed Free Publishing Association,
87. D Martyn LLOYD-JONES, Estudos No Sermo Do Monte (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel, 2011).
88. William Cunningham, Historical Theology, 2 vols. (Banner of Truth, 1960).
89. William Cunningham, Reformers and the Theology of the Reformation. (Banner of Truth,
90. G Henry Kersten, The Heidelberg Catechism (Netherlands Reformed Book and Publishing,
91. Heber Carlos DE CAMPOS, A Unio Das Naturezas Do Redentor (Editora Cultura Crist,

Caja 8
92. Brian EDWARDS, Existe o Milagre De Curas Hoje? (Fiel, 2001);
93. Brian EDWARDS, Onde Esto Os Apstolos e Profetas? (Fiel, 2001).
94. Charles H Spurgeon, Discursos a Mis Estudiantes (Casa Bautista de Publicaciones, 2003);
95. David CHILTON, La Gran Tribulacin (Tyler: Institute for Christian Economics, 1991);
96. Gary North, Liberando La Tierra (Tyler: Institute for Christian Economics, 1987).
97. Vaughan Roberts, Battles Christians Face (Authentic, 2007);
98. J Gresham Machen, Vision Cristiana Del Hombre (Banner of Truth, 1996);
99. Martin Luther, The Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther with A Study Manual for Learners
and Teachers (The Lutheran Heritage Foundation, 2005).
100. Umberto ECO, Como Se Faz Uma Tese (So Paulo: Perspectiva, 2009).
101. Heber Carlos DE CAMPOS, As Duas Naturezas Do Redentor (Cultura Crist, 2004).
102. Robert M. McCHEYNE, Mensajes Bblicos (Carlisle: Estandarte de Verdad, 1988).
103. Gordon H. CLARK, De Tales a Dewey (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2012).
104. Donald A. CARSON, Douglas J. MOO, and Leon MORRIS, Introduo Ao Novo Testamento
(So Paulo: Vida Nova, 1997).
105. Leonard T Van Horn, Estudos No Breve Catecismo De Westminster (Os Puritanos, 2009).
106. Richard L. PRATT Jr., Ele Nos Deu Histrias (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2004).
107. Gerard Van Groningen, Criao e Consumao Vol. 1 (Editora Cultura Crist, 2002).
108. Alister E McGrath, Teologia Histrica (Editora Cultura Crist, 2007).
109. Frans van Deursen, Proverbios (Felire, 2003).
110. Simon J. KISTEMAKER, As Parbolas De Jesus (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2011).
111. Philip Graham Ryken, Galatians (P & R Publishing, 2005).
112. J Scott Duvall and J Daniel Hays, Hermeneutica, Entendiendo La Palabra De Dios (Editorial
Clie, 2008).
113. Nancy PEARCEY, Verdade Absoluta (Rio de Janeiro: CPAD, 2006).
114. Herman RIDDERBOS, A Vinda Do Reino (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2010).
115. Kenneth J Stewart, Ten Myths About Calvinism (Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 2011).
116. Guy Prentiss Waters, The Federal Vision and Covenant Theology: a Comparative Analysis
(Phillipsburg, {NJ}: {P&R} Publ., 2006).
117. R Scott Clark, ed., Covenant, Justification, and Pastoral Ministry: Essays by the Faculty of
Westminster Seminary California (Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: {P&R} Pub., 2007).
118. David G Firth and Jamie A Grant, Words & The Word: Explorations in Biblical Interpretation
& Literary Theory ({IVP} Academic, 2009).
119. Tremper Longman III, Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind (Navpress Publishing Group,
120. Kenneth R Samples, A World of Difference: Putting Christian {Truth-Claims} to the
Worldview Test (Baker Books, 2007).
121. Kenneth R Samples, Without a Doubt: Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions (Baker
Books, 2004).
122. Donald A. CARSON, O Deus Presente (So Jos dos Campos: Editora Fiel, 2012).
123. Emery H. BANCROFT, Teologia Elemental (So Paulo: Imprensa Batista Regular, 1966).
124. R Laird Harris, Inspirao e Canonicidade Da Bblia (Cultura Crist, 2004).
125. Robert Hastings NICHOLS, Histria Da Igreja Crist (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2008).
126. Eta Linnemann, Crtica Histrica Da Bblia (Editora Cultura Crist, 2009).
127. A T B McGowan, The Divine Authenticity of Scripture: Retrieving an Evangelical Heritage
({IVP} Academic, 2008).
128. Keith A Mathison, The Shape of Sola Scriptura (Canon Press, 2001).
129. Abraham Kuyper, A Obra Do Esprito Santo (Editora Cultura Crist, 2011).
130. Paul E. BROWN, O Esprito Santo e a Bblia (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2008).
131. Michael HORTON, Religio De Poder (Editora Cultura Crist, 1998).
132. Os GUINNESS, Sete Pecados Capitais (So Paulo: Shedd Publicaes, 2006).

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133. Pierre COUTHIAL, O Conceito Bartiano Das Escrituras (Casa Editora Presbiteriana, n.d.);
134. Ian Murray, O Sistema De Apelo (PES, 1995);
135. Michael Poole, The {New'} Atheism: 10 Arguments That Don't Hold Water (Lion {UK},
136. Martinho Lutero, A Liberdade Do Cristo (Editora Escala, n.d.).
137. Guido DE BRS and Zacarias URSINUS, Confisso Belga e Catecismo De Heidelberg (So
Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2005).
138. John A BROADUS, Sermes (So Paulo: Hagnos, 2009).
139. John F MacArthur Jr., La Predicacion: Como Predicar Biblicamente (Grupo Nelson, 2009).
140. Allen P Ross, Gramatica Do Hebraico Bblico (Editora Vida, 2008).
141. Benjamin Breckinridge WARFIELD, Inspiration and Authority of Bible (P & R Publishing,
142. S M Houghton, Truth Unchanged, Unchanging (The Bible League, 1984).
143. F F BRUCE, O Cnon Das Escrituras (So Paulo: Hagnos, 2011).
144. W R Downing, Biblical Hermeneutics ({P.I.R.S.} Publications, 2002).
145. W R Downing, How to Study the Bible ({P.I.R.S.} Publications, 2002).
146. Greendyk, An Explanation of Rev. Hellenbroeks Catechism.
147. Milton Hunnex, Filsofos e Correntes Filosficas Em Grficos e Diagramas (Editora Vida,
148. Gordon H. CLARK, In Defense of Theology (Trinity Foundation, 2007).
149. Robert Letham, The Holy Trinity: in Scripture, History, Theology, and Worship
(Phillipsburg, {NJ}: P & R Pub., 2004).
150. Heber Carlos DE CAMPOS, O Ser De Deus e Os Seus Atributos (Editora Cultura Crist,
151. James Arminius, Arminius Speaks: Essential Writings on Predestination Free Will' and the
Nature of God (Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2010).
152. Christopher Morgan, The Glory of God (Crossway Books, 2010).
153. Dennis Ngien, The Suffering of God According to Martin Luthers {'Theologia} Crucis'
(Regent College Publishing, 2005).
154. Douglas Vickers, The Immediacy of God (Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2009).
155. W R Downing, The Bible and the Problem of Knowledge (Lulu, 2007).
156. Paul K Helseth, Rigth Reason and the Priceton Mind (P & R Publishing, 2010).
157. K Scott Oliphint and Lane G Tipton, eds., Revelation and Reason: New Essays in Reformed
Apologetics (Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: {P&R} Pub., 2007).
158. J. Douma. Los Diez Mandamientos. Grand Rapids: Libros Desafo.
159. Burk PARSONS, ed., Joo Calvino, Amor Devoo, Doutrina e Glria De Deus (So Jos
dos Campos: Fiel, 2010).
160. Thomas Halyburton, Faith and Revelation (James Begg Society, 2003).
161. Herman C. HANKO, For Thy Truths Sake: A Doctrinal History of the Protestant Reformed
Churches (Reformed Free Pub. Assoc, 2000).
162. Joshua HARRIS, Sexo No Problema (lascvia, Sim) (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2008).
163. C S Lewis, Cartas a Uma Senhora Americana (Editora Vida, 2006);
164. Gerard VAN GRONINGEN and Harriet VAN GRONINGEN, A Famlia Da Aliana (Editora
Cultura Crist, 2009);
165. Terry L JOHNSON, A Doutrina Da Graa Na Vida Prtica (Cultura Crist, 2001);
166. Nathan Pitchford, What the Bible Says About the Doctrines of Grace (Monergism Books,
167. John F MacArthur Jr., Dificil De Creer (Grupo Nelson, 2004);
168. Steven J Lawson, As Firmes Resolues De Jonathan Edwards (Editora Fiel, 2010);
169. Charles H Spurgeon, A Graa (Danprewan Editora, 1998).
170. David A Stoddard, The Heart of Mentoring: Ten Proven Principles for Developing People to
Their Fullest Potential (NavPress, 2009);
171. Eleny Vasso de Paula AITKEN, O Meu Deus Maior Do Que o Cncer (So Paulo: Cultura
Crist, 2010).
172. Martin Lloyd-Jones, Pregao e Pregadores (Editora Fiel, 2008).
173. John PIPER and Justin TAYLOR, Palavras (So Paulo: Hagnos, 2012);
174. Alderi Souza de Matos, Fundamentos Da Teologia Histrica (Mundo Cristo, 2008);
175. R Albert MOHLER Jr., Desejo e Engano (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel, 2009).

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176. Joshua HARRIS, Cave Mais Fundo (So Jos dos Campos: Editora Fiel, 2011);
177. Tedd TRIPP and Margy TRIPP, Instruindo o Corao Da Criana (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel,
178. Tedd TRIPP, Pastoreando o Corao Da Criana (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel, 2011);
179. Greg L. BAHNSEN, Homossexualismo: Uma Anlise Bblica (Brasilia: Monergismo, 2012);
180. Robbie CASTLEMAN, Amor De Verdade (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 1999);
181. Timothy GEORGE, Faithful Witness (Christian History Institute, 1998);
182. G K CHESTERTON, Ortodoxia (Mundo Cristo, 2008);
183. Joo CALVINO, 2 Corntios (Editora Fiel, 2008);
184. John MURRAY, Romanos (Fiel, 2003);
185. Joo CALVINO, 1 Corntios (So Bernardo do Campo: Parakletos, 2003);
186. J.C. RYLE, Meditaes No Evangelho De Marcos (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel, 2011);
187. J.C. RYLE, Meditaes No Evangelho De Mateus (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel, 2011);
188. J.C. RYLE, Meditaes No Evangelho De Lucas (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel, 2011);
189. J.C. RYLE, Meditaes No Evangelho De Joo (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel, 2011);
190. Herman Hoeksema, Righteous by Faith Alone (Reformed Free Publishing Assn., 2002);
191. Joo CALVINO, Comentrio De Glatas, Efsios, Filipenses e Colossenses (Editora Fiel,
192. David McWilliams, Galatians: A Mentor Commentary (Mentor, 2009);
193. Gordon H. CLARK, First John (Trinity Foundation, 1992);
194. Gordon H. CLARK, New Heavens New Earth (Trinity Foundation, 1993);
195. Gordon H. CLARK, First and Second Thessalonians (Trinity Foundation, 1986);
196. Gordon H. CLARK, Colossians (Trinity Foundation, 1989);
197. Gordon H. CLARK, The Pastoral Epistles (Trinity Foundation, 1983);
198. Gordon D FEE, Como Leer La Biblia Libro Por Libro (Editorial Unilit, 2005);
199. Wilson PAROSCHI, Crtica Textual Do Novo Testamento (So Paulo: Vida Nova, 2010);
200. Andreas J Kstenberger, The Heresy of Orthodoxy (Crossway Books, 2010).
201. C Bijl, Tan Ricos Como Job (Sefer, 1997).
202. Jay E. ADAMS, A Vida Crist No Lar (So Jos dos Campos: Editora Fiel, 2011).
203. Gardiner Spring and Tedd TRIPP, Dicas Para Pais (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel, 2012).
204. Paulo R B ANGLADA, Introduo Hermenutica Reformada (Knox Publicaes, 2006);
205. Henry A Virkler, Hermenutica (Vida, 1995);
206. Gordon H. CLARK, Logical Criticisms of Textual Criticism (Trinity Foundation, 1990);
207. Mayhue Richard, How To Study The Bible (Christian Focus, 2006).

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208. J. Oswald Sanders, Spiritual Leadership (Chicago: Moody Publishers, 1994).
209. Jay E. ADAMS, Libro De Casos Del Consejero Cristiano (Editorial Clie, 1973);
210. Gerhard F. HASEL, Teologia Do Antigo Testamento (Rio de Janeiro: JUERP, 1987);
211. Tefilo Loureno de Lima, Manual Bsico Para Elaborao De Monografia (Ulbra, 2002).
212. Michael J Gorman, Elements of Biblical Exegesis: A Basic Guide for Students and Ministers
(Hendrickson Publishers, 2001);
213. Peter Y DeJong, Crisis in the Reformed Churches: Essays in Commemoration of the Great
Synod of Dort (Reformed Fellowship Inc., 2008);
214. Archibald Alexander HODGE, Confisso De F De Westminster Comentada (Os Puritanos,
215. Lyle Bierma, Introduction to the Heidelberg Catechism An: Sources' History' and Theology
(Baker Academic, 2005);
216. John R W Stott, Cmo Comprender La Biblia? (Certeza Unida, 2005);
217. Carlos Osvaldo Cardoso Pinto, Fundamentos Para Exegese Do Antigo Testamento (Edies
Vida Nova, 1998);
218. Richard N Soulen, Handbook of Biblical Criticism (Westminster John Knox Press, 2001);
219. Philip Graham Ryken, The Doctrines of Grace: Rediscovering the Evangelical Gospel
(Crossway Books, 2002);
220. Gordon D FEE, Manual De Exegese Bblica (Vida Nova, n.d.);
221. D G Hart and Mark A Noll, Dictionary of the Presbyterian & Reformed Tradition in America
(Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: P&R, 2005);
222. Wilhelm WACHHOLZ, Histria e Teologia Da Reforma (So Leopoldo: Sinodal, 2010);
223. David J. ENGELSMA, The {Sixteenth-Century} Reformation of the Church (Reformed Free
Publishing Association, 2007);
224. Michael HORTON, Creio (Cultura Crist, 2000).
225. Ron Gleason, The Death Penalty on Trial: Taking a Life for a Life Taken (Nordskog
Publishing Inc., 2009);
226. Oadi SALUM, Uma Viso Cosmolgica Na Perspectiva Da Revelao Bblica (So Paulo:
Cultura Crist, 2012);
227. Samuel E Waldron, To Be Continued?: Are the Miraculous Gifts for Today? (Calvary Press,
228. Misael B NASCIMENTO, Os Primeiros Passos Do Discpulo (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2011);
229. John H ARMSTRONG, ed., O Ministrio Pastoral Segundo a Bblia (Editora Cultura Crist,
230. Joo CALVINO, Cartas De Joo Calvino (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2009);
231. Joel R BEEKE, La Espiritualidad Puritana y Reformada (Graham: Faro de Gracia, 2006);
232. Juan CALVINO, Epistola a Los Hebreos (Evangelical Literature League the, n.d.);
233. profecia Watson, The Ten Commandments {(Body} of Practical Divinity) (Banner of Truth,
234. Greg L. BAHNSEN, He Aqu El Estndar (Tyler: Institute for Christian Economics, 1990);
235. Edmund P Clowney, How Jesus Transforms the Ten Commandments (Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: P
& R Pub., 2007).
236. John PIPER and David MATHIS, Com Calvino No Teatro De Deus (So Paulo: Cultura Crist,
237. Abraham Kuyper, Calvinismo (Cultura Crist, 2002);
238. Charles Sherlock, A Doutrina Da Humanidade (Cultura Crist, 2007);
239. Peter Jensen, A Revelao De Deus (Cultura Crist, 2007);
240. Donald MacLeod, A Pessoa De Cristo (Editora Cultura Crist, 2007);
241. Robert Letham, A Obra De Cristo (Editora Cultura Crist, 2007);
242. Paul HELM, A Providncia De Deus (Cultura Crist, 2007);
243. Gerald Bray, A Doutrina De Deus (Editora Cultura Crist, 2007);
244. Edmund Clowney, A Igreja (Editora Cultura Crist, 2007);
245. Craig EVANS, O Jesus Fabricado (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2009);
246. Michael HORTON, A Face De Deus (Editora Cultura Crist, 1999);
247. Cornelius PLANTINGA, O Crente No Mundo De Deus (So Paulo, 2008);
248. Michael HORTON, Cristianismo Sem Cristo (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2010);
249. Donald A. CARSON, Um Chamado Reforma Espiritual (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2007);
250. Bryan CHAPEL, Comeando Pelo Amm (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2009);
251. John PIPER and Justin TAYLOR, O Sofrimento e a Soberania De Deus (So Paulo: Cultura
Crist, 2008).
252. Greg K. BEALE, The Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism (Crossway Books, 2008);
253. Peter ADAM, Written for Us ({Inter-Varsity} Press, 2008);
254. Robert P Lightner, A Biblical Case For Total Inerrancy: How Jesus Viewed the Old
Testament (The Baptist Standard Bearer, 2007);
255. Daniel R Hyde and Shane Lems, Planting, Watering, Growing: Planting Confessionally
Reformed Churches in the Twenty-first Century (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Reformation
Heritage Books, 2011);
256. Derek Cooper, So Youre Thinking About Going to Seminary: An Insider's Guide (Brazos
Press, 2008);
257. Kevin DeYoung, Why Were Not Emergent: By Two Guys Who Should Be (Moody
Publishers, 2008);
258. Daniel Henderson, Defying Gravity (Moody Publishers, 2009);
259. Michael Brown, Called to Serve: Essays for Elders and Deacons (Reformed Fellowship Inc.,
260. Keith A Mathison, Given for You: Reclaiming Calvins Doctrine of the Lord's Supper
(Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: {P&R} Pub., 2002);
261. John MacArthur R. Albert Mohler Jr., James Boice, Derek Thomas, Joel R. Beeke, R. C.
Sproul, John Armstrong, Sinclair Ferguson, Don Kistler, Eric Alexander, John Piper,
Apascenta o Meu Rebanho (Editora Cultura Crist, 2009).

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262. John R W Stott, Basic Christianity ({Inter-Varsity} Press, 1971).
263. Thomas Watson, A Body of Divinity (Banner of Truth, 1998);
264. Charles HODGE, Comentario De I Corintios (Banner of Truth, 1969);
265. Noel Weeks, Sufficiency of Scripture (Banner of Truth, 1998);
266. J.C. RYLE, Caminando Con Dios (Publicaciones Faro de Gracia, 2001);
267. John OWEN, Sobre La Tentacion (Publicaciones Faro de Gracia, 2001);
268. John Flavel, El Misterio De La Providencia (Publicaciones Faro de Gracia, 2003);
269. Toms Brooks, Remedios Preciosos Contra Las Artimaas Del Diablo (1996);
270. Gardiner Spring, Rasgos Distintivos Del Verdadero Cristiano (Publicaciones Faro de Gracia,
271. Hope Gordon Silva, O Diretrio De Culto De Westminster (Os Puritanos, 2000);
272. Donald A. CARSON, Os Perigos Da Interpretao Bblica (Vida Nova, 2002);
273. Millard J ERICKSON, Dicionrio Popular De Teologia (So Paulo: Mundo Cristo, 2011);
274. Stanford E. MURRELL, A Glorious Institution: The Church in History, 2 Vols. (Pensacola:
Chapel Library, 1998);
275. Bruce Bickel, Sola Scriptura (Editora Cultura Crist, 2000);
276. J.C. RYLE, Is All Scripture Inspired? (Banner of Truth, 2004);
277. R Laird Harris, Introduo Bblia (Edies Vida Nova, 2005);
278. Ernest Kevan, A Lei Moral (Os Puritanos, 2000);
279. Francis Nigel Lee, Gods Ten Commandments: Yesterday Today' Forever (Nordskog
Publishing Inc., 2007);
280. Daniel R Hyde, Jesus Loves the Little Children: Why We Baptize Children (Grandville, {MI.}:
Reformed Fellowship, 2006);
281. William P Farley, Gospel-powered Parenting: How the Gospel Shapes and Transforms
Parenting (Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: P & R Pub., 2009);
282. Herman C. HANKO, Keeping Gods Covenant (British Reformed Fellowship, 2006);
283. Saulo Carvalho, Fantasias Sexuais No Casamento (Editora Kelps, 2010);
284. Larry Crabb, Aconselhamento Bblico Efetivo (Refugio Editora, 1985);
285. John HOUGHTON, Deus Joga Dados? (So Paulo: Hagnos, 2004);
286. Mark DEVER, The Deliberate Church (Crossway Books, 2005);
287. Mark DEVER, O Que Uma Igreja Saudvel? (Editora Fiel, 2009);
288. Philip Wesley Comfort, A Origem Da Bblia (CPAD, 2003);
289. Santo AGOSTINHO, Santo Agostinho (Nova Cultural, 2000);
290. Gordon D. FEE and Douglas STUART, La Lectura Eficaz De La Biblia (Miami: Editorial Vida,
291. Cornelis P Venema, What We Believe: An Exposition of the Apostles Creed (Reformed
Fellowship, 1996);
292. Cornelis P Venema, But for the Grace of God (Reformed Fellowship Inc., 1994);
293. Vincent Cheung, Introduo Teologia Sistemtica (Arte Editorial, 2008).
294. Manford G Gutzke, Manual De Doutrina (Vida Nova, 1995);
295. Myer Pearlman, Conhecendo as Doutrinas Da Bblia (Belo Horizonte: Betnia, 1993);
296. Douglas Vickers, The Texture of Truth (Reformation Heritage Books, 2007);
297. Hermisten Maia Pereira da COSTA, Fundamentos Da Teologia Reformada (Mundo Cristo,
298. James I. PACKER, 18 Words: The Most Important Words You Will Ever Know (Christian
Focus, 2008);
299. Joseph R FARINACCIO, F Com Razo (Brasilia: Monergismo, 2009);
300. Keith A MATHISON, Postmillenialism (Phillipsburg: P & R Publishing, 1999);
301. Paulo R B ANGLADA, Calvinismo - As Antigas Doutrinas Da Graa (Knox Publicaes,
302. Jay E. ADAMS, Signs & Wonders In the Last Days (Woodruff: Timeless Texts, 2000);
303. Jack DEERE, Surprendido Pelo Poder Do Esprito (Rio de Janeiro: CPAD, 1995);
304. Mike MCKINLEY, Eu Sou Mesmo Um Cristo? (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel, 2012);
305. Robert L THOMAS, Entendamos Los Dones Espirituales (Grand Rapids: Portavoz, 2002);
306. Wayne GRUDEM, O Dom De Profecia (Editora Vida Nova, 2004);
307. James W. SIRE, Dando Nome Ao Elefante (Brasilia: Monergismo, 2012);
308. Sinclair B FERGUSON, O Esprito Santo (So Paulo: Os Puritanos, 2000).
Caja 13
309. Gary L.W. JOHNSON and Ronald N. GLEASON, Reforming or Conforming? (Wheaton:
Crossway Books, 2008);
310. O. Palmer ROBERTSON, Alianas (Editora Cultura Crist, 2010);
311. Colin Brown, Filosofia e F Crist (Vida Nova, 2007);
312. Cornelius Van Til, O Pastor Reformado e o Pensamento Moderno (Editora Cultura Crist,
313. Andreas J Kstenberger, Quo Vadis, Evangelicalism? (Crossway Books, 2007);
314. Cornelius Van Til, Apologtica Crist (Editora Cultura Crist, 2010);
315. Hugh Ross, Lights in the Sky & Little Green Men (Navpress Publishing Group, 2002);
316. Charles C Ryrie, Dispensationalism (Moody Publishers, 1995);
317. Gene Edward Veith Jr., Tempos {Ps-Modernos} (Editora Cultura Crist, 1999);
318. Kenneth L Gentry Jr., Nourishment from the Word: Select Studies in Reformed Doctrine
(Nordskog Publishing Inc., 2008);
319. James I. PACKER, Teologia Concisa (Editora Cultura Crist, 2004);
320. David VanDrunen, ed., The Pattern of Sound Doctrine: Systematic Theology at the
Westminster Seminaries: Essays in Honor of Robert B. Strimple (Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: P & R
Pub., 2004);
321. John L Dagg, Manual De Teologia (Editora Fiel, 2003);
322. Oliver Crisp, Retrieving Doctrine: Essays in Reformed Theology ({InterVarsity} Press, 2011);
323. Mark DEVER, A Pregao Da Cruz (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2010);
324. Elias MEDEIROS, Evangelizao e Ministrio Pastoral (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2009);
325. Harry L. REEDER III, A Revitalizao De Sua Igreja Segundo Deus (So Paulo: Cultura Crist,
326. Michael HORTON, Um Caminho Melhor (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2007);
327. Derek TIDBALL, Ministrio Segundo o Novo Testamento (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2011);
328. John F MacArthur Jr., Avante, Soldados De Cristo (Editora Cultura Crist, 2010);
329. Richard C Barcellos, The Family Tree of Reformed Biblical Theology (Reformed Baptist
Academic Press, 2010);
330. O. Palmer ROBERTSON, Cristo Dos Pactos (Luz para o Caminho, 1997);
331. Michael HORTON, O Deus Da Promessa (Editora Cultura Crist, 2010);
332. R C Sproul, Sola Gratia A Controvrsia Sobre o Livre-arbtrio Na Histria (Editora Cultura
Crist, 2001);
333. Cornelius PLANTINGA, No Era Para Ser Assim (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 1998);
334. John MURRAY, La Redencion Consumada y Aplicada (Libros Desafo, 2007);
335. R K McGregor Wright, A Soberania Banida (Editora Cultura Crist, 2008);
336. Anthony Hoekema, Creados a Imagen De Dios (Libros Desafio, 2000);
337. Alan J Macgregor, Three Modern Versions (The Bible League, 2004);
338. Steven L MacKenzie, Como Ler a Bblia (Rosari, 2007).
339. Norman L Geisler, Introduo Bblica (Editora Vida, n.d.);
340. Nathan Pitchford, Images of the Savior (Psalm 45 Publications, 2008).
Caja 14
341. David Wraight, The Next Wave: Empowering the Generation That Will Change Our World
({NavPress} Publishing Group, 2007);
342. Bruce Little, Francis Schaeffer: A Mind and Heart for God (Phillipsburg: P & R Publishing,
343. Kevin REED, Fazendo a F Naufragar (So Paulo: Os Puritanos, 2002);
344. Gerard Van Groningen, O Progresso Da Revelao No Antigo Testamento (Editora Cultura
Crist, 2006);
345. Joo CALVINO, Joo Calvino; Textos Escolhidos (Pendo Real, 2008);
346. Antheunis Janse, Los Justos En La Biblia (Felire, 1998);
347. William Edgar, Razes Do Corazo (Editora Refogio, 2000);
348. Vincent Cheung, Reflexes Sobre as Questes ltimas Da Vida (Arte Editorial, 2008);
349. R C Sproul, Filosofia Para Iniciantes (Vida Nova, 2006);
350. Evandro Luiz da Silva, Coragem Para Ser Diferente (Imprenssa da F, 2005);
351. Jostein Gaarder, O Mundo De Sofia (Editorial Presena, 2005);
352. Gary North, La Religin Revolucionaria De Marx (Tyler: Institute for Christian Economics,
353. Gary North, Entrega Incondicional (Tyler: Institute for Christian Economics, 1990);
354. Richard L Pratt, Every Thought Captive: a Study Manual for the Defense of Christian Truth
(Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., 1979);
355. T M Moore, Redeeming Pop Culture: a Kingdom Approach (Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: {P&R} Pub.,
356. Geerhardus Vos, The Pauline Eschatology (Phillipsburg, {N.J.} .: P & R Publishing, 1994);
357. W Robert Godfrey, Reformation Sketches: Insights into Luther, Calvin, and the Confessions
(Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: {P&R} Pub., 2003);
358. Herman C. HANKO, The Five Points of Calvinism (Reformed Free Pub. Association, 1976);
359. Leopoldo Cervantes-Ortiz, Juan Calvino: Su Vida y Obra a 500 Anos De Su Nacimiento
(CLIE, 2010).
360. Oscar A Romero, The Violence of Love (Orbis Books, 2004);
361. James W SIRE, Hbitos Da Mente (So Paulo: Hagnos, 2006);
362. C S Lewis, Surpreendido Pela Alegria (Mundo Cristo, 1998);
363. Tcito de Gama Leite Filho, Teologia Comtempornea (CETEO, 2004);
364. Bob DeWaay, The Emergent Church- Undefining Christianity (Bob {DeWaay}, 2009);
365. Timothy GEORGE, Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad? Understanding the
Differences Between Christianity and Islam (Zondervan, 2002);
366. N D Wilson, Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl: Wide Eyed Wonder in Gods Spoken World
(Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2009);
367. John M Frame, Apologetics to the Glory of God: An Introduction (P & R Publishing, 1994);
368. Gary E Gilley, Is That You Lord?: Hearing the Voice of the Lord a Biblical Perspective
(Evangelical Press, 2007);
369. John C Lennox, Gods Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? (Lion {UK}, 2007);
370. Robert L REYMOND, Faiths Reasons for Believing (Mentor, 2008);
371. R Albert MOHLER Jr., Atesmo Remix (Editora Fiel, 2009);
372. Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson, Is Christianity Good for the World? (Canon
Press, 2008);
373. Ulisses Horta Simes, Encontro, G-12 e Igreja Em Clulas (Seminario Teolgico
Presbiteriano, 2000).
374. Robin KEELEY, ed., Fundamentos Da Teologia Crist (So Paulo: Vida, 2000);
375. Arnold L Frank, The Fear of God: A Forgotten Doctrine (Nordskog Publishing Inc., 2008);
376. David W Hall and Marvin Padgett, Calvin and Culture: Exploring a Worldview (Phillipsburg,
{N.J.}: {P&R} Pub., 2010);
377. Oliver BARCLAY, Mente Crist (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2010);
378. Herman Hoeksema, The Clark-Van Til Controversy (Trinity Foundation, 1995);
379. Hugh Ross, The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Latest Scientific Discoveries of the
Century Reveal God (Navpress Publishing Group, 2001);
380. David Engelsma et al., Federal Vision *, Review Literature And Arts Of The Americas
(2006): 14.
381. Sinclair B Ferguson and Joel R Beeke, Reformed Confessions Harmonized (Baker Books,
382. Kevin DEYOUNG and Ted CLUCK, Por Que Amamos a Igreja (So Paulo: Editora Mundo
Cristo, 2010).

Caja 15
383. Bob DeWaay, Redefining Christianity: Understanding the Purpose Driven Life Movement
(21st Century Press, 2006).
384. Phillip E Johnson, Cincia, Intolerncia e F (Ultimato, 2007);
385. Erroll HULSE, O Batismo Do Esprito (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel, 2006);
386. James I. PACKER, O Conhecimento De Deus (Mundo Cristo, 1980);
387. O. Palmer ROBERTSON, A Palavra Final (Editora Os Puritanos, 1999);
388. John F MacArthur Jr., Os Carismaticos (Fiel, 1978);
389. R C SPROUL, O Mistrio Do Esprito Santo (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2002);
390. Robert G CLOUSE, Milnio (Campinas: Luz para o Caminho, 1990);
391. James I. PACKER, God Has Spoken: Revelation and the Bible (Baker Academic, 1994);
392. Donald A. CARSON, Manifestaciones Del Espritu (Barcelona: Publicaciones Andamio,
393. John R W Stott, O Cristo Em Uma Sociedade No Crist (Editora Vinde, 1989);
394. Richard B Gaffin Jr., Perspectives on Pentecost (P & R Publishing, 1979);
395. Paul HELM, Calvin & the Calvinists (Banner of Truth, 1998).
396. Paulo R B ANGLADA, Soli Deo Gloria (Ananindeua: Knox Publicaes, 2007);
397. Douglas F Kelly, Se Deus J Sabe, Por Que Orar? (Editora Cultura Crist, 2009);
398. Kris Lundgaard, O Mal Que Habita Em Mim (Editora Cultura Crist, 2004);
399. John OWEN, La Gloria De Cristo (Publicaciones Faro de Gracia, 2001);
400. R C Sproul, A Glria De Cristo (Cultura Crist, 1997);
401. James R White, The Potters Freedom (Calvary Press, 2000);
402. John PIPER, Mas Vivo Que Nunca! (Editorial Portavoz, 2010);
403. Joel R BEEKE, Vencendo o Mundo (Fiel, 2008);
404. William B Barcley, Gospel Clarity ({EP} Books, 2010);
405. Erroll HULSE, Who Saves God or Me?: Calvinism for the {Twenty-First} Century
(Evangelical Press, 2009);
406. Arthur W PINK, The Sovereignty of God (The Banner of Truth Trust, 1981);
407. James B Jordan, Creation in Six Days: A Defense of the Traditional Reading of Genesis One
(Canon Press, 1999);
408. Ronald H Nash, The Word of God and the Mind of Man (Phillipsburg: {P&R} publishing,
409. Ralph Allan Smith, Paradox and Truth: Rethinking Van Til on the Trinity by Comparing Van
Til Plantinga' and Kuyper (Canon Press, 2003);
410. Gordon H. CLARK, Clark Speaks from the Grave, Review Literature And Arts Of The
Americas (Trinity Foundation, 1986);
411. Odayr Olivetti, Teologia Para Voc (Editora Monergismo, 2009);
412. John Kennedy, Mans Relations to God (The James Begg Society, 1998).
413. Gordon H. CLARK, The Trinity (Jefferson: The Trinity Foundation, 1990);
414. Donald A. CARSON, A Difcil Doutrina Do Amor De Deus (CPAD, 2007);
415. Stephen CHARNOCK, Divine Providence (Ames: International Outreach, 2005);
416. Robert L REYMOND, What Is God?: An Investigation of the Perfections of Gods Nature
(Mentor, 2007);
417. Herman Hoeksema, Knowing God and Man (Reformed Free Publishing Association, 2006);
418. Rousas John RUSHDOONY, O Plano De Deus Para a Vitria (Monergismo, 2008);
419. Charles Leiter, Justificacin y Regeneracin (Granted Ministries Press, 2009);
420. John OWEN, Vida Por Su Muerte (Publicaciones Faro de Gracia, 2001).
421. Jay E. ADAMS, The Grand Demonstration (Santa Barbara: EastGate Publishers, 1991);
422. John PIPER, Pense (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel, 2011);
423. Augustus Nicodemus Lopes, O Atesmo Cristo (So Paulo: Mundo Cristo, 2011);
424. Nathan Pitchford, The People of God (Portland: Monergism Books, 2007);
425. Eudaldo FORMENT, Id a Toms (Villatuerta: Gratis Date, 2005);
426. Plato, Dilogos (So Paulo: Hemus, n.d.);
427. David W. HALL, The Legacy of John Calvin (Phillipsburg: P & R Publishing, 2008);
428. C.J. MAHANEY, Humildade (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel, 2008);
429. Jos Joo de PAULA, O Pentecoste (Belo Horizonte, 2000);
430. Ulisses HORTA SIMES, Subscrio Confessional (Belo Horizonte, 2002);
431. Russel P. Shedd and Alan PIERATT, Imortalidade (So Paulo: Vida Nova, 2000);
432. Thomas Witherow, A Igreja Apostlica (Editora Os Puritanos, 2005);
433. Kevin DEYOUNG and Greg GILBERT, Qual a Misso Da Igreja? (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel,
434. John PIPER and Donald A. CARSON, O Pastor Como Mestre & O Mestre Como Pastor, ed.
Owen STRACHAN and David MATHIS (So Jos dos Campos: Editora Fiel, 2011);
435. Thabiti Anyabwile, O Que Um Membro De Igreja Saudvel (Editora Fiel, 2010).
436. Alexander Strauch, El Diacono: Del Nuevo Testamento (Asociacion Mision Accion
Internacional, 1994);
437. Peter White, The Effective Pastor (Christian Focus, 2002);
438. Mark DEVER, Nine Marks of a Healthy Church (Crossway Books, 2004).
439. C I SCOFIELD, Manejando Bem a Palavra Da Verdade (So Paulo: Holy Bible, 2010);
440. Orzebal Siviero, Lnguas, Em Jerusalem e Corinto. (Dom Eliseu, 2011);
441. Douglas Wilson, God Is. How Christianity Explains Everything (American Vision, 2008).
Caja 16
442. Andr Biler, O Humanismo Social De Calvino (Editora Pendo Real, 2009);
443. James I. PACKER, El Evangelismo y La Soberana De Dios, n.d.
444. Charles H Spurgeon, O Conquistador De Almas (PES, 1978).
445. Dan COKER, Comentario Sinptico Sobre El Antiguo Testamento y El Periodo
Intertestamentario (Wichita Falls: Worldwide Spanish Literature Ministry, n.d.).
446. Geerhardus VOS, Biblical Theology (Carlisle: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2007);
447. Michael A. MILTON, Small Things, Big Things (Phillipsburg: P & R Publishing, 2009);
448. William PATON MACKAY, Gracia y Verdad (Miami: Grace Vision Publishers, 1995);
449. Douglas RODARTE, Livros Poticos (Goinia: SEPEGO, 2008);
450. Armando A. ALANIZ, Gramtica Simple Del Griego (Wichita Falls: Worldwide Spanish
Literature Ministry, 1998);
451. Cris POLI, Pais Responsveis Educam Juntos (So Paulo: Mundo Cristo, 2011);
452. John PIPER and Justin TAYLOR, eds., Sexo e a Supremacia De Cristo (So Paulo: Cultura
Crist, 2009);
453. Joshua HARRIS, Le Dije Adis a Las Citas Amorosas (Miami: UNILIT, 1999);
454. IBADEP, Bibliologia (Guara: IBADEP, 2005);
455. Jos Mara IRABURU, El Matrimonio Em Cristo (Villatuerta: Gratis Date, 2003);
456. Edward Welch, Blame It on the Brain? (Phillipsburg: P & R Publishing, 1998);
457. Emanuel Tov, Exploring the Origins of the Bible: Canon Formation in Historical Literary'
and Theological Perspective (Baker Academic, 2008);
458. Erwin W Lutzer, Seven Reasons Why You Can Trust the Bible (Moody Publishers, 2008);
459. Edward J Young, Thy Word Is Truth (Banner of Truth, 1963);
460. John R W Stott, Tu Porm (Editora Betania, 1983);
461. Saulo Carvalho, Curso Prtico De Pregao, 2010;
462. Stuart OLYOTT, Pregao Pura e Simples (Editora Fiel, 2008);
463. Romer Cardoso dos Santos, Novo Convertido (Misso Primcia, 2009);
464. Homer C Hoeksema, The Doctrine of Scripture (Reformed Free Pub. Association, 1990).
465. John PIPER, Supremacia De Deus Na Pregao (Shedd Publicaes, n.d.);
466. Paulo R B ANGLADA, Introduo a Pregao Reformada (Knox Publicaes, 2005);
467. Douglas Sean ODonnell, Gods Lyrics: Rediscovering Worship Through Old Testament
Songs (P & R Publishing, 2010);
468. John Kennedy, Evangelism - a Reformed Debate (James Begg Society, 1997);
469. K P Yohannan, Revolution in World Missions (Gospel for Asia, 2004);
470. Augustus Nicodemus Lopes, O Que Esto Fazendo Com a Igreja (Editora Mundo Cristo,
471. Malcolm Maclean, The Lords Supper (Christian Focus, 2009).
472. Mark HORNE, Por Que Batizar Crianas? (Brasilia: Monergismo, 2011);
473. Joseph S Carroll, Como Adorar o Senhor Jesus Cristo (Editora Fiel, 2003);
474. Juan CALVINO, Salterio De Ginebra (Publicaciones Faro de Gracia, 2010);
475. Brian Croft, Visit the Sick: Shepherding the Afflicted and Dying in Your Congregation
{(Ministering} the Masters Way) ({DayOne} Publications, 2008);
476. Brian Croft, Test, Train, Affirm, and Send Into Ministry (Day One Publications, 2010);
477. Hermisten Maia Pereira da COSTA, Calvino De A a Z (So Paulo: Vida, 2006);
478. Kevin DEYOUNG, Faa Alguma Coisa (So Paulo: Mundo Cristo, 2012);
479. Jay E. ADAMS, Auto-Estima (N.U.T.R.A, 2007);
480. R C Sproul, Chosen by God (Tyndale House Publishers, 1986);
481. Arthur W. PINK, The Sovereignty of God;
482. Jonathan Edwards, A Verdadeira Obra Do Esprito Santo (Edies Vida Nova, 1995);
483. Guilherme KERR, A Assemblia De Westminster (Fiel, 1992);
484. James MacDonald, God Wrote a Book (Crossway Books, 2004);
485. Peter LILLBACK, ed., O Calvinismo Na Prtica (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2011);
486. Paul David TRIPP, Em Busca De Algo Maior (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2011).

Caja 17
487. Stanley GRENZ, A Busca Da Moral (So Paulo: Vida Acadmica, 2006);
488. R C SPROUL, Como Viver e Agradar a Deus (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2006);
489. Howard EYRICH and William HINES, Cura Para o Corao (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2007);
490. Timothy LANE and Paul David TRIPP, Relacionamentos (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2011);
491. R Albert MOHLER Jr., Palavras De Fogo (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2010);
492. Keith A Mathison, When Shall These Things Be?: a Reformed Response to Hyper-preterism
(Phillipsburg, {N.J.}: P & R Pub., 2004);
493. Uwe Wegner, Exegese Do Novo Testamento (Editora Sinodal, 1998);
494. Phillip Jensen, Archer & the Arrow (Matthias Media, 2010);
495. Colin Marshall, The Trellis and the Vine (Matthias Media, 2009);
496. Haddon W Robinson, A Pregao Bblica (Vida Nova, 1983);
497. Nathan Pitchford, The Living Word (Psalm 45 Publications, 2008);
498. Robert Smith, Doctrine That Dances: Bringing Doctrinal Preaching and Teaching to Life
({B&H} Academic, 2008);
499. Jos Calvacante, Pr-Socrticos (Nova Cultural, 1991);
500. Juan CALVINO, La Necesidad De Reformar La Iglesia (Landmark Project Press, 2009);
501. Brian M Schwertley, Salmodia Exclusiva (Puritans Reprints, 2008);
502. Junta de Educao Teolgica - IPB, Vocao (Editora Cultura Crist, 2009);
503. Daniel J Ebert, Wisdom Christology: How Jesus Becomes Gods Wisdom for Us ({P&R}
Publishing, 2011);
504. Nathan Pitchford, Knowing Our God (Psalm 45 Publications, 2008);
505. Douglas Vickers, When God Converts a Sinner: Confessional Perspectives on Justification
and the Christian Life (Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2008);
506. John MURRAY, La Redencion Consumada y Aplicada;
507. Nathan Pitchford, Knowing Ourselves (Psalm 45 Publications, 2008);
508. John F MacArthur Jr., Piense Conforme a La Biblia (Editorial Portavoz, 2005).
509. CALVINO, Joo. A Providncia Secreta De Deus. Edited by Paul Helm. So Paulo: Cultura
Crist, 2012.
510. FONSECA, Gilson Altino de. Um Caminho Suave Para o Grego. Vol. 2 Vols. Patrocnio,
511. LANE, Timothy S., and Paul David TRIPP. Como as Pessoas Mudam. So Paulo: Cultura
Crist, 2011.
512. Letham, Robert. Union with Christ. Phillipsburg: P & R Publishing, 2011.
513. Pitchford, Nathan. Images of the Savior from the Pentateuch. Lulu, 2008.
514. Jay E. ADAMS, Conselheiro Capaz (FIEL, 1977).
515. Paul David TRIPP, Instrumentos Nas Mos Do Redentor (So Paulo: NUTRA, 2009).
516. John Blase, Worldviews: Think for Yourself About How You See God (Th1nk Books, 2006).
517. John FLAVEL, Triumphing over Sinful Fear (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books,
2011); Enrique PARDO FUSTER, Fundamentos Bblicos De La Teologa Catlica, vol. 2 Vols.
(Villatuerta: Gratis Date, n.d.).

Caja 18
518. John PIPER, A Supremacia De Cristo Em Um Mundo Ps-Moderno (CPAD, 2007);
519. Jay E. ADAMS, A Theology of Christian Counseling: More Than Redemption (Grand Rapids,
{MI}: Ministry Resource Library, 1986);
520. Jay E. ADAMS, Manual Del Consejero Cristiano (Barcelona: CLIE, 1984);
521. Gordon H. CLARK, What Do Presbyterians Believe? (Trinity Foundation, 2001); {ESV} Study
Bible (Crossway, 2008);
522. ICAR, Catecismo De La Iglesia Catlica (Conferencia Episcopal Argentina, n.d.);
523. Kurt Aland, The Greek New Testament Con Introduccin En Castellano (SBU, 1975);
524. Jos RIVERA and Jos Mara IRABURU, Sntesis De Espiritualidad Catlica (Villatuerta:
Gratis Date, 2008).
525. Jos Mara IRABURU, Hechos De Los Apstoles De Amrica (Villatuerta: Gratis Date, 2003);
Vaughan Roberts, Gods Big Picture ({InterVarsity} Press, 2003).
526. Owen Strachan, Jonathan Edwards on the Good Life. 5 vols. (Moody Publishers, 2010).
527. Mel Lawrenz, I Want to Believe: Finding Your Way in an Age of Many Faiths (Regal Books,
2008); Paul Wells, Dios Ha Hablado (Publicaciones Andamio, 1999); Steven J Lawson, The
Expository Genius of John Calvin (Reformation Trust, 2007).
528. Joo Geraldo de MATTOS NETO, Introduo Hermenutica Bblica (Londrina: Abreu,
529. Santo AGOSTINHO, De Magistro (Editora Vozes, 2009);
530. Daniel R Hyde, Welcome to a Reformed Church: a Guide for Pilgrims (Orlando, Fla.:
Reformation Trust Pub., 2010);
531. Maurice Roberts, The Thought of God (Banner of Truth, 1994);
532. Samuel Miller, O Presbtero Regente (Os Puritanos, 2011);
533. John F MacArthur Jr., Por Qu Un Unico Camino? (Editorial Portavoz, 2010);
534. Michael HAYKIN and Victoria HAYKIN, Palavras De Amor (So Jos dos Campos: Fiel,
535. C Stephen Evans, Dicccionario De Bolsillo De Apologetica y Filosofia De La Religion
(Editorial Unilit, 2007);
536. Jos Joo de PAULA, Missoes Em Chamas (Belo Horizonte, 2008);
537. Geoffrey W. Bromiley, Filhos Da Promessa (So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2010).
538. Joel R BEEKE, Puritan Evangelism: A Biblical Approach (Reformation Heritage Books,
539. Henry Scougal, A Vida De Deus Na Alma Do Homem (Publicaes Evangelicas
Selecionadas, 2007);
540. David Broughton Knox, Not By Bread Alone (Banner of Truth, 1980).

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