Analysis of Transforming Growth Factor B Receptor Expression and Signaling in Higher Grade Meningiomas

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J Neurooncol (2011) 103:277285

DOI 10.1007/s11060-010-0399-y


Analysis of transforming growth factor b receptor expression

and signaling in higher grade meningiomas
Mahlon D. Johnson Aubie K. Shaw

Mary J. OConnell Fraser J. Sim

Harold L. Moses

Received: 23 June 2010 / Accepted: 31 August 2010 / Published online: 19 September 2010
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. 2010

Abstract TGF-b receptors (TGF-bRs) inhibit growth of only attenuated TGF-bRIII expression and TGFB growth
many cell types. Loss of TGF-bRs or its signaling com- inhibition may occur in select higher grade meningiomas.
ponents have been found in several human malignancies. Nonetheless, restoring TGF-b inhibition of meningioma
The expression and the role of TGF-bRs in regulating cell proliferation may be an important objective in the
anaplastic meningioma growth has not been studied. Real design of new chemotherapies for these tumors.
time PCR found TGF-b RIII expression significantly lower
in five grade III compared to eight grade I and eight Keywords Meningioma  Anaplastic meningioma 
grade II tumors (P = 0.0481). By western blot analysis, TGF-b receptors  TGF-b  SMAD 3  MAPK
TGF-bRI was detected in the four fetal and adult lepto-
meninges, all 18 grade I, 14 grade II and six grade III
meningiomas. TGF-bRII was detected in none of the lep- Introduction
tomeninges, 55% of grade I, 71% of grade II and weak to
negative in five of six the grade III meningiomas analyzed. The transforming growth factor-bs (TGF-b) represents an
TGF-bRIII immunoreactivity was not detected in the fetal important family of peptides that inhibit proliferation of
meninges but was detected in 94% of grade I, 70% of grade nearly all normal epithelial cells, mesenchymal cells and
II and 67% grade III tumors. Phospho-SMAD 3 and Smad cells from some low grade neoplasias [1, 2]. However, loss
7 were detected in nearly all tumors. TGF-b1 had no effect of TGF-b inhibitory effects is seen in higher grade tumors
on PDGF-BB stimulation of DNA synthesis in six of seven [24]. In many cases, this is due to loss or inactivation of
WHO grade II and the grade III cells. It produced an TGF-b type I receptor (TGF-bRI), TGF-b type II receptor
increase in phosphorylation of SMAD 3 and p38MAPK in (TGF-bRII) or signaling components such as SMAD 2, 3 and
two of four and p44/42MAPK in three of four grade II cells 4 [24]. Atypical and anaplastic meningiomas have not been
showing no change in DNA synthesis after treatment. Thus, evaluated for defects in TGF-bR expression or signaling.
The TGF-b superfamily includes three closely related
25 kDa dimeric, disulfide bonded ligands [1, 5]. TGF-b
M. D. Johnson (&)  M. J. OConnell
effects are largely transduced through binding to the
Department of Pathology, Division of Neuropathology,
University of Rochester Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Ave. TGF-b type II receptor (TGF-bRII) that then complexes
Box 626, Rochester, NY 14642, USA with the TGF-b type I receptor phosphorylating and
e-mail: activating its serine/threonine kinase (TGF-bRI) [6].
TGF-bRIII i.e. betaglycan, is a membrane glycoprotein
F. J. Sim
Center for Translational Neuromedicine, Department of which facilitates TGF-b binding to the TGF-bRII [2]. The
Neurology, University of Rochester School of Medicine, activated TGF-bRI receptor phosphorylates a number of
University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, USA membrane/cytoplasmic proteins which transduce growth
regulatory signals to the nucleus [6]. Previously, we have
A. K. Shaw  H. L. Moses
Department of Cancer Biology, Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer shown that TGF-b1, 2 and 3 as well as TGF-b receptors I,
Center, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA II and III are expressed in human leptomeninges and World

278 J Neurooncol (2011) 103:277285

Health Organization (WHO) grade I meningiomas [79]. including 18 grade I, 14 grade II and six grade III menin-
WHO grade I meningioma cells synthesize and release all giomas [27] were obtained primarily from the Cooperative
three (presumably latent) TGF-b isoforms [7]. TGF-b is Human Tissue Network (Philadelphia, PA) or collected at
also present in human CSF that bathes meningiomas [8, 10, URMC with Institutional Review Board approval. Patient
11] and in media conditioned by leptomeningeal cells [8]. and tumor characteristics are listed in Table 1.
In vitro, TGF-b1 reduced basal proliferation in 47% of
meningioma cell cultures from 15 WHO grade I meningi- RNA analysis of TGF-b RI, TGF-b RII and TGF-b
omas [7, 9] and attenuated epidermal growth factor induced RIII, SMAD 7, PAI-1 and HGF in meningioma tumors
proliferation in five of six [9]. Thus, paracrine or autocrine
release of TGF-b1 from leptomeninges or meningioma RNA was isolated from eight WHO grade I, eight WHO
cells may tonically suppress growth of human leptome- grade II and five WHO grade III meningiomas using Trizol
ningeal and WHO grade I meningioma cells by activation reagent (Invitrogen) followed by DNAse (Promega) fol-
of these receptors. TGF-b1 in cerebrospinal fluid also may lowing manufacturer specifications. One microgram of
limit grade I meningioma growth [9]. This raises the pos- total RNA was reverse transcribed to generate cDNA using
sibility that loss of TGF-b inhibitory effects may contribute M-MLV reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen). Relative
to progression of meningioma cells. mRNA quantity was determined by real-time PCR using
The main signal effectors for TGF-b are the SMADs 2 and Sybr green quantitation with iCycler instrumentation and
3 [12, 13]. SMAD 3 is activated by TGF-b and regulates cell software (BioRad, Hercules, CA). Plasminogen activator
proliferation [2, 5]. Activation of the TGF-bR II phosphor- inhibitor type 1 gene (PAI-1) and hepatocyte growth factor
ylates the type I receptor cytoplasmic domain which, in turn, (HGF) are two genes activated by TGF-bI [28, 29]. Primer
phosphorylates the carboxyterminal domain of SMAD 2 and sequences are available by contacting the authors. Gene
SMAD 3 resulting in their heteromerization with SMAD 4 in expression was assessed relative to GAPDH gene expres-
the cytoplasm. The activated SMAD 2, 3 and 4 complex sion and analyzed by KruskalWallis non-parametric test-
translocates to the nucleus where they interact with and sta- ing and unpaired t-tests with the software program
bilize transcriptional complexes of numerous transcription GraphPad Prizm v 5.0c.
factors [3, 12, 13]. Loss of SMAD 2, 3 and 4 has been asso-
ciated with several forms of cancer [1, 2]. In WHO grade I Western blots
meningioma cells TGF-b signaling is associated with TGF-b1
phosphorylation of SMAD 2/3 [9]. Nonetheless, the role of Protein from meningiomas was obtained by mechanical
SMAD 2, 3 and 4 in transduction of growth regulatory signals homogenization in RIPA Lysis Buffer (Upstate Biotech-
in WHO grade II and III meningiomas is unknown. nology) with 1:100 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (Sigma)
Under some circumstances, TGF-b utilizes other sig- then frozen at -85C. The tissue slurries were thawed on
naling pathways including the RAF- MAPK/Erk kinase- ice and vortexed vigorously. Solids were removed by
1(MEK-1)-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) centrifugation. Protein concentrations were quantified
pathways [1420] and phosphoinositide 3 kinase (PI3K)- using a Bradford assay (BioRad Protein Assay reagent),
protein kinase B/Akt-p70S6K [2124] and p38-JNK then 35 lg protein from each was loaded on 7.5% acryl-
pathways [18, 23]. While these pathways do not appear amide gel then transferred to 0.45 lm nitrocellulose
activated by TGF-b1 in WHO grade I meningiomas, they membrane. The membrane was blocked overnight at 4C in
have been found to be activated by some cytokines in grade 5% milk in TrisCl buffer with Tween 20 then incubated
II and III meningiomas [25, 26]. Nonetheless, their role in with monoclonal antibodies to: TGF-b RI, TGF-b RII,
transducing TGF-b signals in higher grade meningiomas TGF-b RIII, p- SMAD 3, SMAD 7 (all R and D, Minne-
has not been studied. apolis) and Merlin (Cell Signaling Technology, Beverly,
In the present study, we evaluated whether grade II or III MA).
meningiomas show a loss of TGF-bRs or alterations in
known TGF-b signaling pathways. Meningioma cell cultures

Primary meningioma cell cultures were established from

Materials and methods seven grade II and one grade III meningiomas as described
previously (Table 2) [30]. For experiments, only early
Meningioma tissue passages i.e. passage 25 were used. For immunocyto-
chemical characterization, meningioma cell cultures were
Frozen normal leptomeninges from four human fetuses and plated onto 4-well microscope slides (Nalgene NUNC Int.,
one adult and tissue from 37 sporadic meningiomas Rochester, NY) for 1 day in supplemented DMEM then

J Neurooncol (2011) 103:277285 279

Table 1 Leptomeninges and meningiomas for TGF-beta receptor fixed in formalin. Immunocytochemistry was performed
Western blots and/or PCR using a mouse monoclonal antibody against epithelial
Leptomeninges/ Age/ Location Classification Merlin membrane antigen (EMA) (prediluted, DAKO, Carpente-
meningioma gender (Western ria, CA) and in most cases Desmoplakin (1:200, Abcam
blots) Inc. Cambridge Mass) using the avidinbiotin-horseradish
L1 16 week Convexity Normal n.d. peroxidase method. The presence or loss of Neurofibro-
L2 20 week Convexity Normal n.d. matosis-2 gene product Merlin was assessed by western
L3 22 week Convexity Normal ? blot. (Table 3).
L4 23 week Convexity Normal n.d.
L5 Adult Convexity Normal n.d. TGF-b1 effects on meningioma cell proliferation
1 48 F R Sphenoid Meningo I ? and signaling
2 53 F R Convexity Mixed I ?
3 51 F Convexity Meningo I ? Primary cultures from seven grade II and one grade III
4 66 F R Frontal Trans I meningiomas were also plated in 96-well plates, serum
5 71 F R Convexity Meningo I ? deprived overnight then treated with DMEM, or DMEM
6 57 F L Frontal Meningo I with TGF-b1 (10 ng/ml), PDGF-BB (10 ng/ml) or
7 42 M L Frontal Trans I ? PDGF-BB (10 ng/ml) and TGF-b1 (10 ng/ml) for 72 h.
8 46 F Convexity Meningo I ? Cells from four WHO grade II meningiomas were also
9 F R Frontal Fibro I ? treated as above for 24 h. Cells from MC3 and 4 were also
10 56 F Convexity Trans I ? treated with PDGF and 1.0, 5.0 or 10 ng/ml TGF-b1. Cells
11 35 F R Temporal Trans I ? were subsequently analyzed in quadruplicate by CyQUANT
12 70 F Convexity Mixed I Cell Proliferation assay (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA).
13 40 F R Parietal Fibro I CyQUANT fluorescence dye binds nucleic acid. Two hun-
14 71 F R frontal Meningo I ?
dred microliters of CyQUANT GR solution was added to
15 50 M Sphenoid Fibro I ?
each well for 5 min at room temperature according to assay
specifications. Fluorescence, measured at an excitation
16 79 F L Sphenoid Meningo I
wavelength of 480 and emission wavelength of 520 nm was
17 38 F R Temporal Meningo I
measured by a plate reader. Differences between treatment
18 67 F Post fossa Trans I
groups were analyzed by unpaired, two-tailed t-tests (In Stat,
19 85 M L Temporal Trans II ?
Sigma, St. Louis).
20 67 M Frontal Trans II ?
To evaluate TGF-b1 signaling, cells from four WHO
21 73 M Convexity Menino/trans II ?
grade II meningiomas were also treated as above for 4 h
22 97 F Convexity Meningo II ?
then evaluated by Western blot for phosphorylation/acti-
23 14 M Frontal Fibrous II ?
vation of Smad 3, p-38MAPK and p44/42.
24 51 F Rt. Frontal Trans II ?
25 35 F L frontal Fibrous II
26 43 M T4 Trans II ?
27 39 F R frontal Microcystic II ?
28 49 F Sella Meningo II ?
RNA analysis of TGF-b RI, TGF-b RII and TGF-b
29 54 F L1 Spine Fibrous II ?
RIII, SMAD 7, PAI and HGF in meningioma tumors
30 91 F L Frontal Meningo II ?
31 60 F Parasaggital Mixed II
Real-time PCR detected RNA for TGF-b RI, TGF-b RII
32 70 F L Frontal Trans II ?
and TGF-b RIII in eight of eight WHO grade I and eight of
33 26 F Skull base Ana III ?
eight WHO grade II and five of five WHO grade III
34 79 M L Frontal Trans III ?
meningiomas. TGF-b RI was not significantly lower in the
35 70 F Parietal Fibrous III
three grades (P = 0.2573) and was not statistically different
36. 69 M R Frontal Ana III
between grade I and III by t-test (P = 0.2425). TGF-b RII
37. 72 F R temporal Ana III n.a. was not significantly lower in the three grades
38. 74 M R Frontal Ana III ? (P = 0.8728) and was not statistically different between
n.a. not analyzed; n.d. not done grade I and III by t-test (P = 0.4255). TGF-b RIII was

280 J Neurooncol (2011) 103:277285

Table 2 Sources of
Leptomeninges/ Age/gender Location Classification WHO grade
meningioma cell cultures

MC1 79 F Frontal Meningothelial II

MC2 (M26) 51 F R frontal Transitional II
MC3 (M27) 35 F L frontal Fibrous II
MC4 (M28) 43 F T4 Ttransitional II
MC5 (M29) 43 F R Frontal Microcystic II
MC6 74 M Ethmoid Secretory II
MC7 57 F L frontal Transitional II
MC8 11 F Convexity Papillary III

Table 3 Summary of TGF-bR protein, RNA and response to TGF-bI in meningiomas

Grade I meningioma protein Grade II Grade III mRNA differences in
meningioma meningioma grade I and II vs grade III
protein protein meningiomas

TGF-bRI 18/18 14/14 6/6 P = 0.257

TGF-bRII 10/18 11/14 5/6 P = 0.872
TGF-bRIII 17/18 10/14 4/6 P = 0.048
p-SMAD3 18/18 13/14 5/6 n.a.
SMAD7 18/18 14/14 5/6 P = 0.143
Response to TGF-bI Reduced basal proliferation in 7 of 15 (7); No growth No growth
attanuated stimulated proliferation inhibition inhibition
in 5 of 6 (9)
n.a. not analyzed

significantly different (P = 0.0481) and approached sig- SMAD 7 was detected in all grade I, 13 of 14 grade II and 5
nificance between grade I and III by t-test (P = 0.1971) of 6 grade III tumors (Fig. 2).
(Fig. 1). PAI-1 expression was not statistically different Merlin was detected in 11 of 18 (61%) of grade I, 12 of 14
between grade I and III. HGF was also similar between (86%) and 3 of 5 (60%) meningiomas (Table 1), primarily in
groups (P = 0.2724) and between grade I and III by t-tests meningothelial but showed no correlation with the presence
(P = 0.3173). SMAD 7 expression trended lower but was of TGF-bRI, TGF-bRII or TGF-bRIII protein (Table 1).
not significant in the three grades (P = 0.1432) and
between grade I and III by t-test (P = 0.2406). Primary meningioma cell cultures

Western blot analysis of TGF-b RI, TGF-b RII, TGF-b The meningioma cell cultures appeared homogeneous and
RIII, p-SMAD 3, SMAD 7 and Merlin were populated by large polygonal cells with irregular
borders and central round to oval nuclei and nucleoli. By
By Western blot analysis, TGF-bRI was detected in the 16, immunocytochemistry, meningioma cells exhibited exten-
20, 22, 23 week fetal and one adult leptomeningeal sample sive EMA and variable desmoplakin immunostaining in
(not shown), all 18 of 18 WHO grade I meningiomas, 14 of nonconfluent dispersed cells of each meningioma cell
14 grade II and 6 of 6 grade III meningiomas analyzed. culture. By western blot, Merlin was detected in the lep-
TGF-bRII was detected in none of the leptomeningeal tomeningeal and five of seven meningioma cell cultures
samples (not shown), 10 of 18 WHO grade I meningiomas, (MC2, MC5, MC6, MC8 and MC11) evaluated but not in
11 of 14 grade II and weak to negative at 75 kDa in the 5 of MC4 or MC7.
6 grade III meningiomas analyzed. TGF-bRIII was not
detected in the 16, 20, 22, 23 week fetal leptomeninges but TGF-b1 effects on meningioma primary cell culture
was detected in 17 of 18 grade I and 10 of 14 grade II proliferation and signaling
(variable to weak in four) and four of six grade III tumors
(Fig. 2). At 24 h TGF-b1 (10 ng/ml) had no effect on basal cell
Phospho-SMAD 3 was detected in all 18 of 18 grade I, proliferation, based on DNA analysis with CyQUANT, in
13 of 14 grade II and 5 of 6 WHO grade III meningiomas. four of four WHO grade II meningioma cells. TGF-b1 had

J Neurooncol (2011) 103:277285 281

Fig. 1 RNA analysis of TGF-b

SMAD 7, PAI and HGF in
WHO grade I, II and III
meningiomas. Messenger RNA
concentrations 8 WHO grade I,
8 WHO grade II and 5 WHO
grade III meningiomas relative
to GAPDH were analyzed by
KruskalWallis test (mean and
standard error). TGF-b RIII
mRNA was reduced in WHO
grade III meningiomas
compared to grade I and II
tumors. Plasminogen activator
inhibitor type 1 gene (PAI-1)
and hepatocyte growth factor
(HGF) are two genes activated
by TGF-bI

no effect on PDGF-BB-mediated stimulation of prolifera- Discussion

tion in the four meningiomas.
At 72 h, TGF-b1 (10 ng/ml) had no effect on basal cell Findings from the present study suggest that higher grade
proliferation, based on DNA analysis with CyQUANT, in meningiomas do not exhibit reduced expression of
seven of seven WHO grade II and the WHO grade III TGF-bRI but may, in a limited number of tumor, have
meningioma cells. TGF-b1 significantly reduced PDGF-BB altered TGF-bRIII expression and show attenuated TGF-b1
stimulation of DNA synthesis in the 22 week fetal lepto- growth inhibition. TGF-bRIII mRNA, and in some cases
meninges but had no effect on PDGF-BB stimulation in six TGF-bRIII protein was significantly reduced in WHO
of seven WHO grade II and the WHO grade III meningioma grade III compared to lower grade meningiomas. Because
(Fig. 3, and not shown). TGF-b effects are initiated by binding to the TGF-b type II
By Western blot, TGF-b1 (10 ng/ml) treatment pro- and III receptors, a genetic or epigenetic reduction in the
duced an increase in phosphorylation of SMAD 3 in two of concentration of receptors might result in attenuated
four WHO grade II meningioma cultures which had shown TGF-b growth inhibition permitting less restrained growth
no change in DNA synthesis after treatment. Compared to of higher grade meningiomas. Loss of TGF-bRs has also
controls, TGF-b1 alone or with PDGF-BB also increased been described in numerous other malignancies. Missense
phosphorylation of p38MAPK in two of four and p44/42 or frameshift mutations in the TGF-bRI has been demon-
MAPK in three of four WHO grade II meningioma cell strated in head and neck, esophageal, breast and ovarian
cultures (Fig. 4). carcinomas [2, 3, 3135]. Epigenetic decreased expression

282 J Neurooncol (2011) 103:277285

Fig. 2 Western blot analysis TGF-b RI, TGF-b RII, TGF-b RIII, 75 KDa bands. TGF-b RIII is expressed as multiple 100 to 200 kDa
p-SMAD 3 and Smad 7 in meningiomas. Frozen tissue from WHO bands. TGF-bRII was detected in 55% of grade I, 71% of grade II and
grade I (a, 19), grade II (b, 2432) and grade III (c, 3338) was weak to negative in the grade III meningiomas analyzed
meningiomas were analyzed. TGF-b RII are expressed as 71 and

in TGF-bRI has been found in gastric carcinoma [2]. effects in meningioma cells with low, but still partially
Inactivating mutations in TGF-bRII, often in tumors with functional receptors. Recently, the extent of SMAD and/or
microsatellite instability, are far more common, being p44/42 MAPK activation by TGF-b1 have been correlated
found in head and neck carcinomas, esophageal, pulmon- with TGF-b RII levels with lower levels favoring activa-
ary, biliary, gastric, colonic and ovarian carcinomas [2, 3, tion of the latter pathway [50]. This raised the possibility
33, 3639]. Loss or downregulation of the TGF-bRIII may that as meningiomas progress and TGF-b RII levels
be the most prevalent receptor changes in malignancies decline, non-SMAD, non-inhibitory pathways regulating
having been identified in neuroblastomas, ovarian, endo- other cell functions may occur.
metrial and prostate carcinoma, renal and non-small cell SMAD 7 is a known inhibitor of TGF-b signaling and
pulmonary cancers [4047]. Loss of TGF-bRIIIs may also part of complex feedback loops regulating TGF-b effects
permit progression of breast cancer [48]. In addition, [2, 3]. Overexpression of SMAD 7, compromising TGF-b
recent, comparative genomic hybridization identified a effects, has been found in thyroid and endometrial carci-
2.3-fold reduction in TGF-bRIII gene copy in high pro- nomas [5153]. Nonetheless, in the present study, SMAD
liferative meningiomas [49]. 7 expression was not increased or significantly different
TGF-b1 had no detectable effect on cell proliferation in between grades of meningiomas and SMAD 7 protein was
six of seven WHO grade II and the grade III meningioma. detected in all of the WHO grade I, II and III tumors. In
In contrast, we have previously found that TGF-b1 pro- contrast, a recent comparative genomic hybridization
duced mild growth inhibition in some WHO grade I [7, 9]. study found a three-fold reduction in SMAD 7 gene
Although it was only possible to culture one WHO grade expression in high grade compared to low grade menin-
III meningioma over a number of years, collectively the giomas [40]. Future studies may clarify the role, if any, of
findings raise the possibility that reduced TGF-b1 growth SMAD7 in modulating TGF-b regulation of meningioma
inhibitory signaling is present in at least some higher grade growth.
tumors. Additional larger studies, may clarify whether a Expression of TGF-bRs, SMAD 7, pSMAD 3 and
loss of TGF-b signaling contributes to anaplasia in phosphorylation of SMAD 3 did not correlate with the
meningiomas. presence or absence of Merlin in any grade of meningio-
TGF-b1 stimulated an increase in p38 phosphorylation mas. Consequently, Merlin may not regulate TGF-bRs or
in two and p44/42 MAPK in three meningioma cell cul- SMAD 3 phosphorylation. The role of NF-2 gene expres-
tures from grade II meningiomas. This raises the possibility sion and Merlin in the pathogenesis of sporadic meningi-
that p38 and/or p44/42 MAPK transduce some TGF-b omas remains uncertain. Moreover, loss of Merlin may not

J Neurooncol (2011) 103:277285 283

synthesize and secrete all three isoforms of TGF-b [8]. In

combination with TGF-b in CSF, this may exert a chronic
inhibitory or differentiating effect on cells in the lepto-
meninges [8]. Conceivably, this effect continues in nascent,
slow growing foci of meningioma cells and contributes to
the long, minimally symptomatic period in patients
developing these tumors. A reduction in TGF-bRs and/or
sensitivity to TGF-b growth inhibition may occur with
progression [56]. This scenario is seen in astrocytes and
low grade astrocytomas that secrete TGF-b-1 and 2 and are
inhibited by exogenous TGF-b. However, dedifferentiating
astrocytoma cells become progressively resistant to the
growth inhibitory effects of TGF-b as they evolve into
malignant gliomas [57]. Similarly, intestinal epithelium
and benign adenoma cells are also inhibited by TGF-b but
become progressively resistant to TGF-b as adenoma cells
dedifferentiate into carcinomas [5860]. Other studies have
noted loss of sensitivity to TGF-b due to decreased
expression in ovarian or colorectal carcinomas [33, 38] or
mutations in the TGF-bRI genes occurs in primary and
metastatic breast carcinomas [32]. Loss of sensitivity to the
inhibitory effects of TGF-b in meningiomas might also be
downstream from receptor activation via alterations in
SMAD signaling. Moreover, this might be in concert with
other growth factors. For example, activation of mitogenic
EGF receptors (present on meningioma cells) activates
Fig. 3 Effects of TGF-b1 on WHO grade II (a) and grade II (MC5-7)
and III (MC8) meningioma cell proliferation (b). Meningioma cells MAPK/Erk kinase which hyperphosphorylates SMAD 2
were treated with TGF-b1 (10 ng/ml) and or PDGF-BB (10 ng/ml) and 3 preventing their movement into the nucleus and
for 72 h. CyQUANT analysis of DNA measured by fluorescence at TGF-b signaling [48]. EGF also increases SMAD 7 which
480/520 nm. Changes in DNA fluorescence correlates with cell
is inhibitory to SMAD 2/3 signaling [51]. Thus, early in the
proliferation. TGF-b1 failed to suppress basal proliferation in cells
from all 8 higher grade primary meningioma cultures and PDGF development of meningiomas, other factors may slowly
stimulation of proliferation in 6 of 7 WHO grade II and the grade III override any tonic inhibitory effects on meningioma cell
meningioma cells. Bars represent standard errors. * P\ 0.05, proliferation. Studies underway may clarify if, during
** P\ 0.01, *** P\ 0.005, **** P\ 0.001, ***** P\ 0.0005
dedifferentiation, TGF-bs inhibition of meningioma cell
growth is overridden by other signaling or TGF-b
correlate consistently with dedifferentiation and progres- switches from an inhibitory to stimulatory influence.
sion of meningiomas [54, 55]. In summary, this study found only reduced expression of
The role of TGF-b in the pathogenesis of meningiomas TGF-bRIII in a limited number of grade III meningiomas
remains to be established. Normal leptomeninges appear to and reduced sensitivity to TGF-b1 growth inhibition.

Fig. 4 Western blot analysis of TGF-b1 effects on SMAD 3, DNA synthesis after treatment. TGF-b1 also increased phosphoryla-
p38MAPK and p44/42 MAPK phosphorylation/activation in menin- tion of p38MAPK in 2 of 4 compared with controls and phosphor-
gioma cells cultured from WHO grade II meningiomas. TGF-b1 ylation was detected in p44/42 MAPK in 3 of 5. C control, T TGF-b1,
produced a mild increase in phosphorylation of SMAD 3 in 2 of 4 P PDGF-BB
WHO grade II meningioma cultures which had shown no change in

284 J Neurooncol (2011) 103:277285

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