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Design Specifications

Our design consists of 3 tyre assembly so as to maximize engine utilization with maximum load
carrying capacity, given that we can use engine of limited power which is 50-80 cc hence it can
generate a limited indicated power. So we can achieve the condition for such a design which can
carry maximum load by converting this indicated power into maximum useful work done by
proper mechanical design and equipments arrangement. According to the study the given engine
can carry or pull maximum of 120-150 kg of load; thus more than three tyres assembly reduces
the engine power to pull more load and at the same time, less than three tyre assemblies would
not be able to carry more load.

This design allocates optimum space for engine and the load carrying box. The design rigorously
adheres to the given dimensional framework and it is capable of carrying maximum load with
minimum power consumption. The main quality of our design is that the power generated by the
engine can be converted into maximum useful work and by this the mechanical and thermal
efficiency of the system will be maximum. Our Design is composed of a triangular shaped
(isosceles) structure with one frontal free rotational tyer and two base tyres 80 cm apart. Both
sides are 145cm length each; and total length on centroidal axis is 140 cm. All these dimensional
framework is properly studied by appropriate mechanical and automotive calculations.

According to our calculations; the centriod of structure lies on centroidal axis approximately 45-
50 cm as shown from rear axle with spacing of load box and engine in such a way that resultant
forces acting on load box & engine are stabilized and those forces are being equally distributed
over entire structure and all three tyers. By this there is mechanical stabilization in the whole
structure and results in better efficiency. Load box’s center is 47 cm from the rear axle, near to
centriod point and has total length of 94 cm.

We are using aluminum rods for designing purposes and a very few logs of wood just to provide
better strength of composite structure. As wood is not a standard mechanical production material
so it has its own limitations.

We will use chain assembly to rear wheel as it gives lower internal friction and load effect as
compared to gear assembly. Also chain is left little loose as it reduces initial load effect and
lowers initial power consumption and also the separation between the engine and rear wheel is
such that there will be low power loss. Base structure or chassis is strengthened by proper
assembly of aluminum rods to take maximum possible load, without allowing the structure to
fail. Controls and navigation system is installed in regular manner with proper breaking system.
Junk materials used:

 We are using 50-80 cc engines for our vehicle design and working which is provided by
 We are using moped front fork with steering handle and brakes.
 Using aluminum rods to provide strength and for design purposes in chassis.
 Moped chain assembly for moving or providing torque to rear axle system.
 Aluminum plates for load box and base.
 Moped tyres are used for tyre assembly.
 Nuts and bolts are used in all other joints like handle assembly, breaking system, axle and
tyre assembly and also used according to other purposes.
 Provided bearings are used in axle and tyre assembly.
 Wood strips are also used in base design for providing proper strength so that the design
can bear maximum load. And also below the engine to minimize the vibration.

 Arc welding is done in the joints in base and chassis designs to provide better strength
and design. It also adds a low amount of load to the total structure.

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