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Engineering and Material Science Faculty

Civil Engineering study Program

German University in Cairo

Design and analysis of High Rise R.C. buildings and shell

structure considering different parameters (5)

Bachelor Thesis

Author: Mohamed ElSayed ElSayed

Supervisor: DR.Nagy Fouad Hanna
Submission Date: 15 May, 2016
This is to certify that:
(i) the thesis comprises only my original work towards the Bachelor Degree

(ii) due acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other material used

Name of the Author

12 July, 2007
Acknowledgement and Dedication

I cannot express enough thanks to Dr. Nagy Hanna for their continued support and
encouragement this project could not have been accomplished without his support as He taught
me how to work under pressure. This project consumed huge amount of work, research and
dedication .I learned a lot from this project. Also I would like to thank my family for their
support through this project


The aim of this paper is to explain the procedures of the structural design and analysis of the
Reinforced concrete structure High rise building consists of twenty one stories as well as an
elevated water tank, and to provide details about each phase of the structural design process.
This paper is divided into several phases to explain each step in the project clearly.

Advances in construction technology, materials, structural systems and analytical methods for
analysis and design of high rise buildings. Structural design of high rise buildings is governed
by lateral loads due to wind or earthquake. Lateral load resistance of structure is provided by
interior structural system or exterior structural system. Usually shear wall core, braced frame
and their combination with frames are interior system, where lateral load is resisted by
centrally located elements. The final results were displayed clearly in AutoCAD drawing.
ETABS software is used for modeling and analysis of the structure members, in addition
SAFE software used to check the safe of foundation and slabs. The final results were displayed
clearly in graphically forms and AutoCAD drawings.


Acknowledgement and Dedication ....................................................................................... III

Chapter 1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Motivation .................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Aim of the project ....................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 2 Background. .......................................................................................................... 1

2.1 Structural system: ....................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Design of slabs ............................................................................................................ 2
2.3 Design of columns: ..................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Lateral forces analysis: ................................................................................................ 9
2.5 Design of cores and shear walls: ............................................................................... 11
2.6 Design of Raft Foundation: ....................................................................................... 11
2.7 Unit Two (Elevated Tank):........................................................................................ 12

Chapter 3.................................................................................................................................. 13
3.1 LOAD COMBINATIONS: ....................................................................................... 14
3.2 MATERIALS: .......................................................................................................... 16
3.3 CODES USED:......................................................................................................... 17
3.4 SERVICABILITY ALLOWABLES: ........................................................................ 17
3.5 MODIFIERS:............................................................................................................ 20
3.6 SOIL REPORT: ........................................................................................................ 20
3.7 SOFTWARES: ......................................................................................................... 20
3.8 MATERIAL DEFINATIONS ON ETABS: .............................................................. 21

3.9 MODEL ON ETABS: ............................................................................................... 22
3.10 Lateral loads : ........................................................................................................... 24
3.11 DESIGN OF COLUMNS: ........................................................................................ 24
3.12 DESIGN OF CORES AND SHEAR WALLS: .......................................................... 27
3.13 DESIGN OF SLABS: ............................................................................................... 41
3.14 DESIGN OF BEAMS: .............................................................................................. 48
3.15 DESIGN OF RAFT FOUNDATION: ....................................................................... 50
3.16 Elevated TANK: ....................................................................................................... 57

Chapter 4.................................................................................................................................. 64
4.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 64
4.2 References ................................................................................................................ 65
4.3 Apprndix A: .............................................................................................................. 65

List of Figures

Figure 1 Flat slab ........................................................................................................................ 3

Figure 2 Concrete Column.......................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3 3D Model Tank .......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4 3D model High-rise building ...................................................................................... 22
Figure 5 2D-MODEL of High-rise Building ............................................................................. 23
Figure 6 Column labels ............................................................................................................ 25
Figure 7 Reinforcement percentage for columns at first floor.................................................... 26
Figure 8 Pier Label ................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 9 Concrete dimensions for ground floor slab.................................................................. 42
Figure 10 Live Load applied on the ground floor ...................................................................... 42
Figure 11 Floor cover load applied ........................................................................................... 43
Figure 12 Walls loads applied on the slab ................................................................................. 43
Figure 13 Moment in direction (1-1)......................................................................................... 44
Figure 14 Moment in direction (1-1)......................................................................................... 44
Figure 15 Moment in direction (1-1)......................................................................................... 45
Figure 16 Moment in direction (2-2)........................................................................................ 45
Figure 17 additional reinforcement in M11 direction ................................................................ 46
Figure 18 additional reinforcement in M22 direction ................................................................ 46
Figure 19 additional bottom reinforcement in direction 1-1 ...................................................... 47
Figure 20 additional bottom reinforcement in direction 2-2 ...................................................... 47
Figure 21 Deflection ................................................................................................................. 48

Figure 22 Ground floor Concrete dimensions for beams ........................................................... 49
Figure 23 Bending moment on the beams ................................................................................. 49
Figure 24 Longitudinal reinforcement for beams ...................................................................... 50
Figure 25 Concrete dimensions for RAFT foundation ............................................................... 51
Figure 26 CHECKING STRESSES ON THE SOIL ................................................................. 53
Figure 27 M1-1 ON RAFT ....................................................................................................... 53
Figure 28 M2-2 ON RAFT ....................................................................................................... 54
Figure 29 ADDITIONAL TOP REINFORCEMENT 1-1 ......................................................... 55
Figure 30 ADDITIONAL BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT 2-2 ................................................ 56
Figure 31 ADDITIONAL TOP REINFORCEMENT 2-2 ......................................................... 57
Figure 32 3-D MODEL of tank ON SAP .................................................................................. 58
Figure 33 M1-1 ON TANK WALLs......................................................................................... 59
Figure 34 M2-2 ON TANK WALLS ........................................................................................ 60
Figure 35 NORMAL FORCE ON TANK WALLS: ................................................................. 61
Figure 36 M3-3 ON TANK BEAMS ........................................................................................ 62
Figure 37 CHECKING STRESSES ON RAFT OF TANK USING SAFE ................................ 62
Figure 38 M1-1 ON RAFT OF TANK...................................................................................... 63
Figure 39 M2-2 ON RAFT OF TANK...................................................................................... 63

List of Tables

Table (1)Load Combination.17

List of Terms

B. Sc. Bachelor of Science

USA United States of America
ECP Egyptian code of practice
AEC Architecture, Engineering, and Construction
LL Live Load
DL Dead Load
RFT Reinforcement
FC Floor cover
3D Three Dimensions
LLRS Lateral load-resisting structure
UBC97 Uniform Building Code-1997

List of Symbols

T Thickness
L Length
H Height
FZ Force in gravity direction
My Moment about y-axes
Mx Moment about x-axes
J Design by chart coefficient
C Design by chart coefficient
Fcu Compressive Concrete strength
Coefficient of height changes above
K ground level
Fy Yield stress for steel
Mu Ultimate moment
D Depth
B Breadth or Width
Ag Ground Acceleration
As Area of Steel
Q Wind Pressure according to zone
C Coefficient of pressure or suction
TOC Top of concrete

Qx Seismic Force In X-direction
Qy Seismic Force In Y-direction
Fctr Concrete Tensile Strength
Wx Wind Force in X-direction
WY Wind Force in Y-direction
Qnet Net bearing capacity for soil
Ks Coefficient Of sub grade reaction
RC Reinforced Concrete
P.C Plain Concrete
Asmin Minimum steel used in section
PC Planted Column

Chapter 1

The Increasing rate of urbanization and population over the past few decades -
especially in the fast growing economic communities- accelerated the trend of
construction of High rise buildings worldwide to address the growth. In the past decade
high-rises have successfully fulfilled the need.
The Towers of Shibam in Yemen Dated back to 1600 AD representing of the
earliest example of habitation in multi-story construction .However, in modern times
the first reinforced concrete tall building was built in 1903 by A.O Elzm using E.I
Ransoms system of casting square twisted steel bars with concrete as a frame with
slabs and concrete exterior wall. This is a fifteen story building and known as Ingalls
building in Ohio USA. Since this building, engineers realized the advantages of
building with Concrete as compared with steel, such as the advantages of cheaper cost,
better fire resistance and better stability against wind and seismic loads.
Tall buildings are designed to serve the purpose and the needs of the community
alongside the structural safety to achieve the needed standard of comfort to the building
users. In addition to stronger neighborhood character, reduced distance between
housing, work place and other amenities resulting in reduced transportation costs.
A building can be characterized as tall based on its absolute height, its relative
height to the surrounding, or its slenderness. And as buildings gets taller and more
slender, their design become fundamentally influenced by specific behavioral factors,
these factors include the dynamic response of tall buildings to wind loads and the
differential axial shortenings of the vertical elements of tall buildings under gravity
load effects.
However high rise buildings have performed poorly in terms of cost and
environmental impact , Successful high-rise designs need to use a minimum of
nonrenewable energy, produce limited pollution, and minimize their carbon footprint,

without diminishing the comfort, health, functional needs, and safety of the people who
inhabit them. Therefore the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC)
industry needs to revise traditional high rise design and analysis methods.
The sole purpose of Structural engineering is to promote personal development and
the engineering skills needed to model, analyze and design structural systems and
complex buildings throughout all the phases of planning within the fields of building
technologies, based on a deep and intuitive understanding of physical and mechanical
behavior. It provides the ability to critically review and develop technical solutions.
Good structural design is important in most building design, but particularly for
High-rise building since even a small chance of catastrophic failure is unacceptable
given the high price. The only way to assure a lack of failure is to test for all modes of
failure, in both the laboratory and the real world. But the only way to know of all
modes of failure is to learn from previous failures. Thus, no engineer can be absolutely
sure that a given structure will resist all loadings that could cause failure, but can only
have large enough margins of safety such that a failure is acceptably unlikely. When
buildings do fail, engineers question whether the failure was due to some lack of
foresight or due to some unknowable factor.
The lateral loads like wind and seismic are the most important factors that affect in
design and analysis of High-rise buildings. So lateral loads are taken into consideration
while designing and calculated carefully to produce a highly safe High-rise building.

This paper addresses the risks of high rise buildings and how the structural
engineers approach the design process for tall building projects, whether it is in the
choice of the lateral load-resisting structure (LLRS), or the decision made on cost,
amenity, constructability and sustainability of tall buildings.
The structural design is applied in this thesis through two phases:
I. A high rise building consists of twenty one stories with total area of 33.8*28= 946.4 m and
total height of 64 Meters.
II. An elevated tank the design and construction of an elevated concrete water storage
including materials, construction requirements and determination of structural loads.

1.1 Motivation
The goal of a structural engineer is to implement the architectural engineers vision, to change
the architectural engineers vision to reality whatever were the adversities. The structural
engineer is also required to take into considerations economic aspects whenever possible. So, a
structural engineer has to be skillful and problem solver to complete work successfully.

1.2 Aim of the project

The purpose of this paper is to show the structural engineering performed to design a high-rise
building project and elevated tank mentioning each step of its stages. Also imposing seismic and
wind loads on the building and analyzing the behavior of structure after imposing lateral loads to
produce a safe high rise building and strong enough to resist the lateral loads subjected to it .Also
to share the experience gained from completing the project.

Chapter 2

2.1 Structural system:

The structural system is the initial stage in the project where the structural system through the
help of the architectural drawings is done, to elaborate more, putting column, beams, core, shear
wall and axes, then checking the system to make sure that it is safe and could maintain the
buildings weight, moreover, making sure that they are put in their right place accurately to avoid
distorting the architectural design. This stage of process is done through the AutoCAD, First the
architectural drawings were will studied to understand the building uses and understand the
facilities that the building serves, we studied the use of every story and every area in the building
and the link between different areas of the building, in addition to that we studied also the
elevations and cross sections to understand the building enough and to know the architect
demands in the building.
Second, we studied the slab edge that the architect needs according to plans and cross sections,
The slab edge of each story was drawn on AutoCAD, we considered also all voids that the
mechanical and electrical engineer needed and that was implemented through the architectural
engineer, in addition we take into our consideration lowering the TOC of the bathrooms to valid
the plumbing pipes to pass under the ceramic tiles without rising all the finishing level.
Third, We determine the available locations that we shall locate columns considering the
architectural drawings that governs the location of columns , we locate the columns through the
walls to make the columns as much invisible , we also make a core around the elevator to resist
the lateral loads in addition to that this is the most available location where we can locate a core,
as well we locate shear walls in some locations that are available in the architectural drawings to
locate walls in , we know that our building is more than 60 meter height and definitely we will
need this shear walls to resist the lateral loads.
After deciding the proper locations to put our columns , we notice that we have two available
systems , the first system was flat slab system and the second one was solid slab system , solid

slabs system will provide us with outstanding lateral force resistance , as the beams will act as a
framing actions that will actually support the building against lateral loads, unfortunately solid
slabs system and using beams will definitely clashes with cable trays and HVAC systems and
fire system , it will make the work of mechanical engineer very hard at site, in addition to that
solid slabs doesnt give the opportunity to replacing the location of walls, so for all the above
mentioned reasons we used flat slab system.

2.2 Design of slabs

Structural Concrete Slabs are constructed to provide flat surfaces, usually horizontal, in building
floors, roofs, bridges, and other types of structures. The depth of a slab is usually very small
compared to its span it serves as a walking surface but may also serve as a load bearing member,
as in slab homes.

Flat slab is the structural system used with marginal beams that might be used to carry walls,
resist lateral loads and stiffen slab edge .Flat slab is used to address the length of spans and the
arrangement of the architectural columns, the thickness of slab is determined by using equation:

Figure 1 Flat slab

Advantage of Flat slab:

There is no beams, simple formwork, minimum structural depth, does not require shear
reinforcement and also it designed upon placing the walls anywhere on the slab.
Load transfer from flat slab through column in two ways:
1 -The bending moment.
2 -The punching shear from slab to column.
So the slab has to sustain the moment and the deflection and has to be within the allowable limits.
The deflection of the flat slabs must exceed the below mentioned values:

We checked the long term deflection using SAFE , through chapter 3 we will represent the steps
of checking deflection on flat slabs using SAFE software.

The design was performed using SAFE software. The slab was defined with thickness =250 mm
and set bending m11 modifier and m22 = 0.25 to take the accurate value of deflection. Then
divided shell into 0.5*0.5. Then defined working load to check the deformation of the structure
in 3D-MODEL.
Using equation: Working=D.L+L.L
Then using the equation of ultimate load to check the moment on the slab.

Checking punching on flat slabs is one of the most important things that the structural engineer
must do to provide safe slab thickness , the punching stresses were checked using the below
mentioned equation extracted from the ECP.

We also take into consideration that the voids in the flat slabs must not exceeds the allowable
dimensions that the ECP determines , the allowable dimensions are shown through the figure
below extracted from ECP,:

2.3 Design of columns:

Concrete column is one of the most important members in concrete structural design application.
So the structural analysis and design of a concrete column must be performed well as it subjected
to axial compression load and to avoid failure.

At this stage of project acting loads on columns was taken from the ETAB-Model .The section
was estimated many times based on the architectural plans trying not to change it as much as
possible until the most economic section was reached and then designed with handwritten
calculations by Area Method to get approximation dimension using:

PU =0.35Fcu * Ac + 0.67Fy * As

PU: Ultimate Load = total floor weight * area carried by column *0.1*floor number.

FCU=350kg/cm2, FY=3600kg/cm2 and AS=0.01*Ac

Then using ETABS to check the dimension , safe of columns and to get steel reinforcement.

Figure 2 Concrete Column

Minimum column dimensions were determined from the below mentioned equations extracted
from the ECP as we are using flat slab system.

2.4 Lateral forces analysis:

In a high rise building , throughout a structural design view point, as to its height as it is more
affected by lateral loads due to wind or earthquake actions in comparison to other buildings. At
this point, using Etabs software in this project to get the effect of lateral loads on the system.
Then assigned cores and shear walls to resist wind and seismic loads. And then reviewed 3D-
Model and checked the system.
We took into consideration that our building is located in Cairo-Egypt, accordingly we followed
the seismic zone (Zone-3) using the below map extracted from Egyptian loading code

In addition we follow the ECP in calculating the mass source in ETABS , as our building is
residential building so we multiplied the LL by 0.25 using the below mentioned table extracted
from loading code:

2.5 Design of cores and shear walls:

Cores and shear walls are essential elements for the stability of any building. Its function is to
provide the stiffness needed for the building to resist lateral loads, like, seismic and wind loads.
In this stage The straining actions acting on the core and shear walls were acquired from the
ETABS model, then, the design step took place assuming the thickness of the shear walls and
core = 40 cm to make the system safe and more economic and reinforcement arrangement which
was later checked using the ETABS program.

2.6 Design of Raft Foundation:

At this stage of project since the building consists of 21 storey, the slab thickness = 250 cm
Based on the extremely high reactions of the columns and the weak soil reported by the
geotechnical engineer, the type of foundation is raft foundation. Raft foundations were designed
using the SAFE with bearing capacity 300 KN/m2 .The soil where the raft rests is represented as
spring elements determined according to the bearing capacity of soil using equation:

Ks approximately = 100 * bearing capacity.

Then check the safe of the raft due to stresses on soil and put an additional reinforcement over
places where moments were bigger than maximum moment of the assigned mesh.

2.7 Unit Two (Elevated Tank):

Tank was performed using SAP2000 software, the 3-d model was performed on SAP, and the
loads as exported to SAFE to check the RAFT foundation that supports the TANK.
Diameter of tank =10m and height of elevated tank =15m. Capacity of tank =1000m3
Factors effect on concrete structure such as salts and humidity so concrete structures have been
categorized according to the exposure of their surfaces to tension.

Figure 3 3D Model Tank

Chapter 3
In this paper we address the steps and procedures implemented throughout the process of
designing and analyzing both the high rise building and Elevated tank.
General information for high rise building:
No. of floors= 21 floor.
Height of ground floor = 4 m
Height from First floor to 21th floor = 3m
Height of the building =64m
Slab thickness =25cm
General information for elevated tank:
Diameter =10m
Height of elevated tank=15m
= 10KN/m3

Static load cases were defined in ETABS using below mentioned:

DEAD Own weight of the concrete

LIVE Live Load
FC Finishing floor material
QX Seismic force in X-direction
QY Seismic force in Y-direction
WX Wind load in X-direction
WY Wind load in Y-direction

Load combinations were defined in ETABS following ECP as follows:

The below mentioned table represents the load combinations that we defined on ETABS
following the above mentioned equations from ECP:

Combo Type Case Factor CaseType

DEAD 1.4 Static
LIVE 1.6 Static
FC 1.4 Static
WALLS 1.4 Static
DEAD 1.5 Static
LIVE 1.5 Static
FC 1.5 Static
WALLS 1.5 Static
DEAD 1.12 Static
LIVE 1.28 Static
U3 ADD FC 1.12 Static
WALLS 1.12 Static
WX 1.28 Static
DEAD 1.12 Static
LIVE 1.28 Static
U4 ADD FC 1.12 Static
WALLS 1.12 Static
WY 1.28 Static
DEAD 1.12 Static
FC 1.12 Static
WALLS 1.12 Static
LIVE 0.25 Static
QX 1 Static
QY 0.3 Static
DEAD 1.12 Static
FC 1.12 Static
WALLS 1.12 Static
LIVE 0.25 Static
QX 0.3 Static
QY 1 Static

Table (1) load combination

Fcu = 35 N/mm2
Fy= 360 N/mm2


1) Egyptian code of Practice ECP 2011
2) Uniform Building Code UBC97
3) Eurocode2008.


1) Allowable deflection for slabs:

2) Allowable drift for building:



We assumed that the Qnet( allowable bearing capacity ) for soil = 350 KN/m2.

1) AUTOCAD for preparing drawings
2) ETABS for lateral loads calculations
3) SAFE for designing slabs and raft foundation



Figure 4 3D model High-rise building

Figure 5 2D-MODEL of High-rise Building

Lateral loads were defined using ETABS program. It is the program in which the user import the
core, shear walls, columns and slabs for each floor then enter floor by floor starting from
basement to the end of the building. By the end the importation process the whole will be in the
program which can calculate horizontal loads which are wind and earthquakes and their effects
on the building. Also the vertical loads it gives the total of vertical load of whole the building at
the base and horizontal at the top of the building.


Columns are defined on Etabs program with assumed sections using area method, then we
checked the safety of this sections , we used trial and error till we reach safe stresses on all
sections , accordingly Etabs program calculated the percentage of reinforcement of the columns
for each floor as shown below, it's clearly notice that the percentage from Etabs model are
greater than that calculated using manual calculation ( area method ) at the project kickoff and
this is due to that applying lateral forces ( wind and seismic ) forces on the building increase the
cross sections and the reinforcement percentage for all columns , due to the fact that vertical
elements are the main responsible for resisting the lateral loads, the below shown figures shows
the rebar percentage for columns at each floor , we took into our consideration that the
percentage of the rebar doesn't exceeds the maximum rebar percentage that the ECP defines
which is 4% for interior columns , 5% for edge columns and 6% for corner columns.
Etabs define each column by speared label as shown below,

Figure 6 Column labels

Figure 7 Reinforcement percentage for columns at first floor


Cores and shear walls are essential elements for the stability of any building. Its function is to
provide the stiffness needed for the building to resist lateral loads, like, seismic and wind loads.
In this stage The straining actions acting on the core and shear walls were acquired from the
ETABS model, then, the design step took place assuming the thickness of the shear walls and
core = 40 cm to make the system safe and more economic and reinforcement arrangement which
was later checked using the ETABS program.

First for locating the shear walls and cores we have to took in to our consideration that the
center of mass of the building center of mass C.O.M must be closer to the center of rigidity
C.O.R and this is to avoid accidental torsional effect on the building, and avoiding increasing
tensional stresses on all vertical elements , the ECP applies minimum eccentricity that should be
taken into consideration ( even the center of mass and center of rigidity are congruent) this
minimum eccentricity is 5% of the building length or width in the direction of the study.

The reason that ECP requires this minimum eccentricity that we must took into our
consideration the different loading conditions for the buildings.

The maximum eccentricity that the ECP allowed is 15%, otherwise the locations of vertical
elements must be relocated.

As shown through below plan that we have locate our shear walls and cores to be nearly
symmetrical to the building main axes, so we created C.O.R nearly congruent to C.O.M.

The cores and shear walls are all defined with width=40cm and we checked their thickness
and their reinforcement on the Etabs program as mentioned below through the shown figures.

We assumed that the reinforcement of the walls will be Y20@150mm as a main

reinforcement for the sections, and then we checked this reinforcement on the Etabs.

Figure 8 Pier Label


Story PierLbl StnLoc EdgeBar EndBar EndSpcng D/CRatio PierLeg

Top Leg 1
Top Leg 2
ROOF P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.0153 Top Leg 3
Top Leg 4
Top Leg 5
Bot Leg 1
Bot Leg 2
ROOF P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.0285 Bot Leg 3
Bot Leg 4
Bot Leg 5
Top Leg 1
Top Leg 2
19-TH P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.0364 Top Leg 3
Top Leg 4
Top Leg 5
Bot Leg 1
Bot Leg 2
19-TH P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.0433 Bot Leg 3
Bot Leg 4
Bot Leg 5

Story PierLbl StnLoc EdgeBar EndBar EndSpcng D/CRatio PierLeg

Top Leg 1
Top Leg 2
18-TH P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.0532 Top Leg 3
Top Leg 4
Top Leg 5
Bot Leg 1
Bot Leg 2
18-TH P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.0549 Bot Leg 3
Bot Leg 4
Bot Leg 5
Top Leg 1
Top Leg 2
17-TH P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.0667 Top Leg 3
Top Leg 4
Top Leg 5
Bot Leg 1
Bot Leg 2
17-TH P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.071 Bot Leg 3
Bot Leg 4
Bot Leg 5

Story PierLbl StnLoc EdgeBar EndBar EndSpcng D/CRatio PierLeg

Top Leg 1
Top Leg 2
16-TH P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.0833 Top Leg 3
Top Leg 4
Top Leg 5
Bot Leg 1
Bot Leg 2
16-TH P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.089 Bot Leg 3
Bot Leg 4
Bot Leg 5
Top Leg 1
Top Leg 2
15-TH P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.1013 Top Leg 3
Top Leg 4
Top Leg 5
Bot Leg 1
Bot Leg 2
15-TH P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.107 Bot Leg 3
Bot Leg 4
Bot Leg 5

Story PierLbl StnLoc EdgeBar EndBar EndSpcng D/CRatio PierLeg

Top Leg 1

Top Leg 2
14-TH P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.1191 Top Leg 3

Top Leg 4

Top Leg 5

Bot Leg 1

Bot Leg 2
14-TH P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.1244 Bot Leg 3

Bot Leg 4

Bot Leg 5

Top Leg 1

Top Leg 2
13-TH P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.1366 Top Leg 3

Top Leg 4

Top Leg 5

Bot Leg 1

Bot Leg 2
13-TH P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.1418 Bot Leg 3

Bot Leg 4

Bot Leg 5

Story PierLbl StnLoc EdgeBar EndBar EndSpcng D/CRatio PierLeg

12-TH P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.154

Top Leg 5
Bot Leg 1
Bot Leg 2
12-TH P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.1593 Bot Leg 3
Bot Leg 4
Bot Leg 5
Top Leg 1
Top Leg 2
11-TH P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.1714 Top Leg 3
Top Leg 4

Top Leg 5
Bot Leg 1
Bot Leg 2
11-TH P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.1767 Bot Leg 3
Bot Leg 4

Bot Leg 5

Story PierLbl StnLoc EdgeBar EndBar EndSpcng D/CRatio PierLeg

7-TH P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.238 Top Leg 1

Top Leg 2

Top Leg 3

Top Leg 4

Top Leg 5

7-TH P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.2434 Bot Leg 1

Bot Leg 2

Bot Leg 3

Bot Leg 4

Bot Leg 5

6-TH P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.2534 Top Leg 1

Top Leg 2

Top Leg 3

Top Leg 4

Top Leg 5

6-TH P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.2727 Bot Leg 1

Bot Leg 2

Bot Leg 3

Bot Leg 4

Bot Leg 5

Story PierLbl StnLoc EdgeBar EndBar EndSpcng D/CRatio PierLeg

5-TH P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.2678 Top Leg 1

Top Leg 2

Top Leg 3

Top Leg 4

Top Leg 5

5-TH P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.3235 Bot Leg 1

Bot Leg 2

Bot Leg 3

Bot Leg 4

Bot Leg 5

4-TH P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.3056 Top Leg 1

Top Leg 2

Top Leg 3

Top Leg 4

Top Leg 5

4-TH P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.3784 Bot Leg 1

Bot Leg 2

Bot Leg 3

Bot Leg 4

Bot Leg 5

Story PierLbl StnLoc EdgeBar EndBar EndSpcng D/CRatio PierLeg

3-RD P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.3614 Top Leg 1

Top Leg 2
Top Leg 3
Top Leg 4
Top Leg 5
3-RD P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.4362 Bot Leg 1
Bot Leg 2
Bot Leg 3
Bot Leg 4
Bot Leg 5
2-ND P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.4193 Top Leg 1
Top Leg 2
Top Leg 3
Top Leg 4
Top Leg 5
2-ND P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.5006 Bot Leg 1
Bot Leg 2
Bot Leg 3
Bot Leg 4

Bot Leg 5

Story PierLbl StnLoc EdgeBar EndBar EndSpcng D/CRatio PierLeg

1-ST P1 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.4864 Top Leg 1

Top Leg 2
Top Leg 3
Top Leg 4
Top Leg 5
1-ST P1 Bottom 20d 20d 0.5746 Bot Leg 1
Bot Leg 2
Bot Leg 3
Bot Leg 4
Bot Leg 5
Top 0.7098 Top Leg 1
ROOF P2 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.5605 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.4741 Top Leg 1
19-TH P2 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.4584 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.4617 Top Leg 1
18-TH P2 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.4204 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.4276 Top Leg 1
17-TH P2 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.3875 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.4021 Top Leg 1
16-TH P2 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.3562 Bot Leg 1

Story PierLbl StnLoc EdgeBar EndBar EndSpcng D/CRatio PierLeg

Top 0.1468 Top Leg 1

16-TH P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.1251 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.148 Top Leg 1
15-TH P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.1485 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.1695 Top Leg 1
14-TH P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.1654 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.1769 Top Leg 1
13-TH P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.1824 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.2058 Top Leg 1
12-TH P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.2108 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.2333 Top Leg 1
11-TH P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.2385 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.2615 Top Leg 1
10-TH P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.2666 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.2899 Top Leg 1
9-TH P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.2948 Bot Leg 1

Story PierLbl StnLoc EdgeBar EndBar EndSpcng D/CRatio PierLeg

Top 0.3187 Top Leg 1

8-TH P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.3233 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.3479 Top Leg 1
7-TH P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.3526 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.3775 Top Leg 1
6-TH P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.3826 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.4077 Top Leg 1
5-TH P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.4129 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.4386 Top Leg 1
4-TH P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.4438 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.4699 Top Leg 1
3-RD P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.4751 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.5017 Top Leg 1
2-ND P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.5069 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.534 Top Leg 1
1-ST P3 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.5392 Bot Leg 1

Story PierLbl StnLoc EdgeBar EndBar EndSpcng D/CRatio PierLeg

Top 0.4071 Top Leg 1

19-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.2555 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.1566 Top Leg 1
18-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.1446 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.1678 Top Leg 1
17-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.153 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.1762 Top Leg 1
16-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.169 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.1905 Top Leg 1
15-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.1851 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.2228 Top Leg 1
14-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.2477 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.2545 Top Leg 1
13-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.2403 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.2722 Top Leg 1
12-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.2774 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.3095 Top Leg 1
11-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.3147 Bot Leg 1

Story PierLbl StnLoc EdgeBar EndBar EndSpcng D/CRatio PierLeg

Top 0.3469 Top Leg 1
10-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.3521 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.3845 Top Leg 1
9-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.3896 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.4222 Top Leg 1
8-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.4274 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.4601 Top Leg 1
7-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.4653 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.4983 Top Leg 1
6-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.5035 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.5367 Top Leg 1
5-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.5419 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.5753 Top Leg 1
4-TH P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.5805 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.6142 Top Leg 1
3-RD P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.6194 Bot Leg 1
Top 0.6533 Top Leg 1
2-ND P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.6585 Bot Leg 1

Story PierLbl StnLoc EdgeBar EndBar EndSpcng D/CRatio PierLeg

Top 0.693 Top Leg 1

1-ST P5 20d 20d 0.15
Bottom 0.6982 Bot Leg 1
ROOF P6 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.0654 Top Leg 1
Top Leg 2
ROOF P6 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.0269 Bot Leg 1
Bot Leg 2
19-TH P6 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.03 Top Leg 1
Top Leg 2
Top Leg 3
19-TH P6 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.0347 Bot Leg 1
Bot Leg 2
Bot Leg 3
18-TH P6 Top 20d 20d 0.15 0.0489 Top Leg 1
Top Leg 2
Top Leg 3
18-TH P6 Bottom 20d 20d 0.15 0.0535 Bot Leg 1
Bot Leg 2
Bot Leg 3


In this project the slabs will design using SAFE16 , the slab thickness for all floors is 250mm ,
we applied all vertical loads including live load , finish floor load and walls load on the slab to
check the deformation , deflection , flexural , punching , and all safety requirements for the slab.
Assumed vertical loads for all slabs where as follows:-
LL= 2 KN/m2
FC= 1.5 KN/m2
Walls= 4 KN/m2
All loads applied on the designed slabs are shown in the figures below.
In addition the figures below shows bending moment values in both direction (M11) & (M22)
for all project slabs at different levels , we used slab also for calculating short term deflection
applying the combination of working loads only.

We assumed upper and lower mesh for slab 6Y12/m and used finite element analysis to
calculate the additional reinforcement for all slabs as being shown through below shown figures.
Finite element analysis calculate directly the additional reinforcement required for each section
to reach safe design requirements , in addition to that we used excel sheets to recheck the finite
element analysis results as this results were derived from American code ACI-318-05 and we are
following ECP in our design.
Ground floor slab

Figure 9 Concrete dimensions for ground floor slab

Figure 10 Live Load applied on the ground floor

Figure 11 Floor cover load applied

Figure 12 Walls loads applied on the slab

Figure 13 Moment in direction (1-1)

Figure 14 Moment in direction (1-1)

Moment in direction (1-1) applying mesh reinforcement 6Y12/m' which covers moment from -
44KN.m/m' till +44 KN.m/m, other areas must be covered by additional reinforcement.

Figure 15 Moment in direction (1-1)

Moment in direction (2-2) applying mesh reinforcement 6Y12/m' which covers moment from -
44KN.m/m' till +44 KN.m/m' , other areas must be covered by additional reinforcement.

Figure 16 Moment in direction (2-2)

Area shown in dark purple needs additional top reinforcement in direction 1-1 than 6Y12/m, the
additional reinforcement was calculated using excel sheets.

Figure 17 additional reinforcement in M11 direction

Area shown in dark purple needs additional top reinforcement in direction 2-2 than 6Y12/m, the
additional reinforcement was calculated using excel sheets.

Figure 18 additional reinforcement in M22 direction

Area shown in dark blue needs additional bottom reinforcement in direction 1-1 than 6Y12/m,
the additional reinforcement was calculated using excel sheets.

Figure 19 additional bottom reinforcement in direction 1-1

Area shown in dark blue needs additional bottom reinforcement in direction 2-2 than 6Y12/m,
the additional reinforcement was calculated using excel sheets.

Figure 20 additional bottom reinforcement in direction 2-2

Deflection was checked using SAFE, and compared to the allowable of the ECP for the slab
deflection mentioned in chapter 2.

Figure 21 Deflection


The design of beams was performed using SAFE program, applying the vertical loads that
affects the slab then SAFE program calculated the bending moment and shear force on the beams,
in addition to that we used SAFE program to get the longitudinal reinforcement for all the beams,
and then recheck the reinforcement results derived from SAFE using excel sheets.
We took into our consideration that the reinforcement of beams exceeds the minimum
reinforcement required through ECP, the ECP states through chapter 4 that the minimum
reinforcement of the slab Asmin. = (1.1/Fy) bd.
Also we calculated the As' in order not to exceeds its maximum values which is 0.4 As main.
The excel sheets that we used follow C,J curves in designing beams sections , we checked at
each section that the value of C must not be less than Cmin , and this is to avoid over reinforced

Figure 22 Ground floor Concrete dimensions for beams

Figure 23 Bending moment on the beams

Figure 24 Longitudinal reinforcement for beams


Design of raft foundation was performed using SAFE program, the loads were exported from
Etabs model to SAFE model, and then we used the SAFE for checking allowable stresses and
getting the upper and lower reinforcement for the RAFT besides the additional reinforcement too.

The below shown snap shots from SAFE program represents the steps for solving RAFT.

Figure 25 Concrete dimensions for RAFT foundation

Assigning soil of sub grade reaction on SAFE:-


Figure 27 M1-1 ON RAFT

Figure 28 M2-2 ON RAFT





3.16 Elevated TANK:

Tank was performed using SAP2000 software, the 3-d model was performed on SAP, and the
loads as exported to SAFE to check the RAFT foundation that supports the TANK.
Below shown snap shots were taken from SAP representing procedures for designing the tank.

Figure 32 3-D MODEL of tank ON SAP

Figure 33 M1-1 ON TANK WALLs

Figure 34 M2-2 ON TANK WALLS


Figure 36 M3-3 ON TANK BEAMS


Figure 38 M1-1 ON RAFT OF TANK

Figure 39 M2-2 ON RAFT OF TANK

Chapter 4

4.1 Conclusion
This topic which is design and analysis of high rise buildings helps in expanding our knowledge
in the field of design and analysis. With incomes growing and large numbers of people moving
to urban areas, the demand for housing is on the upswing. Due to high construction costs and
non-availability of land at preferred locations, people opt for apartments. Todays upwardly
mobile live and work in high-rise buildings with terraces and balconies overlooking the cityscape.
Moreover, designing the high rise structure for wind and earthquake loads help us gaining
thorough knowledge regarding these loads as consideration of these loads is a must while
designing a high rise structure in a earthquake prone area. Also design and analysis of an
elevated Tank. In this project I faced a lot of problems as to choose the right statically system
with badly effecting the architecture system, and the next problem to select an initial dimensions
of the column sections depending on the reactions on the supports from the slab loads, using area
method and check on ETABS program as I used trial and error until reach safe columns in SAFE
program. Also this project reached me how to work under pressure and using a lot of programs.

4.2 References
[1] ECP 203 Egyptian Code for Practice for Concrete Design

[2] SimiuE,Scanlan R.Wind effects on structures: fundamentals and application to design ,3rd
ed., Wiley, New York,1996.

[3] ECP-201 Egyptian Code for practice for Calculation of Loads

[4] Lectures of concrete 1,2and 3for Dr.Nagy Hanna.

4.3 Appendix A:
The results of the design of high rise building and elevated tank will be in AutoCAD drawings.
Unit one:
1- Columns and axes.
2- Reinforcement detail for flat slab of each floor.
3- Reinforcement details for raft foundation
Unit Two:
1- Structural system and concrete dimensions.
2- Reinforcement for slabs, columns.


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