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STC FlexiPacket MultiRadio and IDU FPH800

configuration and commissioning

Issue: 1 Issue date: February 2013

Ali Dawood

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1- Flexi Packet MW scenarios

2- Flexi Packet MW topology
3- XPIC antenna alignment procedures
4- Basic commissioing Assisted Mode
5- Adding New link Advanced Mode
6- FPMR standalone configuration
7- Ethernet service & QOS configuration
8- E1 configuration

1 STC FlexiPacket Microwave scenarios

1.1 Overview
This document describes the sequence of steps to be adopted in order to install a site
with Hub+FPMR(P) SVR 2.4 Network Elements.
The supported Hubs are listed in Table 1 and are already supported by the Commis-
sioning Tool CT1.3EP1.

Supported IDUs Abbreviations

FlexiPacket Hub 800 R2.0 Hub 800 or FPH800

Table 1 Supported IDUs

In case of the usage of NON-NSN IDUs, the ODUs must be configured connecting
directly the management PC, either via CT or (in this case better) with the WebLCT just
to avoid to use two different tools. In these scenarios the powering of the ODUs should
be already in place without the P+E support.
With the FPMR(P) SVR 2.4 the System Types in Table 2 are available:

Configuration Hw protection Mode

1+0/1+0 Ring -
1+1 Hot Stand-by - two cables mode1
1+1 Hot Stand-by - single cable -
1+1 FD - two cables mode1
1+1 SD - two cables mode1
2+0 FD - two cables mode1
2+0 XPIC - two cables mode1
2+0 XPIC - single cable -

Table 2 System configurations

STC Basic network structures

Important Note:
STC network have different topologies and scenarios that can be used for Flexi Packet multi Radio Links :
So please note the following before start the commissioning
1- Mesh Topology or Hub site where IDU Hub and spoke topology includes power injector to supply the MULTIPLE ODU ( refer to the Adding New
link Advanced Mode ) ,also please refere to installation Manual for Power injector and Hub800 connectivity .
2-One to one links Tail or chain topology ( Refer to Basic commissioing Assisted Mode section )
For that please confirm the right topology always read and review first the TD planning doc site by site , reconfirm the link solution with PM, site
supervisors or NSN Care technical team ( Tariq Ali , Azeem Ulla).

Two Main basic structures in STC network

1-Hub and Spoke Topology

>Use this topology at Sites which is directly connected to SDH or Cisco MPLS router
>Services should be created as E-Line service ,Check how to create them at Service creation section.
>Adding new Link will be through CT Advanced Mode,Please Check the Add new link section.
>Maximum ports for POE is Two Per IDU which need external power injector if you need to add more links on the same IDU

2-Tail Toplogy or chain topology

>Services Can be configured as E-LAN or E-LINE According to TD design .

>Use Assisted Mode of CT while choosing system as 1+1 or 2+0 XPIC according to TD design
>You can cascad IDUs to aggregate the traffic into one port connected to MPLS router
,in this case both E-lines and E-LAN can be configured ,but be sure you choose right IDU ports.

Commissioning Using Assisted Mode

XPIC Antenna alignment

2+0 XPIC Commissioning Procedure

This section describes the recommended commissioning tests for a radio link in a 2+0 XPIC
Co-Channel-Dual-Polarization configuration.
The purpose of the commissioning tests is to verify correct and proper operation of the product.
Important! Since operation of the XPIC system depends on correct installation, make sure the
guidelines for
XPIC system installation provided below are followed correctly.
XPIC Installation Guidelines
Antenna and ODU Installation
1. Install the dual polarization antenna and point it in the direction of the other site.
2. Install the two ODUs on a dual polarization antenna using the appropriate mounting kit, and
mark the
ODUs with V and H respectively.
IDU-ODU Cable Installation
1. Install two cables between the ODUs and the drawers (IDMs). Note that cable length
difference should not
exceed 10 meters.
2. Mark the cables with V and H respectively, and make sure V is connected to the right drawer
and H is
connected to the left drawer.
3. Mark the drawers respectively.
Antenna Alignment
1. Power up drawer V on both ends of the link and configure it to the desired frequency channel
maximum power.
2. Align the antennas, one at a time, until expected RSL is achieved. Make sure the achieved
RSL is no more
than +/-4 dB from the expected level.
Polarization Alignment
Polarization alignment is required to verify that the antenna feeds are adjusted, to ensure that the
antenna XPD
(Cross Polarization Discrimination) is achieved.
Polarization adjustment should be done on one antenna only.
1. Power up drawer V on both ends of the link and record the RSL reading on one end.
2. Power off drawer V on that end and power on drawer H.
3. Check the RSL obtained on this ODU on H pol, and compare it to the RSL obtained by the
ODU installed
on the V pol.
4. Verify that XPI (Cross Polarization Interference) is at least 25 dB
XPI= RSLpol - RSLxpol

RSLpol ->RSL Link RSL with orthogona lpolarizatoi ns used at both sites.

XPIC Antenna alignment

RSLxpol -> Link RSL with the same polarizatoi n used at both sites.
5. If XPI is less than 25 dB, adjust the feed polarization by opening the polarization screw and
gently rotating
the feed to minimize the RSLXPOL.
Note that polarization alignment is not always possible since the RSLXPOL may fall below the
threshold of the ODU.
It is also recommended to try to maximize the XPI as much as possible, by aligning the
XPIC Commissioning Tests
Individual Link Verification
Before operating in XPIC configuration, each of the links (V and H) should be commissioned
individually in
order to verify its proper operation.
1 Power up only drawer V at both ends and verify its frequency channel and Tx power
2 Verify that the RSL is no more than +/-4 dB from the expected level.
3 Run BER stability test on the link for at least 15 minutes to ensure error-free operation.
4 Power up only drawer H at both ends and verify its frequency channel and Tx power
5 Verify that the RSL is no more than +/-4 dB from the expected level.
6 Run BER stability test on the link for at least 15 minutes to ensure error-free operation.
XPIC Configuration Verification
1 Using the XPIC cable, connect the two ODUs at each end to the TNC connectors. Make sure
cable is no longer than 3 meters.
2 Configure the drawers to work in XPIC mode.
3 Verify that the RSL at all four ODUs is no more than +/-4 dB from the expected level.
4 Verify that no alarms exist (if a 155 Mbps line is connected).
5 Run BER stability test on each of the 155 Mbps links for at least 1 hour to ensure error-free
Note: In a 2+2 configuration, repeat each step above for each of the four coupled ODU
XPIC Recovery Verification
In order to verify XPIC operation, simulate the faults described below.
1 Disconnect the IDU-ODU cable for each of the drawers (one at a time), and verify that the
link is operating.
2 Disconnect the XPIC cable and check that the relevant alarms are generated.
3 Power down each of the drawers and verify that the other link is operating.
4 Swap the V and H cables and check that the relevant alarm is generated.
5 Mute and then un-mute one ODU at a time and verify that the other link is operating.
Note: In a 2+2 configuration, repeat each step above for each of the four coupled ODUs
connected to the two
standby IDUs.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

Commissioning procedures for 2+0 XPIC

Tips :
>You can Use this method to configure the following system 1+0 ,1+1 and 2+0 XPIC First time.
>For new link at Hub and spoke topology you should follow Advanced Mode method to protect
service .

This paragraph gives the procedures to install for the first time (starting from scratch) the
FlexiPacket Hub 800 and the FlexiPacket MultiRadio to commission the radio link.
The initial ODU SVR is 2.1.
The Commissioning Tool configures the ODUs with svr 2.4 and system type 2+0 XPIC.

Follow the steps here below and the steps in paragraphs

1 Connect the Ethernet cable from your computer Ethernet port to the OBB connector
of the FlexiPacket Hub 800.
OOB IP address is
2 Upgrade the FlexiPacket Hub 800 to R 2.0 .
3 Connect the Ethernet cable from your computer Ethernet port to the DCN connector
of the FlexiPacket Hub 800 (DCN default IP address:
4 Run the FlexiPacket Commissioning Tool application from Start > Programs >
Nokia Siemens Networks > Commissioning Tool > Run CT.

Figure 3 First Installation Scenario example (FlexiPacket Hub 800)

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

5 Select FPH800.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

6 SW IDU configuration ,choose file to upgrade the IDU to SVR 2.0

7.1 Add required license provide by NSN Technical support

7.2 Click Next (Add Row if you have License key).

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

8 Configure according to DCN plan and TD provided by STC planning and click Next.

9 Configure according to TD and DCN design and click Next.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

9 Configure and click Add.

ODU type must be FPMR(P).
Power supply must be Enable , External power or Power injector must be Disabled

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

10 PWR source must be PWR on integrate device.

Note :choose External in case you are using External power ofr power injector

Check and click Next.

11 Add if you want another Management Port ,Recommended to Add all ports
and click Next.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

13 Configure and click Add.

ODU type must be FPMR(P).
ODU system type must be 2+0 XPIC

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

14 Check and click Next.

15 Browse and select latest FPMR software file for both row to upgrade from
16 Click Modify.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

17 Fill Licence key and click Add.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

18 Fill Licence key and click Add if you need to add more license .

19 Click Next.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

2 0 Configure according to STC TD and click Modify.

21 Configure according to TD and click Modify.

22 Click Next.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

23 Configure according to TD and click Modify.

24 Configure according to TD and click Modify.

25 Click Next.

26 Configure according to TD and click Modify.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

27 Set Source SyncE transfer: NCT (if no clock transfer).

28 Configure and click Modify.

Set Source SyncE transfer: NCT (if no clock transfer).

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

t Set Source SyncE setting Radio for remote 2 ODUs, if Source SyncE transfer
Fixed and Source SyncE setting

29 Modify if necessary and click Next.

30 .Configure and click Modify.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

Radio port service status must be down.

3 1 Configure and click Modify. Click Next.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

3 2 Modify if necessary and click Next.

33 Click on Save As.

34 Click Next.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

35 Select Use default IP.

36 Click Next.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

37 Click Yes.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

38 Click OK.

39 Click Yes.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

40 Click Validate.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

4 1 Write the IP address.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

4 2 Click Next.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

4 3 Click Run.

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

Assisted Mode 2+0 commissioning

44 Click Next.

45 Check and click Next.

46 Click Exit.

Adding New Link using Advanced Mode

Adding New Link Advanced Mode

Choose the FPH800 ,operation mode advanced

Click Next

Change FPH800 IP to your IDU ip address

Click Next

Adding New Link Advanced Mode

Click Connect

Click Port view ,then click Add device

Adding New Link Advanced Mode

Choose device as FPMR(P)

PWR device should be power injector
Change IP address according to DCN design

Click ODU licenses and add prober license for your newely added ports

Adding New Link Advanced Mode

Click Device view

Choose both new ports and click add LPG
Choose prober LPG type for the new link and click add

FPMR Standalone paramters

1 Open the Web browser.
2 Enter http:\\ NE IP address
3 The Java authentication screen opens.

Open NE screen

4 Enter:

User name: admin

Password: sysmanager
and click on OK.

t After the first launch you can install a shortcut into the desktop through the Java
Control Panel.

5 The Main view opens.

FPMR Standalone paramters

Radio parameter configuration - BB/Modem

From the left-hand side tree select Radio > Link parameters.

Figure Link parameters configuration

To change the parameters click on the Modify configuration button. The following screen opens.

 Select the Standard mode according to the market: etsi or ansi.
 Select the Channel bandwidth.

FPMR Standalone paramters

 Select the Profile Criteria: "Standard profile" or "High Performance profile". In the
latter case the LDPC (more robust) coding is used.
 Select the ACM TX: adaptive or static.
Note: In case of the first link setup (before antenna alignment), the ACM Tx must be
static. It can be adaptive at the end of antennas alignment.
 If the Static Modulation has to be used, enter in the relevant Tx Static Profile field
the Modulation scheme to be used:
 16 QAM
32 QAM
64 QAM
128 QAM
256 QAM

t In Rx side the Modulation scheme automatically changes according to the Modula-

tion scheme used in Tx side in the remote equipment.

 If the Adaptive Modulation has to be used, enter the Lowest Tx Profile and the
Highest Tx Profile.

t In Rx side the Modulation scheme automatically changes according to the Modula-

tion scheme used in Tx side in the remote equipment.

 Click OK to confirm the new parameters.

t By clicking on Profiles Details the following read-only screen opens.

Figure 113 Profiles Details

This screen shows the modulation schemes selected for the Adaptive Modulation, the
max. Tx power for each modulation scheme and the switching thresholds (based on the
S/MSE) from one modulation scheme to another one.

FPMR Standalone paramters

3.4 Radio parameter configuration - Link parameters

From the left-hand side tree select Radio > link parameters main window.

This window You can configure

>Max TX power
>Modify ACM

FPMR Standalone paramters

 Click on Service State field. The Input dialog box appears.

Figure 116 BB/Modem Configuration: service state selection

 Tick up and click on OK.

 Enter the Tx RF frequency (in kHz) in the Tx Value field or Rx RF frequency (in kHz)
in the Rx Value field (250 kHz steps). The dual RF frequency (Rx or Tx) is automat-
ically calculated according to the selected frequency and the frequency shifter.

Figure 117 Tx RF frequency

 If the ATPC is not used, enter the Tx Power value (RTPC).

Note: In case of the first link setup (before antenna alignment), the ATPC must be
disabled. It can be enabled at the end of antennas alignment.

Figure 118 RTPC

 Enable the ATPC, if required, and enter the relevant parameters.

Figure 119 ATPC

FPMR Standalone paramters

 By clicking on HW Parameters button the following screen opens.

Figure 120 HW Inventory

This screen is read-only and shows the remote inventory of the FlexiPacket Mul-

FPMR Standalone paramters

3.5 System type configuration

Make the following settings depending on the System Type to be used.

3.5.1 1+0 SynchE Ring configuration

 Click the System configuration.

Figure 121 System Configuration View

 Click Change System Type on the System configuration window.

Select: 1+0 with SynchE-Ring.

Figure 122 Change System Type

 Click the Synchronization button on the Configure area.

FPMR Standalone paramters

Figure 123 Synchronization Configuration

 Click Modify.
For Operation mode, No clock transfer, Fixed clock transfer, Priority based clock
transfer can be selected (Figure 124).

t The red line refers to all the available timing sources and the blue line refers to the
output clock.

FPMR Standalone paramters

Figure 124 Operation mode configuration

 For GbE source type, synchronous and non-synchronous can be selected.

FPMR Standalone paramters

 For Source for synch propagation, synchronous and non-synchronous can be

selected. Under fixed clock transfer mode, only GbE port can be chosen as synch
source, and under priority based clock transfer mode, only radio and ODU-ODU port
can be chosen.

Figure 125 Source for synch propagation

Figure 126 Source for synch propagation

 For SSM management, disabled and enabled can be chosen. If enabled is

selected, the synch source port will send out SSM message for synch propagation,
otherwise not.

FPMR Standalone paramters

 For GbE port, Radio port, ODU-ODU port, you can select auto or force ql+Value.

Figure 127 GbE port, Radio port, ODU-ODU port

 Click Local Status tab-panel.

Figure 128 Local Status

t With the Reset button the value of Synch switch counter will return to default value 0.
With the Restart Synchronization button the system will have resynchronization.
With the Restart Synch Source Seletion button, the system will have the restart of the
synch source selection.

FPMR Standalone paramters

3.5.2 1+1 HSBY 2 cable mode 1 configuration

 Click the System configuration on the left side (Figure 129).
 Click the Change System Type on the system configuration window (Figure 129).
 Select the 1+1 Hot Standby on the System type item. Select the 2 cables on the
Cables item. Select the CCM based on the Mode item. Then input the value in the
range 16 to 39 for the P-CCM VID item (Figure 129).

Figure 129 Protection mode configuration

 After protection mode is selected, the NE will cold reboot. After that, click the Pro-
tection button on the configuration area (Figure 130).

FPMR Standalone paramters

 The P-CCM Transmission rate can be configured by clicking the value of Protection
CCM transmission rate item. Then the Input Dialog window will open. 3 value
10ms/100ms/1s can be selected. If the peer ODU select the different value, the
PCCM configuration error alarm will appear (Figure 130).

Figure 130 CCM transmission rate configuration

 The ODU switching mode can be configured by clicking the Switching Mode item.
Then the Switching mode window will appear. Two mode unrevertive/reveritve
mode can be selected. The peer of ODU should be configured the same switching

Figure 131 Switching mode configuration

FPMR Standalone paramters

 The system suspend interval can be configured by clicking the Suspend Interval
item and the Input Dialog window will appear. Three value 160/240/320 s can be
selected as the suspend interval (Figure 132).

Figure 132 Suspend interval configuration

 The role of the ODU can be configured by clicking the ODU role item. The input
Dialog window will appear. Two value protection/main can be selected. The peer
of ODU should be configured different role (Figure 133).
 ODU Radio switching stats item shows the ODU real role on the protection group.
Colocated ODU Radio switching stats item shows the collocated ODU real role
on the protection group. In the normal status, the two role should be different.
Colocated ODU force down item shows the collocated ODU whether or not on the
Force down status. All the item for these is readonly (Figure 134).

FPMR Standalone paramters

 Force Down items for the ODU force down configuration. Click the Force down
disable item then the input dialog window appear. Enable/disable can be selected.
Enable means enable the Force down. If active ODU force down, the ODU role
switching will happen.

Figure 133 ODU role configuration

Figure 134 Switching status

FPMR Standalone paramters

Figure 135 Force down configuration

3.5.3 1+1 SD 2 cable mode 1 configuration

 Click the System configuration on the left side (Figure 136).
 Click the Change System Type on the system configuration window (Figure 136).
 Select the 1+1 Space Diversity on the System type item. Then input the value in
the range 16 to 39 for the P-CCM VID item (Figure 135).

Figure 136 Protection mode configuration

 After protection mode is selected, the NE will cold reboot. After that, click the Pro-
tection button on the configuration area (Figure 137).

FPMR Standalone paramters

 The PCCM and ACCM Transmission rate can be configured by clicking the value of
Protection CCM transmission rate item. Then the Input Dialog window will open.
3 value 10ms/100ms/1s can be selected. If the peer ODU select the different value,
the PCCM and ACCM configuration error alarm will appear (Figure 137).

Figure 137 CCM transmission rate configuration

 The role of the ODU can be configured by clicking the ODU role item. The input
Dialog window will appear. Two value slave/master can be selected. The peer of
ODU should be configured different role (Figure 138).

FPMR Standalone paramters

 Switching forcing is for the Rx data. Click the Switching forcing, there is three value
auto/forcedLocal/forceColocated to choose. Auto means the acting master ODU
will select the Rx data automatically. Force Local means forcing acting master ODU
select the Rx data from itself. Force Colocated means forcing acting master ODU
select the Rx data from collocated ODU.

Figure 138 Rx Switching

FPMR Standalone paramters

3.5.4 2+0 XPIC 2 cable mode 1 configuration

 Click the System configuration on the left side (Figure 139).
 Click the Change System Type on the system configuration window (Figure 139).
 Select the 2+0 XPIC on the System type item. Select the 2 cables on the Cables
item. Select the CCM based on the Mode item. Then input the value in the range
16 to 39 for the P-CCM VID item. Select the horizontal polarization/vertical polar-
ization on the Polarization item. The peer ODU should select the different polariza-
tion (Figure 139).

Figure 139 2+0 XPIC configuration

 After protection mode is selected, the NE will cold reboot. After that, click the Pro-
tection button on the configuration area (Figure 140).
 Switching ODU behavior item on the acting master ODU. Click the apply means the
ODU role will switch between the Peer ODU (Figure 140).
 Rx clock forcing is for the Rx clock. Click the Switching forcing, there is three value
auto/forcedLocal/forceColocated to choose. Auto means the acting master ODU
will select the Rx clock automatically. Force Local means forcing acting master
ODU select the Rx clock from itself. Force Colocated means forcing acting master
ODU select the Rx clock from collocated ODU.

FPMR Standalone paramters

Figure 140 Switch ODU behavior

Figure 141 Rx clock switch

FPMR Standalone paramters

3.5.5 2+0 XPIC 1 cable mode 1 configuration

 Click the System configuration on the left side (Figure 142).
 Click the Change System Type on the system configuration window (Figure 142).
 Select the 2+0 XPIC on the System type item. Select the 1 cables on the Cables
item. Then input the value in the range 16 to 39 for the P-CCM VID item. Select the
horizontal polarization/vertical polarization on the Polarization item. The peer
ODU should select the different polarization (Figure 142).

Figure 142 2+0 XPIC 1 cable configuration

 After protection mode is selected, the NE will cold reboot. After that, click the Pro-
tection button on the configuration area (Figure 143).

Figure 143 Protection configuration

FPMR Standalone paramters

3.5.6 1+1 FD 2 cable mode 1 configuration

 Click the System configuration on the left side.
 Click the System type on the system configuration window.
Select 1+1 Frequency diversity.
 Configure the P-CCM VID, the value between 16 to 39.

Figure 144 1+1 Frequency diversity

 The system will hardware reboot after change the system type.
 If protection mode is selected, click the Protection button on the configuration area.
 Configure the ODU role (master/slave) on the protection window. The ODU
behavior can also be shown on the window.
 Configure the switch ODU behavior in the Acting master ODU.

FPMR Standalone paramters

 Clock Switch can also operated by switch forcing command.

Figure 145 Switch forcing

 Set the value of P-CCM and A-CCM transmission rate, 10ms, 100ms and 1s can
be chose.
 The system status can be checked by click the Equipment/System Status.
 Some main information can be shown on the System Status windows. The ODU
reboot command can also be operated by select software reboot/Configuration to
default/Hardware reset.

Figure 146 System Status

FPMR Standalone paramters

3.5.7 2+0 FD 2 cable mode 1 configuration

 Click the System configuration on the left side.
 Click the system type on the system configuration window.
Select 2+0 Frequency diversity.
 Configure the P-CCM VID (value between 16 to 39).

Figure 147 2+0 Frequency diversity

 The system will hardware reboot after change the system type.
 If protection mode is selected, click the Protection button on the configuration area.
 Configure the ODU role (master/slave) on the protection window. The ODU
behavior can also be shown on the window.
 Configure the switch ODU behavior in the Acting master ODU.

FPMR Standalone paramters

 Clock Switch can also operated by switch forcing command.

Figure 148 Switch forcing

 Set the value of P-CCM and A-CCM transmission rate, 10ms, 100ms and 1s can
be chose.
 The system status can be checked by click the Equipment/System Status.
 Some main information can be shown on the System Status windows. The ODU
reboot command can also be operated by select software reboot/Configuration to
default/Hardware reset.

Figure 149 System Status

FPMR Standalone paramters

3.5.8 1+1 HSBY 2 cable mode 3 configuration

 Click the System configuration on the left side.
 Click the System type on the system configuration window.
Select 1+1 Hot Stand-by.
 Click the Cables on the system configuration window. 2 options can be selected: 1
Choose 2 cables.
 Click the Mode on the system configuration window. 2 options can be selec-
Standalone/CCM based. Here we choose Standalone.
 Click the P-CCM VID on the system configuration window. The VID should be set
properly within the range [16-39]. And for the partner ODU the P-CCM VID should
be same. Here we use 16 as P-CCM VID.
The system will reboot after change the system type.
 If system mode is changed successfully, click the Protection button on the
system configuration area.
 Click the Switching Mode on the system configuration window. 2 options can be
selected: revertive/unrevertive. Here we choose revertive mode and for the
partner ODU the same mode should be set properly.
 You can Configure the ODU role (main/protection) on the protection window.
The ODU behavior can also be shown on the window. Here we choose main for
one ODU and for the partner one we should choose protection.
 Click the CCM Transmission Rate in CCM area. The CCM interval can be set for
A-CCM (ODU-ODU) and P-CCM (Protection). 3 value can be set for the CCI:
10ms/100ms/1s. Here we choose 100ms and this value should be same for both
A-CCM and P-CCM. For the partner ODU the same value should be set properly.
 The Force down function can be enabled to manual switch the traffic to the partner

FPMR Standalone paramters

 The ODU reboot command can also be operated by select software reboot/Con-
figuration to default/Hardware reset.

Figure 150 System type view

Figure 151 Protection Configuration

FPMR Standalone paramters

3.5.9 2+0 XPIC 2 cable mode 3 configuration

 Click the System configuration on the left side.
 Click the System type on the system configuration window.
Select 2+0 XPIC.
 Click the Cables on the system configuration window. 2 options can be selected: 1
Choose 2 cables.
 Click the Mode on the system configuration window. 2 options can be selected:
Standalone/CCM based. Here we choose Standalone.
 Click the Polarization on the system configuration window. 2 options can be
selected: horizontal polarization/vertical polarization. Here we choose horizon-
tal polarization for one ODU and for the partner one we should choose vertical
 Click the P-CCM VID on the system configuration window. The VID should be set
properly within the range [16-39]. And for the partner ODU the P-CCM VID should
be same. Here we use 16 as P-CCM VID.
 The system will reboot after change the system type.
 If system mode is changed successfully, click the Protection button on the system
configuration area.
 You can Configure the ODU role (master/slave) on the protection window. The
ODU behavior can also be shown on the window. Here we choose master for one
ODU and for the partner one we should choose slave.
 Rx Clock Switch can also operated by switch forcing command.
 Click the CCM Transmission Rate in CCM area. The CCM interval can be set for
A-CCM (ODU-ODU) and P-CCM (Protection). 3 value can be set for the CCI:
10ms/100ms/1s. Here we choose 100ms and this value should be same for both
A-CCM and P-CCM. For the partner ODU the same value should be set properly.

FPMR Standalone paramters

 The ODU reboot command can also be operated by select software reboot/Con-
figuration to default/Hardware reset.

Figure 152 System type view

Figure 153 Protection Configuration

FPMR Standalone paramters

4 Test Functions
Select menu Equipment > Operation, Administration and Maintenance.

Figure 9 Test Functions (1+0)

4.1 Loopbacks
The loopbacks are available only in 1+0 configuration:
LL4: used to test cable connectivity. LL4 can be enabled for a time T (user config-
urable with granularity in seconds), before being automatically disabled by P.
LL1: RF loopback.
LsRL3 (in the local station) and RL3 (in the remote station): these 2 loopbacks can
be used to test the radio link.

t Note - When a loopback is activated on the remote ODU, the STP protocol must be
disabled on the IDU.

FPMR Standalone paramters

Figure 10 IDU-ODU Cable Test

Figure 11 RF Self Test

Figure 12 Link Test

Not more than one loopback can be enabled at a given time. When a loopback is
enabled, the system moves to a "test mode" configuration designed for transmitting back
The differences between the test and the normal are in the L2 switch configuration.
When operating in test mode the auto-learning and filtering functions are disabled; the
MAC forwarding table is flushed.
During the entire duration of the loopback the FlexiPacket MultiRadio is not reachable
for management. Moreover after loopback has been performed, an xml file becomes
available containing the result of the counters.

FPMR Standalone paramters

Check the cable connectivity by using the local loopback.

FPMR Standalone paramters

4.1.2 LL1 (RF loopback)

Check the correct operation of the station by using the RF loopback.
Once enabled the FlexiPacket MultiRadio declares the "test mode"; during loopback
test the P is not reachable from local GbE cable and supervision is lost.
The system will save the actual configuration for the involved elements (switch,
modem, etc) for being restored once the procedure is finished.
Test packets are generated by the P.
The procedure terminates after a configurable time T (default = 10 seconds). Once the
previous system configuration is restored, the result of the loopback test is reported and
a detailed report file (.xml format) is available.

FPMR Standalone paramters

4.1.3 Link Test loopbacks

Remotely test the radio link by using two loopbacks:
LsRL3 in the Local Station
RL3 in the Remote Station

t First activate the loopback in the Remote Station and then activate the loopback in the
Local Station.

t The time-out set in the Remote Station must be longer than the time-out set in the Local

This test procedure extends local self-test procedure over the radio link. The procedure
here described assumes the LCT being able to access both local and remote Flexi-
Packet MultiRadio. No User traffic is required to be supported whilst remote test proce-
dure is ongoing. Test packets are generated by the P.
The system will save the actual configuration for the involved elements (switch, modem,
etc) for being restored once the procedure is finished.
The procedure terminates after a configurable time T (default = 10 seconds). Once the
previous system configuration is restored, the result of the loopback test is reported and
a detailed report file (.xml format) is available.

t Note - When a loopback is activated on the remote ODU, the STP protocol must be
disabled on the IDU.

FPMR Standalone paramters

Steps for RL3

FPMR Standalone paramters

Steps for LsRL3

FPMR Standalone paramters

8.2 Product and Software menu

8.2.1 Software Data View

Select Software Inventory in menu Product & Software.
This menu shows the following software data:
check sum, software release and build of the software uploaded on the active
memory bank;
check sum, software release and build of the software uploaded on the
standby memory bank;
version of the software running on each hardware module.

Figure 48 Equipment Software Data View

8.2.2 Software Upgrade

From WebLCT, the build software can be upgraded without any interruption on the
The upgrade procedure uploads the software build on the standby bank; the
system keeps running the pre-existing software on the active bank.
To make active the new build software, it is necessary to execute the switching of the
banks. The switching operation runs the new version of the software.
To upgrade the build software, follow the steps.

1. Click on Product and Software menu.
2. Click on SW Upload button.
3. Insert User Name = admin and Password = Administrator Password.

FPMR Standalone paramters

4. Click OK.

Figure 49 Software Upgrade

5. Select the file standby.pec (previously stored in the PC).
6. Confirm the operation.

FPMR Standalone paramters

7. In the Stand-by SW load

the status of the download (running), as shown in the next figure.

8. Wait until the SW download field disappears from the screen (the download is now
9. In the Switch Loads area two ways to swap the 2 banks are available:
a) Click the Switch button in the Immediate Switch field to start with the swap of
the two loads: the standby load becomes active and the active load becomes
b) Click on Schedule button in the Scheduled Switch field to set the date and time
of the activation of the standby load.
(Click on Delete to cancel the scheduled date).

t The software upgrade can be done also by using any FTP client in binary mode. When
you log-in check to be in directory ram 0.

t The Align loads button copies the active bank to the stand-by bank.

t Sw load hybrid packet mismatch alarm in the stand-by SW load area

The FlexiPacket MultiRadio can work in 2 different ways according to the type of the
installed software: packet (application described in this document) or hybrid. If on the
active bank is installed the packet application and for any reason in the stand-by bank
is installed the hybrid application, this alarm will become active.

FPMR Standalone paramters

8.2.4 Product Inventory Data

Select HW Inventory in the Product & Software menu.
The Hardware Inventory menu shows all the inventory data (memorized into non volatile

Figure 51 Product Inventory Data

FPMR Standalone paramters

8.3 License Upgrade

The license is stored into the Memory Hardware.
When a change of the functionalities (subject to license) is required, the NE checks if
the fees and the credits allow the new setting.
Select the menu Equipment > Operation, Administration and Maintenance > tab-
panel License.

In the Feature area are listed the features included in the installed license.
Pressing the Enter License SMS Key Code push-button, the License Key Modify
window opens, where it is possible to insert in SMS format a new license for expanding
the software functions. There are four text fields for the four blocks of the license.

t To generate a new license the CLicS application must be used.

With this application the new values to be inserted in the four License Key fields are
The instructions to use the CLicS are given in chapter 9.1 Instructions for fetching
license key from CLicS system.

FPMR Standalone paramters

8.6 Backup and Restore

A backup file, which contains the NE configuration, can be saved on the PC. (Refer to
paragraph 8.6.1).
A previous saved backup file can be downloaded to the NE by the Restore menu. (Refer
to paragraph 8.6.2).
Select the menu Equipment > Operation, Administration and Maintenance > tab-
panel Backup & Restore.

8.6.1 Backup

Figure 54 Backup

1 Press the Backup button (to create the backup file in the NE).
2 Wait until the Backup status is normal.
3 Press the Get config file from NE button.
4 Click OK on the message Always allows this action.
5 Browse in the directory to be used to store the backup file.
6 Save the file by assigning name and extension.

FPMR Standalone paramters

8.6.2 Restore
Service Creation with QOS configuration

Figure 55 Restore

1 Press the Put config file from NE button.
2 Browse in the directories to find the previously saved backup file.
3 Click on Open.
4 Wait until the transfer of the file on the NE has been completed.
5 Click on Restore to activate the new configuration.

t Click on View Last Restore Log button to view the log of the last restore done on the
application, if any (refer to Figure 56).

Service Creation with QOS configuration

Example : Service Creation

1- From Service Managment > Create

Choose the ports which will be in same service then Click Next

Follow TD design for Service VLAN

Service Type will be according to Topology and number of ports need to be in same service

Service Creation with QOS configuration

Add Mapping rule according to TD and QOS configuration ,this should be done only for UNI ports
Click Next

Assign the Traffic priority according to QOS STC TD provided.

Click Next 83
Service Creation with QOS configuration

Click Next

Click Accept ,All should be Green

Service Creation with QOS configuration
From Main window click Advance QOS and change the parameters as per following slides

Modify to 350,016 for Queue Rate shaper index 1 (BE queue egress traffic shping)
Others Queue use default 1,000,000

Service Creation with QOS configuration

Modify to max. value for Q0, Q1 & Q5, the others leave as default

Service Creation with QOS configuration

Radio FPMR/FPR with 8 Queues

Modify existing configuration for QoS Mapping

Configuration steps in Priority settings

>Check IPv4/IPv6 priority

>Click on IPv4/IPv6 Button to map the DSCP (TOSTC) to CoS (Priority value)
>Scheduling remain SP Queue in 6 & 7, and WFQ in Queue 5,4,3,2,1,0 with default
weight settings.

Service Creation with QOS configuration

Radio FPMR/FPR with 8 Queues DSCP to COC mapping

TOS 46 to 6
TOS 34 to 5
TOS 10 to 1
TOS 0 to 0
The rest as default.

E1 service creation
Click Create button to open the Create CESoP Service win-
dow, there are two modes that can be selected.

Select E1/T1 port window-Advanced mode (SAToP)

g By default, all the Time Slots are ticked.

 Select the values for the parameters Operation mode, PW Type, Time Slot, Port,
VC12 / FB channel id, Remote UDP port, Local UDP port, CVLAN ID. Click the

button to add a port entity. Click the button to delete a port


 Click to open the Select Traffic Profile window, see Figure 157.

g This step is not available for the Basic mode.

Figure 157 Selecting traffic profile for CES service

E1 service creation

Figure 156 Select E1/T1 port window-Advanced mode (SAToP)

g By default, all the Time Slots are ticked.

 Select the values for the parameters Operation mode, PW Type, Time Slot, Port,
VC12 / FB channel id, Remote UDP port, Local UDP port, CVLAN ID. Click the

button to add a port entity. Click the button to delete a port


 Click to open the Select Traffic Profile window, see Figure 157.

g This step is not available for the Basic mode.

Figure 157 Selecting traffic profile for CES service

E1 service creation

 Set the Frame Size, RTP header used, Jitter buffer size to a profile, and give a
Name to it in the corresponding text field.

 Click the button to add the profile defined in step 4.

 Click to open the Select Ethernet Service window, see Figure 158.

Figure 158 Selecting Ethernet service for CES service

 Select an desired Ethernet service to be mapped in the available Ethernet service


 Click to open the Config Service window, see Figure 159.

Figure 159 Config service for CES service

 Configure the required parameters in the page.

E1 service creation

 Click to open the Finish window, see Figure 160.

Figure 160 Finishing creating a CES service

 Click the button to confirm the settings, the CES service is created suc-

E1 service creation

Figure 176 Modifying a CES IWF window

In the Modify window, type in the value of the parameters and click the button
to modify the CES IWF.

8.2.5 CES bandwidth

In the CES Bandwidth tab (see Figure 177), the bandwidth used by each CES service
is listed with detailed information, the parameters are listed in Table 61.

Figure 177 CES Bandwidth view

Parameter Description
Index Identification of a CES bandwidth.
Name A name given by the user.
Packet size The packet size in bytes.
Packet rate The packet rate in packet/s.
Bit rate The bit rate in bit/s.

Table 61 CES bandwidth parameters


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