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A: Hi

B: Hi , How are you?

A: Fine thanks, and you?

B: Fine

A: Have you ever seen a flying car?

B: No, I havent.

A: I want to buy the flying car, but I need money.

B: How much does the flying car cost?

A: the flying car costs 12,000 euros.

B: Can you lend me money? Please.

A: Yes, I can lend you money, but I need you to pay me as soon as possible.

B: OK, I want you to lend me 10,000 euros.

A: Oh, that's a lot of money. Why did not you go to the bank and you asked for a loan?

B: Because at the bank I am not considered a saver person.

A: What a pity! I can only lend you 5,000 euros.

B: I will buy the car on my birthday.

A: this is a great idea.

A month after

B: This is my flying car. This car can fly at 50 km per second.

A: How fantastic!

B: With this car I will never be late for class.

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