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Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

Vol.2 Issue 4, October.-December. 2009

Review Article


*Lecturer in Pharmaceutics, Dept. of Pharmacy, Higher College of Technology, P.O. Box 74
PC 133, Sultanate of Oman, E mail: mohammadyaheya@yahoo.com


Interaction between foods and drugs can have profound influence on the success of drug treatment and on the side
effect profiles of many drugs. The clinical significance of drug-food interactions can be variable. Drug-food
interactions can lead to a loss of therapeutic efficacy or toxic effects of drug therapy. Generally, the effect of food
on drugs results in a reduction in the drug's bioavailability; however, food can also alter drug clearance. Some
foods greatly affect drug therapy, resulting in serious side effects, toxicity, or therapeutic failure. In some
instances, the interaction may have a beneficial effect by increasing drug efficacy or diminishing potential side
effects. Pharmacists in every practice setting need to be vigilant in monitoring for potential drug-food interactions
and advising patients regarding foods or beverages to avoid when taking certain medications. It is imperative for
pharmacists to keep up-to-date on potential drug-food interactions of medications, especially todays new drugs,
so that they may counsel properly to the patients.

KEYWORDS Drug-food interactions

INTRODUCTION should be especially monitored for such

Many people have the mistaken drugfood interactions.1
notion that being natural, all herbs and
foods are safe. This is not so. Very often, DRUG-FOOD INTERACTIONS
herbs and foods may interact with The relationships and interactions
medications normally taken that result in between foods, the nutrients they contain
serious side reactions. Experts suggest that and drugs are gaining recognition in the
natural does not mean it is completely health care and medical fields. Certain
safe. The medication that is taken by foods and specific nutrients in foods, if
mouth travels through the digestive system ingested concurrently with some drugs,
in the same way as food and herbs taken may affect the overall bioavailability,
orally do. When drugs and certain foods pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and
are taken at the same time, they can therapeutic efficacy of the medications.
interact in such a way that decrease the Furthermore, the therapeutic efficacy of
effectiveness of the ingested drug or many drugs depends on the nutritional
reduce the absorption of food nutrients. status of the individual. In other words, the
Additionally, vitamin and herbal presence or absence of some nutrients in
supplements taken with prescribed the gastrointestinal tract and/or in the
medication can result in adverse reactions. bodys physiological system, such as in the
A drug-food interaction happens when the blood, can enhance or impair the rate of
food affects the ingredients in a medicine drug absorption and metabolism. Drug-
which the patient is taking affecting the food interactions can happen with both
efficacy of medicine being administered. prescription and over-the-counter
High-risk patients, such as the elderly medicines, including antacids, vitamins
patients taking three or more medications and iron pills. Foods containing active
for chronic conditions, patients suffering substances that interact against certain
from diabetes, hypertension, depression, medications can produce unexpected or
high cholesterol or congestive heart failure adverse effects. Pharmacist can give the
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Vol.2 Issue 4, October.-December. 2009

information of such interactions to the theophylline, increases the risk of drug

patients.2 Nutrients include food, toxicity.2
beverages and dietary supplements.
Consumption of these substances may alter Alcohol: Alcohol affects body processes
the effects of drugs the patient takes. For and interacts with many drugs. Alcohol is
example: a drug that interacts with almost every
medication, especially antidepressants and
Food: Like food, drugs taken by mouth other drugs that affect the brain and
must be absorbed through the lining of the nervous system. For example, taking
stomach or the small intestine. alcohol with metronidazole can cause
Consequently, the presence of food in the flushing, headache, palpitations, nausea
digestive tract may reduce absorption of a and vomiting.4 Foods containing active
drug. Often, such interactions can be substances that interact against certain
avoided by taking the drug one hour before medications can produce unexpected or
or two hours after eating. Dietary fiber adverse effects. Pharmacist can give the
also affects drug absorption. Pectin and information of such interactions to the
other soluble fibers slow down the patients.2
absorption of acetaminophen, a popular
painkiller. Bran and other insoluble fibers Factors Affecting the Extent of
have a similar effect on digoxin, a major Interaction between Foods and Drugs
heart medication. Certain vitamins and
minerals impact on medications too. Large The impact of drug-food interactions
amounts of broccoli, spinach and other depend on a variety of intervening factors
green leafy vegetables high in vitamin K, like dosage of the drug, person's age, size
which promotes the formation of blood and state of health. Apart from these, the
clots, can counteract the effects of heparin, time foods and the medications are taken
warfarin and other drugs given to prevent also play an important role. Avoidance of
clotting.3 drug interactions does not necessarily
mean avoiding drugs or foods. In the case
Dietary Supplements: Dietary of tetracycline and dairy products, these
supplements, including medicinal herbs should simply be taken at different times;
are products that contain a vitamin, rather than eliminating one or the other
mineral, herb or amino acid and that are from the diet. Sufficient information about
intended as a supplement to the normal the medications and timing of medications
diet. Supplements are regulated as foods around food intake can help to avoid drug
not as drugs so they are not tested as interaction problems.2, 4
comprehensively. However, they may
Effect of Drug-Food Interactions
interact with prescription or over-the-
counter drugs. People who take dietary Not all medicines are affected by food, but
supplements should inform their doctors many medicines can be affected by the
and pharmacists so that interactions can be food and it's time. For example, taking
avoided. Some dietary components some medicines at the same time with food
increase the risk of side effects. may affect the absorption of the medicine.
Theophylline, a medication administered The food may delay or decrease the
to treat asthma contains xanthines, which absorption of the drug. This is why some
are also found in tea, coffee, chocolate and medicines should be taken on an
other sources of caffeine. Consuming large empty stomach. On the other hand,
amounts of these substances while taking some medicines are easier to tolerate when
taken with food. It is always advised to ask
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Vol.2 Issue 4, October.-December. 2009

the doctor or pharmacist whether it's or a meal or whether it should be taken on

correct to take the medicine with a snack an empty stomach.5
Table 1: Some examples of drug-food interactions that accelerate the absorption of

drugs (5, 15-17)

Drug Mechanism Counseling

Carbamazepine Increased bile production,

enhanced dissolution and

Dicumerol Increased bile flow, delayed Take with food.

gastric emptying permits
dissolution and absorption.

Erythromycin Unknown.

Griseofulvin Drug is lipid soluble, Take with high- fat

enhanced absorption with foods.
high- fat foods.

Hydralazine, Labetalol and Food may reduce first-pass

extraction and metabolism.

Nitrofurantoin, Phenytoin and Delayed gastric emptying

Propoxyphene improves dissolution and

Propranolol Food may reduce first-pass Take with food

extraction and metabolism.

Spironolactone Delayed gastric emptying

permits dissolution and
absorption, bile may
solubilize the drug.

MECHANISMS OF DRUG-FOOD absorption or extent of drug absorption or

INTERACTIONS both. For example, azithromycin
absorption is decreased when it is taken
Pharmacokinetic Interactions with food, resulting in a 43% reduction in
bioavailability. Sustained-release
Drug Absorption Interactions theophylline products when taken with
high-fat foods may cause a sudden release
Food may affect drug absorption in the GI (dose dumping) of theophylline, resulting
tract by altering gastric pH, secretion, in increased theophylline concentrations
gastrointestinal motility and transit time.
This may result in a change in the rate of
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Vol.2 Issue 4, October.-December. 2009

and possible toxicity. Children are more prone to this interaction than adults.
Table 2: Some examples of drug-food interactions that delay the absorption of drugs

Drug Mechanism Counseling

Acetaminophen High pectin Take on empty stomach if not contraindicated.

foods act as
adsorbant and

Digoxin Highfiber, Take drug same time with relation to food, Avoid
highpectin taking with high-fiber foods.
foods bind drug.

Glipizide Mechanism Affects blood glucose; more potent when taken half
unknown. hour before meals.

Isoniazide Food raises Take on empty stomach if tolerated.

gastric pH
dissolution and

Levodopa Drug competes Avoid taking drug with highprotein foods.

with amino acids
for absorption

Methyldopa Competitive Avoid taking with high- protein foods.


Nafcillin Mechanism Take on empty stomach.


Penicillamine May form Avoid taking with dairy products or ironrich foods or
chelate with supplements.
calcium or iron.

Quinidine Possibly protein May take with food to prevent gastrointestinal upset

Sulfonamides Mechanism Taking with meals may prolong gastric emptying.


Tetracyclines Binds with Take one hr before or two hr after meals; do not take
calcium ions or with milk.
iron salts
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Vol.2 Issue 4, October.-December. 2009

Table 3: Examples of specific counseling on some drug-food interaction (5, 15-17)

Drugs Effects and Precautions

Cephalosporins, penicillin Take on an empty stomach to speed absorption of the drugs.
Erythromycin Don't take with fruit juice or wine, which decrease the drug's
Sulfa drugs Increase the risk of Vitamin B12 deficiency
Tetracycline Dairy products reduce the drug's effectiveness. Lowers Vitamin
C absorption
Dilantin, phenobarbital Increase the risk of anemia and nerve problems due to deficiency
of folalte and other B vitamins.
Fluoxetine Reduce appetite and can lead to excessive weight loss
Lithium A low-salt diet increases the risk of lithium toxicity; excessive
salt reduces the drug's efficacy
MAO Inhibitors Foods high in tyramine (aged cheese, processed meats, legumes,
wine and beer among others) can produce a hypertensive crisis.
Tricyclics Many foods, especially legumes, meat, fish and foods high in
Vitamin C, reduce absorption of the drugs.
Antihypertensives, Heart Medications
ACE inhibitors Take on an empty stomach to improve the absorption of the
Alpha blockers Take with liquid or food to avoid excessive drop in blood
Antiarrhythmic drugs Avoid caffeine, which increases the risk of irregular heartbeat.
Beta blockers Take on an empty stomach; food, especially meat, increases the
drug's effects and can cause dizziness and low blood pressure.
Digitalis Avoid taking with milk and high fiber foods, which reduce
absorption, increases potassium loss.
Diuretics Increase the risk of potassium deficiency.
Potassium sparing Unless a doctor advises otherwise, don't take diuretics with
diuretics potassium supplements or salt substitutes, which can cause
potassium overload.
Asthma Drugs
Pseudoephedrine Avoid caffeine, which increase feelings of anxiety and
Theophylline High protein diet reduces absorption. Caffeine increases the risk
of drug toxicity.
Cholesterol Lowering Drugs
Cholestyramine Increases the excretion of folate and fat soluble vitamins.
Gemfibrozil Avoid fatty foods, which decrease the drug's efficacy in lowering
Heartburn and Ulcer Medications
Antacids Interfere with the absorption of many minerals; for maximum
benefit, take medication one hour after eating.
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Vol.2 Issue 4, October.-December. 2009

Cimetidine, Famotidine, Avoid high protein foods, caffeine and other items that increase
Sucralfate stomach acidity.

Hormone Preparations
Oral contraceptives Salty foods increase fluid retention. Drugs reduce the absorption
of folate, vitamin B6 and other nutrients; increase intake of foods
high in these nutrients to avoid deficiencies.
Steroids Salty foods increase fluid retention. Increase intake of foods high
in calcium, vitamin K, potassium and protein to avoid
Thyroid drugs Iodine-rich foods lower the drug's efficacy.
Mineral Oils Overuse can cause a deficiency of vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Aspirin and stronger Always take with food to lower the risk of gastrointestinal
nonsteroidal anti- irritation; avoid taking with alcohol, which increases the risk of
inflammatory drugs bleeding. Frequent use of these drugs lowers the absorption of
folate and vitamin C.
Codeine Increase fiber and water intake to avoid constipation.
Sleeping Pills, Tranquilizers
Benzodiazepines Never take with alcohol. Caffeine increases anxiety and reduce
drug's effectiveness.

In other cases, the components of the food, fat in a meal. Fenofibrate, mebendazole,
such as calcium or iron, may form isotretinoin, tamsulosin, carbamazpine and
complexes with the drug that are less labetalol are examples of drugs that will be
easily absorbed. Examples include better absorbed when taken with food.
tetracycline, sodium fluoride and Improved absorption of a drug may or may
ciprofloxacin .The absorption of not have a significant effect on the drugs
alendronate is impaired by food, calcium efficacy.6 Patients taking digoxin should
and almost everything, including orange avoid taking bran fiber, pectin-containing
juice and coffee. It should be taken with foods such as apples or pears, or fiber-
plain water and nothing else should be containing, bulk-forming laxatives at the
consumed for at least 30 minutes. In many same time, since these agents may bind to
cases, the actual mechanism by which food the digoxin, decreasing its absorption. This
interferes with absorption is not known. interaction could result in decreased serum
Delayed absorption does not necessarily concentrations of digoxin and therapeutic
reduce the total overall exposure to the effectiveness. It is advisable to take some
drug; the area under the curve (AUC) may medications with food to reduce
be equivalent regardless of how the drug is gastrointestinal irritation and possible
taken. A reduced rate of absorption may nausea. Examples of these medications
sometimes be useful in reducing the side include potassium supplements, ferrous
effects of a drug, as in the cases of sulfate, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
ibuprofen, without reducing drugs, estrogen, prednisone, tacrine,
bioavailability. The bioavailability of some terfenadine and nitrofurantoin.
drugs may be enhanced by food. For Cholesterol-lowering agent lovastatin
example, an acid environment is necessary should be taken with food to enhance
for the absorption of ketoconazole. The gastrointestinal absorption and
absorption of griseofulvin is increased by bioavailability. Simvastatin, pravastatin
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Vol.2 Issue 4, October.-December. 2009

and fluvastatin may be taken without oxidase and this prevents tyramine from
regard to food.2, 4 Examples of some drug- accumulating in the body. Monoamine
food interactions which accelerate and oxidase inhibitors cause increased levels of
delay the absorption of drugs are shown in tyramine which can lead to a hypertensive
table 1 and table 2 respectively with the crisis. Patients taking monoamine oxidase
brief counseling. inhibitors should avoid foods high in
tyramine such as aged cheeses, pickled
Drug Metabolism Interactions fish, yeast extracts, red wine, some types
of beer (including nonalcoholic beer), fava
Food may alter the hepatic beans and fermented products. High-
metabolism of some drugs. It has been protein foods that have been aged,
reported that when administered with the fermented, pickled, smoked or bacterially
antihypertensive drug felodipine, contaminated are unsafe for patients taking
concentrated grapefruit juice caused an MAO inhibitors. Foods considered safe
increase in the bioavailability of when used fresh and in moderation include
felodipine. The mean felodipine sour cream, yogurt, meat extracts, chopped
bioavailability with grapefruit juice was liver, dry sausage and alcoholic beverages.
284% (range 164%469%) that of water. 9-12
This resulted in lower diastolic blood
pressures and increased heart rate in the Drug Excretion Interactions
male study volunteers. Adverse effects
such as headaches, facial flushing and Foods may alter the urinary pH,
lightheadedness were more common after which can affect the activity of certain
ingestion of 250 ml grapefruit juice (125 drugs. The half-lives of some medications
ml frozen grapefruit concentrate plus 125 can be significantly changed by alterations
ml of water). The bioavailability of in urinary pH. Therefore, the half-life of
nifedipine with grapefruit juice was 134% acidic drugs will be extended in acidic
(range 108%169%) of that with water. urine because the drug is in its unionized
Orange juice did not have these effects. It form. However, the half-life of an acidic
is postulated that flavonoid compounds in drug in alkaline urine is reduced because
grapefruit juice concentrate inhibit the drug is in its ionized form. Foods such
cytochrome P-450 metabolism of as milk, vegetables and citrus fruits can
felodipine and nifedipine. This interaction alkalinize the urine. Meats, fish, cheese
could increase both the efficacy and and eggs can acidify the urine. Foods may
toxicity of these calcium channel blockers. alter the renal excretion of some
There is potential clinical significance medications. Lithium and sodium compete
because citrus juices are frequently for tubular reabsorption in the kidney. A
consumed at breakfast, when many high-salt diet causes more lithium to be
medications are also taken. Patients should excreted, whereas a low-salt diet causes
be advised of this possible interaction.7, 8 decreased renal excretion of lithium and an
First-pass hepatic metabolism of increase in serum lithium levels.6
propranolol and metoprolol may be
decreased when either medication is taken Pharmacodynamic Interactions
with food, thereby enhancing
bioavailability. Drug levels and therapeutic Foods may interact with medications by
efficacy may be increased due to this altering their pharmacologic actions. Diets
interaction. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) high in vitamin K may cause antagonism
inhibitors are known to interact with foods of warfarin and decreased therapeutic
containing tyramine. Tyramine is normally efficacy of the anticoagulant. Foods rich in
inactivated by the enzyme monoamine vitamin K include green leafy vegetables
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Vol.2 Issue 4, October.-December. 2009

(kale, turnip greens, spinach, broccoli and an adverse side effect or toxicity or may
brussels sprouts), cauliflower, chick peas, not receive the full therapeutic benefit of
green tea, pork liver and beef liver. the medication. The Joint Commission on
Alcoholic beverages may increase the the Accreditation of Healthcare
central nervous system depressant effects Organizations (JCAHO) requires that a
of medications such as benzodiazepines, patients medication profile include
antihistamines,antidepressants, potential drug-food interactions, that the
antipsychotic, muscle relaxants, narcotics pharmacist call the prescriber whenever
or any drug with sedative actions.3 the potential for a medication-food
An example of a food potentiating the interaction exists and document the
effect of a medication is coffee, as caffeine communication and follow-up action on
has additive effects on theophylline. It has the prescription or order form, and that
been reported that caffeine increased patients be given instructions and
serum theophylline levels by 20%30% counseling regarding the potential for
and increased the half-life of theophylline drug-food interactions before their hospital
by decreasing clearance. Patients may discharge. Elderly patients may be at a
complain of nervousness, tremor or greater risk for drug-food interactions
insomnia. Caffeine has some because they typically consume more
bronchodilatory effects, which may medications for their chronic medical
enhance the effects of theophylline. A conditions. A study of drug-nutrient
lower dosage of theophylline may be interactions in long-term care facilities
necessary for those patients who consume found a significant relationship between
excessive quantities of coffee (more than 6 the number of medications a resident
cups daily). consumed and the number of drug-nutrient
interactions for which a resident was at
INTERACTIONS Counseling and Guidance about Drug-
Food Interactions
Pharmacists in every practice setting need
to be vigilant in monitoring for potential The following information can be given to
drug-food interactions and advising the patients while dispensing the
patients regarding foods or beverages to medicine.13-14
avoid when taking certain medications. It
is imperative for pharmacists to keep up- Read the prescription label on the
to-date on potential drug-food interactions container. If you do not understand
of medications, especially todays new something or think you need more
drugs, so that they may counsel properly. information, ask your physician or
In providing drug information to patients, pharmacist.
pharmacists often discuss potential side
effects and how the medication should be Read directions, warnings and
taken. It is important to provide interaction precautions printed on all
information to patients on when to take medication labels and package inserts.
their medications in relation to food intake. Even over-the-counter medications can
Consequences of drug-food interactions cause problems.
may include delayed, decreased or
enhanced absorption of the drug. Food Take medication with a full glass of
may also affect the bioavailability, water.
metabolism and excretion of certain
medications. The patient may experience
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Vol.2 Issue 4, October.-December. 2009

Do not stir medication into your food CONCLUSION

or take capsules apart (unless directed
by your physician). This may affect the Interaction between foods and
efficacy of medication. drugs can have profound influence on the
Do not take vitamin pills at the same success of drug treatment and on the side
time you take medication. Vitamins effect profiles of many drugs. The clinical
and minerals can interact with some significance of drug-food interactions can
drugs. be variable. Some foods greatly affect drug
Do not mix medication into hot drinks therapy, resulting in serious side effects,
because the heat from the drink may toxicity or therapeutic failure. In some
destroy the effectiveness of the drug. instances, the interaction may have a
Never take medication with alcoholic beneficial effect by increasing drug
drinks. efficacy or diminishing potential side
Be sure to tell your physician and
pharmacist about all medications you The interactions are not always detrimental
are taking, both prescription and non-
prescription. to therapy, but can in some cases be used
to improve drug absorption or to minimize
Check with the pharmacist on how adverse effects. These interactions have
food can affect specific medications received more attention recently,
taken with the food.
especially drug interactions with grapefruit
Examples of specific counseling on some juice. As new drug approvals occur with
drug-food interaction are summarized in ever increasing speed, there is less
information available about their adverse
Precautions to be taken effects and interactions when the drugs
reach the market. Pharmacists in every
Medications need to be taken at
practice setting need to be vigilant in
different times relative to meals.
monitoring for potential drug-food
Consult a physician when health interactions and advising patients
problems persist. regarding foods or beverages to avoid
During pregnancy and nursing always when taking certain medications. It is
consult a physician or pharmacist imperative for pharmacists to keep up-to-
before taking any medication. Drugs date on potential drug-food interactions of
taken by the mother may affect the
medications, especially todays new drugs,
so that they may counsel properly to the
Check with a doctor or pharmacist for patients.
the proper way and time to take
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Vol.2 Issue 4, October.-December. 2009

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