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ALMS Trust Office 5-A, Aalay Plaza,

Blue Area, Islamabad,Pakistan.

ALMS 360
Registered Trust of Pakistan

Dated: Reference No.


Contact No.
Subject: Letter of Appointment
Dear Applicant,

This refers to your application and subsequent interview with us. We are pleased to inform you that
you have been selected as a for a fixed tenure of on the following terms and
The terms and conditions of your appointment are as under:

This sanction of Alms 360 management is hereby conveyed for the grant of membership and
volunteer ship to students of various universities for the period of one year or six months without
stipend under the General Manager Alms 360 Islamabad.
Certificates will issue to only those members/volunteers who works efficiently and
effectively.Those who will work extra-ordinary will get stars on their certificates.
Member cannot leave the trust before one year and Volunteer cannot do so before six months.
You are required to submit your weekly progress report to your team head.
You have to complete the task assigned to you by your team head in the defined time.
If you are found to involve in some illegitimate activity that manipulates the trust reputation
then you will be expelled from the trust without issuing any certificate.

We congratulate you on your appointment and wish you a successful tenure with us. We are confident
that your contribution will take us further in our journey towards serving the humanity.

Welcome to our team , We look forward to working with you.

Yours Sincerely,
ALMS 360, Islamabad.

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