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Christian Courier

First Christian Church of Minneapolis (Disciples of Christ)

August 14, 2010 Mission Notes from Pastor Sanders

On being ‘Christ in the neighborhood’

Inside the Courier:
As we were leaving, I noticed a banner
Recently, a group of folks from First
• A Look at the Brite at the church across the street, St. Paul’s
Christian Church in Minneapolis
Side, page 2 Lutheran. Don told me that they were
went down the street to Community
committed to staying in Phillips neigh-
• Transition Team Emergency Service. CES is a local

survey highlights, empowerment and social ministry in borhood and is working to welcome La-
page 3 tinos who were moving into the area.
the Phillips Neighborhood and First
The banner read: “Dios vive en el bar-
has been a partner in ministry with
rio,” or “God is in the Neighborhood.”
CES since last year.
On the Web: God is in the neighborhood. Our church,
This particular day, we gathered at
and any church,
FCC’s website CES to fill
is called to be a
Disciples in Upper grocery bags
presence whe-
Midwest with food
rever it is. We
Christian Church
from the
are called to be
(Disciples of Christ) foodshelf and
God’s hands and
national organization deliver them
doing the work
to St. Paul’s
of justice and
Residence, a
salvation that
low income
God has called
housing de-
us to.
velopment in
the Phillips
Here in the
Whittier neigh-
borhood, where First Christian is lo-
cated, we see many people who are in
Don Rudrud, a retired Lutheran pas-
need. Some are in need of housing,
tor who heads up church relations at
some in need of treatment, some in need
CES, wanted us to do more than just
just a friendly hand. First is called to be
drop off the food to the residents. We
Christ in our neighborhood and beyond.
spent time talking to the folks and
getting to know them. It was a won-
Here is your homework assignment for
derful experience in getting to know
August: how are we present where we
the residents as real people and not
are located? How can we be a presence?
simply “those people” that we have
decided to help. How can we be Christ to those who are
hungry or lonely? How can we say “Di-
os vive en el barrio,” “God is in the
Page 2 August 14, 2010

A Look at the Brite Side

Bill Stump to retire; interims to fill in as we
discern future of music at FCC

over to an all-contemporary for-

As you may have heard by now, mat, with a band and such; while
Bill Stump, our Director of Mu- that’s a possibility, I suppose, I
sic at FCC for the past twelve don’t think that such a movement
and half years, is retiring effec- fits the character of the church.
tive Sept. 5. In my experience of There are a lot of possibilities out
him, Bill has always brought a there, and we want to be able to
sense of fun to his work, and a have the time to discuss it and
strong work ethic to what he has discern it before we decide it. If
Pastor Bob Brite done for the church. Many times you have desires and wishes,
I’ve felt familiar with Bill’s pre- write them down on the worship
ludes on Sunday morning be- content cards in the pews, or con-
cause of all the practicing he’s tact me or Ann Wolverton, Wor-
done during the week! God’s ship Chair.
blessing to you, Bill, in this time
of change for you and for us. I want to announce again that on
August 29, the 2nd anniversary of
While we’re going to be filling the building sale to MIA, we’re
Bill’s shoes as soon as possible going to have a service of reflec-
to kick off the choir season as tion/closure/healing, etc., to take
soon as possible, we’re electing some time reflecting on that
to do so on an interim basis, so as point. The Scriptures call it la-
to have the time to look at the mentation, but grieving is neces-
overall music program of the sary for closure and new life.
church. This probably does not
mean that we’ll be switching I’d like to see YOU on Sunday!

We pray in sympathy with the family of long-time member Audrey

In our prayers Hanson, whose memorial service was held at FCC August 6; for Tim
Ronnei who is making slow recovery from surgery; for Deb Murphy’s
Gracious God, we mother who is starting chemotheraphy, and for her cousin who is hospi-
lift up these persons talized in Madison, WI; for the safety of all members of the armed forces
in our prayers, ask- who are protecting our country; for a happy retirement for long-time mu-
ing the blessing of sic director Bill Stump, and for the continuation of beautiful worship
your Grace and out- music at FCC; for all those helping refugee families including the Gaa-
pouring of your Love mey-Mohamed family make a smooth transition to life in this country;
upon them. for all our homebound members including Elaine Glore and Dorothy
Wilkins, Amen.
Christian Courier Page 3

Transition Team Survey results A Challenge: can we

fill the FCC bus again?
highlighted; full report available There was a time several
years ago when the church bus
The Transition Team’s survey of the congregation that was con- was used on Sunday mornings
ducted last spring revealed some clear preferences and a lot of diver- to bring as many as seven wor-
sity in the views of congregation members about the future of First shipers to church. Times have
Christian Church. changed, and that number has
dwindled down, so that current-
For example, 50% of respondents think buying property and moving ly only three persons regularly
on is most important, while the other 50% think this is the least im- need rides to church. Those
portant thing to do in the immediate future. On the other hand, 60- rides are generally provided by
70% would like to just find a smaller church to continue as we are. A Mike Hesano, Mike Morgan,
majority taking the survey did not support developing an alternative and Garry Hesser, who use
worship as our primary worship. their own automobiles.
Wouldn't it be grand if we
Fifty-two people filled out the survey. The Transition Team has
could use the church bus once
compiled and studied the results, and prepared report for the congre-
again, filling it with folks who
gation. A complete version of the report is available in the church
prefer not to drive or who do
lounge (next to this Courier) and will be posted online soon.
not have cars? If you are one
of those interested persons,
Highlights from the report include these statements of interpretation
please call Gwen Elmshauser
of the data:
or Mary Lou Norman. Let's
• People like our current worship but are open to some diversity of
experience and music (prayer types, sermon formats, response, etc);
we recognize that just maintaining and waiting is not in our best in- A Note of Thanks
terest. We would really like to just transport ourselves to a smaller
version of what we are now, but we are really split on whether we Dear First Christian, Min-
should go out and buy property. neapolis,

• For those who think we should buy something, better than 70% We thank you for your
chose moving to a multipurpose building, but there was adaptability prayers and support. They
indicated by the evenness of many of the answers. By 2 to 1 we did enable us to share the good
not think we should buy land to build on later. news of Jesus' love and
grace. We are meeting
• If we rent, more people think a smaller existing church, on our own, people all the time, sharing
would be best, but we could share an exiting building with another the news of a new Dis-
congregation. ciples' community in
Rochester. We are grateful
• Many members are willing to drive within a 5 mile radius of the for your prayers and in-
current location. clude you all in our pray-
ers. May God richly bless
The age distribution for those who filled out the survey was as fol- you all.
lows: age 0-20, 2; age 21-40, 7; age 41-60, 9; age 61-80, 17; age
81+, 8. Sincerely,
The Haneys
Bi-Weekly Calendar Reflections on the Word
from Lectionary of 8.15.10
Sundays at First Christian Church
“[Jesus said,] Do you think that I
Sunday Worship at 10:00 am have come to bring peace to the
Before Worship (9:15 am): earth? No, I tell you, but rather di-
Art of the Covenant Class Hearthstone/Adults Class vision!” --Luke 12:51

After worship: Fellowship Hour 11:15 am This is one of Jesus’ hardest and
most confusing sayings. Forget
This Week at FCC Next Week at FCC Jesus as being just a nice man and
Sunday, August 15 Thursday, August 26
good teacher. But division is not
Food Pantry Sunday Handcrafters 9 am always bad, and peace is not al-
Elders meet at Hillestad’s 5-8 pm ways good. Some level of conflict
Saturday, August 28
Men’s Group 9 am is necessary to energize a conversa-
Tuesday, August 17
Board Meeting 7 pm School for Congregational tion, as long as the conflict isn’t
Leadership, West Des Moines, IA personal. But this conflict is very
Thursday, August 19 personal, separating loved ones,
Handcrafters 9 am
and for what? For a new world?
Friday, August 20
-Article deadline for next Courier Energizing God, not all of what we
Saturday, August 21 hear from you is immediately clear.
Men’s Group 9 am Grant, through your Holy Spirit,
Serve meal at St. Stephens 6 pm the understanding that we need
day-by-day to live out your will in
our lives. Amen.
--Chris Wogaman

A Thoughtful Church in the FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH

Heart of the City
2201 1st Avenue South
Ministry Team
All Members of the Congregation Minneapolis, MN 55404
Robert Brite, Interim Minister
Dennis Sanders, Minister of Diversity Address Service Requested
and Mission
Chris Wogaman, Office Manager
Bill Stump, Director of Music
Rick Bowman, Building Manager
Deb Murphy, Director of Spiritual
Formation & Community Ministry
Serena Carlson, Nursery Attendant
Martha Harris, Courier Editor
Telephone: 612.870.1868
Prayer Phone: 612.870.0984
Fax: 612.870.1860

Christian Courier is published bi-

monthly. Send items and ideas to
church office or to Martha Harris
by Fri Aug. 20 for next issue.

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