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Letters to the Editor

Scapula: allow delivery with maternal effort until the
lower part o f the scapula can be seen.
0 Oblique: when the lower edge of the scapula can he
seen, turn the fetal body into the oblique positions, one
after the other, to facilitate delivery of the arms by
We read with great interest Green-top Guideline 20: The
sweeping them across the chest (the Lsvset's
management of breech presentation (enclosed with The
Ohstet?-ician G G''vzaeco1ogist Vol 1, No I), especially
F Flexion of the head is critical and needs to he
section 3.3 ('l'raining - skill, experience and judgement of
maintained by an assistant applying modest suprapubic
the intrapartum attendant 1. This is significant and relevant
pressure with the heel of their dominant hand as the
to the future practice of vaginal breech deliveries. Breech
head descends.
vaginal births have become a rare event in many
Flexion of the head vaginally using the Mauriceau-
institutions. The opportunities for obstetric residents to
Smellie-Veit manoeuvre: the middle finger of one hand
learn the techriicpes of breech delivery have thus heen
applies pressure on the occiput with the index and ring
greatly reduced. fingers applying modest traction on the shoulders. The
In 1955, Harold Henderson stated: 'It is not the number
fetd tiody rests on the other liand with the index and
of breech deliveries that a resident handles but how a7ell ring fingers applying rnodcst pressure on the maxillae.
he is iinbued with the correct technique of handling
The aim is to deliver the head by flexion and the baby
them." Residents need to he well versed in the
on to the maternal abdomen.
mcchanism o f labour and delivery of the breech fetus.
F Flexion o f the maternal hips to perform McRoberts'
Instructions and demonstrations using an obstetric manoeuvre (as in shoulder dystocia) has heen reported
mannikin should be provided.2 The art of breech delivery to release an after-coming head when all other
needs to be stressed, as it may not have k e n seen in
procedures fail.3
practice. Forceps: Piper forceps could be applied to deliver the
Experience can be gained by observing breech
after-coming head by an experienced attendant.
deliveries performed by experienced staff members. The Fetal mouth needs suction to clear any debris present.
same techniques employed to safely deliver the vaginally
horn breech fetus should be used during caesarean
This mnemonic is easy to remember when faced with a
section. A second twin. prescnting as breech, is often
planned or especially an unexpected vaginal breech delivery.
delivered easily and presents an opportunity for learning
vaginal tireech delivery when there is adequate Sunit M Rane hfRCOG, Specialist Registmr. Department of
supervision. Finally, women f u l f i h g protocol criteria for Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St Mary's Hospital, Milton
trial of labour may be delivered by residents, when Road, Portsmouth PO3 GAD, UK (corresponding author)
assisted by ;in experienced and skilful obstetric attendant.
Vicky M Osgood MKCOG, Comultnnt i)bstetricinn and
The following mnemonic (IIANDS OFF) may assist in Gymecologist, Sr Mary's IHospital, Portsmouth, UK
performing a systematic and safe vaginal breech delivery.
At all stages, maternal effort needs to be encouraged.
I Goethals TR. Cesarean section as the method o f choice in
hands off the breech end.
H Hands off: keep y o ~ u management of breech delivery. A m J Ohstet Gviiecol 1956;71:536
2 Recommendations of the F I G 0 Conitnittee o n I'erindtal Health.
A Allow breech to deliver to the umbilicus with Guidelines for the rrlanagenient of breech delivery, Srpteinber 1993.
maternal effort. Rome, Italy. Chairman: Professor Dr W Kunzel, Giesl, Germany. Ii7t
Mow legs to deliver with maternal effort. .J G)VZt?COl Ohstet 199)4;44:297-30(1
Abduct: you may need LO abduct the legs with 3 Sliuslyan A, Yoiounis J. McRoberts' maneuver for thc- management of
the aftcrcoming head in breech delivery. Gynecol Oi7sfet f??
pressure on the popliteal fossae to assist delivery. lOW;34:1X&9
Anterior: always keep the back anterior.
N Kneel down on one knee to deliver the breech so
that the fetal body is at 45 degrees t o the horizontal. GROUNDS FOB LUIGATION tN
D Do not dig into t h e ahdomen. This is to avoid injury RE~TOTUBALsfWfLlsATKlN
to the internal organs. Hold the bony pelvis with pour
thumbs on the sacro-iliac joints. Sir,
s See the umbilicus: when you can sec the umbilicus, Part two of Marcus Filshie's comprehensive review on
pull a loop of cord down. sterilisation in the first issue' dealt with medico-legal
aspects. During 197%1998 I furnished reports on 1 2 8

The Obstetriciarz G C;ynaecologist October 2000 Vol. 2 No. 4

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