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Name MEYGHAAN RAVINDRAN Roll No: 141383536

Name KIRTANA SHREE MOGHAN Roll No: 141383541



The medicinal qualities of plants are of course due to chemicals. Plants synthesize many
compounds called primary metabolites that are critical to their existence. These include
proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that serve a variety of purposes indispensable for
sustenance and reproduction, not only for the plants themselves, but also for animals that
feed on them. Every plant species contains chemicals that can affect some animals or
micro-organisms negatively. There are major questions regarding just how beneficial
medicinal herbs can be, and just how harmful they can be. It is clear that some of these
compounds, at least in a pure state and at some dosage, are medicinal or toxic. However,
it does not necessarily follow that the same compounds present in the herb are as toxic or
medicinal as when extracted from the herb, since synergistic (interactive) effects of the
chemical components of the herb are possible. Most animals, including humans, have
adapted over millions of years to a regular diet of plants. Consequently, the human system
is adapted to a regular intake of plant constituents. Essential dietary constituents of plants
are reasonably well understood, but the possible therapeutic role of most components of
plants is not. Almost certainly humans have been unconsciously ingesting and benefiting
from medicinal plant components for hundreds of thousands of years. However, "natural"
does not necessarily mean "safe." Some herbal products are extremely effective but so
dangerous that they should only be used in the hands of skilled medical professionals.
Others, however, are sufficiently safe that they can be used by laypeople to help prevent
or alleviate minor health problems. Sometimes the herbal drugs are preferable, but
qualified medical personnel should always be consulted.


i. To familiarize students with the following plants: bryophyte, pteridophyte,

gymnosperm and angiosperm.
ii. To identify plants of health benefits and plants of health hazards in each of the
class of plants.
iii. To draw and identify the genus and species of plants of medicinal importance.

Common/ Local Name: Turmeric / Kunyit / Manjal / Indian Saffron

Scientific name: Curcuma longa

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Zingiberales
Family: Zingiberaceae
Genus: Curcuma
Species: Curcuma longa
Origin: South Asia, mainly from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh By: Nagaeswyini
Medicinal importance:

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant property. Turmeric powder is an

effective home remedy for chronic cough and cold and throat irritations. It is taken as the
blood purifier and is very useful in the common cold, leprosy, intermittent, affections of
the liver, dropsy, inflammation and wound healing. It is even used for contraception,
swelling, insect stings, wounds, whooping cough, inflammation, internal injuries, pimples,
injuries, as a skin tonic. Sweetened milk boiled with the turmeric is the popular remedy
for cold and cough. It is given in liver ailments and jaundice. The wide range of turmeric
health benefits come mainly from its main ingredient, curcumin. Curcumin has a huge
therapeutic value and boosting immunity is one of the most important properties of
curcumin. It is an antioxidant that helps boost immunity, maintains normal cholesterol
levels, and slows the aging process. Curcumin at low doses also enhance antibody
responses. Curcumin also curbs free radical causing oxidative damage of DNA and
proteins are associated with a variety of chronic diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis,
and neurodegenerative diseases. Curcumin protects against certain liver diseases by at
least two mechanisms: acting as an antioxidant and by inhibiting NF-kappaB activation
and thus production of proinflammatory cytokines. Curcumin is also believed that it is
effective in preventing and reversing cirrhosis, probably by its ability of reducing
TGF-beta expression. It also helps promote weight loss and reduce the incidence of
obesity-related diseases. The inflammation associated with obesity is due in part to the
presence of immune cells called macrophages in fat tissues throughout the body. These
cells produce cytokines that can cause inflammation in organs such as the heart, and islets
of the pancreas, while also increasing insulin resistance in muscle and liver. Thus, it is
believed that turmeric suppresses the number and activity of these cells, and helps reduce
some of the adverse consequences of obesity. Turmeric also help in easing rheumatoid
arthritis as it reduces the pain. Treating sprains and swellings with a pinch of turmeric
powder, lime and salt is an age-old home remedy practiced throughout India. According
to a study published, Alzheimer's disease can also be improved. The anti-inflammatory,
and antioxidant property, improve overall memory in Alzheimers patients. Researchers

By: Nagaeswyini
claim that curcumin may be an effective chemopreventive and therapeutic agent for
cervical cancer prevention and treatment. In addition, adding turmeric to meat can reduce
the levels of cancer causing heterocyclic amines (HCAs) by up to 40 percent.

Parts of plants used for medicinal purpose: Roots, or rhizomes and bulbs
Used in medicine and food - generally boiled and then dried, turning into the
familiar yellow powder.
Powdered herb, available in capsules containing powder
Fluid extract, tincture, poultice

Health hazards

Turmeric is safe when consumed as a food. However, taken in high doses and for long
periods, turmeric could cause indigestion, nausea, diarrhea and dizziness. Anyone who
suffers from gallstones or other gallbladder problems should avoid turmeric as it
increases gallbladder contractions, which could cause more pain. Diabetes patients should
monitor their turmeric intake as it could lead to them low blood sugar as insulin as well as
turmeric help reduce the blood sugar level. Also those scheduled for surgery may need to
avoid turmeric supplements as turmeric acts like a blood-thinner or slows down the
blood-clotting process, so it may cause continuous flowing of blood. Pregnant women
should not consume turmeric supplements as well as it was known to be used as a birth
control method.

By: Nagaeswyini

Common/Local Name: Ginger / Luyang Dilaw

Scientific Name : Zingiber officinale

Kingdom : Plantae
Phylum : Magnoliophyta
Class : Liliopsida
Order : Zingiberales
Family : Zingerberaceae
Genus : Zingiber Mill.
Species : Zingiber officinale
Origin : India By: Meyghaan
Medicinal importance:

Ginger is one of the ancient, revered medicines of India and Asia. Ginger's ability to combat a
variety of diseases and conditions is due in part to its impact on excessive inflammation, which
is a significant underlying cause of many illnesses. Ginger is particularly useful in treating
chronic inflammation because it partially inhibits two important enzymes that play a role in
inflammation gone awry (cyclooxygenase (COX) and 5-lipoxygenase (LOX) ). Ginger does not
cause stomach irritation; instead it helps protect and heal the gut. Other uses include pain relief
from arthritis or muscle soreness, menstrual pain, upper respiratory tract infections, cough, and
bronchitis. Ginger is also sometimes used for chest pain, low back pain, and stomach pain.
Some people pour the fresh juice on their skin to treat burns.

Parts of plants used for medicinal purpose: Ginger root

Drink ginger tea as a delicious daily tonic to enjoy its many benefits on your health
and wellbeing.
Ginger powder

Health hazards:

In small doses, ginger has few side effects. It may cause gas, heartburn, upset stomach and
mouth irritation. High doses of ginger, more than 5 grams a day can increase the chances of
side effects. Ginger on the skin may cause a rash. Ginger may raise the risk of bleeding. If
you have a bleeding disorder, it may not be safe. And check with your doctor before taking
ginger as a treatment if you are pregnant, have diabetes or have heart problems.

By: Meyghaan

Common/Local Name: Garlic / Arishtha / Lashuna

Scientific Name: Alliuno sativum L.

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Lilopsida
Order: Liliales
Family: Liliaceae
Genus: Allium
Species: Allium sativum
Origin: China By: Meyghaan
Medicinal importance:

Garlic has many healing properties, but the most research has been done on its potential to
help reduce heart disease. There is also some evidence that garlic supplements can mildly
lower blood pressure by dilating or expanding blood vessels. And garlic helps prevent blood
clots and therefore reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. Garlic has also been shown to
reduce pain and other symptoms in people with rheumatoid arthritis. And it reduces the size of
some cancerous tumors and helps prevent some cancers, particularly those in the intestines.
One of the oldest uses of garlic, however, is as an antibiotic.

Parts of plants used for medicinal purpose : Whole plant

Garlic oil - Rubbed on skin to treat fungal infections
Dried herb - Cooked in soup

Health hazards:

There are a few side effects that can be caused by garlic. Botilism is probably the most
serious risk associated with garlic. Its sulphurous nature makes it a prime breeding
ground for botulism (clostridium botulinum). Botulism is a nasty toxin that can result in
major stomach illness sometimes leading to death. Garlic can interfere with certain
prescription medicines, especially some anti-coagulants used in surgery. Raw garlic is
also known to have antiplatelet properties which may present a risk of bleeding to
patients taking blood thinning medication such as warfarin.

By: Meyghaan

Common/ Local Name: Ginseng

Scientific name: Panax ginseng

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Eudicots
Class: Asterids
Order: Apiales
Family: Araliaceae
Genus: Panax
Species: Panax ginseng
Origin: North America, Korea, Northeast China, Bhutan By: Kirtana Shree
The word Ginseng comes from the Chinese term "rnshen", which literally translates
into "man root". This is because the root of the plant looks like a mans legs. There are
two main types of ginseng, which are Asian or Korean ginseng, known as the Panax
ginseng and American ginseng, known as the Panax quinquefolius. Different types of
ginseng have different benefits. Panax ginseng is a plant and people only use the root
to make medicine which is consumed through the mouth or applied to the skin.

Medicinal importance:

Traditionally Ginseng has been used to treat a number of different ailments. Taking
Panax ginseng by mouth improves abstract thinking, mental arithmetic skills, and
reaction times. A combination of Panax ginseng and ginkgo leaf extract can improve
memory in healthy people between the ages of 38 and 66. Ginseng also improves
cognitive function where it is used for improving concentration, athletic endurance,
memory and work efficiency and physical stamina. In addition, ginseng stimulates
physical and mental activity among people who are weak and tired. Besides improving
memory, Panax ginseng might lower fasting blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes.
Hence, diabetes has the chance to be treated. Some people use Panax ginseng to treat
breast cancer and prevent ovarian cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, and skin cancer since
there are substances in Ginseng that have anticancer properties. Taking Panax ginseng by
mouth helps to improve sexual function in men with erectile dysfunction. On the other
hand, premature ejaculation can be treated with a cream containing ginseng. It can be
applied directly on the skin of the penis. Panax ginseng is also used for depression,
anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and for fighting particular infections in a lung
disease called cystic fibrosis. These infections are caused by a bacterium named
Pseudomonas. Consuming Panax ginseng by mouth improves lung function and some
symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). One particular type of
American ginseng extract might decrease the number and severity of colds in adults. Also,
immune-suppressive that effects the anti-inflammatory role of ginseng may be due to the
combined effects of these ginsenosides, which targets immunological activity of different

By: Kirtana Shree

Other uses of ginseng include treatment of asthma, hangover, fever and anemia. Panax
ginseng is also used for bleeding disorders, insomnia, vomiting, intestinal problems, loss
of appetite, nerve and joint pain, dizziness, headache, disorders of pregnancy and
childbirth, hot flashes due to menopause, as well as to slow down the aging process.
There are no natural food sources of ginseng. Ginseng is sometimes added to energy
drinks and foods.

Parts of plants used for medicinal purpose: Roots

Ginseng is consumed at any time of the day in the form of fresh ginseng, boiled
ginseng and dried ginseng.

Health hazards:

Although Ginseng is generally considered to be safe to consume, there are side effects
that have been reported, such as elevated heart rate, headaches, nausea, sleeping disorders
and restlessness. Women may also experience swelling of the breasts and vaginal
bleeding. Hence, ginseng is not recommended for children and for women who are
pregnant or breastfeeding. Doctors do not recommend consuming Ginseng along with
monoamine oxidase inhibitors, which is a class of antidepressants. This is because it can
cause manic episodes. Also, Ginseng can alter the effects of blood pressure and increase
the risk of bleeding when taken with drugs that affect blood clotting. Taking Panax
ginseng along with bitter orange can be life-threatening as it might increase the risk of the
type of irregular heart rhythm. Caffeine can speed up the nervous system. By speeding up
the nervous system, caffeine speeds up the heartbeat. Panax ginseng also increases the
speed of the nervous system. Taking Panax ginseng along with caffeine might cause
serious problems, including increased heart rate and high blood pressure. Thus, taking
caffeine along with Panax ginseng must be avoided. Besides, Panax ginseng decreases
blood sugar. Diabetes medications are also used to lower blood sugar. Taking Panax
ginseng along with anti-diabetes drugs could add to the effects of diabetic medications

By: Kirtana Shree

and lower blood sugar too much. Thus, the dose of the diabetes medication has to be
monitored and might need to be changed. Panax ginseng increases the activity of the
immune system which may trigger auto-immune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS),
lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or worse.
Symptoms of mild overdose include irritability, blurred vision, edema, bleeding, fidgeting,
excitation and dry mouth

By: Kirtana Shree


Common/ Local Names: Tongkat Ali/Ali's Umbrella/Longjack/Malaysian Ginseng

Scientific name: Eurycoma longifolia

Kingdom: Plantae

Phylum: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order: Sapindales

Family: Simaroubaceae

Genus: Eurycoma

Species: Eurycoma longifolia

Origin: Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand By: Kirtana Shree

Tongkat ali (meaning Alis walking stick) gets its name from the long twisted roots that
are harvested for their medicinal value such as an aphrodisiac. It takes twenty-five years
to mature.

Medicinal importance:

Tongkat ali has the ability in increasing testosterone levels in the body, which indirectly
increases muscle mass and strength, making it a good herb to help in body building and
reducing body fat. Tongkat ali also increases energy production, by cellular respiration, in
the body by increasing Adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Thus ,it boosts athletic
performancee. In addition, since the testosterone level in the blood increases, it helps to
act as a treatment for sexual dysfunction like erectile dysfunction (ED), libido
enhancement, male infertility by enhancing male fertility such as having higher semen
volumes, sperm concentrations and sperm motility. Also, tongkat ali root extract improves
stress hormone profile, that is effective to shield the body from stress, sleep deprivation,
stress of dieting and exercise training. Besides, tongkat ali helps maintain healthy arteries
since it increases high density lipoproteins (HDLs) because HDLs help prevent the
buildup of plaque in the arterial walls. Therefore, the risk of heart attacks can be reduced.
Tongkat ali also increases in human growth hormone (HGH). So, tongkat ali can also be
considered as an anti-aging supplement. Tongkat ali is also used for fever and malaria.
This is because tongkat ali have anti-malarial properties, known as quassinoids. Besides,
it helps control ulcers, high blood pressure, tuberculosis, bone pain, cough, diarrhea,
headache, syphilis, and cancer since it has beta-carboline alkaloids, which is a compound
that can kill cancer cells, especially for lung and breast cancer.

Parts of plants used for medicinal purposes: Roots

Both extracts and powdered tongkat ali is effective. Sometimes, other herbs can
be added to help its effectiveness. Fish oils at one to three softgels a day together
with this herb can be taken.

By: Kirtana Shree

Health hazards:

One of the side effects of high dose of tongkat ali is insomnia, which is a lack of adequate
sleep. If it is repeated over many days, it may lead to feeling fatigue the next day and can
lower sex drive. This would not only make the consumer restless but also impatient and
they may be easily angered. High doses can also cause an increase in the body
temperature. There could also be heart related side effects such as an increase of the heart
rate. Hence, it is not acceptable to those who have heart disease. Since tongkat ali helps
increase the testosterone level, which may lead to elevated testosterone, the immune
system could become suppressed. Thus, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should
not consume tongkat ali, and those with prostate or breast cancer, diabetes, liver, heart or
kidney disease should not consume this herb.

By: Kirtana Shree


1) Yun TK, Choi SY, Yun HY. "Epidemiological study on cancer prevention by
ginseng: are all kinds of cancers preventable by ginseng?" J Korean Med Sci.
2001 Dec;16 Suppl:S19-27. Accessed 20 November 2014.

2) Dai-Ja Jang, Myeong Soo Lee, and Edzard Ernst "Red ginseng for treating erectile
dysfunction: a systematic review" Br J Clin Pharmacology. 2008 October 66(4):
444-450. Accessed 20 November 2014.

3) ecoINDIA. 2008. Turmeric plant. [ONLINE] Available at:

http://www.ecoindia.com/flora/trees/turmeric-plant.html. [Accessed 22 November

4) MeDIndia. 2009. Turmeric Powder - Health Benefits, Uses & Side Effects Read
more: Turmeric Powder - Health Benefits, Uses & Side Effects [ONLINE]
Available at:
JsGCUKTS. [Accessed 21 November 14].

5) GoldenIllumination. 1996. Some of the Dangers of Eating Garlic. [ONLINE]

Available at: http://www.healthilluminationproducts.com/page/garlic. [Accessed
21 November 14].

6) Melinda Ratini, 2013. WebMD Medical.[ONLINE] Available:

http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/ginger[Accessed 21
November 14].

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