Toeic Vocabulary Test 1

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TOEIC Master Nng w.w.w.tienganhchoban.

33/32 ng ch Khim, Nng 0935.79.87.86


(From lesson 1 to lesson 8)
Part 5 Incomplete Sentences
Choose the word that best completes the sentence.
1. The two sides were no closer to a final _____ at midnight than they were at noon.
A. agreement B. agreeable C. agree D. agreed
2. Our union representative _____ members that our rights would be defended.
A. assured B. assurance C. assuredly D. assure
3. If you _____ your reservation 48 hours in advance, you will not be billed
A. will cancel B. cancel C. cancellation D. canceled
4. Marketing specialists have conducted extensive studies of what ____ customers to a particular
A. attractive B. attraction C. attracts D. attracting
5. Smart shoppers will _____ similar brands of an item before making a decision.
A. compare B. comparison C. comparative D. comparable
6. If our work isnt to your ____, please notify us within 60 days.
A. satisfy B. satisfactory C. satisfaction D. satisfied
7. The timing belt ___ shows signs of wear after about 180,000 miles.
A. character B. characteristic C. characterize D. characteristically
8. Jacques and Louisa will only _____ purchasing appliances that come with a money-back
A. consideration B. consider C. considering D. considerable
9. If there is any _____ of the directors involvement, we need to follow up swiftly and thoroughly.
A. imply B. implicit C. implicated D. implication
10. I dont feel any ____ to give my boss more than two weeks notice when I leave.
A. oblige B. obligatory C. obliged D. obligation
11. The ____ for terminating the contract were not discussed.
A. provide B. provisions C. provider D. provisioning

Toeic Vocabulary Test 1 Page: 1

(Form lesson 1 to lesson 8)
TOEIC Master Nng
33/32 ng ch Khim, Nng 0935.79.87.86

12. The contract calls for the union to _____ who their bargaining representative will be.
A. specific B. specification C. specifying D. specify
13. Manufacturers like to know what features ___find useful.
A. consumers B. consume C. consumption D. consumable
14. Without good _____, good products can go unsold.
A. market B. marketable C. marketed D. marketing
15. A carefull analysis of the _____ products on the market indicated that our product lacked
innovation and optional features.
A. compete B. competing C. competed D. competition
16. The level of ____ implied by the warranty was misleading.
A. protect B. protective C. protection D. protector
17. It can be very helpful to consider the _____ of the manufacturer and the merchant when making
a major purchase.
A. reputation B. reputable C. reputing D. reputed
18. If the appliance breaks down within two years of purchase, the manufacturer is _____ to send
you a replacement at no charge.
A. requiring B. requisite C. requirement D. required
19. You cannot _____ learning how to use the new software as it will be needed in daily operations
from now on.
A. avoid B. avoided C. avoiding D. avoidance
20. I dont want to intrude, but would you like me to _____ how to use that mechine?
A. demonstrate B. demonstration C. demonstrative D. demonstrator
21. While you are _____ your business plan, it is a good idea to keep a resource library of valuable
A. develop B. development C. developing D. developer
22. The banquet room could _____ up to 750 for dinner.
A. accommodated B. accommodate C. accommodation D. accommodating
23. Helen made the final _____ for use of the conference room with the hotels general manager
A. arranging B. arrange C. arrangement D. arranged

Toeic Vocabulary Test 1 Page: 2

(Form lesson 1 to lesson 8)
TOEIC Master Nng
33/32 ng ch Khim, Nng 0935.79.87.86

24. For most people, Samco is _____ with computer chip production.
A. associate B. associated C. associating D. association
25. In order to ______ your e-mail messages, you must type in your password.
A. access B. accessible C. accessed D. accessibility
26. After reviewing the schedule, I realized we had not ______ enough time for the software training.
A. allocate B. allocated C. allocating D. allocation
27. The computer staff is responsible for making sure all system files are ______
A. duplication B. duplicated C. duplicator D. duplicate
28. After you turn in your business plan, you will receive a written ______ of your work within two
A. evaluator B. evaluative C. evaluate D. evaluation
29. If we think _____, we can come up with a plan that promises success.
A. strategize B. strategic C. strategically D. strategist
30. It is now legal to ____ a generic brand drug for a prescription medicine if you have the patients
A. substitute B. substituted C. substituting D. substitution
31. We expect that fewer guests will ______ the evening gala.
A. attend B. attending C. attention D. attendance
32. The associations members were asked to _____ for the special session well in advance
because space in the lecture hall was limited.
A. register B. registration C. registering D. registrar
33. By adding more class _____, the staff was able to please more members.
A. select B. selective C. selecting D. selections
34. _____ to examine the capabilities of the computer carefully has cost us a lot of time and money.
A. Fall B. Failure C. Falled D. Fallible
35. She _____ the warning that the hard drive was full, and consequently they were unable to save
the test data.
A. ignore B. ignored C. ignoring D. ignorant
36. The computer will _____ you to save your work before quitting
A. warning B. warned C. warn D. warns

Toeic Vocabulary Test 1 Page: 3

(Form lesson 1 to lesson 8)
TOEIC Master Nng
33/32 ng ch Khim, Nng 0935.79.87.86

37. ______ is still a major concern for inner-city schools that want to install computers.
A. Afford B. Affording C. Affordable D. Affordability
38. Hoping to repeat the success of the previous years sales _____, the vice president held a
meeting of all the managers.
A. Initiated B. Initiating C. Initiative D. Initiation
39. The althletes extraordinary _____ distracted customers from the auto itself.
A. physique B. physical C. physicality D. physically
40. Ms. Handa was unable to express her ______ for all that her colleagues had done for her.
A. appreciation B. appreciated C. appreciating D. appreciates
41. The programmer is _____ the message so that its not accessible to everyone.
A. code B. coding C. coded D. coder
42. It looks like this disk was _____ to intense heat, because its warped and pocked.
A. expose B. exposed C. exposing D. exposure
43. As promised in our last meeting, this contract _____ you with the best prices.
A. provide B. provides C. provision D. provider
44. When a problem ______ frequently, it is time to reexamine the process.
A. recur B. recurrence C. recurring D. recurs
45. The employee preferred to have a _____ in salary than to have to continue working with her
outdated computer.
A. reducing B. reduction C. reduce D. reduces
46. The _____ of answering each telephone call on the third ring requires a dedicated receptionist.
A. practices B. practical C. practiced D. practice
47. Human Resources tries to ______ employees understanding by offering workshops twice a
A. reinforce B. reinforcing C. reinforced D. reinforcement
48. Senior employees are often asked to ______ office procedures
A. verbally B. verbalize C. verbal D. verbalizing

---------- THE END ----------

Toeic Vocabulary Test 1 Page: 4

(Form lesson 1 to lesson 8)

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