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Guillermo Iglesias

7th Verne

Do aliens exist?

I have a question for you, do you believe that aliens exist? Well, many people believe of
their existence and others dont. People like me want to know if aliens exist or not. I believe that
aliens exist. My purpose is to share with you, the audience, why do I believe aliens exist.

The UFO`s are the alien spaceships, they have been seen all around the world. I believe thats
true, and they are trying to confuse us. Aliens check on us in the UFO`s. Maybe they are trying
to keep an eye on us. If you have saw History channel, you can get a lot of information. They
have been seen in Peru, Brazil, and rumors say near Area 51.

A lot of people in America say they have been abducted by aliens, maybe it is true, maybe
not. Basing of what I have read, all the cases are different. In South America they say they have
seen strange flying objects and strange noise in places without much population. My dad and I
disagree because he doesnt believe any of these things, well, it doesnt matter, so, anyway, let`s

I also believe that aliens exist, maybe not I this galaxy, but come on, they need to exist
because God didnt made an infinite universe and we are the only living things in here. Thats
just not true, some astronomers have found an ancient planet on other galaxy that can problaby
contain alien life. There are rumors that when Apollo 11 went to the moon, they saw an strange
flying object nearby them. Its a rumor, so you never know, maybe there`s someone watching us.
Thanks for your attention, this was my speech.


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