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Capstone Formal Proposal Application

By: Jay Rai

Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School

September 12, 2017


1. As my background is from a Punjabi culture, their folk instruments can help me learn

more about my culture within the music category. My reason for choosing this interest is

because through my Capstone project, I will be able to learn how to play a Dhol

effectively and respectively. A Dhol is a folk musical instrument, which is a two-sided

drum. In addition, I chose this interest because during this project, I will be able to learn

about the history behind the Dhol, how it was invented, the culture of how it is used and

what is it meant for. Therefore, I hope to learn 12 beats, which are the Chaal #2 and #3,

Dhammal #1 and #2, Bhangra #1 and 2, Gidda, Jhummar #1 and #2, Jhummar, Universal,

and the Opener Thorda; thordas are transitions from one beat to another. This will help

me create a performance that I will remember for a lifetime and be able to help me

continue to grow. Learning about my culture is very important to me therefore, by doing

this project I will learn about all the culture and atmosphere behind the Dhol. All in all,

these main reasons show why I have chosen this area of interest for my Capstone Project.

2. This Capstone project is designed to provide an in depth understanding of a personal

interest after doing research. To begin, I have prior knowledge with the first beat for

beginners, which is Chaal #1. This leads to me knowing Dha, Ge and Na, which means

both, left and right. This is how beats are formed when people play the Dhol. I know that

a Dhol is an Indian Folk instrument one side made out of cow skin and other side made of

plastic. These two different materials make different tones when playing, which I will

learn more about all the beats through this project. As a Dhol is a part of Punjabis

culture, itll give me more information about Indias history. Furthermore, it will prepare

me for my History 11 course next semester as we may be learning about Indias folk

instruments. As I am a Bhangra dancer, the Dhol beats are played to dance along with,

which is one way the Dhol can be used for. In conclusion, this educational project will

further my knowledge in Indian music, specifically Dhol, which will allow me to become

an expert Dhol player.

3. Finishing a Capstone project focuses on making a connection between an interest and

my career goal, which is becoming a successful Dhol teacher. In terms of my academic

goal, it will firstly give me an in depth understanding of the history and importance of the

Dhol to the Sikh community, which I will be able to use to further my knowledge.

Secondly, by productively learning how to play the Dhol, it can further my career options

by starting Bhangra lessons as a teacher. As Dhol was the supplier for music to Bhangra,

this enhances my career options as I will be able to connect the two. Thirdly, my area of

interest can relate to my career goal for learning how to be a successful Dhol teacher in a

competitive atmosphere. While learning to play the Dhol, this will teach me that the ones

who put in the most effort and hard work are the ones who will be the most successful.

This is the motivation that I will need to work by to become a good Dhol teacher for my

future students. In summary, finishing my Capstone project will relate my academic goals

to my career goals by understanding the history of the Dhol to the Sikh community,

further enhancing my career options, and to become a successful Dhol teacher.

4. With my proposal, I feel that there is more information to be learned and included in

this project. I want to dig deeper into the history behind the creation of the Dhol. This

will help me understand how the Dhol was physically constructed to its form today and

how the beats were created and determined. By knowing this knowledge, I will be able to

better learn how to actually play it and know the significance behind each beat.

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