Aitsl Standard 3

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Standards for Graduates
3.1 Establish challenging learning goals
3.2 Plan, structure and sequence
learning programs
3.3 Use teaching strategies
3.4 Select and use resources
3.5 Use effective communication with
3.6 Evaluate and improve teaching
3.7 Engage parents/carers in the
educative process

3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and

By Sophie Love

Case Story 3.4: Select and use resources 3.6 Evaluate and improve teaching programs.
Having to teach such a broad range of students in my Final Practicum, that is, year 7 through to year
12, I found myself having to research resources frequently. The school had provided iPads to their
year 7-9 students and this was an immense benefit. I really wanted to make use of this as much as
possible throughout the term. One opportunity arose when my mentor teacher said he discovered that
the British Museum had set up a virtual tour of its multiple exhibits. Because we were undertaking an
Ancient World study I thought this would be an excellent resource, especially since it would be an
experience outside of the classroom, without the need to set up all the logistics of an excursion. I
started by going through the museum myself and looking out for key things that would connect to
their current Ancient study and writing them down. I was concerned that not all students would
participate so I worked on making the task interesting. Because the iPads would enable the students
to walk around viewing the museum, I decided to take the class to the gym. I used my list to make a
treasure hunt and created a sort of bingo list for students to tick off. They could then compete with
one another to view all the exhibits that were on the list, take a screen shot of it and get to as many
exhibits as possible in the allocated time. The excitement was obvious and the students were very
grateful to get out of the classroom. However, I faced a new dynamic; moving the class created a
huge challenge with behavior management. Worse still a nearby year 12 class was having a test and
the teacher in charge scolded my class.

Because of their excitement to leave the room, I lost a bit of control and also there was a lot of
confusion over how to get the iPads working through the virtual world. Thankfully I had the
opportunity to try again with the year 7 class the following week. I realised I needed to state my
expectations, give them firm guidelines and time limits and also advise them on keeping their noise
level down due to being next door to the year 12s. This made a massive difference and my added
experience really helped. Adjusting the way I conducted the lesson was the key to a better outcome. I
learnt very quickly about the dynamics of moving large numbers of students.

What I realised was that scenarios like these are part of the job. My mentor reassured me that re-
evaluation is key, sometimes you need to admit you didnt do very well and look for solutions. I
discovered this by way of some key tips from Tom Daccord (2017) regarding technology in classrooms
which helped a lot. These were (in basic form):
Have strict time guidelines
Seek accountability, tell the students they will present their findings, even if for the class
Keep activities challenging and expectations high
Organise authentic and relevant tasks, connected to their lives

This advice was invaluable. My goal from here is that I need to take careful consideration in the
planning of class transitions. If I use iPads, I need to give clear instructions before they even pull
them out of their bags. Writing instructions on the board is also a time (and voice) saver. Using class
sharing as accountability to make sure students actually do as I have instructed is one of my
favourites. Planning activities that direct relate to students real lives is also key. These careful
planning adjustments became a key element of my teaching from that lesson onwards and I endeavor
to continue to use them and refine them as time progresses.

Figure 1 This is my lesson evaluation from the first lesson using iPads for a virtual tour.

Figure 2 These are comments made by my HASS mentor regarding my selection and use of resources with regards to ITC and class involvement
after the initial difficult lesson.

Week 8: Virtual museum task Yr 7 ITC, followed this with museum 'treasure hunt' activity in gym
Week 10: Great resources, web links, apps etc. great lesson with videos landfill.
Super use of ICT. Appropriate research links supplied to students, use of google earth- local examples
Duns[borough] tip explained really well students all fully engaged HASS mentor

Daccord, T. (2017). Students Distracted by Screens? The #1 Antidote from Tom Daccord on Edudemic. Retrieved 08
18, 2017, from EdTechTeacher:

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