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Freezestat Example for Writing a Functional Test
System Air Handling Unit 1
Component or function to be tested: Freezestat
This form is an example of a component level test for the freezestat of AHU1. The format of this
test can be used for other component level tests by keeping the headings and removing the colored
text in each field. The blank form can be filled out electronically ahead of time or can be printed
out blank and filled in my hand in the field. It provides general guidance, a place to outline the
proposed test procedure and a place to document the results.

Purpose: Briefly describe the purpose of the test to be performed.

This test is intended to document the operation of the freezestat on AHU1 so that the
system can be placed in temporary operation to facilitate the finishing of the drywall.
The test assumes that the manufacturer's factory start-up adequately addresses the
equipment start-up issues to the extent necessary to ensure that the machinery will not be
damaged or jeopardized by the temporary operating mode. Several verification checks
targeted at temporary operation issues have been included in the preparation section
of the form to ensure that system level issues are addressed before the unit is
placed in operation.

Instructions: Provide instructions regarding how the test results should be documented and what
(if any) follow up actions are necessary.

Initial each step if the test item passed the test requirements and is completed satisfactorily.
If the item is not satisfactory or the test step fails, record an "F" in the appropriate box instead of
your initials.
Document the reason for failing in the comments section as a numbered note and include the note
next to the F on the test form. If the test step has data associated with it, document
it on the test form in addition to your initials and the date and time.

Equipment Required: Note any special test equipment requirements.

Shortridge multimeter with temperature probe for measuring and quickly documenting
mixed air temperature at multiple points (desirable, but not mandatory).

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Acceptance Criteria: Document the acceptance criteria that will indicate that the test was passed.
1. All prerequisites associated with ensuring safe temporary operation are in place.
2. The freezestat trips when subjected to air below its set point on any 1 foot segment of
its element.
3. The freezestat shuts down the supply and return fans regardless of selector switch
positions (hand, auto, inverter, bypass).
4. The hot water valve goes fully open when the freezestat trips.
5. Manual reset is required to resume normal operation.

Precautions: Document any precautions that need to be taken before, during, or subsequent to the
Performing this test will involve subjecting the freezestat to near freezing air by overriding
the mixed air low limit control system and the outdoor air and return air dampers.
To prevent damage to the coils, take the following precautions:
1. Prior to proceeding, spot check the mixing performance of the mixing dampers by
checking temperatures at various points in the plenum. If there are cold spots, then
monitor the temperature at those points and ensure that it does not drop below 34F
during the course of the test.
2. Take steps subsequent to the test to:
a. Ensure that the freezestat set point is returned to normal if adjusted for testing.
b. Ensure that dampers are returned to automatic control.
c. Ensure that the mixed air low limit cycle is re-enabled.

References: List references like technical papers, CTPL library tests and other information that
might be useful as supporting information for the test team.

1. See chapters 2 and 8 of the Functional Testing Guide for Air Handling Systems for
general testing information (including temporary operation) and information on
economizer cycles and related functions and controls like mixing,
mixed air low limit cycles, and freezestats.
2. See chapter 3 of the Control Design Guide for Air Handling Systems for information
on the design of safety circuits like freezestats.
3. See the control shop drawings for the installation and adjustment instructions for
the freezestat as well as the details of its wiring and the mixed air control system.
(sheets AH1-1 through 3)

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Requirement Data Completed
Include units Initials, Date
and Time
Prerequisites: List any prerequisites that must be in place to execute this test.
1. Permanent freezestat wiring is in place.
2. Prestart checks and verification checks complete.
3. AHU and VFD factory start-up complete.
4. MERV13 filters are installed to capture construction dust.
5. Temporary return filters are in place as necessary.
6. Fire/smoke dampers are open as necessary for circulation.
7. Terminal units are open as necessary for circulation.
8. Hot water is available for the heating coil.
9. Mixed air damper controls are in place including a low
limit cycle and a temporary discharge temperature
control loop.
10. Outdoor air temperatures are below the normal
freezestat set point (best) or below the maximum possible freezest
freezestat set point.
11. The freezestat is located upstream of all non-preheat coils
including steam and hot water coils not designed,
controlled, configured, and piped for preheat service.
Preparation: List steps necessary to prepare for the test.
1. Document the accuracy tolerance for the freezestat from
the manufacturers literature for future reference.
2. Survey the mixed air plenum at the freezestat element
location with the unit operating to determine if there are
any cold spots.
3. If there is more than 15F of temperature variation
in the mixed air plenum, do not proceed with the test until
the mixing performance has been improved. Note that this
necessitates performing a more detailed analysis of the
mixed air plenum stratification by documenting
temperatures at multiple points to assist in correcting
any mixing problems.
4. Monitor the temperature at the coldest point identified
above and do not allow this temperature to drop below
34F at any time during the test.

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5. Manually assume control of the mixing dampers.
6. Document the current out door air temperature. If it is
below freezing, use extreme caution during the test to
ensure that subfreezing air is not introduced into the
Procedure: List actual steps in the procedure here.
1. Place the hand-off-auto selector switch in the auto
position and the inverter-bypass switch in inverter.
2. Document the current freezestat set point.
If at any time during the test, the monitored temperature
reaches 34F or drops below the current freezestat
set point minus the accuracy tolerance, then the test
failed. Report the results to the appropriate parties for correction.
3. If the outdoor air temperature is below the normal
freezestat setting use Option 1 below. If it is above it, use Option 2
Option 1
a. Gradually force the mixing dampers towards the 100%
outdoor air position while monitoring the cold spot in
the mixed air plenum.
b. Document the temperature at which the freezestat trips.
c. Verify that:
i. The hot water valve goes fully open.
ii. The supply fan shuts down.
iii. The return fan shuts down.
iv. The minimum outdoor air damper closes.
v. The mixing dampers return to 100% recirculation.
vi. Manual reset is required for normal operation.
d. Reset the freezestat. Verify that:
i. The supply fan starts.
ii. The return fan starts.
iii. The hot water valve returns to set point control.
iv. The minimum outdoor air damper opens.
v. The mixing dampers open.

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Option 2
a. Gradually force the mixing dampers towards the 100%
outdoor air position while monitoring the cold spot in
the mixed air plenum.
b. If the freezestat does not trip, gradually raise the
freezestat set point up towards the current outdoor
air temperature while monitoring the mixed air
plenum temperature at the cold spot.
c. Document the temperature at which the freezestat trips.
d. Verify that:
i. The freezestat trips at the monitored temperature
plus or minus the stated accuracy.
ii. The hot water valve goes fully open.
iii. The supply fan shuts down.
iv. The return fan shuts down.
v. Manual reset is required for normal operation.
e. Return the freezestat to its normal set point and reset it.
f. Verify that:
i. The supply fan starts.
ii. The return fan starts.
iii. The hot water valve returns to set point control.
iv. The minimum outdoor air damper opens.
v. The mixing dampers open.
4. Repeat the test steps with the h-o-a selector switch in auto.
5. Repeat the test steps with the inverter-bypass switch in
Follow up and Return to Normal: List follow up steps here.
1. Return the freezestat to its normal set point.
2. Return the dampers to full automatic control.
3. Verify that any and all temporary over-rides are removed
from all alarms and control processes.
4. Note the requirement to test the hot water pump interlock
with the freezestat at a later date when the pumping
system is fully operational.

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Test Coordinator(s)
Name Affiliation Work phone Work e-mail

Test Team Members

Name Affiliation Work phone Work e-mail

Test Completion Sign Off

This test has been performed to the best of my ability per the requirements of the procedure.
Deviations or problems encountered have been noted at the end of the test form.

Test coordinator name (print)

Signature, date and time

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Comments and Notes

Comments and Notes

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