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LEVEL 5 MATHS PLANNER Time (Term 3, 2017)

Vic Curriculum Assessment Standards

Level 4 Standards: Elaborations:
Convert between units of time calculating the time spent at school during a normal school day
Use am and pm notation and solve simple time problems calculating the time required to travel between two locations determining
arrival time given departure time
Level 5 Standards: Elaborations:
Compare 12- and 24-hour time systems and convert between them investigating the ways time was and is measured in different Aboriginal
Country, such as using tidal change
using units hours, minutes and seconds
Level 6 Standards: Elaborations:
Interpret and use timetables planning a trip involving one or more modes of public transport
developing a timetable of daily activities

Using/Reading Stop Watches Lesson 1 Determining Prior Knowledge Lesson 2 Converting between 12 and 24
Rotate when we do this lesson due to hour Time
Mon: 5A and 5B / Wed: 5C and Nic
Warm Up: Counting by 6s & Counting by 3s. Pre-Test: Time Match Up - Students Warm Up: Counting by 6s & Counting by 3s.
Show how to use this to count by 60s and 30s complete time match-up activity sheet. Show how to use this to count by 60s and 30s
link to time by counting by hours, seconds etc. Encourage students to find as many link to time by counting by hours, seconds
matches as possible by giving them a etc.
Revise/model the correct use of a stop range of scores to work towards.
watch Show students the Time and Date video Discuss 24 hour time Where do you see it,
why do we use it, who uses it, how do we read
How many seconds? Select a couple of (link below). Brainstorm students
it, what would happen if we didnt use it? Use
students to walk from one end of the knowledge of the concept of time. Time this link
classroom to the other and time them. The and date video:!/media/1566174/lat
other students estimate how many http:/\/ e-again-
seconds they think each student took. me-and-date (there are some other good Or (Introducing 24 Hour time attachment is a
Repeat at least once more to allow things on this link) little story to start the discussion).
students to improve their estimates. Draw up a circle on the board with a Give each student a paper plate or have
What is something you can do in exactly 1 couple of parts already filled out and then them draw a circle. Ask them to draw a clock
minute? Students work in pairs with put it over to the kids to come up and fill using 1 12. Then, together put the 24 hour,
stopwatches and create a class list on the out what they know (sorry picture is stolen hours on 13 24/00.
Students use their drawn clocks as a reference
board. and not very clear!!!) Revise concepts of
to convert given times to 24- hour time.
Students work in pairs to complete the stop- time - length of a minute, length of an Ext: Time-Open Ended Problems or
watch investigation. hour, a day etc. - for
converting between digital 12 hour and 24 hour
Lesson 3 Converting between 12 and Lesson 4 Analogue clock problem Lesson 5 Elapsed Time
24 hour Time solving

Warm-Up: Give each student a sticky note Warm-up: Estimate time and test
some of them have a 12hr time, some how many times can you touch your
have a 24 hour time, some an analogue toes in 20 secs, how many sit-ups can
face etc. Tell them they need to go and
you do in 30 secs, measure your pulse
find any people who have the same time
for 20 secs etc. etc.
as them and make a pair / group. Repeat
a few times. Two clocks problem solving - Sams
Students continue to use their drawn bedroom clock as a whole class
clocks as a reference to convert given example / Julies hall clock
times to 24- hour time. independently.

Ext: Time-Open Ended Problems

Introduce finding elapsed time using a

number line use benchmark numbers:
hours, then 30min, 10 min, 5min blocks to
move between times.

Presented students with a series of problems

to work through. Examples:
Tim goes for a run at 3pm. He runs for
30mins. What time does he finish?
Mike watched a movie from 12:00 to
1:30. How long did the movie go for?
Sally had soccer practice from 2:30 to
4:45. How long did it go for?
The time was 1:00 when dance class
started. It finished at 3:50. How long
was the class?
Sarah goes for a 1hr 30min bike ride.
She started at 11am. What time did
she finish?
Cindy works in her garden 2 hrs 40mins.
When she finished her watch read
4:30. What time did she start?
Lesson 6 Elapsed time Lesson 7- Calendars Spare session to use as needed

You might find after Session 1 you

Using a current timetable of the Look at a current yearly calendar need to do some explicit teaching of
Hurstbridge line, model calculating the and discuss the features does the reading clocks so Ive added a spare
duration of trips between two stations. calendar show a Mon-Sun week or session in here to accommodate for
Record times in analogue and digital a Sun-Sat week; How do we know that!!
form. what day the next month begins Time Match Up - Students repeat time
Student use Planning an Excursion on? What day does the year match-up activity sheet can they
template to calculate the duration of begin/end on? etc. Review the improve on their score from the first
travel between two stations. number of days in each month. session?
(*Note: Using timetables is a Year 6 skill Provide students with a jumbled up timeline of gold rush events;
keep in mind for progression points!). calendar with only January timetabling activity using school
timetable or extra calendar work; extra
labelled -they work to place the
work on converting between 12 and
months in the correct order 24-
Early finishers can work to find out
what day of the week events fall on of-maths/time/time-in-cultural-
in this year: Anzac Day, Christmas settings-investigation-
Day, New Years Day, their birthday, 33755/investigation-australian-
a friends birthday etc. aboriginal-astronomy-1114/hour

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