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Wound Repair and Regeneration


Zinc in wound healing: Theoretical, experimental,

and clinical aspects
Alan B. G. Lansdown, PhD, FRC Path1; Ursula Mirastschijski, MD, PhD2; Nicky Stubbs, RN3;
Elizabeth Scanlon, RN, MSc3; Magnus S. Agren, DMSci4

1. Imperial College Faculty of Medicine, Division of Investigative Sciences, Charing Cross Hospital, London, United Kingdom,
2. Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany,
3. Leeds North West Primary Care Trust, Leeds, United Kingdom, and
4. Department of Surgery K, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark

Reprint requests: ABSTRACT

Dr. Magnus S. Agren, Department of
Surgery K, Bispebjerg Hospital, Bispebjerg Zinc is an essential trace element in the human body and its importance in health
Bakke 23, DK-2400 Copenhagen, Denmark. and disease is appreciated. It serves as a cofactor in numerous transcription fac-
Tel: 145-3531 6493; tors and enzyme systems including zinc-dependent matrix metalloproteinases that
Fax: 145-3531 3911; augment autodebridement and keratinocyte migration during wound repair. Zinc
Email: confers resistance to epithelial apoptosis through cytoprotection against reactive
oxygen species and bacterial toxins possibly through antioxidant activity of the
Manuscript received: March 15, 2006 cysteine-rich metallothioneins. Zinc deciency of hereditary or dietary cause can
Accepted in final form: October 19, 2006 lead to pathological changes and delayed wound healing. Oral zinc supplementa-
tion may be benecial in treating zinc-decient leg ulcer patients, but its thera-
DOI:10.1111/j.1524-475X.2006.00179.x peutic place in surgical patients needs further clarication. Topical administration
of zinc appears to be superior to oral therapy due to its action in reducing super-
infections and necrotic material via enhanced local defense systems and collagen-
olytic activity, and the sustained release of zinc ions that stimulates
epithelialization of wounds in normozincemic individuals. Zinc oxide in paste
bandages (Unna boot) protects and soothes inamed peri-ulcer skin. Zinc is
transported through the skin from these formulations, although the systemic ef-
fects seem insignicant. We present here the rst comprehensive account of zinc in
wound management in relation to current concepts of wound bed preparation
and the wound-healing cascade. This review article suggests that topical zinc ther-
apy is underappreciated even though clinical evidence emphasizes its importance
in autodebridement, anti-infective action, and promotion of epithelialization.

Zinc is a transitional metallic element known from ancient drate metabolism, and oxygen transport, zinc is now
times. It is widely distributed in the human environment, known to be instrumental in stabilizing cellular mem-
being found in water, air, and virtually all foodstuffs. The branes.6,7 Zinc-nger proteins are a family of more than
medicinal properties of zinc in the form of calamine were 2,000 transcription factors that bind specifically to DNA
documented more than 3,000 years ago in the Ebers Papy- and activate transcription of growth factors,4,810 cytopro-
rus and in ancient Ayurvedic manuscripts in early Indian tective proteins,11 and are regulators of adult hematopoi-
medicine,1,2 but the observation by Raulin in 1869 that the etic stem cells.12 Apart from its importance in protein
mold Aspergillus niger would not grow on a zinc-decient complexes, the zinc ion is closely involved in intracellular
medium was fundamental in establishing the importance signaling and neurotransmission.13,14
of zinc in biological systems. Subsequent research has Zinc is second only to iron in being the most abundant
shown that zinc is present, albeit in minute concentrations, trace element in the human body,15 but its nutritional sig-
in all living plant and animal cells, mainly in the form of nificance came to light only in the 1960s following reports
cofactors or structural components in key enzyme systems
in cell replication, protein synthesis, and repair systems
following injury. In 1941, Keilin and Mann3 identied the
rst metalloenzyme, carbonic anhydrase, with zinc as an
essential cofactor, but more recently zinc has been identi- AE Acrodermatitis enteropathica
ed in more than 300 different enzymes, of which alcohol ECM Extracellular matrix
dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, angiotensin-con- IL Interleukin
verting enzyme, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), re- MICs Minimum inhibitory concentrations
verse transcriptase, RNA and DNA polymerases, and MMP Matrix metalloproteinase
superoxide dismutase are well documented.4,5 In addition MT Metallothionein
to its role in nucleic acid and protein synthesis, carbohy- TPN Total parenteral nutrition

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of zinc-responsive growth failure in infants in rural Egypt zinc into breast milk.28 Mutations of the ZnT-4 gene are
and Iran.16,17 responsible for the lethal milk mouse, and pups fed the
Because of new clinical evidence presented at the World maternal zinc-decient milk die before weaning.
Union of Wound Healing Societies meeting in Paris 2004, Expression of MTs and zinc transporters is transcrip-
it is timely to re-evaluate the potential benets offered by tionally regulated by metal-responsive transcription fac-
zinc therapy in wound management. Although numerous tor-1 that senses zinc levels.29
clinical trials claim to show the benets of using oral or
topical zinc therapy in wound management, variations in NUTRITIONAL ROLE AND
treatment regimen and zinc formulations used have ob-
scured the true efcacy of the protocols. In keeping with METABOLISM OF ZINC
the early studies on supplementary zinc therapy in pilon- Zinc was identied as an essential micronutrient by the
idal sinus management,18 evidence is now available to Wisconsin group of biochemists in 1934. The nutritional
show that not only is zinc benecial in the healing prole value of zinc was widely researched by McCance and Wid-
but that it provides an effective level of anti-infective ac- dowson in the 1940s30 but the true clinical significance of
tion.19 Furthermore, a young boy with Hirschsprungs dis- zinc was not appreciated until much later.31 The body re-
ease with symptoms of zinc deciency successfully treated quirements for zinc in humans are normally satised by a
with zinc following gastrointestinal surgery provides fur- well-balanced diet leading to an average daily intake of 10
ther irrefutable evidence for the value of zinc in wound 15 mg per day in concordance with the recommended daily
healing.20 allowance for zinc in healthy adults of 815 mg per
This review summarizes the knowledge on regulation of day.32,33 Diets rich in protein are usually high in zinc,32
zinc homeostasis, nutritional role, and metabolism of the whereas vegetable diets containing high plant ber are low
trace element, zinc deciency and diagnosis, and zinc in in absorbable zinc.1
skin physiology. We also provide an extensive summary of Exogenous zinc is mainly absorbed in the duodenum
experimental and clinical studies on the physiological and and proximal jejunum within 3 hours after meal in-
pharmacological roles of zinc in the wound-healing pro- take.34,35 Zinc rst binds to the apical membrane of the
cess. The review is concluded by a brief description of enterocyte, is transported into the cell, and then secreted
commercially available zinc preparations used in wound into the blood or back into the intestine as endogenous
management and the clinical relevance of zinc absorbed zinc.36 Initial zinc absorption is inversely proportional to
from these products. mucosal MT concentrations but as MT sequesters zinc,
further uptake is suppressed.37 The quantity of absorbed
CELLULAR ZINC HOMEOSTASIS zinc depends on dietary factors.35 Intestinal absorption
from aqueous zinc solutions may be 80% before food
Advances in molecular genetics and zinc-specific uores- intake but only 540% afterward through the action of
cent probes have unraveled many of the mechanisms re- metal chelators, predominantly phytic acid (inositol hexa-
sponsible for zinc uptake, intracellular distribution, and phosphate) in seeds, grains, and legumes, which precipitate
elimination.13 Within cells, 3040% of the zinc is bound to free zinc ions as insoluble complexes.38 Other metal ions
proteins in the nucleus, 50% is located in the cytoplasm, like iron may compete with zinc for binding sites and in-
and the remainder in plasma membranes.5 hibit zinc bioavailability.38 Circulating zinc increases rap-
Metallothioneins (MTs) complex up to 20% of intracel- idly during the rst hour and then declines as the metal is
lular zinc. The implications of MT induction and zinc me- transferred to tissues.
tabolism in health and disease have been reviewed.2123 The maintenance of zinc homeostasis relies on reab-
These ubiquitous, cysteine-rich low-molecular-weight pro- sorption of endogenous zinc mainly from pancreatic secre-
teins regulate the intracellular supply of zinc to enzymes, tion into the distal small bowel, a process that responds to
gene-regulatory molecules and zinc depots, and protect changes in the nutritional zinc status of the individual.35,39
cells from deleterious effects of exposure to elevated levels The liver is a key regulator of zinc homeostasis and con-
of zinc. One MT molecule can bind seven zinc ions. trols indirectly excretion of endogenous zinc, which occurs
The ZIP family of membranous transporter proteins is mainly via the gastrointestinal route.40 Under normal
mainly involved in cellular zinc uptake, whereas the ZnT physiological conditions, renal excretion accounts for 10
family mediates zinc efux.21,24 Energy sources for the zinc 20% of gastrointestinal excretion of zinc, whereas zinc
channels are elusive, and symport as well as antiport mech- losses through desquamation and perspiration are normal-
anisms have been proposed.25 Members of the ZIP family ly insignicant.35
consist of 220650 amino-acyl residues with eight putative
membrane-spanning domains. ZIP-1 is the major uptake ZINC DEFICIENCY AND DIAGNOSIS
system in human tissues26 and is expressed in the small in-
testine, epidermis, and keratinocytes.27 The ZnT proteins The total zinc in the human body is estimated to be 0.8
comprise six putative transmembrane domains with a his- 3.0 g.15 Symptoms and signs of zinc deciency include
tidine-rich loop.24 ZnT-1 is found in plasma membranes ataxia, depression, impaired taste, anorexia, diarrhea, ec-
and catalyzes efux from the cytoplasm into the extracel- zematous dermatitis, alopecia, mouth ulcers, and delayed
lular medium preventing excessive intracellular zinc con- wound healing.16 True zinc-decient states are reported in
centrations.21,24 ZnT-2 translocates zinc ions to an acidic relation to sickle cell anemia, chronic malnutrition, total
endosomal compartment, another mechanism for cyto- parenteral nutrition (TPN), malabsorption disorders,
protection.21,24 ZnT-4 is constitutively expressed in the chronic alcoholism, chronic liver disease, gut stulae,
mammary gland epithelium where it controls secretion of Crohns disease, and ulcerative colitis.1,41,42 In each case,

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zinc supplementation has led to complete remission of the tein complexes where zinc acts as a stabilizer of cell mem-
symptoms. Zinc supplements may be effective in prevent- branes and an essential cofactor, and satises a central role
ing or ameliorating types 1 and 2 diabetes.43 in mitosis, migration, and maturation.
On a molecular level, ZIP-4 is rapidly induced on mi- The zinc concentration in the epidermis (5070 mg/g dry
crovilli of enterocytes during zinc deprivation to compen- weight) is higher than in the dermis (105 mg/g dry weight)
sate for inadequate zinc intake.36,44 Furthermore, in human skin, perhaps reecting the activity of zinc-de-
proinammatory cytokines induce MTs45 that suppress pendent RNA and DNA polymerases in mitotically active
gastrointestinal zinc uptake and the zinc transporter pro- basal cells.6366
tein ZnT-1 that increases hyperzincuria, and thus contrib- Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization local-
ute to a negative zinc balance. ization studies on normal skin indicate high levels of MTs
The diagnosis of zinc deciency in the human body is in the basal epidermis with reduced concentrations in post-
complicated by the low concentrations present and by mitotic keratinocytes, reticuloendothelial cells, and bro-
controversy and lack of sensitive indices.46 In serum, blasts.22,6769 MT is associated with increased tissue
about 60% of zinc is bound to albumin, 30% to a2-ma- concentrations of zinc22 and the zinc content of the skin is
croglobulin, and 10% to various other ligands.47 Normal signicantly lower in the MT-null than in wild-type mice.67
serum zinc is considered to be in the range 1018 mmol/L, Furthermore, the epidermis failed to exhibit hyperplasia in
with higher levels in men than in women33 but variations in MT-null mouse skin challenged with stimulators of cell
published gures may be due to the accuracy of analytical proliferation comparable to that in animals replete with
methods used and circadian rhythms of zinc levels.48 A mRNA for MT genes.67
serum zinc level below 9 mmol/L is biochemically dened There is a critical balance between zinc and calcium in
as zinc deciency49 but malignancies, hyperactivity,50 basal cell mitosis and postmitotic functional maturation
stress, trauma, active tuberculosis, skin diseases, chronic involving keratohyalin synthesis and keratinization in nor-
wounds,5153 chronic renal insufciency, uremia,54 and mal skin.70,71 An inverse relationship is seen in the epider-
nephrotic syndrome are predictable causes of hypozinc- mis between the zinc concentration and the state of
emia. Lower than normal serum zinc in pregnant women is maturation and keratinization of postmitotic cells. Declin-
presumably a result of transplacental transfer of zinc from ing zinc gradients across the epidermis are the reverse of
mother to fetus.55 calcium gradients that increase from the basal layer to
According to Halsted and Smith,56 abnormally low maximal concentrations in the granular cells.70,7274 Cal-
serum zinc merely suggests a state of zinc deciency, and cium-binding proteins like calmodulin hold key roles. Heng
only clear-cut clinical responses to zinc therapy under con- et al.75 demonstrated reciprocity between tissue calmodulin
trolled conditions constitute denitive evidence. Possibly, and cAMP levels in epidermal cells, and showed that cal-
the zinc concentration in white blood cells reects zinc sta- modulin levels decline signicantly in the presence of excess
tus more accurately than plasma zinc level.46 Whole-body zinc. Zinc also modulates the activity of calcium/calmodu-
counting techniques should provide an accurate picture of lin-dependent protein kinase II dose dependently.76
zinc status.38,57 The relative importance of zinc and calcium in cell pro-
liferation and maturation is further illustrated in compar-
HEREDITARY ZINC DISORDERS ative studies of keratinizing epithelia.77 In thin hairy skin
where mitosis is inversely proportional to the hair cover,
Acrodermatitis enteropathica (AE) occurs as a rare inher- zinc and calcium levels are appreciably lower than in pres-
ited disorder transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait.58 sure keratinization on the sole of the foot where the robust
AE is caused by impaired zinc uptake in the small intes- epidermis with one to three basal layers is associated with a
tine, manifests early in childhood, and is associated with protracted keratinization and thick compacted stratum
low serum zinc levels, impaired bowel function, hypogo- corneum. Higher levels of zinc in the sensory epithelia of
nadism and characteristic skin lesions of erythema, vesic- the nasal mucosa and tongue are not only consistent with
ulo-bullous dermatitis, alopecia, stunted growth, high mitotic activity, protracted zones of keratinization,
decreased resistance to infections, and impaired wound and high levels of protein-bound phospholipids, but reect
healing.58,59 Histopathological features of the skin include the importance of zinc in taste and smell perception.78
degenerating keratinocytes, parakeratosis, thick chroma-
tin aggregates, and increased mitosis.60 AE is frequently ZINC IN WOUND-HEALING PHYSIOLOGY
fatal unless treated with oral zinc sulfate.58,59 The etiology
has been ascribed to mutations of the ZIP-4 gene, which Many of the biochemical and molecular events in wound
encodes a zinc transporter protein.44,61 repair can be expedited by addition of supplementary zinc
The secondary laminopathies are due to mutations in a ion through up-regulation of MTs22 and zinc metalloen-
gene that encodes for a zinc metalloproteinase involved in zymes.79 Furthermore, any defect in the expression of zinc-
processing of the intermediate lament prelamin A into nger transcription factors in mRNA coding of growth
mature lamin A and cause mandibuloacral dysplasia and factors is consistent with impaired wound healing.10,11
restrictive dermopathy. Skin broblasts from these pa- The quantitative and qualitative distribution of zinc in
tients show abnormal nuclear morphology.62 skin wounds is determined by atomic absorption spec-
trometry and immunohistochemical techniques for dem-
ZINC IN SKIN PHYSIOLOGY onstrating zinc-binding proteins like MTs.73 Interleukin-1
(IL-1) is instrumental in modulating zinc metabolism
Zinc is located intracellularly and in extracellular matrix through the differential regulation of MT genes.45 This
(ECM) in epidermal and dermal tissues in the form of pro- mechanism may in part explain the marked increase in zinc

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in the early inammatory phase of experimental reconstitution of the ECM.79 Current views on wound
wounds.68,73,80 In the rat wound model, zinc levels in the healing focus upon wound bed preparation as an obliga-
wound margin increased by 1520% within 24 hours, in- tory rst stage in the management of chronic wounds.96 In
creasing to 30% at the time of maximal granulation tissue pig models, wound repair was shown to be an expression
formation and epidermal proliferation.73 This early in- of the debriding efcacy of the collagenases.97 Adminis-
crease was associated with high MT in keratinocytes at the tration of synthetic MMP inhibitors that block the early
wound margin, macrophages, and dermal broblasts, proteolytic and collagenolytic action of MMPs impairs ke-
whereas later, MT deposits were associated with prolifer- ratinocyte migration and wound contraction during
ating populations of epidermal basal cells. The decline in wound healing.98 Increased MMP expression in scars has
zinc in the later stages of healing (1021 days) was consist- been observed at least 1.5 years postwounding90 but their
ent with reduced mitotic activity and scar matur- precise roles in excessive scarring or scarless wound heal-
ation.73,80,81 ing need further clarication.99
Evidence for the functional role of zinc in repair systems In situ hybridization methods have proved useful in
is provided by demonstration of zinc metalloenzymes like identifying sites of mRNA coding for MMPs and mecha-
alkaline phosphatase, RNA and DNA polymerases, and nisms of up-regulation.91,100 Elevated levels of MMP-1
MMPs.82 Alkaline phosphatase is a sensitive marker for mRNA were demonstrated mainly in 1224-hour human
ne dermal blood vessels and early stages of angiogenesis wound broblasts100 and in migrating epidermal tongues
associated with increased inammatory activity and con- as part of the acute phase in wound healing.91 Thus,
nective tissue proliferation.83 DNA polymerases serve as MMP-1 would seem to have a primary role in initiating
accurate markers for cell proliferation.84 tissue repair100 and in epithelialization,94 but then is shut
off although keratinocytes up-regulate MMP-1 expression
in broblasts.101 Wound healing is severely impaired in
MMPs collagenase-resistant mice,102 but MMP-13 knockout ani-
mals did not differ in their efciency of epithelialization,
MMPs belong to the metzincin clan of metalloendopepti- inammatory response, granulation tissue formation, an-
dases.85 Twenty-ve structurally similar human MMPs giogenesis, and restoration of basement membrane.103
have been identied,86 having the following common char- This may be explained by overlapping functions of the col-
acteristics: lagenases and supports the concept of redundant activity
 an N-terminal hydrophobic domain (signal peptide); among the MMPs.103,104 Intracellular MMP-1 also confers
 a propeptide domain; and resistance to apoptosis.105 The membrane-associated
 a catalytic zinc-binding domain. MMP-14 appears to be involved in keratinocyte migration
and survival.104 MMP-2 is expressed in uninjured skin in-
The catalytic domain of MMPs comprises a cleft con- cluding the epidermis and stromal cells of the dermis,91
taining one catalytic tightly bound Zn21, to which the sub- and MMP-2 mRNA persists in broblasts and endothelial
strate initially binds before cleavage, and one additional cells throughout the healing cascade, and appears to be in-
structural Zn21.85,87 volved primarily in the remodeling of scar ECM.90 In con-
As a group, MMPs are capable of degrading essentially trast, MMP-9 is expressed in advancing epithelium only in
all components of the ECM and exhibit diverse proteolytic wound sites where it cleaves bonds between basal cells and
specicities consistent with their wide range of protein and basement membranes while acting as a local organizer
glycoprotein substrates including cytokines, cytokine re- protein.91,106 The persistence of inammatory cell-associ-
ceptors, adhesion molecules, and latent MMPs.86 They are ated MMP-9 is related to poor tissue repair.91,107 Overex-
synthesized variously by all cell types in the wound, not- pression of MMP-9 in chronic human wounds89,91 and in
ably keratinocytes at the wound margin, macrophages, - an ischemic rat wound model was associated with high
broblasts, and endothelial cells under the inuence of levels of proinammatory cytokines also being a cause of
soluble mediators and cellECM contacts.86 MMPs are prolonged proteolysis and delayed healing.108
synthesized as inactive zymogens with a cysteine residue Stromelysins are closely linked to wound contraction as
forming a predomain masking the catalytic site. Disrup- wounds in MMP-3-decient mice exhibited a normal-
tion of this predomain exposes the zinc ion for catalytic looking epithelialization but contraction was impaired.109
binding to a substrate.88 In contrast, MMP-10 expressed in keratinocytes of the ep-
MMPs of particular relevance in wound healing include ithelial tongue of skin wounds93,110 appears to act at the
collagenases (MMP-1, MMP-8, MMP-13), stromelysins cytoplasmic level and recombinant MMP-10 increased mi-
(MMP-3, MMP-10), and gelatinase A (MMP-2) and gela- gration of cultured human epidermal keratinocytes.93 On
tinase B (MMP-9).79,8994 The collagenases cleave native the other hand, mice overexpressing MMP-10 showed nor-
triple helical collagen, whereas MMP-2 and MMP-9 de- mal wound-repair patterns but keratinocytes at the leading
grade fragmented interstitial and denatured collagens, edge exhibited reduced ECM deposition with aberrant
basement membrane type-IV collagens, and gelatin. laminin-5 and b1-integrin expression.93
MMP-3 and MMP-10 have a wide range of substrates in
the wound bed.89,93 Integrins
Characteristically, MMPs are up-regulated following
injury.95 Much attention has focused upon the intrinsic Keratinization and keratinocyte migration are modulated
mechanisms for up-regulation of these endogenous zinc- by zinc through the expression of integrins a2b1, a3b1,
dependent enzymes, their proteolytic role in wound de- a6b4, and avb5.111 In intact skin, these integrins are ex-
bridement and action in modulating cell migration, and pressed mainly in the basal layer and are responsible for

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Zinc in wound healing Lansdown et al.

intercellular and cell-basement membrane adhesion, but 100 Control (0%)

they become altered in response to inammation or tissue
injury. Each integrin is expressed during epithelialization ZnO (1.4%) *
in skin wounds but their expression in cultured keratino- ZnSO4 (0.03%)
cytes is modulated by zinc. Supplementary zinc promotes 80
ZnSO4 (0.3%)
induction of a2, a3, av, and a6 integrin subunits that in-

Epithelialization (%)
uence keratinocyte motility in the healing phase.111 ZnSO4 (2.7%)
60 *
Experimental studies of zinc in wound healing
Many of the initial studies conducted in the 1950s and
1960s, purporting to show the intrinsic role of zinc and
benets of supplementary zinc in acute wound healing, *
were inconclusive.80 Surprisingly, the researchers used gal- 20
vanized water bottles for their rats and did not allow for
this inadvertently added zinc, which advanced wound re-
pair by 30%. 0
More recent studies have shown unequivocally that
topical zinc therapy reduces wound debris and advances 48 hour 64 hour
epithelialization in surgical wounds in the rat.112,113 Ob- Figure 1. Effect of zinc, in the form of zinc oxide (ZnO) or zinc
servations that topical zinc led to reduction of wound sulfate heptahydrate (ZnSO4), on epithelialization of partial-
debris and necrotic material in wounds of different thickness porcine wounds 48 and 64 hours postwounding. Zinc
etiologies112,114,115 led Agren to investigate the action of concentrations of the treatment groups are given as percent-
zinc-dependent MMPs in cultured necrotic tissue from age of elemental zinc per weight vehicle. np < 0.05 compared
porcine wounds.116 Zinc oxide advanced the enzymatic with control vehicle at the respective time point. Mean  SEM.
breakdown of collagen fragments in vitro through MMPs, Data extracted from Agren et al.127
which, as discussed above, exhibit substrate specicity for
most ECM molecules.86,116 Locally applied zinc oxide also
enhanced the repair of ulcerated skin.117 Conversely, in- epithelialization and increased dermal inammatory cell
hibition of MMPs dramatically delays wound healing.98 inltration. Zinc oxide and the lower zinc sulfate concen-
Strong support is given in recent experimental studies to trations possessed a mild anti-inammatory effect.127
show that added zinc aids surgical wound repair113,118 and These results indicate that when zinc is added as zinc ox-
that induced or hereditary zinc deciency is detrimental. ide to wounds, it may exert a pharmacological action on
Rats fed a zinc-decient diet have poor wound heal- wound healing at the stimulatory level of recombinant
ing,81,118 although skin zinc stores are not depleted unless growth factors.129,130 Zinc oxide is advantageous over
both zinc and proteins are severely restricted.119 The mech- readily water-soluble zinc compounds e.g., zinc sulfate be-
anisms responsible for impaired biomechanical strength of cause it provides sustained release of bioavailable zinc to
and collagen metabolism in incisional wounds of zinc-de- the wound at noncytotoxic levels.131133 Zinc oxide and
cient rats are unclear.120 One study reported a normal zinc ion solutions of 500 mmol/L did not elicit cytotoxicity
rate of collagen synthesis in wounds of zinc-decient in cultured human dermal broblasts,132 although in-
rats.121 McClain et al.122 suggested that cross-linking of creased intracellular zinc levels were accompanied by ele-
collagen was compromised. Yet another possibility is the vated intracellular copper levels.134
involvement of zinc in metalloproteinases that cleave pro- There are several possible modes of action to explain
peptides of procollagen molecules,85,123 a step that deter- promotion of epithelialization with supplementary zinc
mines the rate of collagen synthesis.124 Interestingly, when treatment. Increased nuclear MT in wound marginal ke-
supplemental zinc is given to zinc-decient rats, wound ratinocytes and in mitotically active cells of the basal epi-
zinc increases and healing progresses as normal, but no dermis is a positive indication of the involvement of zinc in
difference is seen in the healing pattern in normozincemic DNA polymerases in the burst of mitosis that precedes ep-
animals given extra systemic zinc.118,119 When applied top- ithelialization.67,68 Zinc accumulates in proliferating as
ically for 12 days, zinc oxide was benecial in the treatment opposed to stationary epidermal keratinocytes68 and top-
of full-thickness excisional wounds, regardless of the nu- ical zinc oxide increased keratinocyte proliferation by
tritional status of the rats.125 about 30% in adult murine wounds.135 Zinc ions mimic
Experiments have been carried out in nutritionally bal- the action of growth factors by enhancing intracellular mi-
anced domestic pigs to substantiate the therapeutic value togenic signaling pathways,136,137 and zinc oxide is capable
of zinc oxide supplement in wound healing and its putative of up-regulating endogenous growth factors, notably insu-
mechanisms of action.126 We could demonstrate 30% pro- lin-like growth factor-I,128,138 which may increase epithe-
motion of healing by topical zinc oxide in both partial- lialization.126 In support of these mechanisms is the nding
thickness and full-thickness wounds.126128 Whereas sup- of Mertz et al.,139 who reported faster epithelialization
plementary zinc oxide advanced epithelialization signi- with a 0.003% zinc/iron solution compared with platelet-
cantly in these experiments, topical zinc sulfate offered no derived growth factor-BB in partial-thickness porcine
benets on wound healing (Figure 1).127 On the contrary, wounds. In addition, an antiapoptotic effect in the epithe-
high levels of zinc sulfate (>15 mmol/L) severely delayed lium has been ascribed to zinc,24,140,141 presumably

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through its cytoprotective properties against oxidative developing symptomatic zinc deciency,155 which is re-
stress and bacterial toxins.24,142,143 Modulation of integrin lieved by zinc administration.156 An increased febrile re-
expression111 and activation of MMPs98,116 may contrib- sponse in patients with pancreatitis and catheter sepsis on
ute to enhanced keratinocyte migration with supplemen- TPN with 30 mg elemental zinc supplementation for 3 days
tary zinc. has been reported.157
Zinc in gastrointestinal wound healing has been studied
in animal models. Vaxman et al.144 observed a concomi-
tant decreased serum zinc level and increased zinc concen- Effect of systemic zinc supplementation and
tration in the large bowel following laparotomy and chronic wound healing
construction of colonic anastomoses in rabbits. In dogs, it
The majority of studies designed to determine the efcacy
was found that animals given TPN with a zinc supplement
of systemic zinc in wound healing have been conducted in
for 2 weeks accumulated almost twice the amount of col-
patients with chronic wounds. Chronic leg ulcer patients
lagen in 7-day-old colon anastomotic wounds compared
often have abnormal zinc metabolism57 and low serum
with the zinc-free TPN group.145 Interestingly, serum zinc
zinc levels.52,53 A recent appraisal concluded that no trial
correlated signicantly with collagen deposition in the
has shown a statistically significant benet for zinc sulfate
anastomotic wounds.145 This indicates a very central
in leg ulcer therapy158 unless there is evidence of low serum
physiological role of zinc in collagen accumulation in tis-
zinc.158 The adverse effects of oral zinc sulfate, usually giv-
sue repair, which can be stimulated by zinc treatment. In
en as capsules or tablets containing 220 mg thrice daily,
another experimental study, zinc given intraperitoneally
include abdominal pain, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, and
immediately after operation and daily for 4 days (2 mg/kg/
day) increased the bursting pressure of colon anastomoses
No correlation was observed between the concentra-
on the seventh postoperative day in both normal rabbits
tions of zinc in serum and skin in patients with leg
and rabbits treated with a chemotherapeutic agent.146 In-
ulcers,160 suggesting that zinc deciency condition might
creased broblast inltration and enhanced epithelializa-
exist in spite of normal serum zinc values. In addition to
tion were observed in the zinc-treated rabbits.146 We were
serum zinc measurements, complementary assessment of a
unable to reproduce these benecial effects of intraperito-
patients dietary intake may provide a useful guide to their
neal zinc sulfate on colon anastomosis repair in a rat mod-
zinc status and need for supplementation. Wissing et al.161
el either on postoperative day 3 or 7.
and Raffoul et al.52 followed cohorts of chronic wound
Gastric ulcers in zinc-decient rats heal slower than in
patients and concluded that the patients zinc intake was in
normal controls147 and zinc compounds can improve mu-
general poor.
cosal regeneration in zinc-sufcient normal and diabetic
Effect of topical zinc on normal and impaired
WOUND MANAGEMENT Zinc is more commonly used topically, although it is un-
clear when zinc was rst used in the management of skin
Influence of surgery on zinc metabolism and systemic wounds.2,162 Pharmacopoeias list zinc sulfate as a local as-
use of zinc in surgical patients tringent and antiseptic, zinc chloride as an escharotic, and
insoluble zinc oxide and calamine as mild antiseptics, as-
Surgical trauma and infection are associated with redistri- tringents, and protective agents, with particular value in
bution of zinc from the circulation to the liver and possibly treating inammatory skin conditions and supercial
other tissues.150,151 This acute-phase response as a protec- wounds.163
tion against host-accumulated damage or infection is most The value of topical zinc application in wound care is
likely due to induction of MTs because MT-null mice do underpinned by early observations by Henzel et al.64 They
not react with hypozincemia or hepatic zinc sequestration reported that in patients following major surgery, a pro-
following lipopolysaccharide administration.152 nounced decline in blood and tissue zinc, together with in-
Zorrilla et al.153 found that impaired wound healing, creased zincuria and loss of zinc in wound exudates/debris
dened by clinical signs of infection and dehiscence, was resulted, in up to a 50% reduction in zinc in the granula-
signicantly related to low levels of zinc in serum obtained tion tissue and wound margin, creating a local zinc deficit
from 80 (36 men) patients before they had total hip re- in patients with poor wound healing.
placement. We were unable to correlate serum zinc with We have investigated the effects of zinc oxide applied
time to complete healing of open pilonidal wounds in 64 topically to chronic and acute wounds in randomized-con-
patients (53 men).19 Zorillas patients were 66 years old153 trolled trials.19,114,164166 In a double-blind, placebo-con-
compared with our 25-year-old patients.19 In a double- trolled trial, zinc oxide promoted healing of leg ulcers.166
blind trial, Faure et al.154 infused zinc (30 mg/day) pre- Furthermore, zinc oxide was as effective as an enzymatic
and postoperatively for 3 days in 30 patients subjected to topical debriding agent in the treatment of pressure
major vascular reconstructive surgery. This zinc supple- ulcers.164 In diabetic foot ulcers, a zinc oxide-medicated
ment was sufcient to prevent the postoperative serum occlusive dressing was signicantly more effective in de-
zinc decline. Furthermore, signicantly fewer wound-heal- bridement compared with autodebridment using a stand-
ing complications occurred in zinc-treated patients com- ard hydrocolloid occlusive dressing.114 Moore167 strongly
pared with placebo-treated patients.154 Surgical patients advocates topical zinc oxide treatment for diabetic foot
on TPN without trace element supplements are prone to ulcers. A debriding effect of zinc oxide has also been

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Zinc in wound healing Lansdown et al.

observed in burn wounds.115 Because hypozincemia51 naturally in tissues showing high cell turnover, including
and delayed wound healing are common in these pa- the bone marrow and thymus, and is considered to be an
tients, it cannot be concluded from these studies that zinc important regulator for macrophages and polymorphonu-
is also effective in patients with normal zinc stores. In a clear leukocytes.184,185 Zinc is also capable of inhibiting
recently completed double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, nitric oxide formation186 and prevents sulfhydryl groups
topical zinc oxide did not signicantly decrease time to from oxidation, other possible mechanisms of the anti-in-
closure of open pilonidal wounds.19 The less obvious effect ammatory activity of zinc.187 The functionality of zinc in
of zinc in this wound type may be explained by the obser- antimicrobial peptides needs further elucidation.188 Bio-
vations that zinc stimulates epithelialization more than lm formation in wounds is an important determinant for
wound contraction in experimental wounds.126 In support the effectiveness of antimicrobial therapy.183 Although
of this, results from smaller clinical trials indicate the bene- zinc at 1 mmol/L depressed the growth of E. coli, the
cial effects of topical zinc on human wounds healing pre- movement of zinc into deeper layers of biolms was limit-
dominantly by epithelialization such as suction-blister ed.189 The emergence of methicillin-resistant S. aureus
wounds,168 supercial (1 mm deep) small incisions,169 and (MRSA) is a growing problem in wound care. Ugur et
split-thickness skin graft donor sites.170 Taken together, al.190 reported 13.6% MRSA resistance to zinc. They de-
larger-scale trials are urgently required to verify the trend ned resistance as MRSA strains surviving zinc concen-
of accelerated wound healing with topical zinc oxide in trations above 1 mmol/L. Resistance mechanisms involve
acute human wounds. the induction of efux pumps that lowers intracellular
Intriguingly, topical zinc reduced oral antibiotic con- Zn21 concentrations.191
sumption signicantly compared with placebo treat- Thus, as zinc supplements possess mild antimicrobial
ment.19 Furthermore, Staphylococcus aureus was cultured properties against common wound ora173 and aid a hosts
signicantly less frequently from zinc oxide-treated than defense system against infections,178 consideration might
from placebo-treated wounds,19 substantiating its mild an- usefully be given to zinc products in wound care.
ecdotal antiseptic property.163
Zinc is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent Zinc-containing products available for topical application
in wound management include paste bandages, stockings,
Zinc is an essential micronutrient also for prokaryotic or- and occlusive adhesive dressings, alginates, and zinc-saline
ganisms. Zinc homeostasis in prokaryotes is regulated dressings (Table 1).
through a number of specific and nonspecific membrane- Zinc paste bandages or Unna boot composed of open-
bound uptake and efux pumps.171 Intracellular free zinc wove cotton gauze impregnated with zinc oxide paste re-
levels are maintained at subtoxic levels through MTs un- main as standard treatments for leg ulcers.192 Unna boot
related by evolution to the MT in eukaryotic cells.172 provides a protective barrier199 and anti-inammatory
At superphysiological levels, zinc inhibits the growth of benet to varicose eczema.200 Zinc itself may occasionally
several bacterial species. Gram-positive organisms appear cause burning, stinging, itching, and tingling when applied
to be more sensitive to zinc than Gram-negative bacteria. to inamed tissues. Hypersensitivity to topical zinc oxide is
For example, minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) absent or rare201 and most commonly associated with the
of Zn21 on aerobic bacteria isolated from human wound excipients of the dressing.165,193 Preservatives, especially
infections were determined in one study.173 Four suscepti- parabens but also cetearyl alcohol, can sensitize the skin193
bility grades emerged from the study: and have been omitted in newer and sterile bandages.
1. Streptococcus groups A, C, and G (MICs 0.5 Zinc paste bandages must be applied loosely and lightly.
2 mmol/L); In dressing leg ulcers, a bandage should be applied from
2. Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus group B (MICs the base of the toes to the tibial tuberosities, ensuring that
24 mmol/L); the heel is completely enclosed. The bandage must be
3. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp., Enterobacter sp. (MICs pleated at each turn to accommodate potential edema. Al-
48 mmol/L); and ternatively, the bandage may be cut into strips and overlap
4. Proteus sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus sp. each layer by 50%. The bandage must be covered either by
(MICs 832 mmol/L). a retention bandage such as crepe or a compression ban-
dage if the arterial circulation is adequate. Paste bandages
Similar sensitivity patterns were observed for clinical can be left in place for up to a week for treatment of ulcers
isolates from burn wounds.174 Zinc oxide also showed and up to 2 weeks if treating the skin alone.
antibacterial activity against aerobic and anaerobic endo- A three-armed randomized clinical trial involving 113
dontal pathogens.175,176. venous leg ulcer patients compared a zinc paste bandage
Zinc oxide inhibits attachment177 and growth of S. au- with a zinc oxide-medicated stocking and a calcium algin-
reus in vitro.178,179 In vivo, Sunzel et al.180 inoculated sub- ate dressing.195 The zinc products and alginate dressing
cutaneous steel-wire cages implanted in guinea-pigs and were applied in conjunction with compression bandages.
rabbits with S. aureus (strain 209 P) and demonstrated sig- The ulcers healed signicantly faster in patients treated
nicantly reduced growth in the presence of zinc oxide. with the zinc paste bandage compared with the zinc stock-
There is currently a trend in the increased use of anti- ing and the alginate dressing. The authors concluded that
microbial agents like silver and iodine.181,182 The effective- the improved healing rates were attributable to improved
ness of antimicrobial therapies depends on host defense venous blood return during exercise through the extra
mechanisms and virulence factors.183 Zinc concentrates compression delivered by the nonelastic paste bandage

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Table 1. Nonexhaustive list of commercial zinc-containing wound care products

Product Manufacturer Zinc content and other ingredients Documentation

Zinc paste bandages (Unna boot)
Calabands2, 193 Molnlycke Health Care, Zinc oxide (9.25%)
Goteborg, Sweden Calamine (5.75%)
Gelocasts Smith & Nephew, Zinc oxide (10%)
Hull, UK
Steripastes194 Molnlycke Zinc oxide (15%)
Varolasts Hartmann, Heidenheim, Zinc oxide (15%)
Germany Methyl and propyl p-hydroxybenzoates
Viscopastes PB7194 Smith & Nephew Zinc oxide (10%) Venous leg ulcers195
Cetearyl alcohol, methyl and propyl
Zincabands2,193 Molnlycke Zinc oxide (15%)
Propyl p-hydroxybenzoate
Zipzocs (stocking) Smith & Nephew Zinc oxide (20%) Venous leg ulcers195,196
Other zinc-supplemented dressings
Curasorbs Zn Tyco, Mansfield, MA Zinc-impregnated (0.18%n) calcium alginate
Dermagrans Hydrophilic Dermascience, Zinc ointment (0.05%n) in nonwoven swab Chronic skin ulcers of different
Princeton, NJ Zinc-saline formulation in gauze etiologies197
Mezincs Abigo Medical, Zinc oxide (25%) and zinc resinates Diabetic foot ulcers114
Askim, Sweden in an adhesive mass Burns115
Venous and arterial leg ulcers165
Trionics Johnson & Johnson Zinc (0.03%n), calcium and manganese Medium to heavy exudating
Wound Management, supplemented alginate secondary healing wounds198
Norderstedt, Germany
Determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry129 and given as percentage of elemental zinc per weight dressing material.

and that zinc oxide did not account for the healing differ- and concentration of the zinc compounds in the topical
ences. This conclusion may be incorrect as the vehicle may formulations.208210 Although penetration of the zinc ion
have masked any benecial effect of zinc oxide in the through intact skin in normozincemic humans is low from
stocking.132 topical zinc oxide,211 dermal absorption was demonstrated
Indications for zinc-containing ointments, creams, and with a zinc oxide cream (Triple Care, Smith & Nephew,
lotions in dermatotherapy were recently reviewed by Hull, UK) applied for 3 hours to the forearm arm of
Schwartz et al.202 healthy volunteers.212 Zinc oxide hydrolyzes in the pres-
ence of skin surface acidic moisture to release biologically
active Zn2163; this readily reacts with sulfhydryl groups in
ABSORPTION OF ZINC THROUGH epidermal keratin. Agren63 showed that zinc oxide in a
rosin-based occlusive adhesive dressing applied to normal
THE SKIN AND FROM WOUNDS forearm human skin led to an initial accumulation of zinc
Percutaneous absorption of zinc is greatly inuenced by in the stratum corneum of the epidermis and penetrated to
the integrity of the natural skin barrier function afforded deeper levels after longer exposure. Increased zinc levels
by the stratum coreum.203,204 Regulatory processes are not were measured in interstitial uid and dermis within 48
known but presumably MTs, present in basal epidermal hours. No zinc penetration was observed when zinc oxide
cells and hair papillae,69 have a role in percutaneous zinc was incorporated into an occlusive hydrocolloid adhesive
uptake. MTs are induced locally and distally by topical dressing presumably due to lack of formation of lipophilic
application of zinc.205207 Topically applied glucocorti- zinc resinates.213 Gamer et al.214 also failed to demonstrate
coids also induce MTs.205 It is unclear presently whether zinc penetration from microne zinc oxide applied to in-
transporter genes of the ZIP or ZnT classes are involved in tact porcine skin in vitro. Increased zinc deposition is seen
percutaneous absorption. in epidermal keratin with acidic preparations like zinc
Zinc absorption by the skin is inuenced by the amphi- chloride under occlusive conditions.141,208,215 The greater
philia of the vehicle and physicochemical properties acidity favors ionization and the increased state of hydra-
(solubility, pH, molecular weight, partition coefcient) tion enhances percutaneous absorption.216

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