September 29, 2017

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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 135 Issue 28 Friday, September 29, 2017 90 cents plus tax

INSIDE Manor Changes Unveiled

this week

100 Years
For Bethany

Soil Farm

9 Photo by Darryl Holyk

For months, the Townview Manor has been under

wraps but on Monday, part of the green PCL wrap
was removed from the north side of the building
If your label reads unveiling its new look. The previous light yellow and
17 /09 /30 brown concrete exterior (at right) has been covered
with new insulation, grey siding and new windows.
Its time to renew
Once completed, the 40 plus year old local high rise
your subscription! apartment building will look like a brand new
204-867-3816 housing complex and should provide housing for
residents for many more years to come.
File photo


Minnedosa Drama Club NOVEMBER 16TH DINNER $45.00 MCCC
presents NOVEMBER 17TH PUB NIGHT $20.00

The Boardinghouse Ticket

Begin OctOBer 4th
November 15th & 16th tickets available at Inspire Studio and
Minnedosa Regional Library For November 16th tickets
Find Minnedosa Drama Club on Facebook call 204-867-3621
2 Friday, September 29, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

Community Clubs Come Together To Open Lines of Communication

By DARRYL HOLYK ment, Skate the Lake, for future events?
Youth Soccer, Valley Cruiz- This years second an-

M innedosa and Area

ers, Minnedosa Lions, Golf
Course, Communities in
Bloom, Minor Hockey,
nual Valley Fun Colour
Run was held on August
20th and suffered greatly
and Minnedosa Tourism Chamber of Commerce, in participation numbers.
partnered to host a com- Handivan, Minnedosa Ro- That day also saw the
munity tourism town hall tary, Mens Shed, Parent opening of the revamped
meeting on the evening Advisory Council, Rugby, bike park at Rivers Edge,
of Wednesday, Septem- Expressions Concert Se- the Scam Skate races and
ber 20th at the Minnedosa ries, Fun Fest, Baseball, Heritage Day at the Heri-
Complex. Minnedosa Drama Club, tage Village. Another pos-
The meeting was held Little River Game and Fish, sible reason for the small
as a way to try and better Minnedosa District Mu- attendance could be the
co-ordinate communica- seum and Heritage Village, fact that there were a cou-
tion and upcoming events Minnedosa and Area Food ple of local weddings being
being hosted by the many Bank, Community Christ- held that weekend. With so
individual clubs and ser- mas Dinner and Rolling many other things going
vice groups in our com- River Festival of the Arts. on and the amount of vol-
munity. Rather than ev- Groups were encour- unteer hours put into the
erybody quietly working aged to let the local tour- Colour Run for such a dis- File photo
away on their own, it is ism committee and CDC mal turnout, the organiz-
hoped that more volunteer know about upcoming ing groups have decided
Fun Fest is just one of the annual attractions which draws people to
groups can open the lines events so that they can be to abandoned the Colour
of communication and added to the community Run for next year. How-
Minnedosa. The CDC and Tourism Committee hope local groups can
work together for common calendar on the commu- ever, it was indicated that work together to make such events even greater successes in the future.
goals. nity website. the opportunity to host the
A good turnout of A discussion was also Colour Run could certainly change in the format of suggested that perhaps it participating groups.
community volunteers held for groups to share be taken over by another 50/50 ticket sales during would be more beneficial Hopefully, as a result
turned out for the evening what new ideas, events or group in the community if Julys Fun Fest weekend. for Fun Fest to have one of the town hall tourism
meeting with representa- promotions they may have they so wished. Currently, there are nu- huge 50/50 raffles with the meeting, some positive
tives from various local tried this year and how they When it comes to all merous groups and clubs same tickets being sold changes will come forward
committees. Groups rep- went over. What worked? working together for a involved in the various Fun by the various groups at to assist local groups in
resented at the meeting What didnt work? How common goal, something Fest events which means all Fun Fest events. The hosting events next year
included: Beach Enhance- could things be improved that was suggested as a there are numerous 50/50 money raised could then and into the future.
draws being held. It was be divvied up between the

Business Cards
We print business cards
in all styles and quantities. Colour Cards
Stop in today prices starting at
or call us

250 500 1000
for details. $45.00 $70.00 $110.00

The Minnedosa Tribune

Minnedosa, MB 204-867-3816

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The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 29, 2017 3

New Dock and Boat Launch Minnedosa Lions Sponsor

Soon To Be Installed TCS Breakfast Program

Photo by Darryl Holyk

By Hillary Miller which will also be going in once again.

at that location, will have With the water level of

T he plans for the new

dock, to be placed
where the old dock and
a similar configuration to
what the old boat launch
had, but will be angled
the lake being so low this
year, there is no need to
lower the lake level, which
boat ramp are, near the more to the north, which will work in the contrac-
Minnedosa Beach, are al- will allow them to lessen tors favour. It is currently Photo submitted
most ready to be carried the angle into the lake. at the right height, even Minnedosa lions Club are proud sponsors of the Tanners Crossing
out. This will make a lot of boat- with the addition of the School Breakfast program which offers a wholesome breakfast to
According to Town of ers happy, since it will not rain over the past week. students. Pictured above is TCS Principal James Shepard accepting a
Minnedosa Public Works be such a steep slope on However, Marcino noted
$1,000 cheque from and Minnedosa lions member Donna illerbrun.
Superintendent, Kevin which to back their boats that the low lake level
Marcino, once the con- into the water. should not change any-
tractors are available, they Weve had people thing with respect to cost.
will put in the pads for complaining that the old The current estimated
the dock, and will then one was too steep, and too cost for the project is about
see what they can do to
work on the floating part
rough, said Marcino. Pre-
viously there was a floating
$30,000. This will include
approximately $10,000
Grant Application
of it. Parish Backhoe Ser-
vices will be coming in to
dock in place, which was
then replaced by a roll-out
for the pads, $11,000 for
the floating dock, and the
for 2017
do the excavating on site. style, but this style did not remainder for any other Minnedosa and District Foundation Inc.
This will level the ground, compensate for the chang- work that needs to be done MISSION STATEMENT:
readying it for the pads to ing lake levels that we are for the project.
The Minnedosa and District Foundation Inc. is committed to enhance
be placed. seeing now, so the new
The new boat launch, dock will be a floating dock the quality of life for our citizens, by promoting charitable, educational,
and cultural endeavors: to encourage and inspire donors in charitable
giving for the benet of the community and to
Deadline October 1, 2017
The Minnedosa and District Foundation is currently accepting
myCommunity applications for grants for the calendar year 2017. The Foundation will
Neighbours Indeed entertain applications on an annual basis to be allocated by
Be a Neighbour... December 31, of the current year.
And announce

Fall Special!!!
these special events A grant application is required along with:
to your community
Birth of Child
1. A brief history of the organization and project
Wedding 2. Most recent nancial statements
Wedding Anniversaries
25th, 40th, 50th, 60th Don't be left out 3. Anticipated budget
4. Purpose of the request
New home residency
You may qualify for a
personalized keepsake
in the cold!!! 5. Timeline for completing your project
Applications are available from
gift offer compliments
of local business and
professional sponsors Electric Furnace inspection and Minnedosa Insurance Services.
Applications are also available on-line at
Minnedosa Pharmacy blower cleaning starting at $55.00
Glenndosa Glass 1990 Ltd.
Minnedosa insurance Services (Plus applicable taxes) Applications are to be mailed by October 1, 2017 to:
KimsQuality Foods
Integra Tire Minnedosa and District Foundation Inc.
Heritage Co-op
Minnedosa Tribune
Gateway Motel
Call Jon at PO Box 1980
Minnedosa, MB
Be part of your Community! 204-867-0145 R0J 1E0
Contact Tillie Johnson To schedule your appointment today! email:
204-867-3414 (26-5) APPLICATION DEADLINE IS OCTOBER 1, 2017. (26-2)
4 Friday, September 29, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

Darryl a.Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

Around the Region

Lower Than Forecast Deficit
Shows Fiscal Plan Is Working
Killarney Guide The United Grain Growers elevator
annex was demolished by Russel Construction. The tear-
down took the crew six hours and drew quite a large crowd
of spectators.
our recovery.
Souris Plaindealer The National Kids Cancer Ride The year-end results for 2016-17 show $930 mil-
passed through Souris. The ride began in Vancouver on Under The Dome lion was spent to service the debt in 2016-17, an in-
September 6th and will finish in Halifax September 23rd. By crease from the budgeted sum of $911 million. Provin-
As of 2016, the ride has raised $44 million. cial debt-servicing costs are projected to grow to $991
GREG NESBITT million for 2017-18. Thats almost a billion dollars that
Melita New Era The Prairie Vision Arts Council mort- Riding Mountain MLA goes to international bankers and not to front-line ser-
gage burning party was a flaming success. The evening in- vices for Manitobans.
cluded the World Class Improv Comedy duo, Stephen and With our governments provincial budget in 2016,
Ciaty, a display of photographs showing before and after immediately after taking office, we committed to pru-

photographs of the numerous renovations and of course ur governments strong fiscal plan for a responsi- dent management and have since taken firm mea-
the burning of the mortgage. ble recovery for Manitoba is working, and is lead- sures to ensure Manitobas financial sustainability.
ing to significant progress in reducing the provinces We are slowing the growth in expenditures and
Deloraine Times and Star There was an excellent turn- deficit. bringing them in line with revenues. While control-
out for the 40th anniversary celebration for the Delwynda Finance Minister Cameron Friesen announced ling annual spending growth to below three percent,
Personal Care Home in Deloraine. Some of the original on September 19th that the summary deficit has been we have undertaken a value-for-money review and a
staff who were in attendance for the grand opening in 1977 reduced to $764 million, according to public accounts sustainable health-care review that are finding savings
were able to attend the anniversary party. for 2016-17. Thats $147 million lower than the deficit and achieving better results for Manitobans.
that had been budgeted for the fiscal year. Our government has also brought in the Fiscal Re-
Carberry News-Express A recent computer virus cost Its a remarkable turnaround. If we had continued sponsibility and Taxpayer Protection Act that ensures
the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford a great deal of on the path of the previous NDP government, Manito- sustainability with a commitment to smart financial
tech time and lost work hours when they were held hos- bas deficit would have climbed to $1.7 billion by 2019. management. This new law requires real progress to-
tage by ransomware. Fortunately, they have an excellent This improvement marks the first time in five years ward balanced budgets through progressively smaller
back-up system and were able to retrieve all but one days that Manitobas deficit is lower than budgeted, and its deficits, and includes pay cuts for cabinet ministers
data. a result of discipline in managing expenditures and ef- who fail to achieve deficit-reduction targets.
fective budget forecasting while meeting targets. How- Our province requires fiscal stability to maintain
Boissevain Recorder - A sudden burst of rain on Septem- ever, Manitoba continues to suffer the consequences the services that Manitoba families rely on. We have
ber 19th drenches Boissevain. During the two hour rain of the NDPs fiscal failures. The costs of servicing the made great progress, despite the challenges, and are
fall, around 70 to 76 mm (2 3/4 to 3 inches) of rain fell. The provincial debt, which had doubled in eight years un- on a path toward ensuring these services are sustain-
intense runoff plugged storm drains, backing up water and der the previous government, remain a concern for able into the future.
flooding streets, some places knee deep and higher.

Over $1,200 Raised For Heritage Village At Flea Market

By DARRYL HOLYK dise from used trinkets and treasures,
home baking and preserves, crafts, knit-

A lthough the weather outside on Sun-

day was cool and wet, that did not
stop treasure seekers from flocking to
ted handiwork and more. There was truly
something for everyone and something
for all ages.
the Ukrainian Hall for the annual Flea Those in attendance could enjoy a
Market and Craft Sale, held in support piece of homemade pie or homemade
of the Minnedosa District Museum and borscht and sandwich lunch.
Heritage Village. Over a dozen vendors of- At the end of the day, over $1,200 was
fered shoppers a wide array of merchan- realized for the Heritage Village.

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and

published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883. We acknowledge the financial support of the
Published Friday of each week from the premises of publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. (CPF) for our publishing activities.
Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
Minnedosa, MB. R0J 1E0 necessary by the publisher.
E-Mail Addresses: We are not responsible for fax transmissions or email
Member of Manitoba Community Newspapers Association
and Newspapers Canada General: submissions that are not received. To guarantee that such
Audited twice a year by Canadian Media Circulation Audit Ads/printing:
submissions have been received please confirm with a phone
call or in person.
Phone: (204) 867-3816 Classifieds:
Fax: (204) 867-5171 All contents copyright 2017
Cell: (204) 867 - 7000
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 29, 2017 5

South Mountain Refugee Program

By Hillary Miller come to the area, and be
integrated into Canadian
The Minnedosa and Dis-
trict Foundation has been
family before approving
the application.
Ye O l d
A group of locals have society. very helpful in providing In the meantime, the

formally organized We realize that there funding, as well as various group will continue with
to form what is now the are millions of refugees, church groups throughout their fundraising efforts.
South Mountain Refugee but as a geographic area the area. An art auction They have also lined up a
Program. The program of about 6,000 people, we was held previously, as number of community vol-
began as a series of com- cant help everybody, but well as an African inspired unteers who will help with
munity meetings, but in we can help at least one potluck dinner, where do- all of the different aspects
September 2016, once the family to change their situ- nations were accepted. involved in integrating the
federal government an- ation for the better, said The group will be hold- family into our Canadian
nounced a response to Syr- Ceplis. ing future fundraisers, but community. This could 1887 Subscribe or renew your subscription to The
ian refugees, they decided So far, they have raised could not comment on be anything from navigat- Minnedosa Tribune and The Nor-West Farmer from now
to officially organize, and $16,000, but in order to these at this point. ing the school system, to till the end of 1888 for $2.00 cash.
elected an executive. fully support the family The South Mountain getting health card and
The group had their for a twelve-month peri- Refugee Program has es- finding a doctor, to provid-
AGM in September 2017, od, as is the requirement tablished an agreement ing help with resumes and
1907 - Complaints of wood stealing are very generous
and the thieves, if caught, will get into serious trouble.
and is working towards to sponsor a family, they with the Mennonite Cen- finding employment.
raising funds to bring an have estimated a need for tral Committee, out of When they first arrive
African family to the area, $30,000. This might be Winnipeg, because they in Canada, the family will 1917 Over 70 motors, beside many buggies, were
although Dinah Ceplis, the lower for families in larger are a sponsorship holder, likely stay in Erickson until in Bethany on Sunday last, with people attending the
secretary for the group, cities where public trans- and they have an agree- their housing or employ- church opening. The day was very fine.
would not say what part of portation is available, but ment with the Federal ment situation becomes
Africa the family is from, as in more rural areas, they Government, since there is established, and they may 1937 Minnedosa Schools have reached a record reg-
this could jeopardize the need to account for the a limited number of refu- or may not need to move istration with total enrollment of 436 pupils. That is an
safety of the family prior need for the adults in the gee families that are ad- elsewhere. They have increase of 60 pupils over last years registration.
to their arrival in Canada. family to get to and from mitted into Canada each been in communication
Their mandate is to sup- work, once employment is year. with Ericksons Lutheran 1947 Surprising even the most optimistic supporters
port a refugee family to established. It is a lengthy process, Pastor, Jim Vickers, who is of the measure, town ratepayers voted 92 percent in fa-
and the South Mountain also the chairperson of the vour of a by-law to provide $12,500 for the completion of
Refugee Programs appli- South Mountain Refugee

Hey, Tomato Face!

the new rink.
cation was submitted to Program.
the Federal Government Anyone wishing to as- 1957 Paul Melcosky has been appointed the Towns
in 2016, and they were as- sist in the fundraising ef- Dogcatcher. It used to be that the dogcatcher received 50
signed a file number. The forts of the committee can cents per day for feeding impounded dogs but this has
Federal Government will contact Dinah Ceplis at now been increased to $1.00. The fee paid to the dog-
then thoroughly vet the catcher for destroying unwanted or vicious dogs has also
increased from $1.00 to $5.00 per dog.

TRIBUNE 1967 Barry Delmage has been signed as coach for the
new farm club of local hockey to be called The Minnedo-
sa Bombers. The teams manager is Tribune Editor, Pat

867-3816 1977 Some local advertisers: Lanes Lumber and Sup-

ply Ltd., Sexeys Painting and Decorating, Madills Meat Processing, Minnedosa Auto Sales and Hec-Way Ltd.
Custom Grain Hauling.

Minnedosa 1987 Minnedosa Co-op Service Station is now offering

full service at the pump. Gas prices: 47.7 Regular, 48.5 No

Mens Shed
Photo by Heather Horner

Tis the season for unique vegeatables. This toma- 1997 The new name for the Minnedosa Regional
to was grown in Clanwilliam by Harold Hopkins. Training Project will be Yellowhead Regional Skills and
Services offering expanded services. Program co-ordina-
as in years past, we continue to await a vegetable
tor is Colleen Jury with Assistant Julie Hutton.
resembling elvis. Maybe this will be the year as
its the 40th anniversary of his death.

Letters to the Editor

The Minnedosa Tribune welcomes Letters to the
Editor. All letters must include the writers full name,
address, and telephone number. Only the writers
name will be published; address and phone number
are required for confirmation. Anonymous letters will
not be published. Letters that are deemed libelous, Meet Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. Dr. Derek Papegnies
in bad taste, or describe an incident involving other 287 4th Street S.W.
people, will not be published.
The Minnedosa Tribune reserves the right to
Mens Shed are welcoming supportive, safe places for camaraderie and
edit letters based on taste, legality, clarity, and socialization where there is equality and inclusion for all members. Activities may
length. Letters to the Editor can be submitted in include wood carving, playing cards, conversation and coffee, woodworking and more.
Community volunteering...Members decide.
person, sent by mail to Box 930, Minnedosa, MB 129-2nd Avenue S.W., Minnedosa, MB
R0J 1E0, by fax (204) 867-5171, or by email to For Information call:
Warren - 204-868-0703 Roland - 204-867-7102 Ken - 204-867-3532 FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL:
We accept donations of gently used tools, wood, stained glass equipment & Supplies etc. 204-867-2455
6 Friday, September 29, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

Newdale News
By Ravens Glen WI bling, from the early Bible Jonathan, Larissa and Ju- sound and lighting as well Shirley Pederson and Our local WI Club will be
stories to present times, it lianne and their families. as performing. The family Enid Clark represented starting their fall schedule

M ore free coffee last

Sunday morning at
the Leisure Inn when Jack
seems grumbling is part
of our human nature,
when we actually have so
Pat was very involved in
community life while they
were in Newdale, Brownies
belonged to the Strathclair
Baptist Church where Pat
was a Y-Team leader. They
the Newdale Ravens Glen
WI at the Southwest A
Regional meeting held
Thursday this week, if any-
ones interested give us a
Lamb treated the Sunday very much to be thankful and Pathfinders with Girl both enjoyed curling and in Hamiota on Septem- Some of the American
crowd to help him cel- for The recent rains have Guides in town and then Ralph belonged to the lo- ber 20th at the Ag Office. goose hunters have ar-
ebrate his birthday. We all increased this habit for in Shoal Lake. She was cal Lions Club. Ralph was Plans were discussed rived, a sure sign summer
wish you many more Jack! those with crops still out it Chairperson of the Advi- the manager of Newdale about the Rural Womens is turning to fall. We all
Its been a generous sum- seems, but lots of bins are sory Council for School Pool Elevator and also Day that will be held Oc- know they should have a
mer with all the birthdays full too! Leadership in Strathclair managed the Sandy Lake tober 14th in Minnedosa good hunt from the abun-
this summer. The community sends where her children at- elevator until it closed in and the duties of the local dance of geese around!
The Church congrega- our sincere condolences to tended school. Both Pat 1996. Following his time Clubs. Newdale WI will The road construction
tion welcomed Rita Fries- the family of Pat Tanchak and Ralph were involved working in Newdale he be in charge of door prizes on #16 is nearing comple-
en for her first visit of this who passed away last with the Drama Club, with took a position with Agri- and muffins. This event tion, and itll be great!
church year. Her timely week, leaving her hus- Ralph painting many of the core in Stonewall in 2000 will be taking the place of
message was on grum- band Ralph and children backdrops and both doing where they still resided. Local Regional Seminars.

Sandy Lake News

By DIane BacheWIch Laila, Tynam, Josie and Taylor of Brandon. Congratulations to a month in Toronto before tain House, AB has been
Erin all of Winnipeg, Joan Stafford and Darlene Ken and Darlene Porter they leave for Yuma, Arizo- visiting here. She and her

V isitors with Liz An-

tonation and family
during the summer were
and Carman of Stoney
Mountain, Samantha and
Brogan of Wyoming, Doug
Shewchuk are receiv-
ing congratulations on
the arrival of their eighth
who have become grand-
parents again. A baby girl
was born to daughter Kel-
na, where they will spend
their winter.
Terrace and Gail Kow-
mom, Sadie Rystephanuk,
flew to Colombia, Ohio
where they spent a week
Mervin Kiryluik from Min- of BC, Vicky of Dauphin, grandchild. A son was sie and Matt Aubut of Ka- aluk are on cloud nine be- with daughter Gail and
nesota, USA, Jessie, Carla, Greg of St. Rose, Nicky and born to Stephan and Ken- mloops, BC. ing grandpa and grandma husband Mike. They also
dra Shewchuk of Norway Slim and Evelyn Shin- for the first time. A baby girl met with daughter Kathy
House, MB. druk of Abbotsford, BC has been born to daughter and husband Brian Bragg
Community Newspapers Janice Duchominsky
has returned to her home
called in on family and
friends while they were on
Misty and Braden Drul of
who motored down there
from Sherwood Park, AB.

Have Reach in Winnipeg after spend-

ing the summer months
their way to a family wed-
ding in Winnipeg.
Debbie Noonan along
with her sister from Gris-
Spending some time
with Stafford and Darlene
The Minnedosa Tribune reaches far beyond the here with mom Helen Der- Scottie and Carol wold and her niece from Shewchuk was son Ste-
boundaries of our community. hak and the rest of the fam- Bain of Fernie, BC spent Brandon, motored to Regi- phen, Kendra and baby
ily. the weekend here before na for the weekend where Chase. While here, a very
When you advertise with The Tribune Morris and Margaret visiting their daughters, they visited with sister nice baby shower was held
your ad reaches subscribers in these Mayor of Brandon spent grandchildren and fami- Gail. at grandpa and grandmas
Manitoba communities: Sunday with cousin Ida lies in Toronto, ON. They Donna Cuerrier (Rys- yard.
Andreychuk. will spend three weeks to tephanuk) of Rocky Moun-
Arden MacGregor Russell
Argyle McCreary Sandy Lake

Cadurcis News
Bethany Melita Shoal Lake
Brandon Minitonas Souris
Brookdale Minnedosa Ste Rose
Carberry Morden Starbuck
Cardale Mountain Steinbach By Doreen TroTT
Carman Road Stonewall
Mountain C hris and Sandra Crawford of Thunder Bay visited re-
cently with Malcolm and Shirley Rose.
Visitors the last month with the McTavish family
Douglas Oak Bank Strathclair
Minnedosa Bowl
were Corey and Haili Butler and twin boys Eli and Lucus
Eden Oak River Swan River
of Rocky Mountain House, Koreen Rix of White Horse
Elphinstone Oakburn Virden
Erickson Olha Winnipeg We had so much fun our bowlers want to keep and Sterling and Brenda Kolskog of Edmonton.
bowling so... If you are looking for a great fun sport Barry and Janet Humphreys of Clanwilliam visited
Franklin Onanole last week with Malcolm and Shirley Rose.
Gladstone Pilot Mound Did You Know?
for your special needs child, come on out and join the
Great Falls Polonia We also fun, wed love to have you!!!
Hamiota Portage la
High Bluff Prairie
have a number
of subscribers
Kenton Rapid City across Canada CHOOSE ONE OR BOTH!
Killarney Reston and the United PROGRAM 1 DATES PROGRAM 2 DATES
Lac du Bonnet Rivers States.
October 7th & 21st January 27th
Lake Audy Rossburn
November 4th & 18th February 10th & 24th Please note our new office hours
December 2nd & 16th March 10th & 24th Effective October 1st, 2017
April 7th
Cost: $6.00 per week (includes shoes) CLOSED
Ages 5 to 16 Time: 12:30 p.m. Sunday and Monday
We have bowling aids like
ramps and arm extenders
Tuesday to Friday 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
so that no one is left out! (closed during lunch hour 12:00 noon -1:00 p.m.)
INTERESTED? To register give us a call at
204-867-2827 or online at www.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. (open through lunch)
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 29, 2017 7

That Cooper House Hosts Home Routes Show

By Hillary Miller tunity to chat and get to know tendees about syncopations and danced to his songs, and
each other and the musician, and the differences between it seemed that everyone who

O n Saturday, September
23rd, a small group gath-
ered at the home of Nancy
Marco Castillo.
Castillo is a Brazilian
born musician who has lived
North American music, which
is often on a downbeat, and
South American music, which
attended had a marvelous
This show was a part of
McLennan, that Cooper in Winnipeg for the last eight is typically on the upbeat. the six-show Home Routes
House for a Home Routes or nine years. His style of The guitar is Castillos series. This is the second year
concert. While there were music is primarily Latin, but weapon of choice, but he also that the series has been held
fewer than 20 people who at- as McLennan noted, we did a lot of sampling loops, in Minnedosa. There will be
tended, McLennan was happy think we know Latin music, making his voice sound like two more before New Years,
to have seen new faces there, but most of it is from Span- a beatbox, or playing a tam- and three after. Most of the
people she hadnt met before. ish speaking countries, so the bourine. His guitar was also shows will be held at McLen-
The doors opened at 7:30 Brazilian music has its own used as a mini outport, simi- nans home, but there will also
p.m., which allowed guests very distinct history and col- lar to what a keyboard does, be one held at the 50+ Centre
time to get refreshments and lection of styles. to make it sound like other in- and one at Inspire Studio. The
get themselves seated, and The evening was very struments are playing, like the next show will be on October
the show began at 8 p.m. informative, and gave the horns or a piano. He has been 22nd, and will feature a cou-
There were two sets, about 45 crowd the opportunity to get playing with this method of ple from New England, who
minutes each with a break of to know the musician and ask music since the 1990s. play a combination of Folk
about 20 minutes in between, any questions they may have At various points through- Americana and Bluegrass.
Photo submitted
which gave guests the oppor- had. He explained to the at- out the evening, guests got up

Extraordinary Breakfast Ideas

nary display at the break- need to remove it from the butter and honey. take very little time, offer
Cooking fast table, it also allows us
to have more free time in
fridge an hour or two be-
fore baking. Remove the
If all of this seems like
work however, there is
more flavor, nutrition, and
make a better presenta-
With the morning to sip our spe-
cial coffees and enjoy each
plastic wrap, let it rise in a
warm place until it doubles
one very quick way to help
transform your regular
tion. There is a reason why
all the photos of cereal on
CHEF DEZ others company.
Actually there are
its original size and bake as
usual. On many occasions,
breakfast of cold cereal:
top with a handful of fresh
the cereal boxes are like
this: better presentation
many recipes that you can we will serve fresh baked in-season berries or some equals more of a chance of
get mostly prepared the bread simply topped with slices of banana. This will you buying it.

O n many occasions I
have mentioned great
ways to transform your
or Sunday morning is a
fantastic journey around
the culinary world.
night before, like muffins
or biscuits for example.
Measure and combine all
dinner making experience French toast is an- of the dry ingredients and
into a special event, like other common special then all you have to do is
pouring a glass of wine and breakfast that many peo- incorporate the wet ingre-
putting on some great mu- ple enjoy, but we prepare dients in the morning.
sic, but what about break- it differently on many in- Incorporating fresh
fast? Isnt this the most stances. Instead of the tra- baked breads or unique
important meal of the day? ditional method of dipping types of bread will also en-
Yes, to most health profes- bread in batter and fry- hance an ordinary break-
sionals it is, so this column ing in a pan, we often will fast. One way to make this
is dedicated to making that make a large casserole dish easy is to prep the loaf the The Minnedosa DUC Committee would
pinnacle feast into some- of French toast the night
thing extraordinary. before, letting the egg mix-
evening before, cover with
plastic wrap and store in
like to send a BIG THANK YOU to all the
I understand that a ture soak in, and then bak- the refrigerator overnight. sponsors and donors who supported
vast percentage of the pop- ing it the next morning. The bread might rise slight-
ulation have day jobs and Not only is it an extraordi- ly in the fridge, but you will our 2017 Fundraising Event!
that making a spectacular
breakfast on a weekday is
See you next year!
far from being at the top Kim's Quality Foods Minnedosa Heritage Co-op
of your priority list. These
ideas are more geared to- Minnedosa Bowl Mavis & Arthur Inkster
Cornerstone Grill
Minnedosa Insurance Services
Uncle Tom's
wards your days off or if
you work evenings. Dari Isle Drive In The Bargain Shop, Minnedosa
This is the perfect cir-
cumstance to forget about Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. Frontier Trading Company Inc Canadian Tire, Brandon
the bowl of cold cereal or Flowers on Main Kal Tire, Brandon
toast and jam, and blow Starting October 11th EnJoy Salon Lindenberg Seeds, Brandon
the dust off some old cook-
books to try something Registration Fee $25.00 David & Joyce Cox Minnedosa Golf and Country Club
new. One of my wifes fa- Weekly Fee $6.00 Main Street Caf Inspire Studio
vorite breakfast pastimes Everyone gets a bowling T-shirt!!
is making and perfecting
Jordan Appraisal Group Les Moffat Inc.
Boys and Girls aged 5 thru 12
different pancake recipes
2 games per week
Excel-7 Ltd Saler's Backhoe & Trucking
from around the world. It
8 weeks of fun!!! Six Sling Beverage Cooler Minnedosa Home Hardware
seems that every walk of
life has their own version 94.7 Star FM Minnedosa Credit Union
Contact us today!!!
of what we know as the tra-
Call 204-867-2827 RD's on Main Minnedosa Pharmacy
ditional North American
pancake. Making it a tradi- Drop in to the alley Stream N' Wood, Brandon Minnagro
tion to do a different pan- Visit us on our website Four Seasons Repair Creasey's Hot Tubs
cake recipe every Saturday Lakeside Septic & Water Hauling Kristas Jewelry
8 Friday, September 29, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

Bethany Church Celebrates Its Centennial

By Hillary Miller kins played the organ that and Minnedosa, becoming
day, and Lynne Betteridge the 5-Point Parish that it is

T he parishioners of the
St. Johns Memorial
Church in Bethany cele-
read the list of donations
in memory of loved ones
in past years.
Over the past centu-
ry, the church has hosted
brated their churchs 100th The afternoon was many fall suppers in its
anniversary on September rounded off with a cake basement, and has seen
17th. (which was cut by the Bish- many baptisms, weddings
To commemorate op himself ), ice cream, and funerals. It has helped
the event, Bishop William fruit bread, raisin bread, people through the happy
Cliff addressed the ser- cinnamon bread, pickles and the sad times, the easy
vice, which began at 2 p.m. and cheese, dainties, and and the trying. It has seen
The service began with refreshments. These were many different ministers,
Jan Burnside and Gladys all served at the Bethany has had periods where no
Broome leading the pro- Community Hall. ministers were available
cession into the church, The church began as and the services were giv-
followed by Bishop Cliff a rectory, built in 1913, en by lay readers, and has
and the churchs minister, and in 1917, a church was seen so many people walk
Don Thompson. built alongside it. The through its doors.
In addition to the regu- trees on the property were Sadly, there have been
lar attendees of the weekly planted in 1913 as well, by far fewer people walking
service at the church, there the Anglican Rector, Rev- through its doors in recent
were people from all over erend R.W. Ridgeway. The years. The minister, Don
Westman in attendance church was named the St. Thompson, has worked at
that day. Visitors from Kel- Johns Memorial Church in the church since 2014, but Photo submitted
wood, Gladstone, Neepa- memory of the men whose is also responsible for four (l-r) Gladys Broome, reverend Don Thompson,
wa and Minnedosa also lives were lost in WWI. other churches in West- Jan Burnside and Bishop William Cliff.
attended, as it is a 5-point The church officially man, and sits on several
parish. In all, there was an opened on September committees which keep each service. 40 people, and we always small group of people who
estimated 60 people who 23rd, 1917 by Canon E.A. him very busy. As a result, I think the younger go for lunch in the hall af- attend every week, Broome
people would like to have ter, said Broome. wishes they could do more
the church for baptisms Since the church cele- for the community, but
and for weddings, and the brated its 90th anniversary she is extremely happy to
older people for funer- in 2007, Broome would not be able to send one young
als. In between they dont say there are fewer people person to Memorial Camp.
seem to feel the need to who attend service, but They have seen dif-
have an outer being to be that there are not really any ferent ministers over the
grateful to, said Broome, new people joining. How- years as well. Before Rev-
pondering the reasons why ever, they continue to do erend Don Thompsons
attendance has become so their goodwill in the com- arrival in 2014, Reverend
low. munity. Each year, they Father Chad McCharles
However, Broome did host their fall supper, and graced the church every
note that the attendance proceeds and expenses are Sunday, and prior to this,
at the 100th birthday of split between the church church-goers saw Father
the church was absolutely and the hall, since the din- Noah Njegovan. Broome
wonderful to see. ners can no longer be held hopes to see Reverend Don
One thing that Broome in the church basement, Thompson remain at the
thinks might help bring and are now held in the Bethany Church for many
more people to the church community hall. In recent years to come. We all hope
is to have more celebra- years, they have used some that this remarkable build-
tions there. When we do of these funds to send one ing, in all its beauty, will
Photo by Hillary Miller have a celebration, people young community mem- celebrate many more an-
are pretty good at coming ber to the Memorial Camp niversaries.
The handsome brick exterior of the Bethany Church has out, we usually have about in Clear Lake. With the
changed very little from its official opening in 1917.

attended the momentous Gill, and replaced St. An- he only visits the Beth-
occasion. drews Westhope Church any Church on the first
Once the procession and St. Johns Church, and third Sunday of each
was concluded, Bishop which came down that month.
Cliff began the service, fol- year, and were both later The gaps are filled by
lowed by lay reader Gladys deconsecrated. In 1943, the two dedicated commu-
Broome to do the readings, the church received a fresh nity members, Burnside
and Minister Thompson look, and was given a fresh and Broome, who have
announcing the hymns coat of paint and varnish. been given the authority by
and reading the gospel. It was in 2004 that the the powers that be to give
Following this, Bishop church joined the Prairie the services as required,
Cliff gave an address to the Mountain Parish of Neepa- and the communions have
worshipers. Barb Hop- wa, Kelwood, Gladstone been pre-ordained before

Have you tried it?
Photo by Hillary Miller

For one century, gatherings both happy and sad have been held
It makes you feel GOOD in Bethanys St. Johns anglican Church.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 29, 2017 9

Evergreen Soil Farm Making A Difference

By Hillary Miller accrued at the site, since
every waste cell needs

T he soil farm at Ever-

green Environmen-
tal Technologies, located
to be constantly covered
in order to minimize the
odours, and it also works
southeast of Minnedosa, is to help prevent fire, and
an endeavor that is going the spread of fires. If the
to do wonders for the com- soil is brought to the site
pany. It was introduced and cleaned there, it will
some years ago, but is still keep them from having to
not as widely known as have it imported from else-
some might wish it was. where.
Evergreen Environ- MacDonald noted that
mental Technologies has in the past they have not
been striving towards new, received too many loads
ecofriendly ways of waste of soil, but that this year,
management for some they have had more loads Photo by Hillary Miller
time now, and the soil brought in. The main chal-
farm is no exception. lenge in getting loads to The facility processes early stages), electronics, cline in waste, there are Evergreen Environmen-
The soil used comes the facility is the weather, a great number of items, cooking oil and household people who are sincerely tal Technologies is always
from various spills of haz- since it is harder to bring including oil containers hazardous materials. In trying, and we can see open to do school tours to
ardous materials, usu- them to the dumping site and filters, household and recent years with the new that, but there are some try to engrain the funda-
ally hydrocarbon such as when the roads, as well as car batteries, tires, bale push towards eco-friendly that just dont care, which mentals of recycling into
gasoline or oil, and is then the loads themselves, are wrap and twine (which is living, MacDonald said is unfortunate. To do his the minds of youths.
brought to their property, wet and muddy. a pilot project, in its very he has not noticed a de- part, MacDonald said that
at a charge to the client,
where they will work with
it until it is clean. In order
to clean the soil, they flip
it, or toss the soil, allow- is here......

70% OFF
ing the contaminated soil Like the leaves on
to be exposed to the air, in an autumn breeze,

order to evaporate the con-
our hearts are
all remaining stock.
Dave MacDonald, uplifted by love...
who works at Evergreen
Environmental Technolo- CLOSING
It is with great joy that we,
gies, said they need to
flip the soil about once a Saturday,
Kimberly Sharpe
October 7th.
month during the sum-
mer months. The process Brian Horner
usually takes about three
to five years, and samples
THANKS... it'slovebeen
will pledge our as one a

from the soil are sent to great 16joinyears!
Please us on .
a lab in Wininpeg, which
are then tested and sent
Saturday, September 27, 2014
BethAt 6:30
& p.m.
on to Manitoba Conserva-
tion, who will designate At the Minnedosa Beach Pavillion
it as clean or not. Once it
is deemed clean soil, it is
then used as a covering for
the waste cell at the Ever-
green site. 17095gm0
This will help mini-
mized costs that could be

N*tu$*l G*s p*s ,

. . ,

T 0, . h. * , h. g0. ,
. $ *e*ting
867-2416 867-7558 Fg0. , . h0 k . gw
MINNEDOSA, MB . , gh. gy. , **, d2L, 0d
y, . hy2V. $ *l*ns *, d. 2

Lakeside Septic Service Customer Appreciation *S g, , gd, d, gy, . **. Ag. 1,20172
Y, gw , yd0dgy, h dh. gd2
We would like to thank our customers for their continued business.
During the months of September and October septic load customers will be
entered for a chance to receive their next load free.
A *, . 0, 1. 2
There will be five random draws made during the first week of November.
10 Friday, September 29, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

Make Your Own Vanilla Extract

ing a fabric softener sheet is a last resort, because it is I really enjoy using bugs for your garden, re-
inside the pot with some a dangerous product if not real vanilla as opposed to lease them in the evening,
Solutions and water overnight, however used correctly; see label vanilla extract. Lets be- because while they do
Substitutions it sounds like your pot
needs a more aggressive
instructions before use. gin with proper storage,
vanilla doesnt typically
climb at night, they dont
fly at night which increases
By solution. Dear Reena, go bad but if stored in the chance that lady bugs
Do you have a recipe
for waterless hand clean-
a warm place it will de-
teriorate and lose flavor.
will stay put.
Lady bugs can eat up
Over the years, stains er? Sam Refrigeration is not recom- to 50 aphids a day.
have developed under mended but if its a choice Create an enticing en-
Hi Reena, pour enough vinegar into planters sitting on con- Dear Sam, between a hot storage area vironment for ladybugs by
I have a Le Creuset the pot to cover the bot- crete or patio paver from The FDA states that for and refrigerator, opt for the watering your garden and
Dutch oven that I have tom. Add baking soda, water and fertilizer run- a waterless hand cleaner fridge! Pure vanilla extract keeping the plants moist.
owned for over 30 years. I bring to a boil for five min- ning through planters. Any to effectively kill germs, it is made by percolating Lady bugs are harm-
was cooking a tomato jam utes. Turn element off, solution to remove these must contain at least 60% chopped vanilla beans less to humans but when
that had sugar in it and the cover and leave overnight. white fertilizer stains? alcohol. Make your own with consumable alcohol threatened, they do emit a
temperature was too high Scrub in the morning. Un- Walter Peppermint Hand Sani- and water. Combine one foul odour.
and it burnt the bottom less there is a chance of tizer by combining: half vanilla bean in a container Note: Every user as-
of the pan. I have tried to permanent scratches, use Hi Walter, cup Aloe Vera gel, three of vodka. Keep in mind you sumes all risks of injury
scrub the burnt substance an S.O.S pad. Or sprinkle Pour a liberal amount quarter cup rubbing alco- will require patience, be- or damage resulting from
with baking soda, baking the inside of the pot with of vinegar onto the stain. hol and half teaspoon pep- cause the mixture needs to the implementation of
soda with vinegar, I have a layer of dishwasher de- Sprinkle with a liberal permint essential oil. Mix sit for about eight weeks to any suggestions in this
boiled water with baking tergent powder. Fill the amount of salt and leave and store in a spray bottle. reach full strength. column. Test all products
soda and dish soap and pot one-quarter full with for 15 minutes. Scrub with on an inconspicuous area
there is still some burnt on water. Boil for five minutes a bristled brush. If the Dear Reena, Attracting Lady Bugs to first.
residue left. Any sugges- and remove from element. stains remain, rinse with Is it possible to make Your Garden:
tions? Theresa Leave overnight and wash water. Pour one-quarter my own real vanilla for Reena Nerbas is a mo-
as normal. Or soak cola in cup bleach to one gallon baking in contrast to imita- Many species of lady tivational presenter for
Dear Theresa, the pot overnight. Scrub water. Pour onto the area tion vanilla extract? Deep- bugs eat aphids, which large and small groups;
Adding the element of with an abrasive pad in and scrub with an abrasive ak suck the life force out of check out her website: re-
heat is smart but instead the morning! Some people brush. Thoroughly rinse your plants. Ask a question or
of water and baking soda, have great results by soak- with water. Muriatic acid Dear Deepak, If you purchase lady share a tip at


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The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 29, 2017 11

BY PHONE Call 204-867-3816
Hours to place, correct or cancel ads: Beyond the Gates of Concert with Saskia and
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Lower Fort Garry R.M. of Darrel; The Great Plains. Wed-
St. Andrews community his- nesday, October 4th and 7:00
BY MAIL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING tory book. Green hardcover,
The Minnedosa Tribune, P.O. Box 930, 545 pages, published in 1981.
p.m. at St. Marks Anglican 400+
Church in Minnedosa. This FREE ARTS & CULTURAL
Minnedosa, Manitoba R0J 1E0 $25.00. Call The Minnedosa is real Canadian Folk Music EVENTS ACROSS
BY FAX 204-867-5171 Tribune 204-867-3816 or woven around exquisite mel- MANITOBA
email editor@minnedosat- odies, drenched in our cul-
BY E-MAIL ture and heritage delivered 400+
in comfortable highly skilled ACTIVITS CULTURELLES
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. reserves the right to AUCTIONS sets with oodles of self-poking
delete any words or phrases deemed by The Minnedosa humour. Tickets $15.00 per
Tribune Ltd. to be objectionable, or to refuse to publish any person. Available at the door SEPT 29, 30
advertisement. The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. shall not be McSherry Auction BEV AND LYLE COOPER or from any church member. & OCT 1, 2017
#12 Patterson Drive For more information call Pat
responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third celebrated their 65th /
party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear Stonewall, MB Anniversary in June. Menard at 204-867-3751. x
in The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. or from any error or omission in Estate & Moving Auction Congratulations.
Wed Oct 4 @ 4:00 PM From the family. Yellowhead Region-
any advertisement which is published.
al Skills and Services and
Estate & Moving Auction x RELIGION
RATES Wed Oct 11 @ 4:00 PM
Minnedosa Adult Learning
Centre invite you to an open
$9.00 for first 40 words, additional words .10 each. Consignment Sale (New date) COMING EVENTS house on Friday, October 6th Safely through another
Sun Oct 15 @ 10:00 AM from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at 131 & week. God has brought us on
Repeat ads - Half Price.
Gun Auction 133 Main Street in Minnedosa. our way. Let us now a blessing
Classified Display - $9.00/col. inch each insert. (Incl. logo, box & Sat Oct 21 @ 9:30 AM The Annual Meeting for seek. On the present Sabbath:
Drop in for coffee and find out
bolding, and centering). Consign Your Guns Now To the Minnedosa Centennial day of all the week the best,
about the services we offer!
Take Advantage of Coast Handivan will be held Mon- Emblem of eternal rest. Au-
Happy Snaps: (Birthday, Engagement, Wedding, Birth, & Funding Provided by:
to Coast Advertising! day October 2nd at 7:00 pm thor unknown
Graduation) - $16.00 for the first 20 words and the picture. The Government of Canada
Vintage Service Station at the Minnedosa Hospital
The Manitoba Government
Obituaries: - $6.50 per col. inch. & Coca Cola Sale Board Room. (27-2) x
Reach the entire province (50 weekly newspapers) $189.00 Sat Oct 28 @ 10:00 AM Minnedosa Valley Piece- HOMES FOR SALE
Westman and Eastman: $119.00 Consign Now! Cadurcis Community makers Fall meeting, October
Stuart McSherry Fall Supper. October 1st 2nd, 2017 at the 50+ Centre at Immediate Possession
All Ads plus 5% G.S.T. (204) 467-1858 or at Basswood Hall. Adults - 7:00 p.m. Join us for skill build- Available. 1,584 sq. ft. RTM.
(204) 886-7027 $15.00, 13 and under - $7.00,
Deadlines Pre school FREE. Doors open
ing workshops and friendship.
Come and see what we are all
2.5 baths, 9 ft. Ceilings, Island
Kitchen. Starting at $199,000.
Classified advertisements must be submitted no later at 4:00 p.m. Supper at 4:30 about. All skill levels welcome. Floorplan online at wgies-
than noon Tuesday for insertion in the following Fridays p.m.(27-2) x
edition. All classified advertisements must be prepaid BEFORE
FOR RENT For more information call Su-
san at 204-867-2532. X Custom
Builds also available. Call 204-
insertion. 346-3231 or email wilbert@
One level 4 plex suite LECTIBLE SALE! Huge fall HOLD THIS DATE. Sat-
The Minnedosa Tribune is not responsible for for more infor-
available to rent. 265 2nd event! Largest of the season. urday, October 28th, 2017. A
typographical errors published AFTER the first insertion, nor mation.
Street N.W. 1,100 sq./ft., Over two hundred tables! Fri- Singing to End Hunger con-
does it assume responsibility for errors published as a result of day, September 29th, 4 p.m.
an advertisement placed, changed, or cancelled, by telephone.
2 bedroom, full laundry
9 p.m. and Saturday, Sep-
cert will be held in Minnedosa MANUFACTURED
(washer, dryer), stove, fridge, United Church. All proceeds
To ensure your advertisement appears correctly please submit
microwave, dishwasher, air tember 30th, 10 a.m. 4 p.m., will go to the Canadian Food HOMES
it in person, by fax, mail, or email. $5 per person. Assiniboia
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12 Friday, September 29, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune



February 23rd, 1938 August 31st, 2017

Alice Faith Griffiths of Crawford Park, MB passed away at the Minnedosa Health Centre at
the age of 79. Alice was born in the Crawford Park area to Tom and Ruth Winder. She attended Minnedosa Credit Union is seeking experienced, enthusiastic and outgoing individuals who thrive in a results driven
Clear Creek School and Basswood School. She married Ken Griffiths on May 19th, 1956, and they environment.
farmed and raised their seven children in the Crawford Park district. The Organization:
Alice was always busy raising kids, gardening, preserving fruits and vegetables, running kids Minnedosa Credit Union is a very successful single branch fullservice financial institution with 3,700 members and assets of
to sports activities, cooking, and baking. Having friends and family stopping in for a coffee and $125 million. We have been providing the Town of Minnedosa and surrounding communities with high quality service and
visit always made her day; and of course there was always food. She loved and appreciated na- products since 1947. For further details see:
ture. Her favourite thing to do with friends or family was to take a long, slow ride to observe The Community:
plants, birds, and animals. Drives with her friend and neighbour, Marcia, became legendary. Manitobas Valley Paradise, Minnedosa is a community of 2,500 with many amenities including a daycare facility, K-12 schools,
Family gatherings were special to her. She loved chatting on the phone to everyone, but calls hospital, 18 hole golf course, ski-hill and beautiful Lake Minnedosa.
from Donna, Jane, and her grandkids held an extra special place in her heart. MCU is currently hiring individuals for the following positions:
Alice was predeceased by her husband Ken in 1993, parents Tom and Ruth Winder, sisters
and their husbands Myrna (Keith) Baxter and Wilma (Gerry) Koch, nephew Jonathon Koch, LOANS OFFICER I
brother Lloyd Winder, brother in-law Brian Ross, and sister in-law Ann King. Alice was also pre- The Loans Officer I is a key member of the lending team and is responsible to meet Consumer member needs by establishing
deceased by her parents in-law George and Mary Griffiths, and in-laws Gordon and Kay Griffiths, strong business relationships, provide quality lending products and services and cross-sell deposit services. The Candidate will
Doris and Tony Sylvestre and Art Dinan. ensure that all loan activities are in compliance with relevant legislation, regulations, policies and procedures.
Alice will be deeply missed and forever remembered by her seven children: Eleanor (Brad) The Person:
Burgess, Myrtle (Richard) Gawuik, George (Louise) Griffiths, Robert (Arlene) Griffiths, Wayne Reporting to the Manager of Lending, the ideal candidate will possess a minimum Grade 12 Diploma plus one year of formal
(Rhonda) Griffiths, Greg (Sharla) Griffiths, and Koreen (Dwight) Braun. Her ten grandchildren education and 1 to 3 years experience. A combination of education and experience will be considered.
and five great grandchildren were a complete joy to her. Alice is also survived by her brothers ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK
Henry (Phyllis) and Bob, her sisters Ila Ross and Betty (Warren) Shewfelt, sisters in law Molly The Administrative Clerk is responsible for balancing of the daily clearings, ensure compliance with AML
Winder, Diane Koch, and Mildred (Griffiths) Higdon, as well as many nieces, nephews, and ex- requirements by use of Verafin, balancing of the ATM and Cash Machine, maintain and balance the treasury, and handle cash
tended family members. orders and shipments, provide over the counter deposit services such as accepting deposits, cashing cheques, processing loan
Alice was laid to rest beside her husband Ken at the Crawford Park Cemetery on September payments, calculating foreign exchange and selling money orders, recognize members needs and promote and cross-sell credit
7th, 2017. Minnedosa Funeral Service was in care of arrangements. Donations in Alices memory union deposit services, answering basic questions and referring more complex requests for information to appropriate staff,
may be made to the Crawford Park Hall or Crawford Park Cemetery. ensure compliance with policies, procedures and legislative requirements
The Person:
JEAN MCDOUGALL Reporting to the Member Service Manager, the ideal candidate will possess a minimum Grade 12 Diploma, have exceptional
June 23rd, 1932 September 21st. 2017 interpersonal and communication skills, provide a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail, possess a strong
commitment to quality service, positive attitude, ability to work in a team environment and possess excellent computer skills
Jean McDougall of Minnedosa, Manitoba passed away at the MEMBER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE PART-TIME
Minnedosa Personal Care Home at the age of 85 years. She was Minnedosa Credit Union is looking for people focused individuals to join our member service team.
born in Minnedosa to the late Joseph and Nellie Stone.
She married Milne Douglas Cummins on May 5, 1956. The selected candidates will provide members with a variety of services at the front counter with courtesy and accuracy.
Milne and Jean have a daughter Marilyn and son Brian. Milne The position responds to member inquiries on all credit union products and services and identifies opportunities to improve
the members relationship/experience with Minnedosa Credit Union. Other duties outside the member service area may be
Passed away and Jean remarried William Gordon McDougall on
assigned as required.
December 10, 1971. Hours will be scheduled Monday through Saturday.
During Jeans life she worked at the Minnedosa Post Of- The Person:
fice, Cal Frost Transfer, Minnedosa Tribune and Minnedosa Fur- Reporting to the Member Service Manager, the successful candidate will possess a minimum Grade 12 Diploma, qualifications
niture. What was most important to Jean was family and her dogs. should include exceptional interpersonal and communication skills, strong commitment to quality service, a positive attitude
Jean enjoyed her knitting, reading, card games, word find books, and and ability to work in a team environment.
visiting with family and friends.
For further details see:
Jean is survived by: her daughter Marilyn (Jim) Please send your resumes concerning all positions, in confidence, by October 10, 2017 to:
McDonell, her son Brian (Julia) Cummins; sister-in-law Jean Stone: brother Brad Ross
Ken (Barbara) Stone; brother-in-law Les (Shirley) Cummins; grandchildren Ken James, Nicki General Manager
Ritchot partner Jordan; great grandchildren Leanna, Isabelle, and Sebastien Ritchot. She is also Minnedosa Credit Union Limited
survived by several nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews, and cousins from both fam- Box 459
ilies. Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
She was also predeceased by: her husband William (Bill); brothers Gerald and Alden; and E-mail:
several brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law in the Cummins and McDougall families. We thank all candidates for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. (27-2)
Funeral service will take place on Saturday, September 30th, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. at the Minne-
dosa United Church with interment to follow in the Minnedosa Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba or CARD OF THANKS
the Canadian Diabetes Association.
Minnedosa Funeral Service in care of arrangements.
Messages of condolence may be placed at Clouds have silver linings and with loss there are bright- The family of Alice Grif-
er days. Our father looked for brighter days and we know his fiths wishes to express our
DEATH NOTICE CARD OF THANKS wishes would be to thank the people that contributed to his
end of life journey where he was at home surrounded by the
sincerest gratitude to our
families, friends, neighbours,
family and all he loved. Thank you to the family, friends, med- and communities for the love
Joan Betteridge beloved Maries 80th party was The family of the late ical, nursing and home care staff for being there. Thank you for and support weve received
wife of George, passed away wonderful. From the cater- Jean McDougall would like the meals provided by the Pharmacy, Book Club, Friends and during Moms last few years
on September 22nd, 2017 at ers, the musicians to the cake to say a special thank you to XI THETA, this provided a touch of home to such a difficult and and after her passing. Special
the Minnedosa Health Centre bakers. From those who set the staff at the Minnedosa busy time. Thank you to all friends and family who called, vis- thanks to Moms care giv-
at the age of 74 years. A grave- up and those who cleared up. Personal Care Home and Dr. ited, sent cards and flowers and brought food to the house. The ers during her time at home,
side service took place in the To you who came to celebrate. Onyshko for your care and family would like to thank the Legion for their contribution to while in hospital, and during
Boyd Cemetery, Bethany, All came together to make an compassion to Mom for the the service, and the representation from the Masons and the her time at Erickson Personal
MB. Donations may be made event to remember. Thanks years she was there. Shriners. We were humbled to hear Chipperfields Coffee Shop Care Home. Thanks for the
to Minnedosa Palliative Care you so much. Marie and and Minnedosa Pharmacy closed in respect to Ken; a commun- calls, visits, and notes. Thanks
Service. Minnedosa Funeral Elwood Fawcett. X ity coming together to go above and beyond. Thank you to Barb for the help with her Memor-
Service, Minnedosa, Mani- THINK Hanishewski for her gift of music! We would like to thank the ial Service. We appreciate
toba in care of arrangements THANK YOU to every- Anglican Ladies for the lovely lunch. Thank you Nathan White everyones kindness.
(204) 867-3868. Messages of ADVERTISING and staff from the Minnedosa Funeral Home and Garry Mcdow-
one who made purchases at
condolence may be placed on- ell for the lovely service. Both your guidance, kindness, under-
line at
my table atthe Village Market IS EXPENSIVE?
standing and humour brought life to Dads spirit. Dads legacy TENDER
organized by Donna Hogglast
Sunday. Thanks also to Ann
A simple Classied is everwhere in our community and forever in our hearts. May
Tomlinson, Jean Garbolinski, ad starts at the whistle blow!!! With heartfelt thanks Ava and family. The Minnedosa Regional
PAINTER Connie Finlay and Shauna ONLY $9.00 Library is wanting some in-
Burton for donations of flow- terior painting to be done in
Call Terry for Paint and ers/produce/plants.The re- TRY ONE TODAY! the Library. Intereseted par-
repairs to painted surfaces. sult was a donation of over 204-867-3816
ties are asked to contact Linda
Washing exterior siding. Still $600 to The Heritage Village Cook at the Library for the de-
time to book! 204-868-8088 or Museum. Sincerely, Albert tails and to leave a quote. x Plan ahead for Parsons
interior work! (24-13) x
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 29, 2017 13


Invitation to Tender
The farm land listed below in the R.M. of Rosedale is available for sale:
Heritage Co-op ***Note Highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted.
is presently inviting applications for a
Land Acres - Apporimately

For our Administration Department in Minnedosa, MB SE 1/4 24-16-15 WPM 156.81
Reporting to the General Manager, the incumbent will be responsible for developing NE 1/4 6-16-15 WPM 160
walkway will DEPARTMENT
Heritage Co-ops overall marketing strategy as well as developing marketing materials,
The Minnedosa be closed to organizing customer/member events and promotions, developing and managing Heritage NW1/4 6-16-15 WPM Exc Sly 300of Nly 1650of Wly300 163.97
allow installation
of a new pedestrian Co-ops presence on social media and producing press releases.
SW 1/4 6-16-15 WPM 166.96
The works are expected to be completed by Qualifications: There is a home, garage, Quonset and cattle shed located on NW 6-16-15
The Town of Minnedosa is March
looking 15/2014.
for a team orientated individual who We are looking for a progressive team player with 5+ years of related experience with WPM. The property is serviced with a holding tank.
preference given to those with a post-secondary degree or diploma in marketing,
will be An
to provide physical support and assistance in the day to
route has been opened from the communications or business. A strong computer and technical background, including effective
Sealed Tenders to purchase the land will be received by: TAYLOR LAW
day delivery of services and to operate
east side of the dam, proceeding a variety
to of
Rotary in the
working skills of Microsoft Office, email and social media platforms such as Facebook,
Instagram and Twitter is required. We are seeking a strong leader who can work as part of a OFFICE, 269 Hamilton Street, P.O. Box 309, Neepawa. Manitoba
construction, care and maintenance of the Towns
Bridge and along the east side of the Bison infrastructure and a team as well as independently. Time and project management skills are essential to this
position. R0J 1H0 until October 31st, 2017 at 11:00 a.m.
wide range of delivery of services.
compound. The successful candidate will demonstrate excellent communication and organizational skills.

We offer great advancement opportunities, competitive salary, comprehensive benefits Terms and Conditions:
The successful applicant
This trail will bewillmaintained
possess: during construction, package, company matched pension plan and excellent learning/development 1. Each tender shall be in writing in a sealed envelope, clearly marked
Grade 12 Diploma weather
or Equivalent Education and/or Experience
as to contents and shall be submitted with a certified cheque OR
Valid Class 5 Drivers License Our core values are Integrity, Excellence and Responsibility bank draft payable to Taylor Law Office in Trust in an amount equal
Proven record of team work
TheTownofMinnedosa to 5% of the Tender price;
To become a member of our team, please submit your cover letter and resume to:
Experience in the safe operation of various types of equipment and 2. If the tender is accepted, the cheque or draft shall constitute a

The physical requirements to perform the work

Box 1050, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0

Attention: Annette Haywood, Human Resources Manager
non-refundable deposit. If the Tenderer fails to complete the
purchase of the property, the Seller shall herein retain the deposit as
Phone: (204) 867-2295
liquidated damages;
This is a full time (40 hours per week) entry level laborer focused position. Process close date: Friday, October 6th, 2017
3. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by certified cheque,
For additional information you may contact the Public Works & Operations bank draft or lawyers trust cheque and trust conditions on possesion
Manager, Kevin Marcino at 204-867-0037.
Resumes will be received until 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 6, 2017 at
4. Possession date to be 30 days after acceptance of Tender;
the Town Office located at 103 Main Street (Box 426) Minnedosa, MB R0J 5. Vendor will pay the 2017 property taxes;
1E0. Email: Fax: 204-867-2686. 6. The tenderer will pay the applicable GST or provide acceptable
undertaking to self-access;
We thank all applicants for their interest in this position; 7. Highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted;
however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 8. The Tenderer shall be deemed to have relied on the Tenderers
Heritage Co-op own inspection and knowledge of the land and the title for the
is presently inviting applications for a properties, its true condition, possible liabilities and the status of
the title hereto independent of any representations by or on behalf
Rolling River School Division For our Home Centre located in Minnedosa, MB
of the seller.
The owner will consider tenders on all parcels as a package
Rolling River School Division is located in southwestern The Building Materials Estimator will be responsible for assisting the Building
Materials Supervisor with the day to day operations of the lumber department or individual parcels.
Manitoba, Canada in close proximity to Riding Mountain including; customer service/sales, providing estimates, inventory control, handling (27-3)
customer complaints, purchasing/ordering and performing general housekeeping
National Park and Brandon, Manitoba. duties. May be required to assist in other areas of the Home Centre as necessary.
Full Time Term TEACHER required Qualifications: Community Newspapers
Rivers Collegiate Excellent customer service skills

Grade 7 Classroom

Strong communication and interpersonal skills
Previous lumber experience a must Have Reach
Highly motivated
The Minnedosa Tribune reaches far beyond the

For more details and application information, Class 5 drivers license
boundaries of our community.
please visit our website at We offer great advancement opportunities, competitive salary, comprehensive
benefits package, company matched pension plan and excellent training When you advertise with The Tribune
select Employment then Teaching Positions. opportunities your ad reaches subscribers in these
Manitoba communities:
Thank you to all applicants for their interest in Our core values are Integrity, Excellence and Responsibility
Arden MacGregor Russell
Rolling River School Division. To become a member of our team, please submit your cover letter and resume to: Argyle McCreary Sandy Lake
Bethany Melita Shoal Lake
Only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. Brandon Minitonas Souris
Mail to: Box 1050, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 Brookdale Minnedosa Ste Rose
Carberry Morden Starbuck

Planning your
Attention: Annette Haywood, Human Resources Manager
Cardale Mountain Steinbach Carman Road Stonewall
Clanwilliam Neepawa Stoney

Douglas Oak Bank Strathclair
Eden Oak River Swan River
Elphinstone Oakburn Virden

Its not a thing

Erickson Olha Winnipeg
Franklin Onanole
Gladstone Pilot Mound Did You Know?
Great Falls Polonia We also

of the past!
Hamiota Portage la have a number
High Bluff Prairie of subscribers
Kenton Rapid City across Canada
Killarney Reston and the United
Make your day a truely special one, Lac du Bonnet Rivers States.

with a custom designed wedding If you are reading this ad Lake Audy Rossburn

invitation suite to suit your style! we have just proven that

We also print Personalized newspaper advertising
Match Books and Napkins! still works!

The Minnedosa Tribune 204-867-3816
14 Friday, September 29, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune


Living in your
Proud Supporter
Rick Taylor 867-7551
Catharine Warrener
M Gijsbers
Chartered Professional
Available for:
Accountant Inc.
Indoor Renovations
Decks Landscaping
213 2nd St NE - Box 385
Soffit, Fascia, Siding
T: 867-3884 C: 867-0190 Specializing in water & sewer
Email: 204-210-1274 installation & repair
All types of excavation
Minnedosa, MB Basements, Demolition
SE 34-16-18W 241 - 6TH AVE., S.W. FASHION HOUSE Snow removal
Gravel, Topsoil
- 3 bedroom bungalow north MINNEDOSA MINNEDOSA
AUTO Sales of septic tanks
of Minnedosa - 1,390 sq ft. bungalow - Just under 2,300 sq ft
Van Veen
Kirk 867-0180
CL Carpentry Ltd.
- 3.65 acres of peaceful downtown
- 3+1 bedrooms, 2 baths

country living - 31 feet of street side frontage
- Single detached garage
- Lots of updates and an - Open oor plan providing Full-service construction
affordable price $289,900 MLS #1709016
many options company specializing in CONSTRUCTION LTD.
$69,900 MLS #1723342 $179,900 MLS # 1620932 AC Residential, Commercial GENERAL
and Farm building.
M&M Leo or Cherry van Veen
Office: 204 826 2292
AUTO BODY 867-0400
All Auto Body Repairs 0r
Ph: 867-2083 867-7506
5 Main St. North
293 4TH ST. N.E., 447 3RD ST. N.E., 171 - 6TH AVE. N.E.
Parish Backhoe
- 1,300 sq. ft. bi-level - 784 sq. ft. bungalow - 1,380 sq. ft. 3 bedroom
near the lake
- 143 x 330 lot! - Immaculate condition and
- Single detached garage with lots of updates Septic Systems Weeping tiles
- Great starter or
retirement home - Sunroom and double
PRAIRIE REDI-MIX Water Systems Basements
Minnedosa - 867-3853
- Lots of updates and features
$139,900 MLS # 1724070 detached garage R eady Mix Conc rete All types of excavation
$264,900 MLS # 1723948 $298,900 MLS # 1618266 Concrete forms, Rebar, Wire Mesh, Certified in waste
Weeping Tile, Concrete Sealer, Snap Ties
Considering listing your Property? All at Competitive
water management
Call me today for great service at great rates! prices Call: Ian
874-2134 or 867-0383
Take a tour on or our website www.remax-prairie
(weeping tile here worked good & is original), Drainage in front of house through rocks at retaining wall & on north side of garage. All permits have been signed off
in front, Pex water line all new from street, French ditch to south of house to prevent laying water, has 4 weeping tile, Built up grade all around bottom of house
Book this spot
& shingles, Hot Water Tank, Windows, , Garage Door Opener & remote, Shed was shingled, Retaining wall was reduced & stucco finished, Landscaped flower bed
gas furnace, New Plumbing throughout, Vinyl siding, 1 1/2 styrofoam under vinyl siding, Facia, soffit, eavestroughs & downspouts - Custom installation, Roof, vents
Outside screen door in back of house, Window well, USB ports included in kitchen plug ins, Wire available for electronics, Heat Recovery Ventilator, High efficiency
are Levelar, Honey comb shades, New kitchen cabinets (glass was special order), counter tops & backsplash, Soft close mirrored closet doors with organizers,
door & on garage, Sky light in main floor bathroom, All new baseboards, Laminate flooring is , Blinds
AT 225 2ND ST. S.E. MINNEDOSA bedroom, main bath & basement florescent, LED dusk to dawn light at front of house steps, at front
Call 204-867 3816
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 Lighting in dining room dims, LED pot lights in living room dims, All lights are LED except master
OPEN HOUSE 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. completed in 2017 include: Microwave/Convection oven, Bosch Dishwasher, Sinks & Faucets, LED
Drainage has also been upgraded with french ditch, weeping tile & buried lines. Full list of upgrades
vinyl siding & 1 1/2 insulation, shingles, windows, landscaped retaining wall, flower bed & shed.
constructed of 2x6 walls, R20 insulation, GDO & remote. Outside is all decked up too with deck, New
new plumbing throughout, HWT 17, HRV 17 & mudroom leading to new attached single car garage
1/2 bath, storage & laundry pair neatly tucked behind folding doors. There is a new HE gas furnace,
& florescent in basement. Downstairs you will find a family room, 2 bonus rooms with no windows,
organizers, sky light in main bath, LED lighting throughout house except master bedroom, bathroom
$229,900 $224,900
backsplash, island has new Bosch dishwasher, 1/2 laminate flooring, mirror closet doors & closet
MLS #1713668 from head to toe. This immaculate home features updated kitchen with all new cabinets, countertops,
All dressed up, all it needs is a family! This 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath has been extensively renovated
Roofing Decks
Fencing Exterior Finishing Broker Realtor and Operated Renovations Repairs
Independently Owned
Fax: 204-867-2150 Gwen Usick
Ph: 204-867-4657 Prairie Mountain
204-868-5980 or 204-867-5544
Drivers Licenses, Autopac
BDO Canada, LLP BURTON PAINTING General Insurance Enterprises Ltd.
Cheri McTavish Broker Refridgeration
Chartered Accountants 867-3946 Air Conditioning,
and Advisors Myrna Alexander
Myrna Charles Heating & Electrical
George Allard, FCGA* Cell: 868-5503
Cell: 868-5503
Gateway Street Farm, Business & Individual
30 Years
Onanole, MB Open Professional Services:
Book Ex perience!!
204-848-7413 ~ Tax
8:30 -6:00 This
Howard Wirch, C.G.A* ~ Accounting Bus : 867-3950
9-515 4th Ave. 116 Main Street
110A ~ Farm Programs Spot Fa x: 867-2340
Shoal Lake, MB
Sarah Campbell, CGA Book this spot
204-759-2680 Minnedosa for
Dauphin Office -
39 Main Street South $5.52/week only
15 1st Ave. S.W.
204 867-5550 Minnedosa 867-2957
Call 204-867 3816
Phone: 204-638-3005 $11.07
Fax: 204-638-5817
*Denotes Professional Corporation
week! Call Gregg
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 29, 2017 15



Septic Service
L a w O ffi c e
5 AND 6 continuous TV AND APPLIANCE
Norman H. Sims, Q.C. SALES AND SERVICE Potable water Lawn Mowing & Trimming
7 6 Ma i n S t r e e t S o u t h Your Shaw Direct, Dandelion Spraying -
Siding Roofing MINNEDOSA 867-2717 LG, Samsung, Bell delivery. Licensed Pesticide Applicator
Soffit Fascia
Closed cell Polyurethane Spray foam
Danby Dealer Book your portable Fertilizer Application
Glen Burgess Blow in Attic & Wall Fibre Insulation
Computer Sales and Service
Systems, Monitors &
Erle Jury & Family
Licensed Arborist Service
Hedge Trimming
Fire Retardent Coating Accessories
204-867-3738 PLUMBING Minnedosa, MB 867-2416
Yard Clean Up

204-868-5211 Email:

Phone 867-3164
Cell: 867-7558
Cory Johnston Minnedosa

WAHOSKI E-mail: (204) 476-4705
Sewage Service Prairie Mountain HVAC/R


Anxiety Disorders
Air Conditioning

867-0145 867-5551
or of Manitoba Cell: 476-6591 Kitchen Equipment
Commercial Gas Fitter
Support Group Dennis: 476-2766
Gently Used Furniture 204-476-5185 Commercial & Residential
service specialist
FINANCE Clothing & Misc. Items Meetings are held at 23 Hour Service
Donations Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of Kent Brown
Estate Sales HILLSIDE the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 1-204-867-7346
Minnedosa Pick-up & Deliveries Plumbing & Heating
For more info call:
Credit Union
Debbie Fisch
(204) 725-8550 LEONAS
Ty Burton St. Alphonsus Studio Of Image
Main line 204-868-5358 Catholic Church Eminence Facials
204-867-6350 ANONYMOUS 142
142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW.
Brad Ross Custom If you like to drink and can Minnedosa,MB
Minnedosa, MB 867-3831
& Product
Pedicures & LCN Nails
Carol Taylor
Fertilizer That's your business
If you want to stop and can't Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m. Spray Tanning
204-867-6368 Floating That's our business. Piercing
Eyelash Extensions
Terry McLenehan Call today to book your
Plumbing & Heating P.O. Box 36
Susan Glasgow
spring oating needs!
Construction or 867-3966 204-867-2287
Alanon - 210-0433 67 Main St.
204-867-6353 Darvin - 204-868-5869 MAIN OFFICE Alateen - 867-5121
Debbie Strelczik
Robert - 204-867-7113 204-867-5458
867-3401 Minnedosa
Mtg. Times: 8:00 pm Tuesdays People Helping People TAC
Dan Quesnel PLUMBING & HEATING - Committed to Caring - Ventures Inc.
Sylvia Firby
Russ Huyghe
204-868-6376 Drug Problem? Phone (204) 857-6100 Waste
204-867-6361 CONSTRUCTION Narcotics Fax (204) 857-8389 Management &
Candice Brown
Cody Huyghe
204-210-0502 Anonymous can help
www.centralplainscancer Contracting
Alayna McTavish
(48-4) OFFICE MANAGER Meetings every (204)476-0002
Matt Saler
Kim Robinson 204-868-6886 Tuesday & Waterpals
Garbage Removal
Bin Rentals
204-867-6352 LEGAL Saturday at 7 p.m. Potable Water Delivery
Construction Demolition
Joanne Clarke
G ORD K E L LY at Calvary Temple, Minnedosa and area
Household clean up
Estate clean ups
Gaylene Johnson Alexander Plumbing & Heating 221 Hamilton Street, No Job is too small!!!
Jackson Gas Fitting Neepawa, MB Transformative
ph: 867-2084 204-868-5674 (8-4)
204-867-6391 Law Office cell: 867-0346 Permanant Hair Removal
B-116 MainSt.St
110B Main S. S 142 Main Street North

GRAIN Minnedosa, MB REAL ESTATE MLA Minnedosa, MB

HAULING 867-3981

Lake Audy Meats


Brian Horner
Burgess Law Farm Raised Animals
Grain & Fertilizer Lorne or Ian Arnold
Hauling 204.759.3313 204-848-2205
51 Main Street S Toll Free 844.877.7767 Cells: 204-867-7380
Minnedosa or 204-848-0660
PETER HARRISON #7 515 4th Avenue Josh McKay - Sales Rep
Phone/Text 867-5444 Burlington Place, Shoal Lake, MB 204-210-0740
16 Friday, September 29, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

Club 55 Golden Agers Bowling Results Basswood News Bridge Club

SUBMITTED hard Penner 154,161, 153 Jim Clark 205, Russ Pet- By ZElDa FIrBy Belated birthday
(+81T). tigrew 163, Debbie Tarn greetings to Bob Currah September 21st

L eague bowling has re-

turned for another sea-
Other good games:
Bud Amy 216, Gladys
Murray 203,241, Marjorie
253, 198, Florence Brown
185, 187, 226, Hazel Stone-
house 149, Bev Chapski
C ongratulations to Syd
and Marie Cardy who
celebrated their 65th wed-
who celebrated a Special
Birthday in September
with family and friends.
1st Jim/Lynn Burgess
2nd Karen
Bowlers of the week McNabb 165, Tony Van- 229, 214, 195, Alan Tarn ding anniversary on Sep- Marion Ogibowski has Christiansen/Lois Phillips
September 25th: Vicky derberg 184,179, Wayne 244, 255, 234, Betty Ann tember 20th. been moved to the Erick- 3rd Lois Campbell/
Bugg 142, 159, 133 (+133T), Brown 201, 221, 214, Rose- Bertrend 242, Fred Stone- Brent Cardy has re- son Care Home and we Cliff Lenz
Ray Criddle 174, 168, 275 mary Hamilton 179, 193, house 164, Paul Chapski turned to the University wish her pleasant days in 4th Norman Peterson/
(+158T), Shirley Mickoski Donna MacDonald, 114, 131, Doug Pettigrew 185, of Manitoba to further his her new place. Nancy McLennan
214, 182, 180 (+88T), Rein- 112, Dan Motuz,208, 265, 187, Chrystal Stoller 138. studies. 5th Wilf Taylor/
Barrie Brooking

*We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases

Sale Dates: *We sell lottery tickets
*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
($2 charge - $10 minimum order)
SEPTEMBER 29TH - OCTOBER 5TH * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens!
* We sell fruit, veggie & meat trays and fruit baskets
*Seniors Discount every Friday (65 & up) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - ENDS THURSDAY 9:00 P.M.) (24 hours notice is appreciated)
*We sell R.O. water

Nestle Pure Life ............................................................... 24x500ml ............. $4.50
FM pies asstd .............................................................................1kg ............. $7.99
GM Cheerios asstd ..............................390-500g ...... $3.49 Delissio pizzas asstd ........................520-875g ...... $5.99
GM Lucky Charms/Nesquick/Cinnamon Toast ........... 330-340g ............. $3.49 McCain RB straight cut fries ...................................................900g ..........2/$5.00
Purex BT, Sponge towels .......................6-12rl ...... $5.99

Scotties facial tissue........................................................... 6x126sh ............. $5.99
Camp chili, Chunky soup asstd ...... 425-540ml .. 2/$4.00
Heinz beans asstd ................................................................. 398ml ..........4/$5.00
Chef Boyardee pasta asstd ......................................................425g ..........3/$4.00
Mr. Noodle instant noodles ......................................................85g ..........3/$1.00 ML ready crisp bacon ................................................................65g ............. $5.99
Hunts pasta sauce asstd ....................................................... 680ml ............. $1.79 Picnic pork shoulder whole smoke ......................................................... $2.09/lb
Uncle Bens Bistro express rice asstd .....................................250g ............. $2.99 PC BM extra lean pie, chicken pie ..........................................900g ............. $9.99
Dare Breton, Vinta crackers asstd ..........................................225g ..........2/$4.00 NN chicken wing astd .............................................................907g ........... $11.99
D Monte canned fruit asstd ................................................. 398ml ..........2/$4.00 Janes pub style chicken asstd .................................................800g ............. $9.99
Frenchs mustard asstd......................................................... 400ml ..........2/$5.00 Lean Ground Beef club pack ............................ $3.29/lb
Quaker oats quick ......................................................................1kg ..........2/$5.00
Smuckers jam asstd .............................................................. 310ml ............. $3.99 Prime Rib steak ................................................. $7.49/lb
Kraft peanut butter smooth ....................................................500g ............. $3.99 Whole chicken ............................................................................................ 2.79/lb
Carnation hot chocolate asstd ................................................500g ............. $4.99 Eye of the round roast .............................................................................. $3.99/lb

KD cup original ..........................................................................58g ..........4/$5.00
NN seasoned stuffing mix ...................................................120g ..........4/$5.00
Kelloggs Pop Tarts assd ...........................................................400g ..........2/$5.00
Ruffles, Cheetos chips asstd............................................ 245-310g ............. $2.99
Kool Aid Jammers asstd ................................................. 10x180ml ............. $2.99
Crisco vegetable oil ............................................................... 1.42lt ............. $4.99 Grapes - green, red ............................................ $2.49/lb
Sugar in the Raw ......................................................................500g ............. $2.99 Peppers - red, orange ............................................................................... $2.49/lb
Rogers icing sugar .....................................1kg .. 2/$5.00 Celery ............................................................................................................. $1.79
Rogers best brown sugar ...........................................................1kg ..........2/$5.00 Broccoli .......................................................................................................... $1.99
Robin Hood all purpose flour ................................................2.5kg ............. $4.49 Tomatoes on the vine ............................................................................... $1.29/lb
Quaker muffin mixes asstd .....................................................900g ............. $3.47 Cantaloupes ................................................................................................... $1.99
Magic baking powder CP ........................................................450g ............. $5.49 Royal Gala apples ..................................................................................... $1.49/lb
Crisco golden flavour/vegetable shortening..........454g .. 2/$5.00 Black Plums.................................................................................................... $2.49

Chipits baking chips asstd .............................................. 225-300g ............. $2.99
ED Smith pie filling asstd ..................................................... 540ml ............. $4.00
Jello instant pudding mixes ......................................................99g ..........4/$5.00
Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk ............................ 300ml ............. $2.99
Becel margarine tub soft .........................................................454g ............. $2.99
Simple OJ 100% pulp free ...................................................... 2.36lt ............. $5.99 Wonder bread asstd.................................................................570g ............. $1.99
Armstrong cheese bar marble, medium, cheddar ................700g ............. $9.99 Little Debbie cakes asstd................................................. 340-459g ............. $1.99
Tenderflake pie/tart shells asstd .................................... 255-397g ............. $2.99
PC shredded triple cheddar ................................................340g ............. $5.49


OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK 70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821

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