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Freud (Mnemonics)


Freud (Matrix)
Stage Focus
Oral Pleasure center of the mouth sucking, biting,
(0-18 months) chewing
Anal Pleasure focuses on the bowel and bladder
(18-36 months) elimination; coping with demands for control
Phallic Pleasure zone is the genitals; coping with
(3-6 years) incestuous sexual feelings
Latency Dormant sexual feelings
(6 to puberty)
Genital Maturation of sexual interest
(puberty on)
Erikson's Eight Stages of Development (matrix)
Age Stage Central concern
Birth to 1 year Trust vs. mistrust Sensing that the world is safe
and I can trust others
1-3 years Autonomy vs. shame and doubt Knowing that I can act on my
own and be independent
3-6 years Initiative vs. guilt Planning and doing new things
and managing my failures
6-12 years Industry vs. inferiority Learning basic competencies and
comparing myself favorably with
12-20 years Identity vs. role confusion Integrating my roles into a
single, consistent identity
20-40 years Intimacy vs. isolation Sharing myself deeply without
fear of losing my identity
40-65 years Generativity vs. stagnation Contributing to others and
society through my offspring and
productive work
65+ years Integrity vs. despair Appraising my life in a way that
allows me to appreciate its
significance and meaning

Erikson's Eight Stages of Development (Mnemonics)

Birth to 1 year Trust vs. mistrust HOPE
1-3 years Autonomy vs. shame and doubt WILL
3-6 years Initiative vs. guilt PURPOSE
6-12 years Industry vs. inferiority COMPETENCE
12-20 years Identity vs. role confusion FIDELITY
20-40 years Intimacy vs. isolation LOVE
40-65 years Generativity vs. stagnation CARE
65+ years Integrity vs. despair WISDOM

HoW PoCo FooL CoW

Kohlberg (matrix)
1. Pre Conventional 1. Obedience and Based on avoiding punishment, a
punishment focus on the consequences of
actions, rather than Intentions;
Intrinsic deference to authority
2. individualism and The "right- behaviors are those
exchange that are In best interest of
oneself; tit for tat mentality
2. Conventional 3. Interpersonal "Good boy / Good girl" attitude,
relationships sees Individuals as filling social
4. Authority and social Law and order as highest Ideals,
order so. obedience Is a must to
maintaining a functional society
3. Post-conventional 5. Social contract Begin to team others have
different values; realization that
law is contingent on culture
6. Universal Principles Develop Internal moral
principles; Individual begins to
obey these above the law

Piaget Stages of Cognitive Development (matrix)

Stage Age Description
Sensorimotor 0-2 years The main achievement during
this stage is object permanence -
knowing that an object still
exists, even if it is hidden. It
requires the ability to form a
mental representation (i.e. a
schema) of the object.
Preoperational 2-7 years During this stage, young children
are able to think about things
symbolically. This is the ability to
make one thing - a word or an
object - stand for something
other than itself. Thinking is still
egocentric, and the infant has
difficulty taking the viewpoint of
Concrete Operational 7-11 years Piaget considered the concrete
stage a major turning point in
the child's cognitive
development, because it marks
the beginning of logical or
operational thought. This means
the child can work things out
internally in their head (rather
than physically try things out in
the real world).Children can
conserve number (age 6), mass
(age 7), and weight (age 9).
Formal operational 11+ years During this time, people develop
the ability to think about
abstract concepts, and logically
test hypotheses.

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