Digital Communication Sample Problem

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Homework 6_1


1. For a 64-PSK modulator with an input data rate(fb) equal to 36 Mbps and a carrier
frequency of 100 MHz, determine the minimum double-sided Nyquist
bandwidth(fN) and the baud. Sketch the output spectrum.
For 64-PSK modulator, there will be 6 levels as 26=64.
Hence, bit rate = 6* baud rate
Bit rate = 36Mbps
Hence, baud rate = 36/6 = 6Mbps
For PSK, bandwidth = baud = 6Mbps.

2. Determine the bandwidth efficiency for the following modulators:

(a) QPSK
(b) 64-QPSK
(c) 128-QAM
(a) Bandwidth efficiency for QPSK = 0.5
(b) Bandwidth efficiency for 64-QPSK = 0.167
(c) Bandwidth efficiency for 128-QAM = 0.1428
Not sure about these answers.

3. A radio channel has a bandwidth of 10 KHz and a SNR of 15 dB. What is the
maximum data rate that can be transmitted:

(a) Using any system?

(b) Using a code with 64 possible states?
(a) For any system, capacity will be decided by Shannon limit C. We have

We have S/N in dB as 15dB. In power levels, it will be 1015/10=31.622.
Putting given numerical values, we get
C = 10*log2(1+31.622) =20.573kbps.
(b) C = 2Blog2M
Here C =?, B 10kHz, M = 64
Hence, C = 2*10*log264=120kbps
4. A modulator transmits symbols, each of which has 64 different possible states,
15,000 times per second. Calculate the baud rate and the bit rate.
For 64 states, there will be 6 levels as 26=64.
Hence, bit rate = 15000*6 = 90000bps =90kbps.
Baud rate = 15000 bps = 15kbps.
5. What is the shannon limit for a standard telephone circuit with an SNR of 30 dB
and a bandwidth of 3.3 KHz?
We have Shannon limit C as

We have S/N in Db as 30dB. In power levels, it will be 1030/10=1000.

Hence, Shannon limit C = 3300 log2(1+1000)
= 3.3*log(1001)/log(2)
6. What is the maximum data rate possible for a standard telephone circuit with an
SNR of 1023 and BW of 3 KHz using 8 bits per symbol?

C = 3000 log2(1+1023)
= 3000*log(1024)/log(2)
=30000 bits/sec
Hence, data rate transfer = 30000/8 = 3750
Nyquist bit rate = 2Blog2M = 2*3*log28 = 18kbps.
Hence, data rate transfer = 18000/8 = 2250
Hence, maximum data rate is decided by Shannon limit and it is 3750.

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