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Q 1.Collect data about contribution of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors to the
economy of India, China, USA and Singapore for four financial years 1951-52, 1971-72, 1991-
92, 2011-12, and 2016-17. Analyze the above data to identify the trends in social and living
standards of people as well as international politics.
Sector/ Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector


1951-52 50.67% 15% 33.59%

1971-72 40.28% 21.23% 38.37%

1991-92 29.39% 25.40% 44.96%

2011-12 17.86% 27.22% 54.91%


1951-52 52% 21% 27%

1971-72 35% 40% 24%

1991-92 26% 47% 33%

2011-12 10% 46% 44%


1951-52 10% 31% 59%

1971-72 6% 32% 62%

1991-92 4% 24% 72%

2011-12 2% 23% 75%





2011-12 0% 27.2% 72.8%

INDIA The standard of living in india shows large disparity.India is a very fast growing economy in the world
coming under developing country.During 1951-52 the indian economy highly depends on agriculture over 70% living
off agriculture,so the govt. main focus on agriculture.
The annual growth rate of india was 1.2-1.3% at that time. At that time focus on secondary sector is very low as india
did not have machineries.
Life expectancy of india rose 65 years in 2012 from 32 years at the time of independence. Now indias GDP highly
depends on tertiary sector. The growth rate of secondary sector is very slow during this decades. Indias heavy
dependency on farming, agriculture accounted for less than 15% of Indias gross domestic product last year.
In comparison, the service sector, which employs about a third of the countrys workers, accounted for over 55% of
Indias GDP last year. Unemployment also rises because lack of skill.
Literacy levels in India have grown from about 16% in 1951, when the first census was conducted, to around 74% in
2011, the latest year for which data is available.

After India got independence from colonial rule in 1947, the process of rebuilding the economy started. India went for
centralized planning . The Five Year Plans which successfully transformed erstwhile USSR were made a tool for
First five year plan for the development of Indian economy came into implementation in 1952.
Importance was given to establishment of modern industries, modern scientific and technological institutes,
development of space and nuclear programmes.
However, despite all efforts on economic front, the country did not develop at rapid pace largely due to lack of capital
formation, cold war politics, defense expenditure, and rise in population and inadequate infrastructure. The high
contribution of services and manufacturing sector indicates the huge progress made by Indian economy since its
Independence when it was predominantly agrarian economy.
(Source: Google book)

CHINA China is also a fastest growing economy in the world. Initially chinas most economy comes from primary
sector,but over the years it focuses on manufacturing and there secondary sector almost increases double from 1951-
2011. After recovering from war they focuses on education and skills in china increases . These helps china to double
there economy. The Soviet approach to economic development was manifested in the First Five-Year Plan (195357).
As in the Soviet economy, the main objective was a high rate of economic growth, with primary emphasis on industrial
development at the expense of agriculture and particular concentration on heavy industry and capital-intensive
technology. Soviet planners helped their Chinese counterparts formulate the plan. Large numbers of Soviet engineers,
technicians, and scientists assisted in developing and installing new heavy industrial facilities, including many entire
plants and pieces of equipment purchased from the Soviet Union.
Government control over industry was increased during this period by applying financial pressures and inducements to
convince owners of private, modern firms to sell them to the state or convert them into joint public-private enterprises
under state control. In 1985, industry employed about 17 percent of the labor force but produced more than 46 percent
of gross national product (GNP). It was the fastest growing sector with an average annual growth of 11 percent from
1952 to 1985. In 1985, the agricultural sector employed about 63 percent of the labor force and its proportion of GNP
was about 33 percent. There was low worker productivity because of scant supplies of agricultural machinery and other
modern inputs.
(Source: Google book)

China was self-sufficient in nearly all energy forms. Coal and petroleum were exported since the early 1970s. By 1987,
under the stimulus of the reform program, the Chinese economy had made major strides toward achieving
modernization and improved living standards.
The potential for further improvements in efficiency and productivity was greatly increased by the revival of the
education system, the opening of the economy to broader trade and cooperation with other countries, the expanded use
of the market to enliven commerce and production, and the increased decision-making power of individual economic

USA is the worlds number one developed country which share around 20% of world GDP. 83% of all employed
workers in the United States are engaged in production of services. 17% work in industries that produce tangible goods,
with fewer than 1% of all U.S. workers engaged in the primary sector work of harvesting and processing natural
During the post-war period, industrial growth remained strong while the relative share of the primary sector declined.
Finally, since the 1960s the secondary sector has declined while the tertiary sector has been the fastest-growing sector
a trend that is likely to continue in the 21st century.
In USA agricultural productivity has increased as human labor has been replaced by mechanization and as the use of
agricultural chemicals and other technologies has spread. In the 1950s the country was essentially energy-independent,
obtaining only about 15% of its oil from imports.

United States remains the worlds largest goods manufacturer. In 2004 American manufacturers produced about $1.5
trillion worth of goods. Despite rapidly rising house prices, the percentage of Americans who own their own home has
gradually increased.6 In 2004 69% of households owned their own home, up from 64% in 1985 and 63% in 1965.
Manufacturing productivity in the U.S. over the past few decades has been growing faster than overall business
productivity and has particularly accelerated since 1990. A major difference between the United States and other
developed economies is that human services in the U.S. are less likely to be provided by the public sphere. The quality
of education in American can be excellent, and many foreigners come to the U.S. for their higher education. The
production of services, accounting for nearly two-thirds of GDP in the United States.
Source: (Book: chapter 8-The Structure of the United States Economy pdf)

SINGAPORE - Singapore has a highly developed market economy, based historically on extended trade. Between
1965 and 1995, growth rates averaged around 6 per cent per annum, transforming the living standards of the population.
The Singaporean economy is known as one of the freest, most innovative, most competitive, most dynamic and most
In 1965, Singapores nominal GDP per capita was around US$500, In 2015, GDP per capita was about US$56,000.
Currently, Singapore ranks as the top Asian country with the highest standard of living. About 90% of Singaporeans
live in proper houses with modern facilities, while the city itself is virtually slum-free . It is also a base of more than
3000 multinational companies from the developed world.
Singapores economic strategies can be summarized into three basic categories: (1) The governments strategic role, (2)
Mobilization of its human capital, and (3) Continuous development of infrastructure.
The Economic Development Board (EDB) was established in 1961 with the main purpose of attracting foreign capital
to enter the Singapore market.
The wonders of the Singapore economic achievement since the 1960s have its roots in the hard work of the government
and the people of Singapore. The government and the people of Singapore have realized that Singapore depends
primarily on its human resources and secondarily on the resources of foreign investors. As such, both the government
and the people have worked together throughout the years to ensure that Singapores economy remains competitive.
With relatively stable governments from 1960 onward, Singapore has been able to attract foreign investors, from which
it gains the crucial financial capital for its economic progress.

Source (Singapore Metropolitan Economic Strategy Report)

Q 2. Describe the events and contributions of individuals towards development of modern manufacturing systems and
its management in chronological order starting 1776.
The industrial revolution (1760-1830) has major effects on several ways. It marked the change from economy based
on agriculture and handicraft to one based on industry and manufacturing. The change began in England where
number of machines were invented. One significant discovery was the principle of "DIVISON OF LABOUR".

The second industrial revolution was noticed in mid and late 1800's. In this period growing demand was noticed for
iron and steel in railroad manufacturing and in other machines like automobile, sewing machines and bicycles etc.

In 1881 first electric power generating system had been built in New York city and soon electric motors were used to
run the factory. Twentieth century was time for more technological advancement than any other century combined.
Many of the discovery resulted in automation in manufacturing.

(source : google books)


1776 Specialization of Adam smith
labour in
1799 Interchangeable Eli Whitney and
parts, cost accounting others
1832 Division of labour by Charles Babbage
skill and basic of time
1900 Motion of study of Frank Gilberth
1901 Scheduling Henry Gantt
techniques for
1915 Economic lot sizes of F.W. Harris
inventory control
1935 Statistical sampling H.F. Dodge &H.G.
applied to quality Roming
1946 Digital computer John Mauchlly and
J.P. Eckert
1947 Linear programming G.B. Dantzig
1950 Mathematical A. Charnes, W.W.
programming on Cooper
linear and stochastic
1951 Commercial digital Sperry univac
computer: large scale
computation available
1960 Organizational L. Cummings & L.
behaviour: continue Porter
study of people at
1970 Integrating operation G. WRIGHT AND W.
into overall strategy Skinner
and policy
1980 Robotics and CAD- W.E. DEMINGS & J.


Q 3. Select two products that you are familiar with and describe the production process. Also describe the
manufacturing environment these products follow giving important characteristics of products, production process and


RAW MATERIAL: Manufacturers produce a wide array of bottles from plastic, including water bottles, soda bottles and
food containers, such as those for mustard or ketchup. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a particular favorite for
producing any type of bottle that touches food or potable water. The material produces bottles that are lightweight,
yet strong and durable. Although manufacturers may vary the process slightly based on proprietary methods, the
basic method for producing bottles is universal.


PET is a plastic resin derived from petroleum hydrocarbons. The producer creates long chains of plastic
molecules through a process called polymerization, and then mixes the material with several chemical
They cut the resin into small pellets and send it on to the bottle manufacturer. The bottle plant mixes PET
resin pellets with "regrind" -- recycled plastic that has been reduced to flakes.
Plastic loses some of its physical properties when repeatedly heated, so manufacturers must limit the amount
of regrind they use, typically capping this ingredient at 10% of the total mix. Unless producing clear bottles,
dyes are introduced to the mix as well.

An extruder melts the PET and regrind mix at temperatures of about 500 degrees Fahrenheit.
A screw inside the extruder compresses the PET mix and injects the nearly molten material into molds. The
mold produces a bottle preform, which is sometimes called a parison.
The preform looks like a thick-walled test tube, often including the bottles characteristic screw top.
The preform cools as it travels to a machine called a blow molder, and may need to be brought back up to the
manufacturers specified temperature for that operation. If necessary, the bottle manufacturer raises the
temperature of the preform in a small oven.
The preforms enter a two-part mold that closes around it. The inside of this mold is shaped exactly like the
finished bottle.
Inside, a long needle pushes up through the preform, which is suspended with the screw end facing
downward. The needle stretches the preform upward toward the top of the mold -- which will be the bottom
of the bottle -- and simultaneously blasts enough pressurized air into the preform to force it against the sides
of the mold.
This stretch blow molding process must happen quickly in order to maintain the bottles integrity and
consistent shape.
Some manufacturers weld a separate bottom piece to the bottle during blow molding, while others produce a
bottom from the preform along with the rest of the bottle.
The bottle must be cooled almost instantly or it will lose its shape when gravity causes it to creep downward
in its malleable, heated state.
Some manufacturers cool the bottle by circulating cold water or liquid nitrogen through the mold, others elect to
fill it with a shot of air at room temperature.
The mold typically yields a clean bottle, but some flashing may occur at the bottle seams, where the two mold
halves met. If so, operators trim away the excess material and add it to the regrind.
(source: & wikipedia )


SODA Bottles made from Polyethylene Terephthalate are commonly used for carbonated beverage
PET provides very good alcohol and essential oil barrier properties, generally good chemical
resistance (although acetones and ketones will attack PET) and a high degree of impact resistance
and tensile strength.
They can be recycled and use again.
(source: )

Some bottles are sold empty to consumers with the intent for them to be used many times. These can be
made of glass, metals, and a variety of plastics and can contain a variety of beverages.
Reused bottles could develop bacteria in the bottle between uses. Mouth contact to the bottle openings can
easily transfer bacteria to the water content, which can contaminate both bottle and water. Contamination
will cause bacterial and fungal growth in the water while kept in storage; if the user cleans the bottle
thoroughly before reuse, the risk is much less
Coca-cola, beer and for other beverages PET made bottles are used.
(source: wikepedia).

Product 2 : WATCH

INTRODUCTION- The oldest means of determining time is by observing the location of the sun in the sky.
The invention of the mechanical clock in the fourteenth century was a major advancementit provided a more concise
and consistent method of measuring time. The mechanical clock includes a complicated series of wheels, gears, and
levers powered by a falling weights and with a pendulum . These pieces together moved the hand or hands on a dial to
show the time. In eighteenth century small clocks for homes are available. Mechanical wristwatches were an everyday
item in the United States by the 1960s.
With the development of the microchip in the 1970s and 1980s, a new type of watch was invented. Wristwatches that
mixed microchip technology with quartz crystals became the standard; there are few non-quartz wristwatches made
today. The microchip is utilized to send signals to the dial of the watch on a continual basis. The most accurate quartz
watches are those in which the time appears in an electronically controlled digital display, produced via a light-emitting
diode (LED) or a liquid crystal display (LCD).

Electronic watches make use of many of the most modern materials available, including plastics and alloy metals.
Cases can be made of either plastic or metal; watches with metal cases often include a stainless steel backing.
Microchips are typically made of silicon, while LEDs are usually made of gallium arsenide, gallium phosphide, or
gallium arsenide phosphide. LCDs consist of liquid crystals sandwiched between glass pieces. Electrical contacts
between parts are usually made of a small amount of gold (or are gold plated); gold is an almost ideal electrical
conductor and can be used successfully in very small amounts.

Here we focus on quartz digital watches with LED displays.

1 .The heart of a quartz watch is a tiny sliver of quartz. The synthetically produced quartz is cut by the manufacturer
with a diamond saw and shipped to the watchmaker to use. The production of "grown" quartz is a critical step in the
Quartz, in a natural form, is first loaded into a giant kettle or autoclave (the same device used by doctors and dentists to
sterilize instruments). Hanging from the top of the autoclave are seeds or tiny particles of quartz with the desired
crystalline structure. An alkaline material is pumped into the bottom of the autoclave, and the autoclave is heated to a
temperature of roughly 750 degrees Fahrenheit (400 degrees Celsius). The natural quartz dissolves in the hot alkaline
liquid, evaporates, and deposits itself on the seeds. As it deposits itself, it follows the pattern of the crystalline structure
of the seeds. After about 75 days, the chamber can be opened, and the newly grown quartz crystals can be removed and
cut into the correct proportions. Different angles and thicknesses in the cutting lead to predictable rates of oscillation.
The desired rate of oscillation for quartz used in wristwatches is 100,000 mega Hertz or 100,000 oscillations per
2 .To work most effectively, the piece of quartz needs to be sealed in a vacuum chamber of one sort or another. Most
commonly, the quartz is placed into a sort of capsule, with wires attached to both ends so that the capsule can be
soldered or otherwise connected to a circuit board.

The microchip
3. The electronic leads generated by a battery through the quartz (producing oscillations) will go to a microchip that
serves as a "frequency dividing circuit." Microchip manufacture, like the quartz, is also carried out by the supplier to
the watch manufacturer. An extensive and complex process, making microchips involves chemical and/or x-ray etching
of a microscopic electronic circuit onto a tiny piece of silicon dioxide.
4. The oscillation rate of perhaps 100,000 vibrations/second is reduced to 1 or 60 or some other more manageable
number of oscillations. The new pattern of oscillation is then sent to another microchip that functions as a "counter-
decoder-driver." This chip will actually count the oscillations that it receives. If there are sixty oscillations per second,
the chip will change the reading on an LED every second. After 3,600 oscillations (60 x 60), the counter will instruct
the LED to change the reading for minutes. And, after 60 x 60 x 60 oscillations (216,000), the counter will change the
hour reading.
5. The entire set of crystal and microchips is set onto a circuit board. The board incorporates a space to hold the battery
that supplies electricity to the quartz crystal and supplies the power for the LED display. Generally, the space for the
battery is on the outside of the surface facing the back of the case. The battery can be replaced by removing the back of
the watch, shaking out the old one, and dropping in the new battery.
6. The mechanism used for setting the watch is then connected. This mechanism involves two pins that extend beyond
the case of the watch. One pin lets the counter circuit know which reading to resetseconds, minutes, or hours. The
second pin is pushed a number of times to bring the display to the desired reading.
7. The entire circuit board, along with a battery, is then closed into a case, and a wrist strap is attached.

Because the microchips in a quartz watch are capable of holding large quantities of information, it is possible, from an
engineering standpoint, to add other functions to a watch without much difficulty. An additional push button on the
case connected to the counter circuit can provide alarms, tide information, and more. The microchip can just as easily
be programmed to set the watch forward or back a defined amount at the push of a button, so that an owner can
determine the time in another time zone, or perhaps have two, three, or more time zone times displayed successively.

All components of electronic watches are manufactured under a strict system of quality control. Quartz crystals, for
example, have their frequencies tested before being used in a watch. Microchips must be made in a "clean room"
environment with specially filtered air, since even the tiniest dust particles can render a chip useless. Microchips are
examined carefully and are also bench tested for accuracy before use.
After a watch is manufactured, it is again tested before being shipped to market. In addition to its time-keeping
accuracy, it is also subjected to a drop-test in which it must continue to operate properly after being dropped and
otherwise abused; a temperature test; and a water test. While a watchmaker may, with proper testing and proof, claim
that a watch is "water resistant" at certain, known specifications, it is inaccurate to say a watch is "waterproof because
without particular specification that designation is meaningless.

Today's electronic watches are design so accurate, accuracy is not the only goal for which a watch manufacturer aims.
Customer wants more and more features in watches so Future changes in product will take advantage of other
technologies from other fields such as the addition of a calculator function to a watch, or even the addition of a radio-
transmitter that can send out a traceable signal if the wearer is lost or in trouble.


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