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Genitourinar y Imaging Original Research

Lim et al.
PI-RADSv2 Categories and Pathologic Outcomes in Patients
With GS 3+ 4= 7 Tumors

Genitourinary Imaging
Original Research Prostate Imaging Reporting and
Data System, Version 2, Assessment
Categories and Pathologic
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Outcomes in Patients With Gleason

Score 3+ 4= 7 Prostate Cancer
Diagnosed at Biopsy
Christopher S. Lim1 OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study is to assess associations between Prostate Im-
Matthew D. F. McInnes1 aging Reporting and Data System, version 2 (PI-RADSv2), categories and the presence of a
Trevor A. Flood2 tumor with a Gleason score (GS) of 4+ 3= 7 or greater or the presence of extraprostatic ex-
Rodney H. Breau 3 tension (EPE) at radical prostatectomy (RP) in patients with a GS 3+ 4= 7 tumor at biopsy.
Christopher Morash 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS. A total of 81 men with GS 3+ 4= 7 prostate can-
cer diagnosed by transrectal ultrasoundguided biopsy underwent multiparametric MRI and
Rebecca E. Thornhill1
RP between 2012 and 2015. Two blinded radiologists assessed multiparametric MR images
Nicola Schieda1 and assigned PI-RADSv2 assessment categories (categories 15) with the use of sector maps,
Lim CS, McInnes MDF, Flood TA, et al. which were compared with regard to the location of the tumor, the GS, and the presence of
EPE at RP. Comparisons were performed between groups with the use of chi-square and mul-
tivariate analysis. Diagnostic accuracy was assessed using ROC curve analysis, and localiza-
tion was compared using the Fisher exact test.
RESULTS. A total of 53.1% of men (43/81) had EPE, and 21.0% (17/81) had GS 4+ 3=
7 prostate cancer after RP, whereas 2.5% of men (2/81) had their tumors downgraded to GS
3+ 3= 6. No statistically significant difference in patient age, prostate specific antigen level,
or clinical stage existed between groups (p> 0.05). PI-RADSv2 assessment categories were
significantly higher for GS 4+ 3= 7 tumors (p= 0.03). PI-RADSv2 showed moderate accura-
cy for the diagnosis of GS 4+ 3= 7 tumors (AUC, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.540.77), with a category
of 4 or higher having a sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of 94.1% and 23.4%, respec-
tively. No patient with a PI-RADSv2 category lower than 3 had a GS 4+ 3= 7 tumor. Accura-
cy of tumor localization ranged from 86.4% to 92.6%, with 88.2% of errors (15/17) occurring
in GS 3+ 3= 6 or GS 3+ 4= 7 tumors (p= 0.30). PI-RADSv2 categories were noted to be
higher when EPE was present (p< 0.001). Interobserver agreement was moderate (= 0.43).
CONCLUSION. For GS 3+ 4= 7 cancers detected at transrectal ultrasoundguided bi-
Keywords: active surveillance, Gleason score, opsy, higher PI-RADSv2 assessment categories are associated with upgrading to GS 4+ 3= 7
multiparametric MRI, prostate cancer, stage cancer and with the presence of EPE after RP. A PI-RADSv2 score of 3 or higher was 100%
sensitive for diagnosing GS 4+ 3= 7 tumors.

rostate cancer is a biologically curate assessment of tumor aggressiveness.

Received May 31, 2016; accepted after revision
November 10, 2016. diverse disease with varying ag- Active surveillance protocols that consider
gressiveness. Management deci- patients with GS 3+ 4= 7 tumors may be
Department of Medical Imaging, The Ottawa Hospital,
sions are based on numerous in- limited because, for a proportion of these tu-
The University of Ottawa, 1053 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON
K1Y 4E9, Canada. Address correspondence to N. Schieda dividual patient factors; however, among mors, the GS may be underestimated by
( them, the Gleason score (GS) of the tumor TRUS-guided biopsy results [811], and clin-
detected at transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) ical staging of disease with the use of digital
guided biopsy is critical [1, 2]. For tumors rectal examination and clinical nomograms
Department of Anatomical Pathology, The Ottawa
Hospital, The University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
with a GS of 7 or higher, management typi- can be imprecise [12, 13]. This may result in
Department of Urology, The Ottawa Hospital, cally involves radical prostatectomy (RP) or the inappropriate surveillance of an appar-
TheUniversity of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada. radiotherapy [1, 2]. Low-volume GS 3+ 3= 6 ently low-volume GS 3+ 4= 7 cancer when
tumors may be managed with active surveil- the patient harbors more aggressive disease.
AJR 2017; 208:10371044 lance [3, 4], and it has been proposed that se- In addition, although less common, GS 3+
lected low-volume GS 3+ 4= 7 tumors may 4= 7 prostate cancers may also be down-
also be managed with active surveillance [4 graded to GS 3+ 3= 6 tumors after RP [9, 14,
American Roentgen Ray Society 7]; however, this strategy is dependent on ac- 15], potentially resulting in overtreatment of

AJR:208, May 2017 1037

Lim et al.

disease. Furthermore, there is increasing evi- ing of prostate multiparametric MRI, to sim- the full multiparametric MRI technique was not
dence that intermediate-risk GS 7 tumors plify the reporting of prostate multipara- performed (n= 2), severe artifact from hip prosthe-
have a different biologic aggressiveness and metric MRI [24, 25]. PI-RADS, version 2 sis or motion was noted (n= 3), or the patient had
long-term prognosis, and it has been pro- (PI-RADSv2), provides interpretation guide- a history of androgen deprivation therapy (n= 1).
posed that GS 3+ 4= 7 and 4+ 3= 7 tumors lines for peripheral zone (PZ) and transition The final study group consisted of 81 patients. Data
should be considered separately, rather than zone (TZ) tumors and five assessment cate- on patient age, prostate serum antigen (PSA) lev-
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grouped together [16]. gories indicating the probability of clinical- el, clinical stage determined from digital rectal ex-
Multiparametric MRI (the combination of ly significant cancer [24, 25]. The probabil- amination, GS, and pathologic stage after RP were
high-resolution T2-weighted MRI with func- ity scale in PI-RADSv2 recently has been retrieved from patient electronic medical records.
tional imaging [DWI and dynamic contrast- shown to be inversely associated with his-
enhanced MRI]) has emerged as an accurate topathologic downgrading of GS 3+ 4= 7 MRI Technique
imaging test for the detection of clinical- cancers after RP and to be correlated with The multiparametric MRI (T2-weighted MRI
ly significant (defined by a GS 7) prostate the risk of biochemical recurrence [26, 27]. plus DWI plus dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI)
cancers [17, 18], although it is limited for the The purpose of this study is to assess asso- technique used for prostate cancer imaging at
detection of low-volume GS 3+ 3= 6 tumors ciations between PI-RADSv2 categories and our institution is presented in Table 1. Endorec-
[19, 20]. Multiparametric MRI may also be the presence of tumors with a GS of 4+ 3= tal coil was not used for any patient. A total of
limited in the detection of certain low-vol- 7 or greater or the presence of extraprostatic 54.3% of patients (44/81) underwent imaging per-
ume GS 3+ 4= 7 tumors composed mainly extension (EPE) at RP in patients with GS formed using one clinical 3-T MRI scanner (Mag-
of Gleason pattern 3, which are difficult to 3+ 4= 7 tumor at biopsy. netom Trio Tim, Siemens Healthcare), and 45.7%
detect on MRI [2123]. The inability of mul- (37/81) underwent imaging performed with a sec-
tiparametric MRI to depict certain low vol- Materials and Methods ond clinical 3-T MRI scanner (Discovery 750
ume GS 3 + 4 = 7 cancers implies that, when This retrospective study was approved by the lo- W, GE Healthcare). Because of the retrospective
nonradical treatment is considered for pa- cal research ethics board, which waived the need nature of the study, high-b-value DWI was per-
tients with GS 3+ 4= 7 tumors diagnosed at for informed consent from all patients. We searched formed at b= 10001500 mm2/s because acquisi-
TRUS-guided biopsy, multiparametric MRI the pathology and imaging databases at The Ottawa tion at a b value of 1400 mm2/s or higher was not
may have a role in potentially discriminating Hospital for all patients with GS 3+ 4= 7 cancer di- instituted until January 2015, after it was formally
tumors on the basis of their relative propor- agnosed at systematic TRUS-guided needle biopsy suggested in the PI-RADSv2 guidelines published
tion of Gleason pattern 4. who underwent RP and preoperative multiparamet- at that time [24, 25]. A total of 85.2% of patients
In 2015, the European Society of Urogeni- ric 3-T MRI of the prostate between January 2012 (69/81) underwent DWI at up to b= 1000 mm2/s
tal Radiology and the American College of and May 2015. A total of 87 patients were identi- (because imaging was performed before January
Radiology issued a revised Prostate Imag- fied. All patients had undergone biopsy that con- 2015) and 14.8% patients (12/81) underwent DWI
ing Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS) firmed a diagnosis of GS 3 + 4 = 7 cancer at the at up to b= 1500 mm2/s (because imaging was
document for the interpretation and report- time of MRI. Six patients were excluded because performed on or after January 2015).

TABLE 1: Sequence Parameters for Protocol for Multiparametric MRI of the Prostate Performed With a Pelvic
Surface Coil on 3-T Systems
Slice Receiver
Imaging FOV Thickness/ Echo-Train Flip Acceleration Bandwidth Acquisition No.of
Sequence Plane (mm) Matrix Size Gap (mm) TR/TE Length Angle() Factor (Hz/voxel) Time (min) Excitations
T1-weighted TSE Axial 350 350 320 320 5.0/1.0 720/814 3 111 0 244 4 2
T1-weighted 3D Axial 240 240 292 224 4.0/1.0 4.8/1.11.3a NA 12 2 558 Breathhold 1
dual-echo GRE
T2-weighted TSE Coronal 220 220 320 256 4.0/0 38905250/ 2735 111 0 122 4 12
Sagittal 3.0/0 4
Axial 3.0/0 4
DWIb Axial 280 280 128 80 3.05.0/0 4200/90 1 90 2 1950 5 410
T1-weighted GRE Axial 220 220 128 128 4.0/0 4.3/1.3 NA 12 2 488 6 1
NoteClinical MRI examinations were performed using two 3-T MRI systems (Magnetom Trio Tim, Siemens Healthcare; and Discovery 750 W, GE Healthcare) with
four- to 16-channel integrated pelvic surface coils with eight- to 12-channel activated spine coils. TSE= turbo spin echo, GRE= gradient-recalled echo.
aTE1/TE2, TE1 = 1.11.3, and TE2 = 2.22.5.
bDWI was performed with spectral fat-suppression echo-planar imaging with tridirectional motion-probing gradients and b values of 0, 500, and 1000 mm2 /s with

automatic apparent diffusion coefficient map generation.

cTwo-dimensional dynamic fast spoiled GRE MRI performed with temporal resolution of 10 s after administration of gadobutrol (0.1 mmol/kg, Gadovist, Bayer HealthCare)

injected at a rate of 3 mL/s.

1038 AJR:208, May 2017

PI-RADSv2 Categories and Pathologic Outcomes in Patients With GS 3+ 4= 7 Tumors

Histopathologic Findings tumor focus within the same gland, and none of is highly unlikely to be present); 2, a low prob-
The standard nontargeted extended-template these less than 0.5-mL tumor foci had EPE when ability (clinically significant cancer is unlikely to
TRUS-guided biopsy system used at our institution the dominant tumor focus was confined to the or- be present); 3, an indeterminate probability (the
uses an 18-gauge side-cutting needle and yields 12 gan. A total of 13.6% of the dominant tumor foci presence of clinically significant cancer is equiv-
core biopsy specimens. Prostate biopsy specimens (11/81) were located in the TZ, and 86.4% (70/81) ocal); 4, a high probability (clinically significant
were obtained from 10 anatomic locations in the were located in the PZ. To create RPmultipara- cancer is likely to be present); and 5, a very high
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prostate (i.e., the right and left apex, right and left metric MRI histopathologic maps, one radiolo- probability (clinically significant cancer is highly
midlateral and midmedial, and right and left base gist coregistered tumor foci identified on RP maps likely to be present) (Figs. 1 and 2). Each exami-
lateral and base medial). All biopsies were per- to MRI approximately 6 months after the initial nation was reviewed on a standard PACS worksta-
formed by experienced fellowship-trained radiol- blinded interpretation session. For tumors that tion (Horizon Medical Imaging, McKesson) with
ogists at a tertiary care referral center for prostate were not considered to be well visualized with the use of a commercially available third-party
cancer. Tissue was fixed overnight in 10% neutral MRI, anatomic landmarks including the urethra, postprocessing software program (AquariusNet,
buffered formalin. Three histologic slides were pre- the central zone of the prostate near its base, and Tera-Recon).
pared from each block, each with three serial sec- benign prostatic hyperplasia nodules were used to
tions cut to a thickness of 3 m and stained with H localize tumors. Statistical Analysis
and E. RP specimens were fixed in 40% buffered For statistical comparisons, patients were strati-
formalin and then were serially sectioned into hori- Visual Analysis fied into two groups. The first group included pa-
zontal sections with a thickness of 0.30.4 cm, with Two fellowship-trained abdominal radiologists tients with tumors for which the GS remained 3+
the use of a step-by-step approach. All tissues were who had experience using the PI-RADSv2 scor- 4= 7 or was downgraded to GS 3+ 3= 6 and com-
paraffin embedded, and 4--thick sections were ing system (both radiologists had used the updat- pared to patients with tumors with a GS of 4+ 3=
cut and stained with H and E. All specimens from ed PI-RADS classification since 2015 and had in- 7 or higher after RP. The second group included
TRUS-guided needle biopsy and RP were reviewed terpreted between 150 and 200 examinations with patients with organ-confined disease and com-
by fellowship-trained genitourinary pathologists, use of the PI-RADSv2 system) and who had 11 pared to patients with EPE. Patient age, the PSA
and the GS (from biopsy and RP), pathologic stage, and 16 years of experience in genitourinary imag- level, and PI-RADSv2 categories were compared
and overall percentage of Gleason pattern 3 for each ing evaluated each MRI examination. They were between groups with the use of chi-square and
tumor (from RP) were recorded. A dedicated gen- blinded to the final histopathologic results and the multivariate analyses. The diagnostic accuracy
itourinary pathologist with 12 years of experience location of the dominant tumor foci at RP; howev- of PI-RADS for predicting disease with a GS of
reviewed the RP results and identified and mapped er, the radiologists were aware that all patients un- 4+ 3 or higher and the presence of EPE was as-
dominant tumor foci with a volume measuring more derwent RP. All pulse sequences were available at sessed using ROC analysis. Correlation between
than 0.5 mL [19, 2831]. Tumors in the PZ and TZ the time the imaging review was performed (in- PI-RADSv2 categories and the percentage of Glea-
were both considered. cluding T2-weighted MRI, DWI, and dynamic son pattern 3 for each tumor was assessed using
With the use of these criteria, only one domi- contrast-enhanced MRI), and assessment of the Pearson correlation. The accuracy of dominant tu-
nant tumor focus per patient was identified. None studies was performed according to PI-RADSv2 mor localization was compared between tumors
of the tumors with a volume measuring less than [24, 25]. For each patient, the radiologist assessed with a GS of 3+ 4= 7 or greater and those with a
0.5 mL had a GS higher than that of the dominant each study for dominant tumor foci in the PZ and GS of 3+ 4= 7 or less, with use of the Fisher ex-
TZ, with use of the PI-RADS sector map, and as- act test. Ordinal data are reported as mean (SD)
signed an overall PI-RADSv2 category for the values. Interobserver agreement was assessed us-
probability of prostate cancer, with 1 denoting a ing the Cohen kappa statistic. A p 0.05 was con-
very low probability (clinically significant cancer sidered to denote a statistically significant result.

Fig. 157-year-old man with Gleason score 3+ 4= 7 prostate cancer involving three of 12 core biopsy specimens. Prostate serum antigen level was 6.2 ng/mL, and
clinical stage was T2a.
A, Axial stained whole-mount histopathologic image (H and E, 2) obtained at low microscopic power through mid and apical prostate shows two areas of tumor (black-
outlined area) in left peripheral zone (PZ) and transition zone (TZ). For purposes of this study, only tumors with volume greater than 0.5 mL were considered to have
potential clinical statistical significance; therefore, PZ tumor was dominant tumor focus in patient because TZ tumor volume measured less than 0.5 mL. Dominant tumor
was 80% Gleason pattern 3.
B and C, Axial fast spin-echo T2-weighted MR image (B) and apparent diffusion coefficient map (C) show low T2 signal (arrow, B) in left PZ but no corresponding
restricted diffusion (arrow, C) on apparent diffusion coefficient map. TZ tumor also is not visible. Neither radiologist correctly identified dominant tumor in this patient;
accordingly, both radiologists assigned Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System, version 2, assessment category of 2.

AJR:208, May 2017 1039

Lim et al.
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Fig. 271-year-old man with Gleason score 3+ 4= 7 prostate cancer involving five of 12 core biopsy specimens. Prostate serum antigen level was 10.7 ng/mL, and clinical
stage was T1c.
A, Axial T2-weighted image shows well-defined ovoid nodule in left anterior apical horn of prostate (arrow).
B and C, Axial apparent diffusion coefficient map (B) and trace echo-planar image (C) (b value, 1000 mm2 /s) show ill-defined lenticular-shaped lesion (arrow, B and C) with
very low signal intensity on apparent diffusion coefficient map (arrow, B) and marked signal hyperintensity on echo-planar image (arrow, C). Lesion measured 18 mm and
was graded by both radiologists as Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System, version 2, category 5. Histopathologic findings after radical prostatectomy confirmed
dominant tumor focus in left anterior peripheral zone with Gleason score of 4+ 3= 7 and pathologic stage of T2.

Statistical analysis was performed using statistical in age (mean, 64.5 6.0 vs 61.9 6.3 years, No statistically significant difference was
software (Stata, version 13.0, StataCorp). respectively; p= 0.15) or PSA level (mean, noted in the distribution of disease according
7.4 3.1 vs 6.2 3.0 ng/mL, respectively; to GS (p= 0.68) or the presence of EPE (p=
Results p= 0.16) was noted. When patients with EPE 0.87), when patients who underwent imaging
A total of 21.0% of patients (17/81) had a were compared with those with organ-con- on either MRI scanner were compared.
GS 4+ 3= 7 tumor after RP. For 2.5% of pa- fined disease, no difference in age (mean age, Table 2 summarizes the distribution of
tients (2/81), the tumor was downgraded to 63.2 5.7 vs 61.6 6.9 years, respectively; PI-RADSv2 categories compared by GS and
GS 3+ 3= 6, and for the remaining 76.5% of p= 0.44) or PSA level was noted (7.2 3.1 vs the presence of EPE. Both radiologists noted
patients (62/81), the tumor GS remained 3+ 5.9 2.7 ng/mL; respectively; p= 0.09). With that PI-RADSv2 categories were higher for
4= 7. A total of 46.9% of patients (38/81) had regard to tumor category, a total of 58.0% patients with GS 4+ 3= 7 cancer (p= 0.03).
organ-confined disease, and 53.1% (43/81) of patients (47/81) had clinical category T1, The AUC value for the diagnosis of upgrad-
had EPE. 38.3% (31/81) had clinical category T2, and ing the GS with the use of PI-RADSv2 was
When patients with a GS 4+ 3= 7 tu- only 3.7% (3/81) had clinical category T3, 0.65 (95% CI, 0.540.77), and the sensitivi-
mor were compared with those with a GS with no difference noted compared by GS ty and specificity associated with the use of
3+ 4= 7 or 3+ 3= 6 tumor, no difference (p= 0.21) or the presence of EPE (p= 0.41). various PI-RADSv2 thresholds are present-
TABLE 2: Distribution of Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System, Version 2 (PI-RADSv2), Assessment
Categories Compared With Pathologic Outcomes for 81 Tumors After Radical Prostatectomy
Gleason Score of Tumora,b Pathologic Stage of Tumorc
PI-RADSv2 3+ 4= 7 or 3+ 3= 6a 4+ 3= 7 Organ-Confined Disease Extraprostatic Extension
Category Radiologist 1 Radiologist 2 Radiologist 1 Radiologist 2 Radiologist 1 Radiologist 2 Radiologist 1 Radiologist 2
1 4 (6.3) 3 (4.7) 0 (0) 0 (0) 3 (7.9) 3 (7.9) 1 (2.3) 0 (0)
2 2 (3.1) 4 (6.3) 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 (5.3) 2 (5.3) 0 (0) 2 (4.7)
3 9 (14.1) 16 (25.0) 1 (5.9) 3 (17.6) 6 (15.8) 9 (23.7) 4 (9.3) 10 (23.3)
4 21 (32.8) 23 (35.9) 4 (23.6) 4 (23.5) 17 (44.7) 17 (44.7) 8 (18.6) 10 (23.3)
5 28 (43.8) 18 (28.1) 12 (70.6) 10 (58.8) 10 (26.3) 7 (18.4) 30 (70.0) 21 (48.8)
All 64 (79.0) 17 (21.0) 38 (46.9) 43 (53.1)
NoteData are number (%) of tumors. PI-RADSv2 assessment categories were defined as follows: a score of 1 denoted a very low probability of prostate cancer
(clinically significant cancer is highly unlikely to be present); 2, low probability (clinically significant cancer is unlikely to be present); 3, indeterminate probability (the
presence of clinically significant cancer is equivocal); 4, high probability (clinically significant cancer is likely to be present); and 5, very high probability (clinically
significant cancer is highly likely to be present) [24, 25].
aGleason score 3+ 4= 7 (n= 62) and Gleason score 3+ 3= 6 (n= 2) were considered together because of the low number of patients whose tumor scores were downgrad-

ed, which prevented any meaningful subgroup analysis.

bThere was a statistically significant association between PI-RADSv2 categories and the presence of GS 4 + 3 =7 cancer after radical prostatectomy as determined using

the chi-square test (p = 0.03).

cThere was a statistically significant association between PI-RADSv2 categories and the presence of extraprostatic extension of tumor as determined using the

chi-square test (p < 0.01).

1040 AJR:208, May 2017

PI-RADSv2 Categories and Pathologic Outcomes in Patients With GS 3+ 4= 7 Tumors

ed in Table 3. PI-RADSv2 was highly sensi- TABLE 3: Diagnostic Accuracy of Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data
tive for GS upgrading, and no patient with a System, Version 2 (PI-RADSv2), Categories for Diagnosis of Cancer
GS 4+ 3= 7 tumor had a PI-RADSv2 score With Gleason Score (GS) of 4+ 3= 7 or Higher and the Presence of
of less than 3 assigned by either radiologist. Extraprostatic Extension Among GS 3+ 4= 7 Cancers Diagnosed at
The mean percentage of Gleason pattern 3 for Transrectal UltrasoundGuided Biopsy
each tumor was 65.2% 21.2% (range, 10 Finding GS 4+ 3= 7 or Highera Extraprostatic Extensionb
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100%). A weak negative correlation existed

between the percentage of Gleason pattern PI-RADSv2 category Sensitivity Specificity Sensitivity Specificity
3 within each tumor and PI-RADSv2 cat- 1 100.0 0.0 100 0.0
egories ( = 0.18; p= 0.02). Interobserver 2 100.0 6.3 97.7 7.9
agreement between the two radiologists for
3 100.0 9.4 97.7 13.2
PI-RADSv2 categorization was moderate
(= 0.43). 4 94.1 23.4 88.4 28.9
PI-RADSv2 categories were statistical- 5 70.6 56.3 69.8 73.7
ly significantly higher when EPE was pres- AUC (95% CI) 0.65 (0.540.77) 0.72 (0.620.87)
ent (p< 0.001). The AUC value for the diag- aTumor was upgraded to GS 4+ 3= 7 in 21.0% of patients (17/81).
nosis of EPE was 0.72 (95% CI, 0.620.87), bPatients were stratified into two groups: those with organ-confined disease and those with extraprostatic

and the sensitivity and specificity of various extension.

thresholds of PI-RADSv2 categories are pre-
sented in Table 3. of patients with GS 3+ 4= 7 cancer diag- quantitative MRI texture features, which
Radiologist 1 correctly identified the nosed at biopsy, disease aggressiveness may may be difficult to apply in routine clinical
dominant tumor location in 92.6% of cas- be incorrectly assigned on the basis of biopsy practice and which require validation on a
es (75/81), and in 7.4% of patients (6/81), results and clinical staging. Moreover, accu- larger scale. With the use of subjective anal-
no dominant tumor was detected. In no pa- rate disease classification is required if active ysis, it has previously been shown that Likert
tient was a dominant tumor identified but as- surveillance is contemplated in low-volume probability scales or the PI-RADS sum score
signed to the wrong location. Radiologist 2 GS 3+ 4= 7 tumors. correlates with the aggressiveness of the tu-
correctly identified the dominant tumor loca- In the present study, PI-RADSv2 catego- mor [35, 36]; however, these studies did not
tion in 86.4% of cases (70/81). In the remain- ries were significantly higher for patients who attempt to evaluate intermediate-risk GS 3+
ing 13.6% of cases (11/81), either no domi- had histopathologic upgrading of tumor after 4= 7 and GS 4+ 3= 7 tumors separately but
nant tumor was identified (8.6% [7/81]) or the RP. For approximately one-fifth of patients generally considered them as a single group
dominant tumor was assigned to the wrong with GS 3+ 4= 7 cancer, upgrading to GS when comparing them to low-risk (GS 3+
location in 4.9% (4/81). Errors occurred 4+ 3= 7 cancer occurred after RP, and this 3= 6) and high-risk (GS 8) tumors.
mainly in patients with GS 3+ 3= 6 or 3+ finding compares favorably with the findings Regarding histopathologic downgrading
4= 7 cancers, with 88.2% of errors (15/17) of Epstein et al. [32], who found that 21.1% of of GS 3+ 4= 7 cancers, a previous study
occurring in association with these tumors patients with a GS 3+ 4= 7 tumor at biopsy by Gondo et al. [14] showed that multipara-
(p= 0.30) (Fig. 1). (333/1577) eventually had that GS upgraded. metric MRI was able to predict pathologic
PI-RADSv2 was highly sensitive for the diag- downgrading with good degrees of accuracy.
Discussion nosis of GS upgrading, and no patients with More recently, Woo et al. [26] showed that
The present study evaluated the utility of categories of 1 or 2 had their GS upgraded PI-RADSv2 categories were associated with
prostate MRI, with the use of PI-RADSv2, after RP. These results suggest that, in a pa- downgrading of GS 3+ 4= 7 cancers de-
for patients with GS 3+ 4= 7 prostate cancer tient with GS 3+ 4= 7 tumor diagnosed at tected on biopsy after RP. In our study, only
diagnosed at TRUS-guided core needle bi- TRUS-guided biopsy, a negative MRI find- 2.5% of tumors were downgraded to GS 3+
opsy. Our results show that PI-RADSv2 cat- ing effectively excludes the possibility of GS 3= 6 after RP, and, therefore, we were not
egories are higher for patients with GS up- upgrading after RP. Although the specificity able to reevaluate the results by Gondo and
grading after RP. In this study, a PI-RADSv2 of the diagnosis of upgrading of disease with colleagues or Woo and colleagues; however,
assessment category of 3 or higher was high- the use of PI-RADSv2 was low, it could be our findings support the conclusions by Woo
ly sensitive, and category 1 or 2 excluded argued that the desired outcome of MRI of and colleagues by showing a similar use of
GS 4+ 3= 7 cancers. A strong association patients with GS 3+ 4= 7 prostate cancer di- the PI-RADSv2 assessment categories in
was also noted between the PI-RADSv2 cat- agnosed at TRUS-guided biopsy is a highly that higher categories were associated with
egory and the presence of EPE of the tumor. sensitive test result that can exclude the pos- GS upgrading of the tumor and the presence
These results are important because they sibility of more aggressive disease when non- of EPE after RP.
suggest that there is a role for MRI in further radical therapy is considered. In the present study, interobserver agree-
risk stratification of the diverse group of pa- Previous studies have shown promising ment for PI-RADSv2 categorization was
tients with GS 3+ 4= 7 tumor diagnosed at preliminary results of the use of quantita- moderate. This compares favorably to
TRUS-guided needle biopsy. The ability to tive analysis of multiparametric MRI for dis- prior studies that evaluated the original
more accurately predict disease aggressivity crimination between GS 3+ 4= 7 and GS PI-RADS system [37] and, more recently,
in this patient population is needed and may 4+ 3= 7 intermediate-risk tumors [33, 34]; the PI-RADSv2 system [38], but it is lower
be clinically useful because, in a proportion however, these studies applied advanced than the agreement reported in a larger mul-

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Lim et al.

ticenter study by Rosenkrantz et al. [39] in This study has limitations. The single- cal staging. PI-RADSv2 categories were asso-
which the reproducibility of PI-RADSv2 institution retrospective nature of the study ciated with histopathologic upgrading of the
was evaluated. The lower agreement report- introduces bias into our results, which may tumor. A PI-RADSv2 category of 3 or high-
ed in our study, compared with the study by limit their application to other populations. er was highly sensitive for the diagnosis of
Rosenkrantz and colleagues, most likely is The sample size was relatively small, and our GS upgrading, and a PI-RADSv2 assessment
associated with our patient population, which results require validation on a larger scale. category of 1 or 2 excluded the possibility of
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consisted almost exclusively of patients with Only two of the patients had histopatholog- tumor upgrading after RP. PI-RADSv2 cate-
intermediate-risk cancers and primarily of ic downgrading of the GS after RP, and we gories were also higher in patients who had
GS 3+ 4= 7 tumors. were not able to validate the previously re- tumor EPE. The specificity of the PI-RADSv2
The rate of dominant tumor localization ported findings of Gondo et al. [14] and Woo system to diagnose GS upgrading was low;
noted with the use of PI-RADSv2 in the pres- et al. [26] indicating that multiparametric however, a higher sensitivity may be consid-
ent study is concordant with the rate noted MRI is valuable for predicting downgrading ered more desirable in this patient population
in a previous study that evaluated the accu- of GS 3+ 4= 7 tumors. We did not eval- when nonradical management decisions are
racy of PI-RADS for dominant tumor local- uate additional histopathologic parameters contemplated. Further analysis is required in
ization (range, 8892%) [40]. Most errors in that can be detected at TRUS-guided nee- a larger patient cohort to validate our findings
localization (either because of nonvisualiza- dle biopsy, including the number of core bi- and potentially incorporate advanced model-
tion or incorrect localization) occurred in pa- opsy specimens with Gleason pattern 4, the ing, including additional clinical and histo-
tients with GS 3+ 3= 6 or 3+ 4= 7 tumors, overall percentage of Gleason pattern 4, and logic parameters, which may further improve
and a negative correlation existed between the subtypes of pattern 4, because these have disease classification.
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1042 AJR:208, May 2017

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