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I choose to live because of the following people that I have loved, those who love me or have loved me and
those that will love me in the future. I cannot particularly list these people, but I know that I will encounter
love again and again over the course of my life. I can always be hopeful of this.
If I am depressed, but can truly think objectively, I know that some people currently or in the past
love me though they have a tough time expressing this. Some of these people might be listed below, but I
know that even if I dont feel love all the time from those who struggle to express it, I know deep down
inside that people love me and they would be absolutely devastated if I hurt myself. This is why I choose
this day to talk if I ever become suicidal because I would be missed.
People that I love or that love me and people that would miss me if I were gone:
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The following people can help me with a problem, direct me to proper resources if they arent sure
how to help me. These people can be a nonjudgmental ear in which I can open up to about any feelings I
may be having: Think: Coaches, Guidance Counselors, BFFs, Teachers, Mentors etc.
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I ___________________, swear to openly share with someone who cares for me and or someone who can help
me with a problem I encounter. I __________________, swear to be open with someone if I suspect
Depression in myself or someone in my family or group of friends. I will talk about these issues with
someone that I trust. I especially swear, beginning on __________________, I will reach out for help if ever
suicidal or homicidal. I will reach out and talk about how I am felling with someone I trust or anonymously
With the NATIONAL SUICIDE HOTLINE 1-800-273-8255 or chat online with NATIONAL

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