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Discourse analysis of discussion text




Analysis of Textual Meaning on a Text Written by I Gede Arga Anggara

Analyzed by Indah Puji Lestari

Nowadays, people use energy daily in many activities and places. This energy is described as
the power form something such as elictricity or oil which can do work for instance providing light and
heat. It results to make people easier in completing their work. However, this energy is also supposed
unrenewable. Therefore, people are suggested wisely and efficiently using it in many places
particularly in schools. Some ways are proposed as energy saving climate change tips to be conducted
by all school society.

First tip is students and teachers can go to school by walking, riding a bike, or taking the bus to
school. This tip will reduce the amount of energy spent every day to reach the school by using their
own motorcycles or cars. In addition, the school environment become more healthy since the pollution
as the effect of using energy in motorcycle or cars is reduced.

Second tip is turning off the light at recess or lunch time in classes or other rooms in school.
When turning off the light, the energy spent to power electricity is reduced. Then, the use of
emergency efficient lights can also be applied to reduce the high voltage that sometimes spend high
energy in many rooms in schools.

Third tip can be conducted by the canteen owners. They should use locally grown produce. By
using locally grown produce, they can make efficiently their budget and energy to buy the food
material. furthermore, they also suggest choosing fridge with a good energy star rating to store their
food. It will increase the use of high energy to power fridge. In addition, they could have one day a
week as vegetarian day and meatless day. As we know, when cooking vegetable, we only need low
energy to heat. It is quite different when we cok meet that need high energy to heat.

Based on some tips mentioned before, it is expected that school society should apply these.
After applying the tips, it could be hoped the decreasing amount of energy spent in school. It is quite
easy so lets try to do it.
A. Cohesion
1. Lexical Cohesion
a. Direct repetition :
- Energy (14x) - Electricity (2x)
- Power (2x) - Food (2x)
- Light (4x) - Motorcycles or cars (2x)
- Heat (3x) - Grown produce (2x)
- School (10x) - Tip (4x)

b. Synonyms :
- Reduce = decrease - Expected = hoped
- Energy = power - Tip = way
- Suggested = proposed

c. Antonyms :
- High x Low
- Increase x Decrease

d. Hyponyms :
- walking, riding a bike, taking bus, motorcycles, car

e. Meronymy :
- School, class, room

f. Words from the same semantic field:

- Energy, power, electricity, light, heat,
- School, classes, room, canteen,
- Vegetarian, vegetable

g. Substitution with one/ones: -

2. Grammatical Cohesion
a. Reference: pronouns
- This energy -> it
- Canteen owners -> they
- Fridge with a good energy star rating -> it
- Cooking vegetable -> it
- Tip -> it

b. Substitution of clause elements using so, not, do/does/did, etc:

- After applying the tips, it could be hoped the decreasing amount of
energy spent in school. It is quite easy so lets try to do it.

c. Ellipsis of clause elements: -

d. Conjuncts (linkers) :
- Explicit linking words : and, or, as, when,
- Conjuncts / linkers : first, second, third, then, after
- Reinforcing expression : however,
- Expressing concession : in addition, therefore, furthermore, as we
know, based on
e. Comparative:
- In addition, the school environment become more healthy since the
pollution as the effect of using energy in motorcycle or cars is reduced.
- It is quite different when we cok meet that need high energy to heat
- By using locally grown produce, they can make efficiently their budget
and energy to buy the food material.

f. Tense:
- Simple present tense
- Simple past tense
- Passive voice

g. Error related to grammatical, words choice, structure, and conjunction.

- S2P1 : This energy is described as the power form something such as
elitricity or oil which can do work for instance providing light and heat.
-> spoken language
Should be -> This energy of a form of power such as electricity or oil
which can work in providing light and heat for human life.
- S3P1 : it results to make people.
Should be -> it makes people.
- S4P1 : However, this energy is also supposed unrenweable.
Should be -> However, this energy is not supposed to be renewable.
- S6P1 : lack of conjunction
Should be -> Hence, some ways are proposed
- S1P2 : First tip is students and teacher can go to -> spoken
Should be -> Firstly, students and teacher
- S3P2 : in addition, the school environment become
Should be -> .. becomes
- S1P3 : second tip is turning off the light (lack of article)
Should be -> the second tip is
- S3P2 : wrong choice of conjunction.
Then, the use of -> should be -> Furthermore, the use of..
- S1P4 : lack of article
Should be -> The third tip is
- S1P4 & S2P4 should be reverse aside because the meaning of the first
sentence is not clear.
The third tip can be conducted by the canteen owners. They should use
locally grown produce
Should be -> The third tip is using locally grown produce. This tip can
be conducted by the canteen owners.
- S3P4 : By using locally grown produce, they can make efficiently
their budget and energy to buy the food material.
Should be -> By using locally grown produce, they can efficiently make
their budget and energy to buy the food material.
- S4P4 : wrong capitalization and grammatical
Should be -> Furthermore, they are also suggested to chose fridge with
- S8p4 : It is quite different when we cok meet that need high energy
to heat.
Should be -> It is quite different when we cook meat that need high
energy to heat.
- S3P5 : It is quite easy so lets try to do it. (lack of punctuation)
Should be -> It is quite easy, so lets try to do it.

3. Rhetorical cohesion
a. Question-answer: -
b. Parallelism:
First tip is students and teachers can go to school by walking, riding a bike, or
taking the bus to school.
Theme-Rheme Analysis

Topic/Theme/Given Information Comment/Rheme/ New Information

first paragraph
Nowadays, people use energy daily in many activities and places
This energy. is described as the power form something such as elictricity or oil which can do work for
instance providing light and heat
It results to make people easier in completing their work
However, this energy is also supposed unrenewable
Therefore, people are suggested wisely and efficiently using it in many places particularly in schools
Some ways are proposed as energy saving climate change tips to be conducted by all school society.
Second Paragraph
First tip. is students and teachers can go to school by walking, riding a bike, or taking the bus to
This tip will reduce the amount of energy spent every day to reach the school by using their own
motorcycles or cars
In addition, the school environment become more healthy
since the pollution as the effect of using energy in is reduced.
motorcycle or cars
Third Paragraph
Second tip is turning off the light at recess or lunch time in classes or other rooms in school.
When turning off the light, the energy spent to power is reduced.
Then, the use of emergency efficient lights can also be applied to reduce the high voltage that sometimes spend high energy in many
rooms in schools.
Fourth Paragraph
Third tip can be conducted by the canteen owners.
They should use locally grown produce.
By using locally grown produce, they can make efficiently their budget and energy to buy the food material.
Furthermore, they also suggest choosing fridge with a good energy star rating to store their food.
It will increase the use of high energy to power fridge.
In addition, they could have one day a week as vegetarian day and meatless day.
As we know, when cooking vegetable, we only need low energy to heat.
It is quite different
when we cok meet that need high energy to heat
Fifth Paragraph
Based on some tips mentioned before,
it is expected that school society should apply these.
After applying the tips, it could be hoped the decreasing amount of energy spent in school.
It is quite easy so lets try to do it.


The sentence does not have zigzag pattern and does not support idea to idea level
The sentence haszig- zag pattern and support idea to idea level
qwerty error in words, wrong chosen of conjunction or conjunction is not appropriate

B. Coherence Analysis

Micro level (Logical Relation)

1 Nowadays, people use energy daily in many activities and places. sentence (1) open the discussion about energy usage.
2 This energy is described as the power form something such as sentence (2) tries to describe the definition of the energy
elictricity or oil which can do work for instance providing light and mentioned in the first sentence. However, this sentence is
heat. considered as spoken language, so it needs to be revised.
3 It results to make people easier in completing their work it in the sentence (3) refers to power form mentioned in
sentence (2). Moreover, the word result in this sentence is
not appropriate. Therefore, it must be dismissed or change
with the other words.
4 However, this energy is also supposed unrenewable. in sentence (4) tries to mention the contradiction of the
energy used.
5 Therefore, people are suggested wisely and efficiently using it in many related to the contradiction mentioned in sentence (4),
places particularly in schools. sentence (5) tries to suggest to used the energy wisely,
particularly in schools
6 Some ways are proposed as energy saving climate change tips to be sentence (6) proposes the tips of saving energy. However,
conducted by all school society the energy saving mentioned in this sentence does not have
any relation with the energy which is meant in the previous
7 First tip is students and teachers can go to school by walking, riding a sentence (7) gives the first tip can be done at school to save
bike, or taking the bus to school. energy; however, the tip given does not have relation with
the energy is meant in the first paragraph (sentence (2);
moreover, this sentence belongs to spoken language.
8 This tip will reduce the amount of energy spent every day to reach the sentence (8) explains the reason of given tip in the sentence
school by using their own motorcycles or cars. (7).
9 In addition, the school environment become more healthy since the sentence (9) explains the result of the given tips.
pollution as the effect of using energy in motorcycle or cars is reduced.
10 Second tip is turning off the light at recess or lunch time in classes or other sentence (10) mentioned the second tips
rooms in school.
11 When turning off the light, the energy spent to power electricity is reduced sentence (11) explain the reason of giving the second tips in
sentence (10)
12 Then, the use of emergency efficient lights can also be applied to reduce in sentence (12) gives another choice can be done related to
the high voltage that sometimes spend high energy in many rooms in save energy in the second tips.
13 Third tip can be conducted by the canteen owners. sentence (13) mentioned the third saving tips can be done by
the canteen owners, but in this sentence does not mention
what tip the canteen owners have to do. moreover, the tip
given does not have relation with the energy is meant in the
first paragraph (sentence (2))
14 They should use locally grown produce. in sentence (14) suddenly mentioned that the canteen owner
should do something that actually must be mentioned in
previous sentence.
15 By using locally grown produce, they can make efficiently their budget in this sentence (15) explained the reason and the effect of
and energy to buy the food material. using locally grown produce.
16 furthermore, they also suggest choosing fridge with a good energy star sentence (16) suggest to choose fridge with a good energy
rating to store their food. star rating to store their food.
17 It will increase the use of high energy to power fridge. however, in sentence (17) is not make sense with the
previous sentence. If it increase the use of energy, why the
writer suggests choosing fridge with good energy star rating.
18 In addition, they could have one day a week as vegetarian day and meatless in sentence (18) gives additional choice to save energy.
day However, the energy mention here has no relation with
energy meant in the first paragraph.
19 As we know, when cooking vegetable, we only need low energy to heat. sentence (19) explains the reason of choosing vegetables
rather than meat.
20 It is quite different when we cok meet that need high energy to heat. sentence (20) try to compare the energy spend while cooking
meat and vegetables.
21 Based on some tips mentioned before, it is expected that school society in this sentence (21) gives the conclusion of the current tips
should apply these. given. However, this sentence seems ambiguous because the
word these in the sentence does not refer to any words.
22 After applying the tips, it could be hoped the decreasing amount of energy in sentence (21) related to the expectation of the given tips,
spent in school. the writer mentioned his hope
23 It is quite easy so lets try to do it. in sentence (22), the writer invite the reader to do the tips
Macro Level

Paragraph 1

Explain the topic which will be delivered in the text. However, the words
climate change in the last sentence of the paragraph makes the text becomes
incoherence and ambiguous.

Paragraph 2

Explain the first tip of the energy saving climate change. In this paragraph the
writer asked the reader to go to school by walking, riding a bike or taking bus rather
than by motorcycle or car in order to reduce the use of energy, and more healthy life.

Paragraph 3

Explain the second tip of the energy saving climate change. In this paragraph
the writer asked the reader to turn off the light when it is not being used in order to
reduce the amount of electricity used everyday.

Paragraph 4

Explain the third tip of the energy saving climate change. The writer asked
the reader to use locally grown product to save their budget and energy to buy the
food. Moreover, the writer asked to do one day as a meatless day, for cooking meat
need more energy than vegetables.

Paragraph 5

Explain the conclusion of the text.

C. Recommendation for the writer

Related to the spoken and written language, the writer should be careful and
differentiate between both of them because they may look the same, but they have
different structure.
The writer must be careful of the word choice (diction), for the meaning of the word
may be the same, but each of the word has different utilizing.
In order to make the sentence becomes more coherent and cohesive, the writer should
improve the use of conjunction in his written.
The appropriate use of article, conjunction and punctuation are also needed to be
To make coherence text is not an easy job. Not only appropriate use of conjunction
but also the topic chosen in each of the paragraph must be also appropriate so that the
text can be cohesive and coherent.
The sentence structure and tenses, the writer must also careful with it.
D. Conclusion

There are many errors in words choice, sentence structures, grammatical, and
conjunction choice.
Lack of article
Error in capitalization
The text is lack of cohesion and coherence, for in the paragraph one the writer
mentioned about energy saving climate change tips, but the tips given in the second,
third and fourth paragraph is not kinds of tips for energy saving climate change. Most
of the tips are a tips for healthy life. Moreover, the error found in the text makes the
text lack of cohesion.

Lack of further explanation which effect to the coherence of the text.

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