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Quarter 2

1. Caliphate - An Islamic government and the land it rules over

2. Canal- a navigable, manmade water way

3. Cold War- the state of political hostility that existed between the Soviet bloc countries and the US-led
Western powers from 1945 to 1990.

4. Cultural Diffusion- The spread of cultural traits from one region to another

5. Diplomacy- The act of negotiating before going to war

6. Embargo- The total or partial stop in trade between countries

7. Empire- Land with different territories and people under a single rule

8. Ethnocentrism- A belief that ones own ethnic group is superior

9. Fundamentalism- To believe in an idea and strictly follow its teachings

10. Imperialism- extending power and control from one country to other regions around the world.

11. Mandate- Something you are required to do or an official command to act.

12. Monotheism - is a religion or belief that worships only one god

13. Nationalism- Loyalty and devotion to a nation

14. Nonrenewable Resource- A resource that cannot be replaced naturally.

15. Refugee- A person forced to flee their home for safety

16. Renewable Resource- A resource that Earth replaces naturally

17. Treaty- A written agreement reached between two or more countries

18. United Nations- An international organization of the worlds countries that promotes peace and
security around the globe.

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