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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Untuk DKV Hari, Tanggal Ujian: Senin 17 April 2017
Semester : II /Kelas DKV Sore Waktu (Menit) : 90 Menit
Dosen : Drs. S uhanto Kastaredja, M.Pd Sifat Ujian : Buku Tertutup
Visual Communication Study
The early part of the first year will introduce you to a wide range of technical skills and theoretical ideas, and from
then on all your briefs will be live. There will always be a real audience for your work. We believe in the importance
of people-centred design and you will be encouraged to develop your ideas in dialogue with your potential audience,
or user group. We ask you to use your creativity to communicate to that audience before critically assessing how well
you have achieved your aims.
External engagement through work-related learning is central to our approach, with all students working on
live projects and many working regularly with businesses and external partners. Every year the majority of our
graduates secure employment, work experience or freelance work in their chosen field as a direct result of connections
established during the course and have developed a clear understanding of their professional aims and values and their
place in the world.
The BA (Hons) Visual Communication degree has delivered a highly successful diagnostic visual design
course for the past 15 years. Our alumni work in a huge variety of fields including graphic design, television,
photography, film, illustration, visual merchandising, teaching, computer games design and animation. Graduate
employers include industry leaders in all areas of the creative sector. In addition many alumni are now established
freelance practitioners working for clients across the UK and overseas.

I. Find the wods in paragraph 1 that match the following definition

1. Bring something new to an environment
2. A gathering of spectators or listeners at a (usually public) performance
3. Plan something for a specific role or purpose or effect
4. Transmit thoughts or feelings
5. Gained with effort

II. Finad the antonym of the following words in paragraph 2.

1. teaching 2. enemy 3. branch 4. destroyed 5. miscomprehending
III. State the following statement TRUE or FALSE
1. The last part of the first year will introduce you to a wide range of technical skills and theoretical ideas .
2. Students can comprehend their professional aims (...)
3. You are trained to develop your own ideas in dialogue with your audience. (...)
4. Our alumni work in limited fields . (...)
5. The writer mentions the established freelance practitioners in UK only(...)
IV. Answer the questions based on the text.
1. What do the students do in the early part of the first year?
2. Why will the students be encouraged to develop their own ideas?
3. How do all students work on live projects?
4. When do majority of the graduates secure employment?
5. Where do the alumni get their jobs?

V. Write a correct sentence in number by using a correct tense

1. I- start the design of your companys logo last night (Siple Past Tense)
2. Dina send three emails when her father came. (Past Perfect Tense)
3. Mr Hadi finish his fiancial reports by next Friday ( Future Perfect Tense)
4. Tina and Enny accept their proposal when I came (Past Perfect Continuous)
5. Mr Obama lead the meeting for two hours. (Present Perfect Continuous)

Good luck

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