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Volume 57, No.

7 August 2010

Alleged violation of safety unlatch the dogs on a bale of


rule results in two days off They cited violation of three

Job Safety Description rules for
Grievant placed himself in pinch point while safe crane operation in Dept.
752 as a basis for the discipline.
attempting to unlatch dogs on bale of steel
One violation was of Rule
practices; carelessness, endan- #39, “While hooking or unhook-
gering the life or safety of anoth- ing a load, keep hands off of
Joe Hoagland
er person”. chains or stock of suspended
This is a Category III rule loads”.
with penalties ranging from rep- The grievant broke the dogs
rimand to discharge from the loose on a bolster upright (a
Last month we had an inter- Company. The penalty in this common practice) and reached
esting arbitration hearing in- case was two days off without to flip them back. As he did this,
volving the alleged violation of pay. I guess he had his hand on a
Rule of Conduct #24, which According to the Company, “Chain…of (a) suspended
states: “ Violation of, or disre- the grievant placed himself in a load(s).”
gard of, safety rules or safety pinch point while attempting to
(Continued on Page 2)

Golden Lodge Contracting Out Committee meets

Members of the Golden Lodge Contracting Out Committee meet at the Union Hall July 8 to discuss contracting out issues. One important
issue was the outsourcing of steel plants janitorial duties. Left to right, Joe Hoagland, President, Joey Shearer, GSP; Ron Roberts, FSP;
Dick Cordes, RPP; Bob Seward, CBP; Duke Ellington, Steel Chair; John Agler, GBP; Bill Webler, HSP, Scott Albertson, Bearing Chair.
...President’s column munication regarding the arbi- The trigger is 20,250 total
(Continued from Page 1) tration decision we won con- pierced tons. Production levels
When asked throughout the cerning supervision and salary were 24,184 tons in April and
grievance process, the Company personnel performing bargain- 21,644 tons in May. Those were
provided no answer as to how to ing unit work. the two consecutive months
accomplish this task safely. above the trigger needed to re-
The Company proposed that
They provided no tool to flip the institute the 500-Hour Guaran-
the hours to be paid for produc-
latch, nothing…..until the arbi- tee. June came in at 24,097 tons.
ing the scrap be based on the
tration hearing, when depart- time it would take our “quali- The Harrison and Faircrest
ment management testified that fied” members in the operations. facilities regained the 500-Hour
the bale should be rolled around We feel that the actual hours su- Guarantee on July 1 with con-
in the driveway until the dogs pervision spent working are the secutive months of May and
break loose. proper basis for the calculation. June above the trigger of
Your guess is as good as 105,000 equivalent Ingot Tons.
The Company also proposed
mine as to how long that process May was 117,588 tons and June
that we tell them who should be
would take. was 130,296 tons.
paid. We requested the actual
Please review and familiar- hours by occupation and crew In regard to the Melt Produc-
ize yourself with your Job Safety designations from each area that tion Payment, we currently have
Description. If there is some- should have been working in the an average of 115,409 tons for
thing you question or do not un- various operations. When we re- the first six months of 2010. We
derstand, bring it to the attention ceive the information, hopefully would need to average 124,591
of your supervisor. If there is we can move forward to finalize Equivalent Ingot Tons per
something that would prevent the award. month for the next six months in
you from doing your job, tell order to qualify for a 2% Melt
Security and Melt
your supervisor. Production Payment next
Production Payment
Scrap arbitration decision As of June 1, Gambrinus
Details can be found on pag-
As I reported at the last two Steel employees became eligi-
es B-52 and B-53 of the 2009 Ba-
Union meetings, we have re- ble for the quarterly 500-Hour
sic Labor Agreement.
sponded to the Company’s com- Security Payment Benefit.
Golden Lodge Picnic
We held the Annual Golden
Lodge Picnic on Sunday, June
27, at the Pioneer Water and Dry
Fun Park in Huron. It was a
beautiful summer day.
We could tell by how empty
the pavilion was that members
and their families were enjoying
the water park attractions.
I would like to thank the
Golden Lodge Picnic Commit-
tee for their efforts in the weeks
leading up to the picnic and also
Sub District 2 Director, Dennis Brommer, swears-in Ken Bellinger as a member of the on the day. I would also like to
Faircrest Grievance Committee at the June 16 meeting of Golden Lodge. Ken, a Billet thank all of the local businesses
Conditioning Attendant in Dept. 250 with three years seniority, was selected by the Local’s that contributed products or gift
officers to fill a vacancy on the committee.

2 August 2010
certificates for door prizes. (See about deficit spending. They
listing on Page 5.) would like us to believe that they GOLDEN LODGE NEWS
are fiscal conservatives. GOLDEN LODGE NEWS STAFF
Members of the committee
Well, I guess they are when it Tom Sponhour, Editor
include: Keith Strobelt; Chair-
comes to spending money to Joe Hoagland, Managing Editor
man, Ken Bellinger, Kathy Ron Roberts, Associate Editor
help the working class. Here is a
Boyd, Betsy Burns, Duke El- Chris Tunney, Associate Editor
list of the previous four Presi-
lington, Sean Els, Ken Hargen- LOCAL 1123 OFFICERS
dents and the budget numbers at
rader, Amber Horn, Trish Joe Hoagland, President
the end of each Presidency. See Dan Ellington, Vice President
Hostetler, Paul Muller, Andy
if you can find the Fiscal Con- Pat Eslich, Recording Secretary
Schneider, Penny Shearer, Jeff Joey Shearer, Financial Secretary
Spurrier, Larry Staskey and Don Kathy Boyd, Treasurer
Ronald Reagan James Schweitzer, Trustee
$1.3 trillion deficit Susie Camper, Trustee
Republicans held up Keith Strobelt, Trustee
George H.W. Bush Paul McKenzie, Guide
unemployment extension $3.5 trillion deficit Bill Webler, Outside Guard
We’ve heard a lot of talk in Bob Seward, Inside Guard
Bill Clinton
the last months about deficits. Published monthly, except July, by
$5.6 trillion surplus the United Steelworkers, Golden Lodge
The Republicans in the Senate
George W Bush Local 1123, AFL-CIO, in the interest of
held up a Federal extension on its members and to further the aims and
unemployment compensation, $11 trillion deficit programs of the Union.
wanting the benefits to come We’re out of books USW Local 1123 represents bar-
gaining unit workers at the Canton, Gam-
from the Stimulus package, so as If anyone out there has any brinus, and Faircrest Ohio plants of The
not to add to the deficit. extra copies of the 2009 Pension Timken Company.
Senate Democrats defeated a and Insurance Agreement and/or USW Golden Lodge Local 1123
Republican filibuster against the S.U.B. & 401(k) Agreement 1234 Harrison Ave. S.W.
the aid and nearly three million books, please return them to the Canton, OH 44706
unemployed are now getting Union hall for distribution. We (330) 454-6137
Fax (330) 454-3461
help through November. have run out. There are still cop- Email -
Republican’s have repeated- ies of the Basic Labor Agree-
ly criticized President Obama ments available.

September 1
Regular Union Meeting
7:30 p.m.
September 6
*Labor Day Paid Holiday
September 8
Stewards Classes
9: 00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.
September 15
Regular Union Meeting
*A Union-negotiated
contract benefit

August 2010 3
Fun, fun, fun at the Fun Day donations
annual Family Fun Day Valley Gun & Collectibles
AppleTree Catering
The annual Golden Lodge Family Fun Day was held June 27 at Pi- Lindsey’s Pizza
oneer Waterland & Dry Fun Park in Chardon, Ohio. Riviera Restaurant
A beautiful day made it possible for hundreds of Golden Lodge Cruise ‘N Car Wash & Lube
members and their families to have a good time on all the water and Kehl’s Florist
dry attractions at the park. The spirited children’s games included Scott Talbot Salon
the candy grab, coin grab and sack races and water balloon toss. Ferraro’s Family Restaurant
Walther’s Café
Drawings were held for the large number of door prizes graciously
Milbrodt Café
donated by local businesses (See list on Page 5). MMA Fitness
TNT Appliance
Mike’s- Milann’s
Hide-a-Way Lounge/Restaurant
D.A.V. #6
Mallonn’s Grille/Bar
Grey Mack Stables
Frames Tavern
Mr. Jake’s
John George’s
Astrology by Polly
Home Depot
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant
Red Lobster
Chili’s Grille & Bar
Carrabba’s Italian Grill
Shakes Pizza & Creams

4 August 2010
Member’s daughter picked for
Hall of Fame Queen’s Court
By Chris Tunney The Queen and Court will be
Associate Editor very busy serving as goodwill
Congratulations are in order ambassadors and positive role 1966 2010
for the FSP Maintainer, John models throughout the summer.
Harter family. Elizabeth Harter, Kay Parks is our
The young women chosen
19, of reign over the 18 events Golden Lodge Queen
Massillon throughout the 11-day festival,
Ohio, the Anyone who has been to the
which began July 29. Golden Lodge Union Hall in re-
daughter of
John and Not only do they escort the cently history has probably had
Kathy, was enshrinees during Hall of Fame the good fortune to meet Kay
recently events, they volunteer with local Parks.
picked as civic organizations such as Hab- Kay has been one of the lo-
one of seven itat for Humanity, Turnaround cal’s administrative assistants
Elizabeth Harter Community Outreach Center,
court mem- for over 28 years. Her smiling
bers in the 2010 Enshrinement and the Stark County Board of face and happy demeanor in-
Festival Queen Pageant. Developmental Disabilities. sures that anyone with union
She was selected from a field The busy schedule is an ef- business will be taken care of ef-
of 46 contestants who were fort to promote the welfare of ficiently.
judged on the basis of personali- the community and stressing the Kay also had the honor of be-
ty, poise, beauty, communica- importance of volunteerism. ing one of the first Pro Football
tion skills, academic achieve- Hall of Fame Queens. A gradu-
Proud Papa John said, “Liz is ate of Timken Vocational High
ment and service to community.
a beautiful girl who has School, she in fact, served two
Elizabeth is a graduate of achieved a lot in her short life.
Jackson High School and at- years as queen, 1966-67.
It is an honor to have her repre-
tends The Ohio State University. sent our family and our commu- A special section of the Can-
nity on the court.” ton Repository recently featured
the history of all the queens from
Continuing with his thoughts 1965 to now.
on being thankful, John added
Kay is married to John
this about our union:
“Rick” Parks, a Golden Lodge
“The Union has represented retiree, has one son, Kyle Mc-
me well over the past 26 years Dermott and daughter-in-law
with the Company, but this last Katy.
contract was a bonus.”
“The USW came through
with an agreement that we the
members could all mark a yes
vote on,” he said.
Yes indeed.

August 2010 5
Glass Workers, and other merg-
I.W. Abel
Chapter er partners. You’ve got to be-
1/27 long to an organization that be-
lieves in saving what you nego-
SOAR CELEBRATES tiated, what you worked all
your life for!
25th ANNIVERSARY It all can be gone with the
stroke of a pen in Washington.
By Jim Reed At that convention, USW Ask the retirees from LTV!
President, George Becker, seat- There was no SOAR meeting
This year, SOAR celebrates ed the first SOAR Executive in July and our annual picnic is
25 years of activism with the Board as full-fledged delegates, in August.
knowledge that the struggle for with Lynn Williams as SOAR
the rights to a secure retirement President.
Our Local chapter was Wojtaszek; Marvin Babe; Ellen
SOAR, created in 1985, with formed in 1988. It was named Bailey, Bob Bertsch. JULY:
the support and direction of re- the I.W. Abel Chapter in honor Mary Silva; Betty Kutay; Mari-
tired International President, of I.W. Abel, former President on Kutay.
Lynn Williams, has over 230 of the USWA. And since he was
Chapters in the U.S. and Cana- so proud of District 27, from
Tom & Mary Robinson, 53 years
da, with 70,000 members. where he came, we were given
the Chapter Number 27. We JULY: Manuel & Mary Silva,
President Williams idea was 37 years
to provide a forum for retirees were officially known as the
who wanted to continue to be ac- I.W. Abel Chapter 27-27. Since
tive in the union, and it’s fight our District was then known as Recent
District 27. Later, after the dis-
for worker and retiree rights.
tricts were reorganized, we were
Williams asked former Inter- known as District 1. We are now Golden Lodge congratulates
national President, I.W. Abel, to Chapter 1-27. the following members who
become the first President of have recently retired and will
SOAR. In addition to his experi- Our first Chapter Officers
now enjoy their union-negotiat-
ence of running the union, he were Joe Battista, President and
ed retiree pension and health-
also had experience in organiz- Joe Kisela, Vice President. Most
care benefits.
ing retirees. of our Chapter members have
passed on, but their work goes Jay L. Bixler
In the late 1970s, he and oth- on! T. Michael Black
er retired steelworker officers
In some locals, the SOAR Gino Brienza
had moved to Sun City, Arizona,
Chapter can be 150 or 200 peo- Scot W. Christiansen
a retiree community, and later
ple. In others, just a handful of
formed the Union Club, a group John J. Ehret
retirees. But bring them all to-
that lobbied for pro-labor legis- Frances E. Eversole
gether nationwide, and you’ve
lation. Richard R. Frank
got a movement! As the United
In 2000, delegates to the 30th Steelworkers grew through Mark A. Hayes
International Convention voted members, so did SOAR. Telford G. Meyers
unanimously to amend the USW Paul J. Rasch II
The USW opened SOAR to
Constitution to recognize SOAR
retirees from the former United James A. Robinson
as an affiliate.
Rubber Workers, the Brick & William D. Siegenthaler

6 August 2010
DON E. MORRIS, 75, Dept. 182, Canton,
Ohio, passed away July 3, 2010. Brother Mor-
ris joined the Union in 1966 and retired in
Canton, Ohio, passed away July 1, 2010. Brother June 2 Meeting
DiGiacomo joined the Union in 1969 and re-
tired in 1991. Dale Jones
The following members of
ROY T. COLLIER, 71, Dept. 189, East Sparta, Nick Kotema
Ohio, passed away June 24, 2010. Brother
Golden Lodge have passed away Mike Volak
Collier joined the Union in 1957 and retired in
and Bibles have been presented 1991. Thomas Wilcox
to their families.
PAUL N. MAYES, 91, Dept. 59, Canton, Ohio, Lewis Beaver
passed away June 22, 2010. Brother Mayes
joined the Union in 1942 and retired in 1978. June 16 Meeting
ROGER A. BROZZETTI, 72, Dept. 98, Can-
JAMES A. AMBURGEY, 70, Dept. 199, Andy Schneider
ton, Ohio, passed away August 1, 2010. Brother
passed away June 8, 2010. Brother Amburgey
Brozzetti joined the Union in 1966 and retired
joined the Union in 1964 and retired in 1999.
Nick Kotema
in 1966.
THEODORE B. PARSON, 74, Dept. 181, *John Biedenbach
EDMOND W. BRAND, 85, Dept. 68, Canton,
Massillon, Ohio, passed away June 6, 2010. *Keith Strobelt
Ohio, passed away July 23, 2010. Brother Brand
Brother Parson joined the Union in 1959 and
joined the Union in 1950 and retired in 1986.
retired in 1998.
**Kelly Murphy
91, Punta Gorda, Florida, passed away July 22,
CARL J. BRAHAM, 85, Dept.. 135, East July 7 Meeting
Canton, Ohio, passed away June 3, 2010.
2010. Brother Hassig joined the Union in 1947
Brother Braham joined the Union in 1953 and Dean Sills
and retired in 1983.
retired in 1986. Carol Klemens
FRED C. MAYBERRY, 91, Dept. 21, Can- JAMES C. MITCHELL 77, Dept. 199, Casa
ton, Ohio, passed away July 16, 2010. Brother *Andy Wirth
Grande, Arizona, passed away May 31, 2010.
Mayberry joined the Union in 1942 and retired Brother Mitchell joined the Union in 1953 and ***Ron Roberts
in 1976. retired in 1991. ***Scott Jacob
PAUL E. “GENE” ASHBAUGH, 86, Dept. RAY A. DAVIS, 70, Dept. 129, South Venice,
132, Canton, Ohio, passed away July 15, 2010. Florida, passed away May 29, 2010. Brother July 21 Meeting
Brother Ashbaugh retired in 1983. Davis joined the Union in 1959 and retired in Scott Gilbert
ELGENE R. GILLESPIE, 74, Dept. 74, East 1994.
Sparta, Ohio, passed away July 12, 2010. Andy Schneider
CARL W. EPPLE, 68, Dept. 189, Rootstown,
Brother Gillespie joined the Union in 1959 and Ohio, passed away May 25, 2010. Brother Epple Carol Klemens
retired in 1997. joined the Union in 1978 and retired in 2008. Chuck Morris
Michael Ammar
*Donated to Rick Riffle
Problems getting you down? **Donated to USO
***Donated to USW Poker Run

Call the Golden Lodge

Member Assistance Program Comments?
(330) 454-6137 Suggestions?
If you have a drug or alcohol problem, family troubles, (Address changes, too)
mental health needs, social or economic difficulties, or some
other situation that is causing problems in your life, there is
help available.
We are reaching out to all members and their families.
Members of the union’s committee, Chet Warren, Perry
Keaton, and Kenny Bellinger, have a combined total of 100 Contact Golden Lodge
years experience in the field. Call Golden Lodge at (330) 454- by email at:
6137. Leave a message and a member of the Community Ser-
vices Committee will contact you in strict confidence.

August 2010 7
Striking Steelworkers from Mississippi




resume bargaining after Ohio rally
dance for their generous dona-
tion and support.
“Duke” Ellington
Their efforts have produced
Vice President & positive results, as the local’s
Workers’ Comp website ( re-
Committee Chair ported that the parties have now
resumed bargaining on July 29.

Twelve striking Steelwork- Some misinformed about

ers from Columbus, Mississippi Family and Medical
were joined by more than 100 Leave Act
fellow union members and sup- Recently, several members
porters at Omnova Solutions have been misinformed by those
corporate headquarters in Fair- administering the Family and
lawn, Ohio, Wednesday July 21. Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Steelworkers Local 1123, Golden Lodge
In addition to the protection


USW Local 748-L members,
on strike since May 21, were you are afforded by FMLA, you
greeted outside locked doors by are also provided protection by
security guards as they attempt- the Basic Labor Agreement.

1234 Harrison Ave. SW

ed to deliver a letter to the com- If you are informed that your

Canton, OH 44706
pany expressing their desire to employment with the Company
return to the bargaining table to is not guaranteed because you
negotiate a new contract. are not eligible for FMLA,
District 1 Director, Dave please contact the Union Hall at
McCall, addressed the crowd, (330) 454-6137, so we can assist
suggesting to those present that, in determining your rights.
in light of the company’s refusal
to talk, the negotiating commit-
tee should consider contacting
their customers and investors.
“.. an injury to some steelworkers in
Mississippi is an injury to all steel-
workers in Ohio,” he said.
After the rally, all those in
attendance were invited to USW
Local Union 2 for food, drink
and fellowship. The hat was
passed and over $900 was col-
lected and presented to the Local
748-L delegation to help defray Twelve striking Mississippi Steelworkers, and over 100 other supporters, hold a spirited
the cost of travel expenses. rally at the corporate headquarters of Omnova Solutions in Fairlawn, Ohio, demanding
the company return to the bargaining table and negotiate a new contract. Some of the
Officers and members of Lo- Golden Lodge members participating in the demonstration pictured hear are, left to right,
cal 748-L thanked those in atten- Susie Camper, Duke Ellington, Joey Shearer, Ron Roberts, Joe Hoagland and Bill Webler.
(Photo by Kathy Boyd)

8 August 2010

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