The Artisan - Northland Wealth Management - Autumn 2016

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I S S U E : AU T U M N 2 0 1 6

In this edition of The Artisan, our feature story is Why Hire an Outsourced Chief

UPDATE AND Investment Officer? which focuses on the why Northland Wealths unconflicted,
OUTLOOK open-architecture approach has many advantages over regular discretionary
Page 2
investment management. We focus on bettering the family side of wealth though
improved communication in the article Preserving a Loving Connection. Then
we look into the future and how technology can improve our lives as we review
Winds of Change
The Singularity Global Summit in Its
While financial markets have performed
More than Keeping Up with the Joneses.
very well since the Great Recession in 2008,
looking ahead we can see challenges to the We also review the upcoming changes to
returns of many asset classes. taxation of insurance in Could Your Family
be Affected?. All of this, along with our
TS NE market insights and more.

ORIGINS AND Lastly, for those looking for additional

UNDERSTANDING insight into investing, Northland is proud
Page 2 to have our CEO Arthur Salzer featured as
the wealth management columnist in the
Financial Post Magazine each month.
Changes to Insurance Policy Taxation
Could Your Family Be Affected? RS

clients considering changes to their WHY HIRE AN OUTSOURCED

existing policies or purchasing new CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER
policies ahead of the year-end deadline
should consult with their Northland
advisor to review their situation. Within wealth management there is still a lot of confusion with
respect to whether or not an investor should have a discretionary
STRO or non-discretionary investment portfolio. In other words, should your family
manage its investments by itself, or outsource the decisions to an individual or a



KEEPING UP WITH firm of experienced professionals?

Page 6

times are changing, but now at a much

faster rate than ever imaginable!



Page 6

There is a strong argument to not only

focus on the financial well-being of those Discretionary investment management services are a popular option for those
left behind, but also the emotional toll it who lack the investment experience, time or discipline to be involved with day-
can take on those who have lost. to-day decision making. However, not all discretionary services offered by banks,
broker, or portfolio managers are the same.




Winds of Change
Canadian economic growth
continues to be disappointing due to the serious
economic declines in Alberta and Saskatchewan.
While seen as our countrys economic leader,
Ontarios economy has not been built on a stable
Changes To Insurance Policy Taxation foundation as much of this growth has been fueled
by profligate government spending. To put Ontarios
Could Your Family Be Affected? debt levels into perspective, compared to California,
The proceeds of Permanent life insurance have historically which is the highest debt state in the U.S., the province
received preferential tax treatment under Canadian law. Individuals, of Ontario has twice the debt level, yet one third of the
particularly business owners, through their corporations have often population. This places Ontario as the dubious leader
used this advantage to shelter additional savings deposits and in debt of any sub-sovereign borrower in the world!
investment gains. Much like Registered Retirement Income Funds, While the debt levels are currently serviceable, they
changes to the tax treatment of Insurance policies effective January would become a significant issue when interest rates
1, 2017 reflect the fact that Canadians are living longer, increasing begin to normalize.
retirement needs, and policies are paying out later which delays the
collection of tax revenues. Current insurance payouts have been
The U.S. is our largest trading
based on a life expectancy of 85 years whereas starting in 2017 partner and has the largest
that expectancy is increased to age 90. It is important for clients economic impact on the
with existing policies or who are considering tax advantaged Canadian economy.
strategies to understand the impact of these changes.

There is better news from our southern neighbour,

the United States as it is showing increasing signs of a
recovery from the meltdown of 2008. The U.S. is our
largest trading partner and has the largest economic
impact on the Canadian economy.
The allowable amount of tax free or exempt savings in a U.S. household balance sheets are in improved shape
Universal or Whole life policy is governed by a calculation compared to 2008. Debt servicing costs, which
called the Maximum Tax Actuarial Reserve (MTAR). The exempt include mortgages and credit card debt, are at a
test compares the savings component of an individual policy record low using data going back to 1980. Mortgage
to a benchmark MTAR policy which up to now has been a 20 debt costs have been reduced to approximately 4%
year (premium) pay endowed at age 85. To reflect demographic by refinancing and terms that have been lengthened.
changes and fiscal policy needs, the Federal budget will change U.S. businesses have continued to hoard cash since
the benchmark policy to an 8 year pay and endowment at age 90. 2007. Cash flow required to service debt is well below
Some of the likely outcomes from these changes will be: average and 75% of debt has been lengthened in term
and locked in at low rates.
T H E A R T I S A N I S S U E : AU T U M N 2 0 1 6 2

The U.S. financial system whose collapse caused the

Great Recession has been revamped by regulation 1. The maximum premiums and deposits to an
to be much less exposed to risk. Capital ratios and exempt policy will be reduced.
liquidity have been improved and risk avoidance Based on an 8 year payment schedule, the total amount of
emphasized. premiums as well as top up deposits around the MTAR line will
Wage growth is accelerating simply reduce the accumulated amount in policies available for
tax free growth.
and unfilled positions continue
to expand. 2. The quick pay period of certain policies will be
U.S. job growth has shown a steady rise since 2009 extended.
and unemployment has fallen to levels that have The government has moved to restore balance on the exempt test
encouraged workers who had left the job market for policies which were investment oriented with a single large
to return. Wage growth is accelerating and unfilled premium payment up front and declining insurance coverage
positions continue to expand. over time. The disallowance of cancellation fees on these types
of policies and lower contributions will again reduce the tax
One major source of future growth is U.S. housing.
sheltering benefit.
New home sales in the U.S. peaked in 2006 at 1.3
million units and bottomed in 2011 at 300,000 units. 3. The maximum cash value accumulations
While recent sales have reached 600,000 per year, we permissible in exempt policies will be lowered.
believe that these levels will improve to better match For Corporate Owned Life Insurance policies, the strategy was
family formation and population growth. The current actually to increase the taxable (non-exempt) portion of the
challenge is that the housing industry is suffering accumulated savings since life insurance proceeds are credited
from a lack of skilled labour, but as wages increase to the Capital Dividend Account. On the death of the principal
this hurdle will eventually be overcome. The good owner, life insurance proceeds payable to the corporation could
news is that new home construction and re-sales be paid out as a tax free dividend to shareholding family members.
have a multiplier effect on the economy. Both require With policy payouts now extended to age 90, the tax benefit that
the manufacturing of a wide range of products from can be flowed through a company will be extended accordingly.
roofing to stoves, which provide a broad boost to
economic growth. All in all, economic growth in the 4. The taxable income portion of prescribed
U.S. may reach levels closer to 3% in the second half of annuities will be increased.
2016 and early 2017. By updating its life expectancy calculations, gross payments under
an annuity wont likely change to the holder, but the increased
number of payments means that the portion returned as capital
will decline.
As usual with tax changes, the government is grandfathering
existing policies to a large degree. However, clients considering
changes to their existing policies or purchasing new policies
ahead of the year-end deadline should consult with their Northland
advisor to review their situation.

While there is uncertainty surrounding the upcoming

U.S. election, what has been conveyed by the public Jerry A. Olynuk, LL.B, CFP, CFA
is that they find the sub-par economic growth Senior Vice-President & Portfolio Manager
over the past 8 years unacceptable and that new
policies are desperately needed. While Quantitative

3 T H E A R T I S A N I S S U E : AU T U M N 2 0 1 6




Easing and low interest rates did stabilize

Here are some important factors to consider -
the financial system after the credit crisis,
does the advisor or firm:
the current monetary policy of 0% interest rates is not effective.
Have the skill, experience and resources to evaluate and The root problem is that it transfers wealth from savers to the
manage assets across public and private markets? primary source of borrowers governments. A low interest rate
Only offer a one-size-fits all approach that only utilizes
environment reduces investment and spending by the public
one or few asset classes, such as stocks and bonds? If so, and therefore reduces economic activity and growth.
look elsewhere. Whatever the outcome of the
Have the ability to allocate capital without conflict-of- election, there should be a marked
interest, to any independent asset managers from around economic improvement under either
the world in areas such as direct lending, real estate,
private equity and hedge funds? This is known as an
open architecture approach. Whatever the outcome of the election, there should be a marked
economic improvement under either candidate as both favour
Have the ability to access best-in-class institutional
increased spending in good debt projects such as infrastructure
quality traditional and alternative asset managers?
(roads, bridges, water and sewage, electrical grid, etc.) which are

Provide a culture centered on client relationship desperately needed in the U.S.. This may also be a positive for
management and strong communication? many Canadian businesses and families as Canadas Keystone
energy pipeline project may finally be approved after it has been
Offer robust performance reporting along with relevant
stonewalled for almost 8 years by the current U.S. administration.
custom benchmarks?
Infrastructure like pipelines are the best way to transport oil and
Allow for clients to meet or speak with underlying asset natural gas, as these are significantly safer for the environment
managers? and the public than rail.
Take tax considerations into account to optimize returns For Canada, the
on an after-tax basis? recovery of the oil
industry may be a key
Firms that provide this comprehensive style of discretionary element in returning to
management are called outsourced Chief Investment more normal economic
Officers, or OCIOs for short.These firms should be licensed
growth. Since the oil
as a Portfolio Manager with a provincial securities regulator
price drop, global energy
such as the Ontario Securities Commission.
capital expenditures
If your family and thus drilling and
opts for hiring an exploration for oil have also dropped significantly. While
outsourced CIO, you inventories are still high, they are declining. U.S. oil production
and the Advising
has dropped from 9.2 million to 8.5 million barrels a day. Around
Representative (a
the world, natural decline rates and a lack of new wells will reduce
registered individual
future production as world consumption continues to grow. Oil
who can provide
investment advice
markets are moving towards a balance between demand and
at a Portfolio Manager firm) will start your relationship supply. However in the $50 to $60 range the U.S. shale producers
by discussing and documenting your unique investment will experience good profit margins and new supply will come
objectives and constraints. Topics covered should include onto the market. While we expect Canadian producers to be
how much investment risk you are willing to take, the desired able to implement cost reductions forced by recent low prices,
level of return to receive for taking on that risk, liquidity needs, the significant carbon tax imposed by our Federal government
tax considerations, performance reporting and benchmarks, will provide an additional economic drag for these companies
and the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan.

T H E A R T I S A N I S S U E : AU T U M N 2 0 1 6 4

The Canadian dollar is likely to remain weak, if not weaker, against the U.S. and the asset classes and markets you will allow your
dollar particularly with the expected U.S. Federal Reserve rate increase. portfolio to be invested in. A written investment policy
This is a definite positive for the Canadian manufacturing sector and will statement is then provided as a best practice which
help other industries as well. documents all of the above.
Your Advising Representative is then authorized to
While financial markets have performed make all of the necessary investment decisions (within
very well since the Great Recession in 2008, the agreed upon guidelines) and will not require consent
looking ahead we can see challenges to the for individual transactions. This service, which also
returns of many asset classes. consists of regular communication through methods
which best suit your family, be it in-person meetings,
While financial markets have performed very well since the Great web cam meetings, telephone conversations, emails
Recession in 2008, looking ahead we can see challenges to the returns of or newsletters form an important part of the ongoing
many asset classes. With interest rates beginning to bottom around the relationship. What should be understood is that
world, any material rate increase would place stress on financial assets this ongoing relationship is of prime importance as
such as bonds and stocks as well as on many governments to service their conditions within your family change. The investment
debts. In equities, we continue to emphasize exposure to securities that objectives and strategy may need to change as well to
display lower volatility than the overall market. We especially see risks in provide a tailored fit.
mid and long-term bonds, as when interest rates begin to rise, the value of Northland Wealth is an internationally recognized
these investments will fall. Thus, we are placing significant emphasis on multi-award winning wealth manager which provides
taking advantage of opportunities in alternative asset classes through the outsourced CIO and family office services to
investment with institutional-quality asset managers in areas such as direct successful business families and their members. The
lending, hedge funds, private equity and real estate. firm was built with the purpose of advising families in
an unconflicted manner on their financial and human
David Cockfield, MBA, CFA capital, with the objective of preserving and growing
Managing Director & Portfolio Manager the wealth over generations.

Thought Leadership Earlier this month, Arthur Salzer presented Headwinds: The End of the
30 Year Bull Market at the Global Investment Summit held in Montreux,
As a thought leader, members of Northland Wealth Switzerland. This exclusive 3 day event was moderated by Todd Benjamin,
are invited regularly to speak at industry events the former Financial Editor of CNN International. In attendance were Chief
around the world to share our insights. Attendance Executive Officers and Chief Investment Officers of family offices, pensions
of these invitation only events translate into multiple and sovereign wealth funds from Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North
benefits for our clients as we engage with our global America.
peers through meaningful dialogue to learn their
views and share best practices in the management
Later in October, Arthur will share his unique experience and insights along
of family wealth. Also, these events provide the
with moderating a panel discussion entitled Opportunistic Investing with
opportunity to be introduced to institutional-
Alternatives at the Private Wealth Canada Forum to be held in Toronto.
calibre alternative investment opportunities that
This flagship event will be attended by many of the leading advisors from
are available only to sophisticated institutional
private banking, wealth management and family offices from across Canada.
investors. This difficult to achieve access to high
quality alternative investments and exclusive, unique
insight into the management of wealth are just a Lastly, Jerry Olynuk, of NorthlandWealths Calgary office will be participating
couple of things that differentiate Northland Wealth in the lead panel discussion How to Structure Your Family Office at the
and its professionals from typical advisors at bank Family Office and Private Wealth Management Forum which is held
brokerage and investment counselling firms. Let us annually in Napa, California. As one of the West Coasts premier events, the
share a few of the events we have recently spoken at. forum is attended by many of the top Silicon Valley family offices.

5 T H E A R T I S A N I S S U E : AU T U M N 2 0 1 6




Unfortunately at some point we all have

lost, or will lose, someone near and dear
to our heart. This is the driving force behind Estate planning,
which ensures the effective and efficient transition of wealth
from one person to another. However, this planning process
often ignores or even forgets about the salient points that we
only realize long after the planning and passing has occurred.
By nature we all focus on the dollars and cents. There is a
strong argument to not only focus on the financial well-being The Singularity University Global Summit
of those left behind, but also the emotional toll it can take on brings together some of the worlds brightest minds,
those who have lost. showcasing the worlds most promising social impact
tech companies. Teaming up with global Development
A recent survey published by Beyond Estate Planning Organizations, NGOs and Corporate Partners, it brings
highlighted the need for us to not only ensure we have proper attention, connections, opportunities, resources, and
legal documents in place, but also to make sure we convey our recognition to the companies and projects they feel
thoughts to our loved ones in a personalized manner. are capable of making the most significant positive
impact through their use of exponential technology.
More than half of those surveyed were not looking
for a specific personal message Below is a summary of a number of interesting
thoughts from the Summit:
from any person.
This makes sense as we usually Rise and Fall:Software and operating platforms
will disrupt most traditional industries in the next
have multiple people in our
5 to 10 years.Uber is just a software tool. It doesnt
lives who hold significant
own any cars, but is now the largest taxi company in
importance. The pie chart
the world. Airbnb is the largest hotel company in the
shows the distribution
world, although it doesnt own any properties.
from those who did want to
hear from a specific person. Artificial Intelligence: IIBMs Watson
already helps nurses diagnose cancer four times more
Most People were hoping for a accurately than doctors. Facebook now has pattern
recognition software that can recognize faces better
letter written directly to them
than humans. By 2030, computers will have become
People emphasized the importance and more intelligent than humans.
meaning of having specific messages
sent their way via a hand written letter Self-Driving Cars:
In 2018, the first self-
or letters.
driving cars will be
Messages that are personalized, as offered to the public.
opposed to being general, are much At present, 1.2 million
more likely to act as an interpersonal people die each year in
connection that otherwise would car accidents worldwide. There is one accident every
have been missed. The fact that 100,000 km. With autonomous driving, that will drop to
people were asking for this speaks to one accident every 10 million km. It will save a million
the attachment nature of grief and loss. lives each year.

(CONTINUED ON PAGE 8) Electric Cars: These will become mainstream

around 2020. Cities will be cleaner and quieter because
all cars will run on electricity, which will also be less

T H E A R T I S A N I S S U E : AU T U M N 2 0 1 6 6
expensive.Most traditional car companies may become the end of this year, new smart phones will have 3D scanning
bankrupt by taking the evolutionary approach and attempt to possibilities. You can then 3D scan your feet and print your
build better cars, while tech companies such as Tesla, Apple perfect shoes at home. China has already 3D printed a
and Google will take the revolutionary approach and build complete 6-storey office building. By 2027, 10% of everything
computers on wheels. produced will be 3D printed.

Insurance Companies:They will experience increased Business Opportunities: If you think of a niche you
difficulty, because without accidents, insurance will become want to enter, ask yourself, In the
one hundred times cheaper. Car insurance business models future, do I think this will exist?
will disappear. If the answer is yes, then work on
how you can make that happen
Real Estate: Real estate values based on proximities to sooner. If it doesnt work via your
work places, schools or other desirable attributes will change. phone, forget the idea. Most ideas
If people can work effectively from anywhere or be productive designed for success in the 20th century are likely doomed to
while commuting, they will move out of cities to live in more fail in the 21st century.
rural surroundings.
Work: Seventy to eighty percent of jobs will disappear in the
Solar Energy: Production has been on an exponential next 20 years. There will be many new jobs, but it is not clear
curve for 30 years, but is only now having a substantial impact. whether or not there will be enough new jobs in such a short
Last year, more solar energy was installed worldwide than fossil time.
fuels. The price for solar energy will drop so much that almost
all coal mining companies will be out of business by 2025. Apps:There is already an app called moodies which can
tell the mood a person is in. By 2020 there will be apps that
Water for All:With can tell by facial expressions if people are lying.Imagine a
cheap electricity comes political debate where views know whether or not participants
cheap and abundant water. are telling the truth!
Desalination now only needs
2kWh per cubic metre. There Longevity: The average life span of humans increases by
is not scarce water in most 3 months per year. By 2036, the average lifespan will increase
places, only scarce drinking by one year each year. Humans may live well beyond 100 years.
water. Imagine what would be possible if people could have
as much clean water as they wanted for virtually no cost. Education:The cheapest smartphones already sell for
$10 in Africa and Asia. By 2020, 70% of all humans will own
Health:The Tricorder X price will be announced this year. a smartphone. That means everyone will have much the
This medical device, which is named after the Tricorder from same access to world class education. Every child can use
Star Trek, works on a cell phone and scans a persons retina, Khan Academy for everything he needs to learn at schools in
takes a blood sample and measures breath. It then analyses 54 First World countries. Further afield, the software has been
biomarkers that can identify nearly any disease.The Tricorder launched in Indonesia and will be released in Arabic, Swahili
X will be inexpensive, so in a few years, everyone on this planet and Chinese languages this summer. The English app will be
will have access to world class, low cost medicine. offered free, so that children in Africa can become fluent in
English within half a year.
3D Printing:The price of the cheapest 3D printer came
down from $18,000 to $400 within 10 years. In the same As always, times are changing, but now at a much faster rate
amount of time, it also became 100 times faster. All major than ever imaginable!
shoe companies started printing 3D shoes. Spare airplane
parts are already being 3D printed in remote airports. The Jeff Sproul, Hon BBA, PFP, CIM
space station now has a printer that eliminates the need for Vice President, Wealth Management
the large amount of spare parts they needed in the past. At and Associate Portfolio Manager

Autumn In The Northland (photo on page 6)

By: Franklin Carmichael
This outstanding creation by Franklin Carmichael is such a well-balanced painting. The soft hazy sky and the
background hills stand firmly in the distance and perfectly push the foreground hills and trees into the main focus.
The birch logs on the lower right guide the eye gently toward the true focal point of the painting; the overall effect
being a calming and relaxing feeling.

7 T H E A R T I S A N I S S U E : AU T U M N 2 0 1 6




The Wright Brothers

by David McCullough
In this enjoyable, fast-paced tale,
master historian David McCullough
The Relationship was the most shows as never before how two Ohio boys
important topic of conversation from a remarkable family taught the world to
fly and captures the marvel of what the Wrights
Survivors were interested accomplished. He draws on the extensive Wright family papers
in knowing about history to profile not only the brothers but their sister, Katharine,
and life experiences. without whom things might well have gone differently for them.
However, the most striking and Essential reading, this is a story of timeless importance, told
with uncommon empathy and fluencyabout what might be
consistent message received from
the most astonishing feat mankind has ever accomplishedThe
respondents was that they wanted Wright Brothers soars.
to have evidence speaking to the
importance of the relationship. Robinson Crusoe
They also wanted to hear expressions byDaniel Defoe
Hailed as the first great English novel, Robinson Crusoe
of love from the deceased towards them. It
spawned legions of imitations, none of which surpass the
was touchingly reiterated over and over again by many original. All readers with a taste for adventure will relish this
respondents that the simplest and most important written inexpensive edition of one of the most popular and influential
content they could receive from a loved one was, I love books ever written.
you, I always have, I always will. Statements such as
this, as simple as they are, as obvious as they may seem,
as unnecessary to write as they may appear, are of the
utmost importance in the absence of physical life, when
such utterings can no longer occur.
People suggested that they wanted to know that the life
of the deceased was enriched by their presence. They
wanted to know that they contributed to growth and
happiness - to feel as though they played an import role
in their loved ones life.
Our memories cannot be fully trusted to be accurate.
However, written work can act as a more reliable witness
to what existed then, so that it may in some way continue
to exist today.

Some People Already Have Written Keepsakes

Many people spoke about how their loved ones journals
or letters brought them comfort, a sense of connection, 8965 Woodbine Avenue, Markham, Ontario L3R 0J9
and wisdom. Every single respondent spoke of how these
Southcentre Executive Tower, Suite 610, 11012 MacLeod Trail S.
items were amongst the most treasured of all the things Calgary, AB T2J 6A5
they had.
(888) 760-6596 (NLWM) |
A few moments of your time may provide an eternity of
comfort to someone you love.
Jeff Sproul, Hon BBA, PFP, CIM
Vice President, Wealth Management
and Associate Portfolio Manager

The information provided in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and
should not be used as investment or tax advice. For investment advice tailored to
your specific situation and investment objectives, please contact a Northland Wealth
Management professional.

T H E A R T I S A N I S S U E : AU T U M N 2 0 1 6 8

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