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Drilling-Operations Learning

Through Visualization
Using a 3D-earth-model visualization sentation that can be perceived. stuck-pipe occurrence. System users
as a foundation, a new information- Integration of data from different can access a standard library of symbols
technology (IT) development strategy sources in the same visualization and also create user-defined symbols for
focuses on perceiving drilling learn- enables visual analysis. Visual analysis unique circumstances.
ing by an intuitive method. Symbols requires that the tools for accessing and Information Content. Knowledge
known as knowledge attachments filtering the data be integrated tightly attachments have two levels of informa-
are attached to each wellbore trajec- with the visualization environment. tion: summary and detailed. The sum-
tory displayed in the 3D environment, When working in a team environment, mary view is displayed when a symbol
with each symbol indicating a specif- visual analysis speeds communication, on the wellbore trajectory is clicked.
ic event related to drilling operations. conveys subtlety, promotes creativity, The display contains a free-form area
This representation makes interde- and speeds and enhances decision for entering pertinent comments. Well
pendencies between the earth model making. At a high level, the data being name and knowledge-attachment depth
and drilling operations evident. mapped is that of the earth model and also are displayed in the summary.
drilling-operation data. This visualiza- The detailed content can be a collec-
Introduction tion system is useful to represent this tion of documents (files), links to Web
E&P companies are focusing more on disparate data in a manner that makes pages, morning reports, and database
Reservoir Visualization

collaborative teamwork to better evalu- interdependencies clear. Interactive queries. If the knowledge attachment
ate the economic viability and risk data binding coupled with the 3D dis- represents a well-control incident, the
involved in developing oil and gas fields. play greatly enhances the ability to ana- detailed content could contain a
To facilitate collaboration, E&P compa- lyze complex data sets and accelerate spreadsheet with the completed kill
nies are adopting shared, integrated IT the process of extracting information. sheet, a link to a well-control best-prac-
technology to enable multidisciplinary Human eyes have more information- tices page on the company intranet, and
teams to engage in improved workflow processing capability than all of the a copy of the morning report. When an
processes. Geoscientists traditionally supercomputers in the world. item in the detailed-content list is
have had the benefit of powerful inte- selected, the appropriate application is
grated visualization tools. Such applica- System Components. A number of launched to view the information.
tions are characterized by excellent inte- data-management systems are available Knowledge-Attachment Creation.
gration and interoperability that allow for the earth model and drilling infor- Once a standard set of knowledge-
workflow practices to be optimized. mation. A necessary component to cre- attachment types and symbols are
Drilling engineers tasked with well- ate a system for perceiving drilling defined, the appropriate data is bound to
bore construction typically do not use learning through visualization is a 3D them. Knowledge attachments are creat-
these integrated applications. With visualizer that integrates the two data ed manually or automatically. When cre-
the advent of more powerful personal sources by use of knowledge attach- ating a knowledge attachment manually,
computers and laptops, drilling engi- ments. Knowledge attachments are a well, depth, and attachment type are
neers can now access visualization defined as symbols displayed on a well- selected. The user provides text for the
tools similar to those that geoscien- bore trajectory in the 3D earth model summary and then creates links to the
tists have traditionally used on Unix that is bound to drilling-operations data. appropriate detailed content. Manually
workstations. Coupling drilling-oper- The drilling-operations data are accessed created knowledge attachments are use-
ation events and knowledge con- and filtered by database queries. Symbol ful in the well-planning process to docu-
tained within drilling information- definition, information bound to the ment operational issues or directives.
management systems with the earth knowledge attachment, and knowledge- Automatically creating knowledge
model is one such opportunity. attachment creation must be addressed attachments facilitates drilling learning.
clearly for a usable, intuitive system. The key is association of the appropriate
Theory and Definitions Symbol Definition. A standard set of drilling-operations data with the symbol
Visualization can be defined as the knowledge-attachment display symbols by use of database queries. A standard
binding or mapping of data to a repre- are required so information can be visu- library of knowledge-attachment defini-
ally correlated with certainty of what it tions that is independent of the well or
This article is a synopsis of paper SPE represents. Knowledge-attachment visu- field can be maintained by use of gener-
62759, Perceiving Drilling Learning al appearance is dependent on the infor- ic definitions or templates. A fully
Through Visualization, by W.C. mation type to which it is bound. Both defined knowledge-attachment template
Sanstrom, SPE, and M.J. Hawkins, appearance and underlying data source contains a symbol type and the associat-
SPE, Landmark Graphics Corp., origi- of the knowledge attachment are config- ed database query. This library facilitates
nally presented at the 2000 IADC/SPE urable on a site basis. For example, a red integration and interrogation of drilling
Asia Pacific Drilling Technology, Kuala asterisk represents a lost-circulation data in the earth model by making
Lumpur, 1113 September. event, while a yellow circle represents a access to the data easy and intuitive.

Detailed information behind the well plan can be refined.
the template is bound to the Knowledge attachments can be
knowledge attachment when manually created to hand off
the wells or field are rendered information during a shift
in the visualization environ- change. During the postwell
ment. Identification and cor- analysis, the system can be
relation of this information used to gather lessons learned
between large numbers of and improve operational effi-
wells is virtually impossible ciency of future wells.
using traditional well files.
Putting Knowledge A knowledge-attachment sys-
Attachments to Work Fig. 1Knowledge attachment symbols representing tem is useful to represent dis-
Knowledge attachments can drilling events. parate data in a manner that
improve many aspects of well- makes evident the interde-
bore construction including planning, trouble time for wells in the field. In pendencies between the earth model
operations, and postwell analysis. Fig. 1, these knowledge attachments and drilling-operations data. Oper-
Early in the well-planning process, the are represented by small squares and ational issues and lessons learned from
system can be used to learn about circles. The squares positioned along prior wells are easily accessed and
issues encountered with existing wells the fault represent high torque and the perceived in the earth-model context.
in the area. New or experienced circles on the horizontal horizon rep- Operational efficiencies can be im-
drilling engineers can access the his- resent lost circulation. By clicking on a proved by understanding this in-
torical data easily and view it within knowledge attachment, the detailed formation at the beginning of the

Reservoir Visualization
the earth model. Fig. 1 shows an and summary information is dis- well-planning process. JPT
example of existing wells. If a trouble- played. The planned well can be
time template is chosen and the designed to minimize these known Please read the full-length paper for
drilling data-management system is issues. The system is useful to drilling additional detail, illustrations, and ref-
accessed, the 3D view will be populat- engineers not familiar with the area. erences. The paper from which the
ed automatically with knowledge Once drilling begins, offset well infor- synopsis has been taken has not been
attachments for all occurrences of mation can continue to be accessed and peer reviewed.


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