Effective Telephoning S B-001

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Conients Introduction page 4 Who's who In Effective Telephon, pane 6 Communication skills Language knowledge _Tetephoning practice Fist contacts pang fora telephone ca key canary about ‘reparny lmkingscats pages telephoning, “eign person expiing the purpose of opening cals pening calls page 14 peal Anunexpected receiving cals and (ain taking messages call messages page 2 What's the structuring.a message leaving messages, structing information on message? Donating numbers the phone page 28 Haneling ving ecaback, echoing, asking for repetition, ‘exchanging and responding information tantying clarification, responses to mforination fnaye 34 Communication voiding communication calling back | breakdown breakin, meting intemal page 38 cals, Mating plans reaching agreement aking arrangements Telephone arrangements awe 44 and appointments Solving problems setiwelistening, rfleotive avi; questions ‘making enquires: age 50 ‘questions Handling: handling complaints, reassuring, making ‘complaining over tho phone ‘complaints, staying Dasitive promises page 96 Closing acall —_sccognizing closing signals, closing aca ‘losing calls poge 62 tlfgstive losing, Listening Tapeserint paye 68 Answer Key page 86 Video Transcript page 99 4 ‘The Video ‘The Student’s Book ‘The Audio Cassette ixrRopUCLION Introduction Introduction to the course Hfective Telephoningisa practical and accessible course sp dlesigned (o develop the essential communication and language skills needled to make and receive telephone calls in Baglish. I is divided into ten units which deal progressively with key aspects of telephoning, from) preparation through to making: mentsanl closing calls The course aims to develop both competence and confidence in a variety ofsituations, so that by the end of the period of study learners will have acquired the necessary skills to handle almostany kind of call, Course components ‘The course consists of four componeat audio cassette, and a'Teacher’s Book. a video, a Students’ Book, an “the video is the central component of the course, anclactsasa focus forall the activities contained in the Students Rook. Based around the story oft British company organizinga trip to America, i illustrates a range ot telephone cals: handling messages, mak jgements, dealing with complaints, and solving problems. Student's Book consists of ten units which correspond to those in the video. Hach unit is divided into thece sectidus: Communication skills, Language knowledge, ancl Telephoning practice. ‘The Connrtarication skillssection identifies and practises key telephoning, skills which are illustrated in the video, and aims to involve the learner ina process of feedback, evaluation, and development. The Lanigainge krrowledgescction, supported by the audio cassette, expands the learner's, knowledge in key functional and lexical arvas, as well 2s focusing on aspects of intonation. The Telephony practice section gives the learner the opportunity fo put both communication skillsane! Inguage knowledge into practice using a variety of role-plays and simulations, “This consists of approximately 45 minutes of extracts fom additional telephone callsand forms the basis ofthe listening activities in the Language knowledge section of the Student's Book. ‘The Teacher's Book Communication skills Language knowledge In the classroom Self-study ‘This book provides an introduction to the couse frm the teacher's point s for further exploitation im the classroom and s¢24ra, photocopiable materials for The approach In exch uni, Effective Telephonineg ales a poor model of tclephoninig practice in order to demonstrate what can go wrong, Ht then moves on to lookata good model in which the speakers maximize the effectiveness of their cal, Thisapproach is designed to develop learners! abilities in two main area The couse develops the skills of both initiating and receiving calls Ht seeks to build the learners’ confidence in their ability to handle both th expected and unexpected. Skills such as giving feedback, reaching agreement, aud active listening are demonstrated on the video. The then analysed and practised with the support of the Student's Book, Language areas stich as opening and closing a cal, leaving and taking ntessages, handling numbers, and spelling names are presented and practised in the Stacents Book, Additional exercises help (o develop the earners’ appreciation af the importance of intonation on ihe telephone ‘Theaudio cassette is used to further ilhusteate and practise these areas Using the course All parts of the course are designed to work either as classroom material or for self-study. Bach unit takes the learner through the objectives in the areas of Communication skis, Language Krowledge, and Telephonig practice. Vheve is an introcluction designed to make the learners reflect on their own experience, and to anticipate the focus of the material which follow Depending on the needs of the group or the amount of ime available, the couse cay either be followed fiom start to finish or concentrate on selected units, The Telephoning practice activities in the Student’s Rook provide sclovant, contest-based practice of the key aspects of te unit. These activities are desigued for either pairs or small yroups. Wherever possible, they should he recorced on auulio cassette for analysis and feedback. “the video-based activities focusingon commmnicatio vive been developed with the classroom in mind, However, most of the questions hhave answers in the Answer Key, and individuals can use the video ona self-access basis. ‘The Language hnowledge section can certainly be usefully followed as self-study. The telephoning practice Ss ‘or group works although preparation for theseactivities could also be dane for self-study usrropuerion, 6 wuors wire Who's who in Effective Telephoning Effective Telephoningilt companies, One isa Bri tralesaseries of telephone cals between two computer firm called Communicon International. The othct isa PR and events company called Odyssey Promotions, based in New York. Communicon International “sales. Yogi #tdthold ~ Nnesba Ne waits Conmnzicin tobe present al the Eectionics “Tae Fo, due fo ne hold bh ~ Nye ator hi yo, Complete the following operator messages with ‘mappropriate word or expression from the Language focus * This member has been changed, Pease replace the - ——-and —— the following number, b The telephone is permanently Hamusst have been le ¢ Pinsorty, Fean't give you that number. t's d The — for Leeds has heen changed. Please —_ ing 1113 before the subscriber number, Allthe tines fo Paris are Please try later: Wht would you say to the operator thesesituations? You haveno change or phone card and you mnt phonehome urgently, » You have tied a number several times an youalways yet a ‘number unobtainable’ tone, © Nou have got throust tothe wrong numer: You need to find the vight number, {t Your line suffers quently fiom interference am other calls © Your would ike to knew what you dal to seach a subec viber in China 5 Match the extracts to the situations below: a an engaged tine o b thelinesuddentyeut off C1 © ahad tine a 4 banging up too quickly C) © wrong number a Tetephoning Practice Pai work Student A Prepare and make the following eas: 1 Youatea purchase, You ced 1 buy some computer hardwate. You have heard that a new distributor called ompasave are offering some very Sood rade discounts, Call them andy ta speak to they Sales Manager, 2 Youare staying in the UK, You would like to hook some theatre tickets fora “how called Shanghai Expres! Decide the night mamta of Fckets, and Price range. First convaces 1 ” vNir ont 6 10 ‘You have recently placed ajeb advertisement in lisceuive Placement monthly magazine. Unfortunately they published it swth to ersors (a palling mistake and a werd missed oud) Phone the newspaper £0 complain and get someaction. Yoursecretary has made a provisional appointiment for you to se management consultant calle! Peter Kindle (Hil & Samuel), You hase decided your have no time to see hitn, Phone his officeand eameel the appointment. Your computer has st Phone the help desk. teal to have problems (the sereet keeps on freering). Prepare to receive the following calls: ‘You area sakes vepresentative for an offi fmiture company called Muntroyale. Stent B will ask to speak to the Sales Manager She is out so yo should deal with she call Stent Bil want some information about prices fora now range of office frnitare, Stylo 2000, Prices: losks from 350 to $480 hairs from £110 to £180 cabinets From £150 to £220. You work ina ear ive firm calle Magibire Student B will ell you to book zanna car for the weekend. Offer hiner the following: eategory A (stall) car Ford Fiesta 14 L daily price £35.00 special weekend price £55,00 (insurance andl wie mileage included). Yourcompany, ACEO Alarms, recently installed neve burglar lary spaten for aloca is caled SKCT LL You will eccivest call from thet ona Warren is out of the office. You will eceive a call intent. Your colleague Suv concerningan ape’ You workon the customer service desl fora large electricity company. You vill weceive call [rom a customer who has suddenly been ent off apologize and explain tha the fat sue fo tse contractors eating ‘cable, Promise te connection within 24 hours. 6 9 Stndent 8 Prepare to receive the following calls: You work for a company called Compusaveasa sales representative. Your Sales Manager is out at the moment, but you should be abe to tell Student Aabout trade discounts, Keyboards: 10% for purchases of or more Serwens: 8% for purehases of 5 or more ‘Tower processors: 486 ~1596 for purchases of 10 or more Pentium — 10% for purchases ofS oF move ‘You work ina theatre ticket office (the Theatre Royal). Student & w. book tickets for Shanghai Express. Ticket pricesand availability are as follows Stalls £15.50-all seats sold out, excep! Monday nights Dress Circle £25.00— seatsavailableall nights Upper Circle £12.50 —only seats with sestricted viewing available, You work for Executive Placemeut,a monthly magazine, You will receive t complaint from a customer who has recently placed a job advertisement Offer to correct thead andl re-run it next month, free of charge You work for Hill & Samuct,a firey of management consultants, One of the team, Peter Kindale, is out of the office at the moment, Tike a message forbim, You work on the hetp desk for Avandale Computers, Arta engineer to vist thiseustomer. Prepare and make the following calls: You ave set new sange of office Furniture advertised by Montroyale. Phone them to enquiteabout prices of desks, chairs, and cabinets in the Stylo 2000 range. Phone Magihire, focal ear hie fiem, Rook a sinall cat for the weekend, Your company, SK? Ltd, recently had a new burglayslsrin systews fitted. “The alarm keeps on going off for no apparent reason. Phone the suppliers, AGTO Alarms, tocomph You recently made.ai some legal cance i Wice, You are mnable to keep the appointment, Phone her to slinent to see Suzanna Warren concerning "To yon great sueprise, your electricity supply has suddenly been cut off Phone the electricity company to find out what the problem is. rinse CONTACTS 13 Communication skills Pre-viewing 1 What sort of telephone calls do you make al work? Why do you make these calls? 2 Read the Video Weeph 1g Contes Video Telephoning Context ~The people - ‘yésey Piomotions Bick Denis” hag teaon ibiced in tho Bout of iebased ine York, ond Js tho Sates Bentr for is abit to Helen Ti i relied, ond mantactures .- organizes sales and PR Coton tncinatigndl. seer partner in Oayssc i ani ei coir -2vents. : SOE Proitions! ee “commiileations herds . 5 : The call. : ~ thas peo abet by Helo tart making breparlins for Conmicnion’s in to the Stale : » - Ho phones. cK to Update hin on te artangenen : Viewing FA 3 Watch Version 1 tom 04.05 1006.01, Wheat daes Gregg do wrong? F234 Watch Version | again. Use the checklist ( help you iden amore clearly. fy the problems. 14 URIN TWO Post-viewing Watch Version 2 frou 06.02 t0 07.23, What docs Gregg do differently this timez ‘Watch Version 2 again, Lookat the checklist and identify the points at which Gregg doesthese things Pair work Look backat the types ofall you identified in Pre-viewing |. Working in paits, role-play one or two of theve calls. Make suze you clearly intinduce the subject in ench case. Language knowledge nce ANDERSON “Heter asked me a start making the arrangements for your visitand Pit Tike to go over a fow ofthe devails with you. Listen to the openings toa variety of calls. ieach case, selecta purpose from the list below and write the cortvet letter in the box. Extract Purpose of call one @ tocomplain wo b twinform thee 0 € to changearringements fou d toorder five El € toenguire THB RIGHT PERSON 35 6 Language focus Opening a call Identifying your company Odyssey Promotions, cam t help you? Good morning, Communicon biternational Identifying yourself Thisis... speaking os hrere.* Identifying the caller Who's calling, please? Who's tha speaking? May Lask who's calling? Pa sorry, Fide’ catch your name. Asking for your connection Vilike to speak 10. Could you put me through 10...2 Gon Uhave extension 211, please? Could 8 speak 0 someone in the... departarent? Jus giving our aniecan sound abrnptn English, Explaining the purpose Pn calling about ... ‘The reason Pm calling is... H's about Wsinconnection with... Asking about the purpose Cortld you tell wre what i's about? What's it int comection with? Making the connection usta moment Trin putting you through 2 Below you will hud three jumbled extracts from the openings oftelephone calls, Put each extract in the right order, Call A: Just moment, PM put you through. 1 W’sin connection with a new order. A: Howard Bi; James Harvey. A: Pinsor wb: This A Gall 2 B: Phe reason Vn : Not to bad. So, ine,and you? x: Storm speaking, taylor here. 1s that you Max? Br Les veting, How can I help yout didn’t catch your name. James Harvey, Could | speak Lo Joshura Reynolds? oukl you tell me what it’s about? ling is to try to fix a meeting carly next month. rat cans 1 do for you? A: Sure is. Howare you, Leslie? ee) Calls A: Ket me jnst get her diary. Oh yes, on Wednesday at 10,00 4s Tim not sne."The reason Um calling isto discuss ext wee ‘smevting, A: Christine Matthes speaking, 18 That's it You see, Pve gota bit ofa problean A: Him afte Mirando in today. Can Uhl 1b Thisis Delia Forbeshere, Can L speak to Mitanda, please? Sounds and meaning A keystillon the telephone is using the tone of your voice ws help cre mmaitcation Face to face we cn use our facial expressions ta support Decora a lh telephone things tke tess, imotation, ant pausing become vital. One important aspect of thisistostiesshey want For examples Hcl asked inet start nahin the asvangements for you visisand Vid {ike to gn overa fewof the details with your Haslen to Gregg Anderson scl with Nick Delwie, Underline the woxle which are stressed, 2 Hello, Nick Delvin, «Hi, Gregg Anderson here, Hele Promotions in Nes York. Mick: Oh, yeah, hello, aoe pce asked ove to stort making the arrangements for your vis and Til like to yo over afew of the dewits with your srek: Good, so things are moving forward, cages they certainly are. These’ three tings Vl ike to go over with, yous the hoteh, theexhibit,and af course, the reception. Iethise good Hime to tate nck: Well, aetually, Diatwe Davis, mnyas this end, Geuc: Ob, yeat. Could you put me through to her? Mie: Sure Justa momen oxe66: ‘Thanks, brani: Diane Davi mre: Diane, ve got a Greys Anderson on the line. He works for Odyssey lomotions ever in New York, He's done some preliminary planning for oustrip, Can Thana him over to you? DIAN: Yes, of course, GK urner’sassis al Odyssey '86, Pee handed overall the arrangements to stant. She's going to be looking afer thingy fiom, b Pairwork Practise puting the steesses in the right place. ‘fake the dialogue above or : _Banputer Shes working oh * the nating i Dias Das ia oe Da bet at mn Dee yo “asounse, $0 Sroncescd dens wth the cal Viewing EE 3 Watch Version 1 fom 07.32 10 08.58 with the sound down. What does Francesea's body language tell usabout her attitude? Compare your notes the Answer Key on page 90. NET THREE Post-viewing ‘Watch Version 1 again with thesound up, Stop the tape when you identity examples ofthe following: unfriendly mannet lack of attention paid to the caller lack of feedback confirmation, Watch Version 2 fron 08,59 to 10.12 with the sound down, How does Francesca’s body language compare with Version 1? Compare your notes with the Answer Key on page 90. Watch Version 2 again with the sound up, Identify the following moments: she tmnsherattention to the call she offersto take-a message she offers to make stire Diane gets the message she repeats the message she checks his name she writes a clear message. Pair work Simolate two or three ells in which you eave a message. Make sure the ssageis clearly undlerstood. Language knowledge PRANCESGA MATION ‘Tinafiaid Diane isoma course. May Hakea message?” Listen cach extract, nd makea note of the message ANUNESPHCTRD CALL ot Language focus Taking messages Excuses Fm afiaid he {shees| ina mecting (at the moment). out of te office (at the nronsent). Jon holiday (at the moment), Hef she won't be back wil Monday. He/ she'savvay forthe week, Tin sorry, the He's busy, Wl you hold? Messages ini Hake a message? Could yore give hint/ hora message? Could Heave a message? Caule you fell i fer I ealled? Spelling Shall Lapel itfor you? Could you spell that, please? Youd better spell that, please. (informal) Noting Let me take / write that down... Pijust gera pen Repeating Could you just 30 over that again? Let me just repect shat Confirming. That's right Fncouragi Ofcourse, Goahead. Reassuring Frilmake sure she gets the message Piluell hina Fhe you call. Filget someone to ring you first thing in tke morning. Someone WN i OFFICE spe we "3 DROP IN. { wiSlt You HAG Ler ME Know you were CONG. 1 WOULD PAVE ARGRSEED WAMBULAUCE meet Spelling & Listen to thealphabel, Write down other letters that have the same sound asthe letters below. a DCAM 25, 24 use nee 4 «© Listen tothe requests for the follosving tobeclar a Kadinsky —€ Boddington b Lamy f Anne € Petrovich Leslie d Maggiore hh Thelema ies tobe spelt or the spelling ied, Duing the pause, spell he name oranswer the question, 3 Sounds and meaning, ‘The intonation we use influences the impact of our ng intonation asually sounds more positive and open. Falling intonation is ‘often used to communicate mew or unknown information, For examples “Cav Haken message? (rising) “Yes, Could you tel her 1! be late® (Falling) 2 Listen fo the following extract, It has heen recorded twice. In one version, oneof the speakers usesa marked rising intonation. Which version, and which speaker? A: Peterlee Promotions. Dawn James speaking. 1 hiss Piette Menton, Pe like to speak to Roger Borham, please As Justa moment ©: Hello, Sally Rogers 8: Could you put me through to Roger Borham, please? C: Pmatraid Mr BorhanYs not in today. Who's speaking, please? 1 This is Pierte Menton tom Unilex €: Good morning, MrMenton. Can Ttake a message fot Mr Borham? 1: Yes, Could you tell hin that won't be able: ge our Fri ecting? Pim going to have to stay longerin Haky than expecte hhim nest week to avrange another date. will be fine, Hes back in the office on Monday and Pll make sure he ets the message Peal b Group work “Why taking the parts of the operator, Pierre, and S intonation patterns you heatal on the cassette, ily. Mivrorthe Pair work Scripta Wephone call in which a messages left. Mark the points where you think rising intonation would be appropriate. Then record the conversation on cassette, Play it back and compare itwith the script. Softening Languages often softened by turning an insteuction into a polite request Tor example: Spell that, please? "Could you spell tha, pleas sten (o these instructions and change them into polite eequests, 1 Telephoning practice Pair work Student A Yoware depu neral Manager of Wessex Chemicals, a Brit holiday), He has lefl you a list of a number of calls which need making, and also a fow which you mightexpect ta receive, Prepare to makeand receive the following calls: Please deal with the following: 4° Phone Robart Snel {Nath College of Highcr Edlicabion) sid comin: factory tesisior Monday 5 September a 10 aan, 2 Maia De King (Royed Unived Hiesp iva, Bath iid cancel appotenment, ‘on Jneselay Oth Septéembes ry to reartanage for Wedvosdaty morsing the 70). 8 Phons Suzle Kobei to at: advertising agency to chiter copy For out new brocinoe (it should ave arrived ond of tot wae) “4. Phone Excalibur Diotribution (ove attache fa) re Une delivery oF new softsare for Bain computer ayoteis Make aus they are cetera Ky the: fend oF ble wesk. 6 IFKicran Ponatd phones, juck Lake ameoaage and tell him 1M galt back nose weak, © Cindiano att, cur agent thal, igh phone sboie oy trip next ont h. “Git thie debts and then ask Garth to Wook may Bight, 7 Any othar cull just tue inewsage aN unex ED EALL 25 26 Nrt rimee EXCALIBUR DISTRIBUTION, to Thameside-London we 14 AHEEETLONE 0171 6788897 REIL 0171 67890 ro, Wessex Chemionls ARYENTION Purchasing Dept. DATE 9th Augwat SURJECT Delivery of order no. 746654 /REY he above order has still not passed through custome. We had expected delivery at our depot on Friday Suh. We are brying to speed up the procass and will kee you informed J Hp ees Philip Hacey (Distribution Manager) Proparet receive und mate the following calls: ‘Your work at Bath College of Higher Education, Your colleague, Robert Snell, is out of the office. Takea message. You workin the hospital reception. Dr King isnot available, You are not able to make new appointments. Take the details and say you will write with anew date, ‘You work in the Cicative Department of the advertising agency Bogarty, Hanson & Roberts, Suzie Roberts is out. Takes message. ‘You work for Philip Macey, Distribution Manager for Kxcalibur Distribution, Wessex Chemicals area custorser. Your boss recently sent the attached fat, Leis not available to take the cil, You are Kieran Donal. You niials, He promise yo wed tospeak to George Hanwell of Wessex =ijob interviews. 6 You are Guiliano Baldini, Wessex’s agent in Healy, You have organized a trip for George Hanwell. Phone hirn to tell him the provisional itinerary: ‘hiesday Septombie ve Rome by BOO 5 Wednesday September 10 Appointment Wi Pisa anit Florence Thuraday September 1 _appolotanenits i Venice cand Vicenasa Friday Saptomber 12 depart Milan after haich Jeorge Hanwell commissioned you to do some market research for Wessex emicals, You sentin your report and invoice two months ago, You stilt haven't been paid CTEM CALL. 27 Communication skills Pre-viewing 1 Clearly phone calls lifer depending on the purpose and the contest of the. call. However, thereare some key elements which are common to all cals. ‘Imagine you have just received a phone eal from somebody you don’t know When you put down the phone, what do you expect to have noted? ‘Compare your ideas with the Answee Rey on page 91 2 Read the Video ‘Telephoning Context. : Video Telephoning Context ©

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