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Town Camper Guide for the Sprinter Conquest

Version 1.0 (April 2016) for Diablo III patch 2.4.0 (Season 5)

Introduction not for very long). Key area names are

emphasised in bold, where appropriate.
The Sprinter conquest (and Speed Racer in
Hardcore mode) requires the entire Campaign to The second column lists the Town Campers
be completed in under an hour. This is no mean actions. Talking to a specific NPC is indicated by
feat, and generally requires a full group of four listing the name of the NPC, in bold, and their
characters familiar with the game, and location. Some conversations have multiple
particularly with the layouts and patterns of the phases to cancel, separated by animations that
maps. A group usually consists of three Runners cannot be skipped; these are indicated. Group
and one Town Camper (a.k.a. Towner, a.k.a. events are marked as either Skip or Join
Townie). This guide details what the Town (underlined). Tasks in brackets ( ) should be
Camper needs to do in a successful run. handled by Runners, but the Town Camper can
do them in a pinch. Tasks in square brackets [ ]
The fundamental purpose of the Town Camper is are optional, either because the sequence may
to ensure the Runners dont need to waste time vary, because they have little effect on the overall
teleporting to town to turn in quests. This can time, or because they require a fast-moving
save about 4 minutes (16 conversations at 15 character. Some instructions use the abbreviation
seconds each: 5s to teleport, 5s area transition, 5s TP for engaging Town Portal (or direct teleport)
to orientate and teleport out again). and WP for using a Waypoint.
The other advantage of using a Town Camper is The third column shows target times, as well
that it reduces the likelihood of mistakes. While as reminders that can be sent to the Runners. It
it is possible to have a Runner teleport back to can be useful to remind Runners whats coming
town early to turn in quests, it can be costly if up next so someone is ready when a gate opens
they forget or miscalculate. The Town Camper is up, for example.
also able to provide reminders to the Runners,
and otherwise help coordinate. Finally, the Town Target times use the following thread as a
Camper is in a good position to keep track of baseline (as well as for other tips big thanks to
time. quik):
This guide endeavours to provide all the
information a player needs to be a good Town The thread gives a cumulative range at the end of
Camper. In theory, the Town Camper doesnt each act. This guide uses the upper end of the
even need good gear or a speed build, though a range as the primary target, with the lower end
single fast-move skill (such as Teleport or of the range listed as being Better.
Furious Charge) is useful in a couple of spots. A
better equipped character (such as a Barbarian The per-quest times arise from the authors
with Raekors set) can additionally help out early experience with a number of failed runs leading
in Act IV and late in Act V. However, the player to one successful run. However, some of these
does need to know the Campaign well because, may not be very accurate: some quests have a
while the Runners can see the plot unfold under fixed time component (eg: Act III Catapults),
their feet, the Town Camper has to imagine most some quests require searching and luck, some
of it, and operate from memory. quests are just straight speed (eg: Rakkis
Crossing). The targets appear again in a table at
If you find reading difficult, feel free to skip the end.
the introduction and just print the tables.
Abort Times
Layout of the Task List
Wortham is a good abort point. If you cant reach
The Town Camper Task List (on the pages Wortham in 10:30, youre basically done. At the
following) lists the objective text for each phase end of Act I, you really need to be under 16:30
of every quest in the game in the left column. or extremely lucky from then on.
Objective text in grey probably wont appear (or

Introduction to Sprinter Town Camper Guide Page 1 2016 Paulius G Stepanas

Executing the Tasks A Shattered Crown: Once the Town Camper
ends the previous quest by talking to Leah, the
The Town Campers main job is to be in mayors cart will move, and a Runner should
position when a quest marker appears,
take Haedrig and the Cellar of the Damned. The
and to skip through that conversation as
Town Camper needs to be at the forge when the
fast as possible. The best option is to assign both
crown is picked up. The subsequent conversation
Spacebar (the default) and Mouse Wheel Down
with Haedrig has three phases, all of which need
to Close All Open Windows in the key
to be cancelled, immediately followed by talking
bindings. Click the NPC, hit Space as you move
to Cain in his usual position. A fast movement
your finger to the mouse wheel, then keep turning
skill is useful here.
the mouse wheel until all conversation is ended.
The Drowned Temple: As soon as the
The second consideration is to be ready when
Drowned Temple waypoint appears (it wont if
there are two conversations in a row with
the map is open), the Town Camper should go
different NPCs, one ending a quest, the second
there and wait by the left-hand Beacon. If the
starting the next quest. The Town Camper cannot
afford to miss one of these. Runners havent gotten back yet, be ready to also
activate the right-hand Beacon (both have a small
Third, the Town Camper must be ready to animation that cannot be skipped). Then return to
cancel or join group events quickly. Its town by either Town Portal or the Waypoint.
easy to lose concentration when nothing seems to
be happening, but missing one of these dialogues Wortham: The Town Camper activates the
event in Cains House once the quest instructs (if
can destroy a run. Note that, if anyone refuses an
you anticipate, youll be kicked back out
event, the other players have to click an
automatically), then immediately speaks to
additional dialogue to confirm the declined
Leah. Any kind of fast movement will help here.
event, which is why the Town Camper should
join some boss fights. The Cursed Hold: In some groups, a fast Town
Camper can help search for Prisoners Remains.
Fourth are the reminders. The chat window
should be set to Party Chat only, for all players. City of Blood: Theres not much for the Town
Be polite with your reminders, as some Camper to do in Act II before Maghda. An
Runners wont really need them. Dont let excellent short-cut is to enter the Bazaar, walk
typing a reminder get in the way of something right up to Captain Ravan by the gates and Town
more important! Portal back to the Hidden Camp. Skip the
Maghda fight, talk to Tyrael in town, then enter
Fifth is tracking time. Cumulative times are the portal. Cancel Ashearas first conversation,
easier to deal with, as you dont need to reset talk to her and skip through, then walk with her
your stopwatch. Write down end-of-quest times to the gates. A Runner will likely arrive before
if you have a moment. Definitely write down Asheara reaches the gates, but the Town Camper
end-of-act times (note that the target times are can talk to her again to start the Royal Audience
actually start of act times). Be aware of the delta event (which should be joined, in any event).
at the end of each act, and keep an eye on
whether the Runners are gaining or losing time. Dahlgur Oasis and Desolate Sands: A fast
Let the Runners know how theyre going from Town Camper can help search both these areas,
time to time. But again, dont let this interfere but needs to be back in town once Zoltun
with more important tasks. Kulles head is found in Dahlgur Oasis.
[Its not clear to me if the timer starts when the Betrayer of the Horadrim: The summoning
game is started or when the first character of Zoltun Kulle at the end of this quest involves
appears, but its easiest to time from the moment a multi-phase, multi-NPC conversation that
the Switch Hero button disappears which needs to be cancelled quickly.
may give about 15 seconds leeway. The timer
The Black Soulstone: If the Town Camper
stops (and the achievement is awarded) as soon
stands by the entry to the Realm of Shadow, it
as Malthael drops to 0 hit points.]
can trigger the portal animation more quickly if
both Shadow Locks are found at about the same
Notes on Specific Areas
time. Once the animation starts, move to Leah,
Some tasks require more explanation: ready to talk to her. Hopefully, a Runner will be

Introduction to Sprinter Town Camper Guide Page 2 2016 Paulius G Stepanas

back in time to start the Zoltun Kulle they reach the cathedral forecourt and be ready to
fight, because its immediately followed talk to Tyrael. Enter the Zakarum Cathedral and
by two conversations in town. wait by the door. Exit as soon as possible and
talk to General Torion before the first Runner
The Scouring of Caldeum: Its arguable that reaches the entrance to Westmarch Commons.
coming late to this party will actually slow
things down! Gideons Row: A quick Town Camper can
help by freeing Myriam from the Writhing
Turning the Tide: This quest has a hard
Corpse Pile and then talking to her. Teleport to
minimum length. The fastest Runner needs to
the fastest Runner as soon as the quest objective
trigger every catapult-raising event as they run
ticks over to destroying Corpse Piles. Dont try
past, before manning the final event. The first
this for the second Soul Crucible!
catapult will finish last (and someone needs to
stay there right until the end), but will go slightly After Urzael: Urzaels death is followed by
faster if no recruits are attacked. three conversations in quick succession. First,
Urzaels slayer must speak to Malthael. Then the
Tremors in the Stone: This sequence cannot
be anticipated. A Runner needs to wait outside Town Camper talks to Tyrael in his usual
the Armory until the Town Camper finishes position. Then a Runner talks to Myriam at her
talking to Lieutenant Lavail. stall. Finally, a Runner enters the Blood Marsh.
Ideally, both Runners will be in position, but one
Finishing Act III: The Town Camper can join can handle it, especially if the Town Camper
the Cydaea event, then immediately return to switches places and handles Myriam. Its
town. Enter the Armory, walk through and enter important to announce this switch beforehand, so
the Keep Tower, then Town Portal back (try not a Runner can be in position by Tyrael.
to be between areas when the Azmodan event
starts). Skip the Azmodan event. After talking to Blood Marsh and Battlefields of Eternity:
Lieutenant Lavail, enter your portal, enter the A fast Town Camper can help the search in both
Armory, then re-enter the Keep Tower to trigger these areas, but it can be difficult to coordinate.
the end-of-act event. Everyone should join this In the Paths of the Drowned, it can be especially
event, since it moves them to the Keep Tower, useful if the Town Camper can find some
ready to enter the Portal to Heaven. Nephalem Guidestones!
The Pandemonium Gate: The Town Camper
Corrupt Growths: A fast Town Camper can
skips the Adria fight. Adrias slayer speaks to
help find the first Hell Portal. Wait by either of
Lorath before returning to town. The Town
the northern Corrupt Growths (west is best) and
Camper talks to Tyrael, then enters the portal to
aim to destroy the nearest group of four as
the Pandemonium Gate. If the Runners are slow,
quickly as possible. If the Hell Portal appears,
a fast Town Camper might kill everyone inside
either announce it or clear it. This works well for
before they arrive. More important, the Town
Barbarians, who get a guaranteed stream of
Camper should be in position to talk to Imperius
monsters inside the Hell Portal to keep Furious
when he arrives.
Charge active. Dont forget to leave quickly via
the portal. Path of War: This area has a bunch of enforced
delays. Teleport ahead to one of the Runners and
The Silver Spire: With nothing else to do, a
concentrate on picking up the Siege Rune after
Town Camper might be able to help the search
Belphegor is slain at the third gate, since this is
here, but be ready to quickly accept the event
easy to overlook.
at the end of each level.
The Pinnacle of Heaven: There are two Pandemonium Fortress: Runners often
events in a row, here, with Tyrael in between. overlook the south-east corner of the map on
The event on entering is followed by talking to Level 1, as its a less common location for the
Tyrael (which Runners often forget), then the exit. Use the Waypoint to return to town, then
Diablo event. immediately teleport to one of the Runners.
Assess the map and fill in any gaps. On Level 2,
The Fall of Westmarch: The goal for the Town keep an eye on the map and provide direction if
Camper is to enter the Zakarum Cathedral when you see anything, then announce whoever finds
everyone else does. Enter The Wolf Gate and the Death Gate sequence, but dont be fooled:
watch the map. Teleport to the first Runner when some events also have Death Gates.

Introduction to Sprinter Town Camper Guide Page 3 2016 Paulius G Stepanas

General Tips (including Runners) Some maps that need to be searched are always
the same, with the target appearing in one of a
For best ease-of-use, print out this guide (not
number of fixed locations. Runners need to know
the introduction) as single-sided pages and
staple the task list together. Keep the time these locations (its particularly easy to miss
recording sheet separate. some in the Desolate Sands). Im working on
some scaled-down maps, but these are the areas
Make sure everyone double-checks that in question: Fields of Misery, The Festering
Automatically Skip All Cut Scenes is Woods, Southern Highlands, Howling Plateau,
enabled. Assign Mouse Wheel Down to Dahlgur Oasis, Desolate Sands, Skycrown
cancel conversations at the same time. Battlements, Fields of Slaughter, Gardens of
Hope 1st & 2nd Tier.
Runners also need to cancel
conversations whenever anyone is talking Other areas are completely random but may
(eg: Asylla before the Warden appears). have discernible patterns, such as the exit always
appearing on the same tile (eg: Halls of Agony
At the end of an act, click the act-ending NPC
Level 3). Also worth knowing:
or portal, accept, then move away. This seems to
help cut short the 30 second count-down. The correct Defiled Crypt will not contain
Runners should have agreement on who takes the any Events. It may contain Drury Brown or
left side of map, the right side and the centre path. John Gorham Coffin, but no other Uniques.

Some boss fights require one Runner to stay The Caverns of Araneae always follow the
behind for a conversation. It is useful to same pattern: a bunch of larger areas joined by
either designate one specific player, or to insist passages to north, south, east or west. The exit
the player initiating the event does this. from the first area is always north or south (up
right or down left) and leads over some stairs
When searching for a particular dungeon, item or to a group of four areas in a square. The exit
entrance, a good rule of thumb is that the finder from this square is either west or east and
deals with whatevers there while the other leads to one further area. The stairs to Queen
Runners immediately teleport to the next gate. Araneae are always north from there.

There are five ways to teleport in the game: 1)
Briarthorn Cemetery always consists of
click a waypoint to bring up the map and instantly two rectangles connected by a single passage.
teleport to another waypoint; 2) type M to bring The exit to Nobles Rest Courtyard always
up the map and teleport to a waypoint after a 5s lies on the outer rim of the other rectangle.
delay; 3) bring up the map and left-click on a player
to teleport straight to them (delay depends on where
you are); 4) right-click a player portrait and select If youd like to provide feedback or
Teleport to Player (delay depending); 5) left-click contribute to this guide, see the Final Notes
a players banner in town. The second method after the task list.
works between different parts of town (especially
New Tristram).
Good luck!
Some characters and quest instructions can be
ignored. Some of these are mentioned in the
reminders (using the language, run past), but
heres my full list: Karyna once shes free of the
web and outside; first appearance of the
Enchantress, just outside the gates; Iron Wolf
Jarulf and the lacuni; all but the first appearance
of Emperor Hakan (both the Ancient Waterway
and the Terminus); Sergeant Pale at the start of
the Battlefields; Adria after the Siegebreaker
fight; Lorath at the start of Act V; Tyrael in the
Pandemonium Fortress. (The first appearance of
the Templar can go either way, so its safest for
someone to talk to him.)

Introduction to Sprinter Town Camper Guide Page 4 2016 Paulius G Stepanas

Act I
Town Camper Reminders
1. The Fallen Star
Kill the risen dead attacking the gates
Talk to Leah in the Slaughtered Calf Inn Stay at gates Two to Inn
Kill the Risen
Talk to Leah in the Slaughtered Calf Inn
Talk to Captain Rumford at the gate to New Tristram Rumford at gates (anyone)
Kill the Wretched Mother Move to town centre
Kill the Wretched Queen in the Old Ruins
Use the Old Ruins Waypoint Rumford in town centre
Talk to Captain Rumford in New Tristram
Target 1:15
2. The Legacy of Cain Leah in town centre
Use the New Tristram Waypoint to go to the Old Ruins
Go to the Old Tristram Gate
Find Adrias Hut
Search Adrias Hut
Enter the Hidden Cellar in Adrias Hut One to Hidden Cellar, Others wait
Explore the Hidden Cellar
Kill Captain Daltyn and the Risen
Talk to Leah in the Hidden Cellar
Go to the Cathedral
Enter Cathedral Level 1
Search for signs of Deckard Cain in the Cathedral. Cellar is next (one returns for Haedrig)
Kill the skeletons attacking Deckard Cain Skip event One skips to go to Haedrig
Talk to Deckard Cain in Leorics Passage
Follow Deckard Cain
Talk to Leah in New Tristram Leah in town centre
Target 2:30
3. A Shattered Crown [Cain in town centre]
Talk to the blacksmith Haedrig Eamon Move to forge One runner waits at north west gate
Kill the Ravenous Dead in the Cellar of the Damned Weeping Hollow is next
Kill Mira Eamon
Talk to Haedrig Eamon in the Cellar of the Damned
Open the Northwest Gate
Find the Cemetery of the Forsaken in the Weeping Hollow
Search for the Chancellors Altar beneath the Cemetery of the Cathedral L2 is next (one to Ornate Door
via Cathedral Garden), Event = Wrong
Forsaken Crypt
Kill Chancellor Eamon
Take the Skeleton Kings crown from the Chancellors Altar (0/1)
Use the Town Portal to return to New Tristram Haedrig at forge
Talk to Haedrig Eamon three phases
Target 4:00
4. Reign of the Black King Cain in town centre
Use the New Tristram Waypoint to return to the Cathedral Garden
Enter Leorics Passage
Go to the Cathedral Level 2 through the Ornate Door
Descend through the Cathedral
Give aid to the Warrior
Find the Warriors Stolen Items
Find and kill Jondar
Join the Templar
Search for the Royal Crypts No need to click nor kill anything
Find the Crypt of the Skeleton King
Enter the Crypt of the Skeleton King
Kill the Returned Skip event
Place Leorics crown on the Skeleton King Fields of Misery are next (one to Cemetery
Kill the Skeleton King
Enter the Desolate Chamber

Town Camper Guide for the Sprinter Conquest Page 1 2016 Paulius G Stepanas
Talk to the Stranger in the Desolate Chamber
Return to New Tristram
Talk to Deckard Cain Cain in town centre
Target 7:00
5. Sword of the Stranger Cain in town centre
Go to the Fields of Misery
Search for the Khazra Den in the Fields of Misery
Find the Glowing Sword Shard in the Khazra Den Old Mill is next (one to gate)
Kill the cultists surrounding the Glowing Sword Shard
Take the Glowing Sword Shard (0/1)
Take the sword piece back to Cain Cain in town centre
Target 8:00
6. The Broken Blade Leah in town centre
Go to the Drowned Temple
Follow the Scoundrel Towner takes L Beacon (need one on R)
Talk to the Brigand
Kill the brigands
Speak with the Scoundrel
Take the Scoundrel north to the waypoint One is at WP to talk to scoundrel
Go to the Drowned Temple One is at temple entrance
Talk to Alaric WP to Drowned Temple One is at the bridge (optional)
Go to the Festering Woods
Retrieve the Beacon of Honor from Warriors Rest (0/1) Wait by left Beacon One runner waits at the right beacon
Retrieve the Beacon of Light from the Crypt of the Ancients (0/1)
Beacons placed on Pedestals: 0/2 Place left Beacon
Enter the Drowned Temple WP/TP to town
Explore the Drowned Temple Wortham is next (one to Ferryman)
Kill Ezek the Prophet and the skeletons
Talk to Alaric in the Drowned Temple
Secure the Glowing Sword Shard
Get the Glowing Sword Shard
Return the Glowing Sword Shard to New Tristram
Target 9:30
7. The Doom in Wortham Stranger in town centre [Abort over 10:30]
Talk to the Ferryman Move near Cains House
Travel to the center of Wortham
Kill the cultists outside the chapel
Kill Urzel Mordreg
Kill the Dark Berserkers: 0/3
Talk to the Priest
Enter the Wortham Chapel Cellar Two goes to north town gate
Search for the Sword Hilt
Enter Cains House in New Tristram Enter Cains House, event
Target 10:15
8. Trailing the Coven Leah in town centre run
Enter the Caverns of Araneae above Wortham
Search for the Chamber of Queen Araneae Ignore Karyna once shes outside
Talk to the woman trapped in the web Join Araneae event
Kill Queen Araneae One cycling queen is preferable
Harvest the Pool of Venom in the Chamber of Queen Araneae TP to town
Free Karyna with the venom
Go out into the Highlands Crossing
Talk to Karyna
Find the Khazra Staff
Approach the Khazra Barricade
Find Leorics Manor Courtyard
Enter Leorics Manor
Explore Leorics Manor
Kill the cultists

Town Camper Guide for the Sprinter Conquest Page 2 2016 Paulius G Stepanas
Target 12:00
9. The Imprisoned Angel Leah in town centre
Enter Halls of Agony Level 1
Enter Halls of Agony Level 2
Go to the Highlands Passage
Enter the Cursed Hold
Talk to Queen Asylla [TP to 1 (Cursed Hold)]
Prisoners Remains freed: 0/6 [Help find prisoners]
Kill the Warden [Cancel Asyllas speech] One kills warden tper at south gate
Search for the Chamber of Suffering [TP to town]
Kill the Butcher Join Butcher event
Find the Stranger TP to town Tper goes to stranger, others town
Kill the cultists surrounding the Stranger
Talk to the Stranger

10. Return to New Tristram

Talk to Tyrael in New Tristram Tyrael in town centre
Talk to the Caravan Leader Caravan Leader by forge
run, then retreat

Act II
Target 15:00 (Better is 14:00)
1. Shadows in the Desert [Abort over 16:30]
Go to the Caldeum Bazaar Go to Ravan at gates and One to Leah, others to bazaar
TP back to town
Slowest talk to asheara, others go
Talk to Asheara gnore enchantress first time
Go through the Sundered Canyon
Kill the ambushing cultists
Talk to the Enchantress in the Sundered Canyon Run past Iron Wolf Jarulf and lacuni
Kill the lacuni attacking the Iron Wolves
Talk to Iron Wolf Jarulf
Disrupt the Hidden Conclave ritual Two to rituals, one to bridge
Disrupt the Secret Altar ritual
Go to the Black Canyon Bridge
Talk to the Enchantress
Target 16:15
2. The Road to Alcarnus
Cross the Black Canyon Bridge Open cage in cellar and cancel
conversation before leaving
Find Khasim Outpost
Talk to Lieutenant Vachem
Enter the Command Post Two stays outside each at one entrance
Kill the demons in the Command Post
Open the Locked Cage
Kill the disguised demons in Khasim Outpost One stays near captain Davyd
Talk to Captain Davyd in Khasim Outpost
Target 17:15
3. City of Blood
Travel through Khasim Outposts east gate [Go to Ravan at gates and Alcarnus is always south east
Find Alcarnus TP back to town]
Find the Lair of the Witch in Alcarnus
Kill Maghda Skip event
Return to the Hidden Camp
Target 18:00
4. A Royal Audience Tyrael in town
Talk to Asheara at the Gates of Caldeum Enter portal, talk to
Asheara at Ravan
Talk to Asheara to enter the Imperial Palace Asheara at Gates of Cald.
Kill the demons in the Imperial Palace Join event All runners should accept
Escape the Imperial Palace TP to town
Demon Summoners destroyed: 0/4
Escape to the Sewers of Caldeum
Town Camper Guide for the Sprinter Conquest Page 3 2016 Paulius G Stepanas
5. Unexpected Allies
Find the Wretched Pit Next is Flooded Causeway (one to
Kill the snakemen guarding Adria Skip event
Talk to Adria in the Wretched Pit
Talk to Adria in the Hidden Camp Adria in town
Target 19:00
6. Betrayer of the Horadrim Leah in town
Find the oasis gate in the Flooded Causeway
Talk to Emperor Hakan II in the Flooded Causeway
Find Dahlgur Oasis
One goes to ancient waterway
Enter the Forgotten Ruins in Dahlgur Oasis TP to fastest, help search entrance
Find Zoltun Kulles Head Dont talk to Hakan from now on
Get Zoltun Kulles Head (0/1)
Talk to Adria in the Hidden Camp Adria in town
Target 21:30
7. Blood and Sand Kulle in town twice
Enter the Ancient Waterway in Dahlgur Oasis
Western Flow Control lever pulled: 0/1
Eastern Flow Control lever pulled: 0/1
Open the entrance to the Waterlogged Passage
Enter the Waterlogged Passage from the Ancient Waterway
Kill the Betrayed
Break the Talking Barrel
Talk to Covetous Shen
Find the Crucible in the Hidden Aqueducts Cave of the Betrayer needs two
Kill Gavin the Thief
Pick up the Crucible (0/1)
Go to the Ancient Path
Get the Blood of Zoltun Kulle from the Cave of the Betrayer (0/1) TP to fastest, help search,
Get the Blood of Zoltun Kulle from the Vault of the Assassin (0/1) mark Archives entry
Target 24:30
8. The Black Soulstone
Search for the Archives of Zoltun Kulle in the Desolate Sands
Go to the Terminus
Unknown Depths Shadow Lock opened Wait by entry to Realm of
Storm Halls Shadow Lock opened Shadow One waits next to shadow realm
Enter the Realm of Shadow through the Terminus Walk to Leah by sand pit One waits next to Soulstone Chamber
Find Zoltun Kulles Body (0/1) Scouring is next (two to Flooded Causeway
Talk to Leah in the Terminus Leah next to sand pit
Enter the Soulstone Chamber through the Terminus
Talk to Zoltun Kulle Skip event, TP to town
Kill Zoltun Kulle
Get the Black Soulstone
Talk to Adria in the Hidden Camp Adria in town
Target 26:30
9. The Scouring of Caldeum Leah in town
Find Asheara in the Caldeum Bazaar
Talk to Asheara
Lead Caldeum refugees to the Flooded Causeway
Target 27:15
10. Lord of Lies
Enter the City of Caldeum with Leah and Adria
Go to the Imperial Palace
Kill Belial Skip event One should stay to get the soul
Obtain the Soul of Belial in the Imperial Palace
Talk to Tyrael at the Hidden Camp Tyrael in town
Talk to the Caravan Leader to leave Caldeum Caravan Leader near
Bazaar entry, then retreat

Town Camper Guide for the Sprinter Conquest Page 4 2016 Paulius G Stepanas
Target 29:00 (Better is 27:00)
1. The Siege of Bastions Keep Tyrael in Watchtower
Signal Beacons in the Skycrown Battlements lit: 0/5 TP to town Fast gets 4th, 5th and to sarget Dalen
Slow gets 1st, 2nd. Other gets 3rd
Find Sergeant Dalen in the Skycrown Battlements
Target 30:00
2. Turning the Tide Tyrael in town
Catapults raised in Stonefort: 0/3 First runner triggers all catapults, next
runner waits for end of each event
Return to the Bastions Keep Stronghold Keep Depths is next
Target 32:30
3. The Breached Keep Tyrael in town
Find the Keep Depths Level 2 [Help until Ghom]
Find the Breach in the Keep Depths Tremors is next (one to wait outside
Find the Bastions Keep Larder
Kill Ghom in the Larder Skip event Arreat Gate is next (two to wait by gate),
run past Sgt Pale
Return to the Bastions Keep Stronghold

4. Tremors in the Stone Lavail in town

Go to the Armory (Enter Armory)
Kill the Terror Spawn (Kill Terror Spawn)
Talk to Leah (Leah in Armory)
Target 34:30
5. Machines of War
Go through the Arreat Gate Run past Sergeant Pale
Talk to Sergeant Pale outside the Arreat Gate
Cross the Bridge of Korsikk
Demonic Ballistae destroyed: 0/3 Tper kills trebuchet and go to Rakkis
Trebuchet destroyed: 0/1 Crosing and wait aand talk Tyrael
Find Rakkis Crossing
Talk to Tyrael
Target 35:00
6. Siegebreaker
Find the demon gate at the Edge of the Abyss
Kill the Siegebreaker Assault Beast Join Siegebreaker event
Talk to Adria near the demon gate [Adria in centre of Edge]
Target 36:00
7. Heart of Sin
Go through Arreat Crater and find the Tower of the Damned [TP to town]
Find the Sin Heart in the Heart of the Damned
Kill the Daughters of Pain
Destroy the Sin Heart
Find the Tower of the Cursed
Find the Sin Heart in the Heart of the Cursed
Kill Cydaea Join Cydaea event One stays for soul, others to armory
Destroy the Sin Heart TP to town Target 38:45
Kill Azmodan in the Heart of Sin Go to Keep Tower, TP to Towner gets finishing event dont TP,
town from Armory entry just accept
Get the Soul of Azmodan Skip event
Return to the Bastions Keep Stronghold
Talk to Lieutenant Lavail Lt Lavail in town
Enter the Armory Enter portal and retreat to
Go to the Keep Tower Enter Keep Tower, event
Enter the Portal to Heaven Enter portal and retreat

Town Camper Guide for the Sprinter Conquest Page 5 2016 Paulius G Stepanas
Act IV
Target 40:00 (Better is 38:00)
1. Fall of the High Heavens
Talk to Tyrael at the Diamond Gates Wait
Enter the Vestibule of Light
Kill Iskatu and his minions Join Iskatu event

2. The Light of Hope

Find Itherael
Talk to Itherael TP to fastest runner
Find the Library of Fate in the Gardens of Hope Wait by left or middle Rakanoth is at west of the map
Enter the Library of Fate
Kill Rakanoth Skip event
Destroy Auriels Prison in the Library of Fate
Talk to Auriel in the Library of Fate Target 41:15
Return to Gardens of Hope 1st Tier
Find and destroy the Corrupt Growths to reveal the hidden Hell Rift Destroy Growths, enter
portal in the Gardens of Hope 1st Tier Hell Rift if found
Destroy the Rift Oculus in the Hell Rift
Use Auriels portal to leave the Hell Rift Use portal to exit!
Enter the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier TP to fastest runner
Find and destroy the Corrupt Growths to reveal the hidden Hell Rift Destroy Growths, enter
portal in the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier Hell Rift if found
Destroy the Rift Oculus in the Hell Rift
Use Auriels portal to leave the Hell Rift Use portal to exit!
Find the portal to the Crystal Colonnade
Talk to Tyrael (Tyrael by Cr. Col. entry)
Enter the Crystal Colonnade Join event

3. Beneath the Spire

Find Imperius at the Crystal Colonnade (Run to Imperius)
Talk to Imperius at the Crystal Colonnade
Enter the Gateway to the Silver Spire TP to fastest runner
Target 42:45
4. Prime Evil
Cross the Great Span of the Silver Spire Help find Great Span
Kill Izual Join Izual event
Climb to the Pinnacle of Heaven in the Silver Spire TP to fastest runner, help Target 43:30
find Pinnacle
Talk to Tyrael Join event, Tyrael in Pinn.
Go to the Crystal Arch (Enter Crystal Arch)
Find Diablo Join Diablo event
Kill Diablo
Kill the Shadow of Diablo
Kill Diablo
Destroy Diablo Our position will reset after animation
Talk to Auriel and bring your quest to an end Talk to Auriel and retreat Run past Lorath

Act V
Target 45:00 (Better is 42:00)
1. The Fall of Westmarch
Enter Westmarch Enter The Wolf Gate, Next is Westmarch Commons
Find the Zakarum Cathedral watch map,
Defend the Zakarum Cathedral TP to fastest runner
Talk to Tyrael (Tyrael outside Cathedral)
Search the Zakarum Cathedral Enter Cathedral
Kill Kasadya One doesn't fi ght goes to north-west
Talk to Tyrael
Leave the Zakarum Cathedral Exit Cathedral

Town Camper Guide for the Sprinter Conquest Page 6 2016 Paulius G Stepanas
Target 46:15
2. Souls of the Dead General Torion in town
Go to Westmarch Commons (Trigger WMC WP)
Find the Soul Crucible in Gideons Row
Corpse Piles destroyed: 0/4 TP to fastest runner
Kill Drygha
Destroy the Soul Crucible
Search the Writhing Corpse Pile Writhing Corpse Pile in
Gideons Row
Talk to Myriam the mystic Myriam in Gideons Row
Go to Briarthorn Cemetery TP to town Target 48:00
Find the Master Soul Crucible in Nobles Rest Courtyard Next is Westmarch Heights (one to entry
once Nobles Rest found)
Corpse Piles destroyed: 0/6
Kill Catharis
Destroy the Master Soul Crucible
Talk to Myriam
Return to the Survivors Enclave
Target 49:00
3. The Harbinger Tyrael in town
Enter Westmarch Heights (Trigger WMH WP)
Find the Tower of Korelan Next is Blood Marsh (only finder takes
Urzael, then talks to Malthael one to
entry, one to Myriams stall)
Kill Urzael Skip event
Talk to Malthael
Return to the Survivors Enclave
Talk to Tyrael Tyrael in town [Can switch Tyrael/Myriam with runner]
Target 50:00
4. The Witch (Myriam at her stall)
Find the entrance to the Tomb of Rakkis in the Overgrown Ruins
Kill the enraged boggits
Search for the Nephalem Guidestone in the Blood Marsh
Use the Nephalem Guidestone in the Blood Marsh
Use the Nephalem Guidestones to find the passage to the Ruins of TP to fastest runner and
Corvus look for Guidestones
Enter the [Element] passage to the Ruins of Corvus TP to town
Find the Ruins of Corvus Next is Pandemonium Gate (only finder
takes Adria, then talk to Lorath)
Find the entrance to the Great Hall
Enter the Great Hall
Kill Adria Skip event
Talk to Lorath Nahr
Talk to Tyrael in the Survivors Enclave Tyrael in town

5. The Pandemonium Gate

Go to the Pandemonium Gate Enter portal
Kill Lamiel and the reapers (Run, kill Summoners)
Talk to Imperius Imperius in Pand. Gate
Go to the Path of War Time bubble = Siege Rune
Target 54:00
6. The Battlefields of Eternity
Find Imperius TP to fastest runner
Go to the Abandoned Siege Camp
Retrieve the Siege Rune (Get Siege Rune)
Talk to Imperius
Siege Runes retrieved from the Battlefields of Eternity: 0/2 TP to fastest runner,
search for events
Find the entrance to the Ram in the Siege Outpost
Kill Thilor
Talk to Tyrael

Town Camper Guide for the Sprinter Conquest Page 7 2016 Paulius G Stepanas
Target 56:00
7. Breaching the Fortress
Board the Ram
Breach the fortress gate Join Ram event Run past Tyrael in PF
Kill Mordrath and destroy the Siege Hooks
Destroy the fortress gate
Enter the Pandemonium Fortress Enter Pand. Fortress
Target 57:15
8. Angel of Death
Talk to Tyrael [WP to town]
Go to the Spirit Well
Find the Soul Prison in Pandemonium Fortress Level 2 TP to fastest, help search
Kill Guardian Seraziel TP to fastest runner
Destroy the Soul Prison chain
Find Malthael Help search
Kill Malthael Join Malthael event
Talk to Tyrael DONE! Target 60:00

Town Camper tasks in brackets ( ) should be handled by Runners, but Towner can do them in a pinch.
Town Camper tasks in square brackets [ ] are optional (for various reasons).
Reminders may be communicated by the Towner to help keep Runners on track.
Run past [NPC] means theres no need to talk to the NPC to progress the quest.
TP = Town Portal or teleport to player. WP = use Waypoint.
Greyed out quest text probably wont appear.

Final Note
I hope you find this useful!
Please respect my copyright. You may distribute freely, at no charge, and with no modifications.
Thanks to Fiarrow, EternalOne and TinkRKill for the runs that netted me this conquest and the data for this guide.
Feedback and suggestions are always welcome: contact details and the latest version of this guide are available at
Find me on the Diablo forums as Starlite.

Town Camper Guide for the Sprinter Conquest Page 8 2016 Paulius G Stepanas
Time Record for Sprinter Conquest

Quest Aim
Act I
1. The Fallen Star
2. The Legacy of Cain 1:15
3. A Shattered Crown 2:30
4. Reign of the Black King 4:00
5. Sword of the Stranger 7:00
6. The Broken Blade 8:00
7. The Doom in Wortham 9:30
8. Trailing the Coven 10:15
9. The Imprisoned Angel 12:00
10. Return to New Tristram
Act II 14-15
1. Shadows in the Desert 15:00
2. The Road to Alcarnus 16:15
3. City of Blood 17:15
4. A Royal Audience 18:00
5. Unexpected Allies
6. Betrayer of the Horadrim 19:00
7. Blood and Sand 21:30
8. The Black Soulstone 24:30
9. The Scouring of Caldeum 26:30
10. Lord of Lies 27:15
Act III 27-29
1. The Siege of Bastions Keep 29:00
2. Turning the Tide 30:00
3. The Breached Keep 32:30
4. Tremors in the Stone
5. Machines of War 34:30
6. Siegebreaker 35:00
7. Heart of Sin 36:00
(Cydaea dead) 38:45
Act IV 38-40
1. Fall of the High Heavens 40:00
2. The Light of Hope
(Rakanoth dead) 41:15
3. Beneath the Spire
4. Prime Evil 42:45
(Izual dead) 43:30
Act V 42-45
1. The Fall of Westmarch 45:00
2. Souls of the Dead 46:15
(Rescue Myriam) 48:00
3. The Harbinger 49:00
4. The Witch 50:00
5. The Pandemonium Gate
6. The Battlefields of Eternity 54:00
7. Breaching the Fortress 56:00
8. Angel of Death 57:15

Timer started when Switch Hero disappears probably 15s earlier than game timer.
Times indicate start of each quest. (Ranges in italics are recommended times from guide.)
Target estimates assume the upper end of the cumulative range from the guide, but can be caught up with luck.

Sprinter Conquest Time Record 2016 Paulius G Stepanas

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