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Evaluating tank farm capacity

Stochastic simulation provides a refinery operator with the information needed

to optimise storage in the tank farm

Alastair Painter

efineries and petrochemi-
cal facilities have
historically utilised stor-
age to ensure the security of t 5"30FWFOUESJWFO
feedstock and product supply, Plant-wide performance
as well as to manage opera-
tional issues within the TARO
production complex. Storage Unit utilisation modelling
allows feedstocks to be main- 4BMFTTUSBUFHZ

tained at levels sufficient to 6OJUJOUFSEFQFOEFODZ 4UPSBHF

mitigate upstream supply inter-
ruptions or to allow production GFFE JOUFSNFEJBUFBOEQSPEVDU

to continue uninterrupted 0QFSBUJPOBMGMFYJCJMJUZ

whenever disruptions or upsets FH t 3FWJTFETMBUF
Unit availability
occur within the downstream 6OJU
process units. The amount of DPOGJHVSBUJPO
storage provided for the facility TUSBUFHZ
must be adequate for the Equipment
management of day-to-day availability
routine activities, as well as
allowing upsets associated with
Component Traditional
unplanned events such as ship- reliability RAM modelling
ping and weather delays,
t .55"
process and utility outages, and t 3$"
unit slowdowns to be t '.&"

For many facilities, the
response to operational prob-
lems experienced within the Figure 1 DNVs TARO simulation tool
refinery complex has often been
to add more storage. Hence, tion with the process facilities are expensive to build and
the number of tanks within the becomes more complex, and maintain, and in todays diffi-
tank farm slowly increases with the management of the tank cult economic environment
time, the ways in which they farm becomes increasingly many refiners are asking
are used and their interconnec- challenging. However, tanks whether it is possible to reduce PTQ Q4 2011 1

the number of storage tanks review and optimisation simulating many operational
that they have in operation, (TARO) simulation tool to lifecycles of the facility and
thus allowing significant assist refinery operators, with aggregating the output, the
savings on tank inspection and the quantitative assessment of software is able to predict the
maintenance activities to be performance achievable from future performance of both the
realised. The key challenge that their facilities. It is a discrete overall system and the individ-
the refinery operator consider- event simulation tool that is ual components that comprise
ing this option faces is in capable of quantifying the it. Performance is typically
understanding just how much expected performance of an measured in terms of metrics
storage is sufficient. entire asset (a refinery complex) such as annual product
or of individual equipment volumes, crude charge rates
Risk assessment items (pumps, compressors, and storage utilisation.
Understanding the optimum and so on). Figure 1 illustrates
level of storage to provide for a the various components that Case study: refinery/
given service requires a risk comprise a TARO simulation petrochemical complex
assessment approach; that is, model. While it utilises the core DNV has been working with a
both the frequency and conse- concepts and algorithms found major European refiner over
quence of events that affect the in traditional reliability, availa- the past few years to deploy
utilisation of the storage must bility and maintainability performance simulation as a
be considered. Ultimately, the (RAM) modelling, it differs decision support tool at one of
problem facing the operator is from such tools in that it has the refiners principal refining
that of minimising capital and been explicitly designed to and chemicals production sites.
operational expenditure associ- allow the performance model- The culmination of this work is
ated with the storage while ling of refinery and chemical an integrated performance
ensuring that revenue (produc- complexes. Hence, while proc- simulation model of the entire
tion) is not compromised as a ess unit availability is normally refinery and chemicals produc-
result of a lack of available an output of the traditional tion complex comprising more
storage. The traditional LP RAM modelling process, for than 22 process units, utility
model used by refineries for TARO it is actually a starting systems and all intermediate
planning purposes is not suffi- point; the model comprises storage tanks (of which there
cient to provide a solution to information regarding unit are approximately 50 in total).
this problem, since it assumes availability, unit capacities, Early in 2010, the refiner
that plant operations are stream routings and flow rates, embarked upon an initiative to
predictable and steady state in storage tanks, sales strategies, drive reductions in operational
nature. However, as noted and so on. expenditure through optimisa-
previously, the utilisation of The software operates by tion of the number of storage
storage capacity is affected by simulating the occurrence of tanks at the site. DNV assisted
sporadic events such as process fundamental events that result with this initiative through
unit outages, export and import in changes to the operational application of the simulation
delays, as well as other unpre- state of the plant over time. model to generate information
dictable events that may occur Events are described to the that could be utilised for deci-
within the refinery. Hence, the simulator in terms of failure sion support purposes.
solution adopted must allow and duration distributions that
the impact of such unpredicta- are generated from historical Naphtha storage
ble events to be captured and operating information obtained One particular area of concern
quantified. Stochastic (or from the refinery or chemicals was that of naphtha storage,
discrete event) simulation is facility. These virtual events, located between the crude unit
one means that has been combined with the simulators and the downstream process
successfully used to predict the knowledge of the refinery units; a naphtha hydrotreater
behaviour of complex systems configuration and flows, permit and an ethylene cracker. The
such as a refinery complex. the performance of the facility existing storage consisted of
DNV utilises its total asset to be tracked and reported. By four tanks, providing a total of

2 PTQ Q4 2011

132 000 m3 of naphtha storage
(see Figure 2). Under normal
operation, one of the two large T-112
50000 m3
(50 000 m3) tanks was allocated Naphtha
to storage of naphtha feed to hydrotreater
the downstream hydrotreater T-107
and cracker respectively. Crude units 12000 m3
Tank T-113, which normally
stores naphtha feed for the Ethylene
T-102 T-113
ethylene cracker, had to be 20000 m3 50000 m3
taken out of service for inspec-
tion and repair in advance of an
upcoming turnaround of the Figure 2 Naphtha storage
cracker. To eliminate the
expenditure associated with this approximately 2.7 million refurbishment and repair of
work, it was suggested that T- barrels over the simulated T-113 should proceed given
113 could be removed period, a reduction in crude the effect that its removal from
permanently from service. Two throughput of nearly 0.5% service would have on
alternative configurations were compared to the existing oper- crude throughput and gasoline
proposed regarding the disposi- ation. Gasoline production was production.
tion of the remaining tanks once predicted to suffer even more,
T-113 was out of service. The declining by around 1.3 million Fuel oil storage
system could be operated using barrels (1.2%) as compared to Modifications were also
the three remaining storage the existing operational case. planned to the refinery that
tanks, with the large tank (T- In economic terms, the analy- would result in increased fuel
112) dedicated to cracker service sis indicated that permanent oil production. The operator
and the two smaller tanks (T- removal of T-113 from service wished to assess whether the
107 and T-102) being deployed would result in a revenue 60 000 m3 of storage presently
for hydrotreater feed service. As reduction of approximately available would be adequate to
an alternative, the idea of $11 million over the next six manage the new production
converting an existing light years of operation. Increasing rates. It was recognised that the
cycle oil (LCO) storage tank (T- the volume of naphtha stored fuel oil production rate on a
220) to naphtha service was also upstream of the hydrotreater monthly and annual basis
considered. This would allow by converting T-220 to naph- would be somewhat greater
an additional 20 000 m3 of naph- tha service (Option 2) served than predicted by the
tha storage to be made available to mitigate a portion of the refinery LP model (1000 t/d),
upstream of the ethylene impact of removing T-113 from since HVGO, atmospheric resi-
cracker. Table 1 summarises the operation. However, the analy- due and coker feed would be
various operational scenarios sis predicted that the revenue routed to fuel oil during proc-
considered. loss incurred by the refinery ess unit outages. Hence, the
Using the integrated simula- was still significant. It was analysis needed to address the
tion model, DNV analysed the therefore concluded that the following questions:
various alternative operating
scenarios under consideration
Naphtha storage scenarios
by the operator. The analysis
indicated that operation of the
system with only the three Option T-112 T-113 T-107 T-102 T-220
Normal operation NHT EC NHT EC
remaining tanks in service Option 1 EC NHT NHT
(Option 1) would have a Option 2 EC NHT EC NHT
significant adverse impact on Option 3 NHT EC
performance. Crude charge
was predicted to decline by Table 1 PTQ Q4 2011 3

relatively large probability
35 33.1 Monthly fuel oil production 120 (17%) that monthly fuel oil
17% probability that production in any production could be in excess

Cumulative probability, %
30 given month will exceed 1330 tpd. 100
of 1330 t/d.
Monthly production of fuel oil could be
25 The local market for fuel oil
Probability, %

as high as 2500 tpd. 80

20.3 19.8 is not unlimited and hence the
60 analysis had to account for the
15 amount of fuel oil that can be
40 absorbed by the market in any
6.2 6.2
given month. Figure 4 summa-
5 3.5
20 rises the crude throughput
2.1 2.5
0.9 0.6 1.2 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.3
0.1 losses that are expected to be
0 0 incurred, assuming various
19 190
38 380
57 570
76 760

0- 0
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
00 00
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50

volumes of available storage
95 -95

11 11
13 -13
15 -15
17 -17
19 -19
20 -20
22 -22
24 -24
26 -26
28 -28


and alternative views of the

Monthly fuel oil production, tpd monthly market for fuel oil
The analysis indicated that,
Figure 3 Monthly fuel oil production given the expected market for
fuel oil sales, achievable crude
How much fuel oil will be point values, but will vary throughput would decline by
produced by the refinery on a month on month and year on approximately 1% when oper-
monthly and annual basis? year, dependent upon the ating with the existing fuel oil
What is the optimum volume events that manifest them- storage volume of 60 000 m3.
of fuel oil storage for the modi- selves within the refinery Furthermore, crude throughput
fied production system? during any given time frame. losses would be expected to
How does the market for fuel Figure 3 shows the predicted increase significantly, to as
oil sales affect performance? distribution of fuel oil produc- much as 3%, should the market
It is important to note that tion on a monthly basis. While for fuel oil deteriorate in the
the monthly and annual average daily fuel oil produc- future.
production figures are not tion is 1114 t/d, there is a
Further work
The original study demon-
strated the ability of the model
Pessimistic Realistic Optimistic to provide valuable informa-
market view market view market view tion to support decisions
6 regarding the reduction of
Storage = 20000 m3
Crude throughput losses, %

operational costs. As a result,

5 Storage = 40000 m3
Storage = 60000 m3
further work was commis-
Storage = 80000 m3 sioned to extend the simulation
model to include a nearby tank
farm that is used for refinery
3 Base case storage blending operations as well as
2 for product storage. Extension
of the model to include this
1 additional facility was designed
to permit storage optimisation
0 to occur on a wider scale, as
1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 well as allowing the potential
Monthly maximum fuel oil sales, tpd impact of leasing a portion of
the tank farm to third parties to
Figure 4 Impact of fuel oil storage on crude throughput losses be studied.

4 PTQ Q4 2011

Conclusions complex task given the many well as developing DNVs plans for the
The ending of the brief golden interrelated parameters that segment. He has a background in asset
age of refining is forcing many affect the way that storage risk management methodologies and
operators to examine new capacity is utilised. Stochastic during the past 15 years has assisted
major energy operators in enhancing the
means through which profitable simulation has been shown to
reliability and performance of their assets.
operations may be sustained provide refinery operators with
He holds a BSc in chemical engineering
into the future. Many are valuable information that can from the University of Strathclyde,
looking at exploiting the oppor- be utilised to evaluate the opti- Scotland. Email:
tunities that optimisation of mum amount of storage
their existing storage facilities necessary for a given service.
might provide, either through Links
a reduction in operating Alastair Painter is DNVs Segment
costs or through the ability to Director for Refining and Petrochemicals, More articles from the following
improve operational flexibility. based in Katy, Texas. He is responsible for categories:
Optimising the storage within global business development activities Storage & Handling
a refinery facility is, however, a within refining and petrochemicals, as PTQ Q4 2011 5

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