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He began his musical studies at the age of 9 years old, and with 10 years old went to the

Academia de Msica Valentim Moreira de S in Guimares, with Domingos Castro, with whom
studied until 2015. Since 2015 is studying with Vtor Matos, in Universidade do Minho. In
summer semester 2016/2017 and winter 2017/2018 Prof. Chen Halevi offered to him an ERASMUS
place in the Staatliche Hochschule fr Musik Trossingen. Had the opportunity to study also
Historical instruments with Janis Tretjuks and Eric Hoeprich.

He took part in various competitions such as the International Competition of Music Marco
Fiorindo in Italy where he was awarded with the 3st prize, the International Clarinet Competition in
Hoice in the Czech Republic, the International Competition of Wind Instruments "Terras De La
Salette" where he obtained the 3nd prize and also 1st Prize with the wind orchestra from Chaves at
43 Certamen Internacional de Bandas de Msica Villa de Alteaat Spain.

Was selected for the Remix Ensemble Summer Academy(2014, 2015 and 2016) and the stage of
the Symphony Orchestra "Ensemble"(2014 and 2015), Orchestra XXI Stage, Euwyo(European Union
Youth Wind Orchestra) , Orpheus Academy Orchestra , Acadmie musicale de Villecroze, Apeldoorn
Festival master class and substitute on Prisma (Pacific Region International Summer Music
Academy and Festival), SummerMusicAcademy Hundisburg Castle, EGO (Gulbenkian Orchestra
Stage), Zermatt Festival Academy and OJG( Galiza Youth orchestra).

Was selected and participated at the Aurora Chamber Music Festival (Instrumental Master
Classes ,Chamber Music, and Aurora Festival Orchestra) in Sweden.

Played in orchestra with many conductors: Johannes Gustavsson, Leif Segerstam, Vtor Matos,
Pedro Neves, Cesrio Costa, Peter Rundel, Gerardo Estrada, Claude Villaret, Paulo Martins, Hans
Casteleyn and Joana Carneiro

Had clarinet and Chamber Music masterclasses with Franois Benda, Charles Neidich, Eric
Hoeprich, Andreas Sunden, Roberto Reveilleau( Alexandar Technique), Venancio Rius, Staffan
Scheja, Harri Maki, Matthias Schorn, Jordi Pons, Chen Halevi and Tibor Reman.

Played with prestigious solists, as Viviane Hagner, Charles Neidich, Mrio Laginha and Nuno

Was invited to participate on Concert in support to refugees by the Orchestras and Choirs of
Portuguese Higher Education Institutions directed by Joana Carneiro in Centro Cultural de Belm,
to play with Fundao Orquestra Estudio (Guimares 2012 European Capital of Culture), the
clarinet ensemble of University of Minho in the ClarinetFest 2015 in Madrid, Spain and chamber
music project with Orchesterzentrum/NRW at Dortmund, Germany.

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