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The English Digger movement had its antecedents in earlier times

of hunger and unrest. Even the term Diggers seems to have some
historical antecedents in English history.

The economic conditions of 164850 were especially harsh in

England for the lower classes,the poor, aged and sick. Many had
suffered during the Civil Wars. People had lost their businesses,
their jobs, and even their livelihood. Sever weather conditions
impacted low crop production. The rising cost of food stuffs
affected almost everyone to some degree, or another. The
hardest hit were the common folk, and the poor who often did
not have enough where with all to even keep themselves fed.

Small campsites began to populate the ancient Common Land

across England. Small agricultural communities began to cultivate
the public lands to grow food. The poor were going hungry, and
the Common Land was there for the taking as in the past
memories. The early history of the Digger movement from 1648
50 is still somewhat sketchy due to the dispersed nature of the
groups. There may be some evidence to suggest that some of
these local early Digger communities may have received some
assistance from members of the Leveller movement. There is
little evidence to suggest any centralized organized coordination
for the general Digger movement. There does seems to have been
very informal relations between certain communities during 1648
50 for mutual support.

There is good data to support the establishment of Digger

communities at the following sites: Dunstable (Bedfordshire), Iver
(Buckinhhamshire), Barnet (Hamptonshire), Cox Hill (Kent?),
Bosworth (Leicestershire), Entfield (Middlesex), Wellingborough
(Northamptonshire). And there is also good reason to suspect
communities in Gloucestershire and Nottinghamshire.

Communities at Buckinghamshire were known from Dec. 1648

with the publication of the tract:Light Shining in
Buckinghamshire. In March 1649 there was published: More Light
Shining in Buckinghamshire. Other Digger communities would
soon develop throughout England during the period from 164850.
During 1650, there would seem to have been a general decline in
the general activity of the movement possibly due to the
experiences at Cobham in Surrey.

The winter of 1649/50 was one of the worst English Winters on

record, and which carried on well into the early Spring of 1650.
Unemployment was still very high, food was scarce and
expensive, some areas bordered on possible riots. People were
sick and dying throughout the country. Parliament was trying to
cope with the conditions as best it could under the
circumstances. It was these environmental conditions during
164850 provided the catalyst for the Digger movement.

Saint George's Hill (Surrey)

Probably the most famous of the various Digger communities in
England were the Surrey Diggers around St George's Hill (Surrey),
and later at Cobham Heath (Surrey), only a short distance away.
The early cultivation efforts started at St. George's Hill on 1 April
1649. A small group of locals men were led by a local man, The
Reverend William Everard (1575?1650?).
The Rev. William Everard was a graduate of Clare College
(Cambridge), an ordained minister, a writer, a former New Model
Army radical preacher, and now a local resident at near by
WaltononThames. They began to dig on the public lands about
St. George's Hill, Surrey. A small encampment of local workers
started, including the poor,the hungry and destitute.

Gerrard Winstanley (1609?1660?)

Shortly after the digging began on St. George's Hill a nearby
neighbor, and a friend of Everard, named Gerrard Winstanley
joined in to provide some assistance.

Winstanley had come from a prosperous old Lancaster family. He

had been a prosperous merchant tailor in London before the Civil
War. Not unlike many other business men of the times, he had
lost everything during the Civil War. Winstanley was now reduced
to herding livestock while living nearby with his wife's relatives at
Cobham, Surrey.

Winstanley was an intelligent, and educated man without much

formal university education. By 1648, Winstanley had begun to
write some religious and social pamphlets on his observations of
the day. Winstanley had a unique philosophical train of mind
which showed in his early writings.

With the publication of his tract: The New Law of Righteousness

(1649), Winstanley outlined his own vision of a new reformed
social order for England. Winstanley would credits his inspiration
from a insight that had came to him,"Work together, Eat bread

Winstanley works postulated a new reformed democratic society

of the "common man" as opposed to the current postCivil War
society still based on privilege and wealth. Many of the political,
economic and social reforms that he advocated would have
dramatically impacted the social order of the Nation, if enacted.
Winstanley had a primary concern for the plight for those at the
lower rungs of English Society,the overlooked, or forgotten man.
The poor, the sick, the hungry, and the destitute who often did
not scrape by or were simply left to die. Winstanley expressed his
own views on the distribution of the wealth in the nation.

The Digger experiment at St George's Hill would provided an ideal

forum for Winstanley to test out his new social philosophy.
Winstanley rejected the concept of private ownership of all land,
and called for a peaceful return of all public lands to the People.
Some have even characterized the Surrey Diggers' experiment as a
primitive Millennium movement. Later generations have simply
called the Winstanley social experiment an early form of

Soon after the local campsite appeared, elements of the local

wealthy and prosperous landowners and farmers were now
asserting their own claims for these same Commons Lands for
grazing and fodder for their livestock. The problem was simple,
the resident Diggers would not wish to leave ther crops on St.
George's Hill to the local farmers to feed their livestock.

On 20 March 1649, the basic case for the Digger's was presented in
the manifesto:The True Leveller Standard Advanced: or, The
State of Community opened, and Presented to the Sons of
Men(1649). There were fifteen signatures listed on the title page
of the document, including Everard and Winstanley. Winstanley is
usually credited as the principal author, with some possible
assistance from The Rev. Everard. Both Everard and Winstanley
were shortly required to appeared before the LieutenantGeneral
Oliver Cromwell, and the General,Lord Fairfax. Nine days were
spent answering their questioning concerning their social, and
political views.

During the month of April 1649, the St. George Hill community
suffered some physically attack, and some buildings were burned
by thugs. The general consensus of opinion at the tyme were that
paid had probably been hired by the local landowners to frighten,
and disband its community. By 16 April, local officials were
receiving repeated complaints against the Diggers community at
St. George Hill, mostly likely from from the local farmers and land
owners. On 19 April, a detachment of soldiers under the command
of a Captain John Gladman were dispatched to visited the Surrey
Diggers encampment without incident, and to file a report. In his
formal report, Capt. Gladman is reported to have characterized
The Rev. Everard as "no better than a mad man".

Everard and Winstanley were again instructed to meet with

Lt.General Cromwell and, General, Lord Fairfax at Whitehall
(London) on the morrow. St. George's Hill was becoming a local
problem. By 23 April 1649 there were some fifty individuals active
in tilling the soil, with a small community of the local workers
tilling the soil, and their families.

Winstanley was gradually becoming the "first among equals" at St

George's Hill. Sometime during early May 1649, The Rev. William
Everard seems to have abruptly taken his leave of the St. George's
Hill community. The Rev. Everard may not have appreciated the
formal questioning being associated with St. George's Hill by
General, Lord Fairfax, and General Cromwell. Later there were
some suspicions expressed that Everard may have had some
associated with the Burford Mutiny, and simply wanted to
disappear from view.

On 10 May 1649, some eight regiments of the New Model Army

had resembled at Burford, Oxfordshire demanding reparations of
their back pay, and possibly showing their own support for the
Levellers movement currently under attack. Regiments were
dispatched under the joint military command of General,Lord
Fairfax, and LieutenantGeneral Oliver Cromwell to put down
uprising. There were reports of large disaffection's before the
battle. Unwilling to disband, the remaining Mobile Army attacked
the forces under General,Lord Fairfax. Lord Fairfax and his troops
won the day. There were also reports that many of the troops
escaped during the fighting, but were not actively pursued by
Lord Fairfax's troops. The mutinous leaders were arrested and put
on trial, many of the captured troops were put on trial. A major
uprising within a small faction of New Model Army was put down,
and many placed under arrest.

Mr. Winstanley soon found himself in a major leadership roll at St.

George's Hill. During the period from May 2229, the Diggers, their
crops and buildings suffered additional attacks by various locals,
thugs, and possible paid malicious soldiers. On 26 May 1649, the
General, Lord Fairfax came and visited the community at St
George's Hill for himself. He basically described the situation as a
local civil dispute.

At the beginning of June,1649, Winstanley issued his pamphlet A

Declaration from the Poor Oppressed People of England(1649). In
it Winstanley would asserted the right to fell the trees on the
common lands for the benefit of the locals, and and to deny
access to all others. Wood was a scarce commodity, and
expensive if found.

Commonage or Common Lands

The Ancient English tradition of Commonage date from the early
Medieval period. It was not uncommon for certain tracts of
privately owned lands were set aside, and were designated to be
held in the public trust for the common folk of a given
community. Certain rules, regulations, and restrictions were
established by common traditions, and later by statutes. This
Common Land available for access by the local community.
Certain common restricts of usage were establish and were
commonly applied across the kingdom by common law, or
arrest.An early tradition was the use of the Common Land for the
pasturing of livestock, or the gathering of firewood. The size of
these Common Lands might vary in size from a few acres to large
tracts of land such as St. George's Hill in Surrey.

Since the land was held in common trust certain restrictions were
place of the use of the land for the benefit of all.
Many of these same Common Lands were often wooded areas
which were beneficial of grazing livestock. By tradition the
gathering of "fire wood" usually from old dead tree was a common
practice. But it was considered a major crime to fell any living
trees on the Common Land. The trees were on the Common Land,
and were therefore the joint property in trust to all of the folk.
Otherwise individuals might try a profit by felling trees for
lumber, or fire wood. This was always a potential problem for
outsiders who might wish to make a profit.

When Winstanley issued his work A Declaration from the Poor

Oppressed People of England (1649). His claim to fell the trees on
the Common Land for the local good of the folk at St. George's
Hill was a violation the ancient principals of Commonage. He
claims the right to fell the trees for the "common good" of his own
people, and to the exclusion of all others on the Common Lands.
There was active criticism of this pamphlet, and its social

On June 11th, a group of individuals disguised as women would

attacked the Digger community and attacked four of its members.
They were presumed to have been hired thugs, paid by the local
land owners. The incident is related in Winstanley's workA
Declaration of the Bloudie and Unchristian Acting of William Star
and John Taylor (1649). Winstanley raised this event to General,
Lord Fairfax in A Letter to Lord Fairfax (1649).

About the 23rd of June, members of the Surrey Diggers

community were again arrested and charged with trespassing.
Winstanley expressed his ire in the work of July 11th: An Appeal
to the House of Commons, desiring their answer; whether the
CommonPeople shall have the quiet enjoyment of the Commons
and Waste Lands; Or whether they shall be under the will of
Lords of Manors still (1649), an appeal against the undue
influence of the local gentry and other wealth land owners.

It was becoming a regular practice for the Surrey Diggers to be

arrest and fined by the local authorities for "e;trespassing"e; and
would than to have them removed from the property in question.
The Surrey Diggers were grudgingly tolerated at the local level
until the wealthy land owners became involved. When the local
gentry brought their political and economic pressure to bear o on
the local authorities, the Diggers community St George's Hill,
Surrey their position started to wane. Even the local parish clergy
even preached against them in their own local parishes.

Cobham Heath in Surrey (16491650)

During JulyAugust 1649, the Surrey Diggers adopted a new
tactical ploy , they simply packed up and moved their community
a mile or so to the Cobham Heath on the commons of Cobham
Manor. They numbered about fifty individuals with their
belongings. They started where they had left off on St George's
Hill: tilling, planting and building shelter for their new community
with a harsh winter ahead of them.

On August 26th, Winstanley published: A Watchword to the City

of London and the Armie (1649). Winstanley makes a basic plea of
support to the City of London that Freedom is won not just given
and extols the general populace to take action in their own

In October 1649, the local authorities were endeavoring oust the

Diggers from the Cobham Heath Common Land. In November
1649, a detachment of soldiers were dispatched to Cobham Heath
to give assistance to the local Justices of Peace.

In December 1649, Winstanley was again before General, Lord

Fairfax in Whitehall (London) for questioning. Winstanley
published another work on 1 Jan. 1650: NewYeers Gift for the
Parliament and Armie (1649) basically as an overview of the
progress and setbacks of the Surrey Diggers during the year of
The winter of 164950 was very harsh, but their crops were doing
well on Cobham Heath. Their community was active with some
eleven acres under cultivation with some six or seven shelters.
Local pressure continued into the early Spring 1650, and the
remaining community became hard put to maintain itself. There
was some encouraging news that other Digger communities had
developed and were doing well in other parts of England. A letter
was sent out by the Surrey Diggers requesting financial assistance
from among the other Digger communities.

Legal actions were still being directed against the Diggers at

Cobham Heath as at St. George's Hill. Winstanley published his
next work: An Appeale to all Englishmen, to judge Between
Bondage and Freedom, sent from those that began to Digge
Uppon George Hill in Surrey, , but now are carrying on that
Publick work upon the the little Heath, in the Parish of Cobham,
near unto George's Hill, ... (1650) for needed assistance.

The State government was becoming concerned with the radical

social views of Winstanley, and his writings. In response to the
continuing protests from the local land owners and authorities, a
small military detachment was dispatched to Cobham Heath in
March 1650.

With pending legal actions against the Surrey Diggers, and their
diminishing financial resources, the Surrey Diggers quietly
disbanded their community. By July of 1650, the former Surrey
Diggers residents were just a memory at Cobham Heath in Surrey.
There is little information of the disposition of those that left
Cobham Heath in July 1650, including Gerrard Winstanley.

A Postlude
As a socialeconomic movement, the Surrey Diggers struck at the
heart of the privileged society and its fear of new a growing
middle class of common people. Without any political or
economic support from the community at large for their social
cause, the Surrey Diggers quickly vanished from the landscape by
the powers that be.

The larger Digger movement did demonstrate a basic need of the

people to act together to fend for themselves in times of common
hardships. It also showed the grit of the new growing English

The Leveller leadership actually disavowed any support for or

relationship with the Surrey Diggers in 1650. The Surrey Diggers
would become target for radical social reforms then even the
Leveller Movement was willing to associate itself with.

A full picture of Gerrard Winstanley's personal life still has many

blanks spots before St George's Hill, and after Cobham Heath. The
time period from 16431648 is still sketchy. There are some
rumors that Winstanley may have even acted as an itinerant
preacher with Baptist leanings for a period.

After 1650 there is much speculation on his movements. Some

have suggest that he may have continued to reside in the Cobham
area of Surrey. Some have suggested that Winstanley may have
involved himself with other Digger communities after Cobham
Heath. Some have suggested that Winstanley may have been able
to improved his financial situation after the Restoration (1660).

Winstanley's own radical vision of a new society died a quite

death in Surrey, but his writings and their message have not.
Although only a small movement unto themselves in a much larger
context of the Interregnum, the Surrey Diggers were sometimes
referred to as the "True Levellers" for their broader social
democratic vision of a new society of the common man.

Along with the Levellers, Winstanley and the Surrey Diggers struck
a symbolic blow at the halls of wealth and power of 16th century
English society. Their efforts and their philosophy were not
wasted on later generations seeking the same spirit of liberty and
freedom in a more democratic social structure. These groups left
behind an amazing vision from the Seventeenth Century England.

Primary Sources

[Anon.] A Light Shining in Buckinghamshire, or A Discovery of the

Main Ground, Original Causw of all Slavery in the World but
Chiefly in England: Presented by way of a Declaration of many of
the Welaffected in that County, to all their Poore Oppressed
Country men of England, &c. (1648)

[Anon.] A Declaration of the Welaffected in the County of

Buckinghamshire (1649); [Wing D776]

[Anon.] More Light Shining in in Buckinghamshire (1649)

[Anon.] Speeches of Lord General Fairfax and the Officers of the

Armie to the Diggers at St. Georges Hill in Surrey and the Diggers
several Answers and Replies Thereunto (1649)

[Anon.] The Declaration and Standard of the Levellers of

England, Delivered in a Speech to His Excellency the Lord Gen.
Fairfax, on Friday last at WhiteHall, by Mr. William Everard, a
Late Member of the Army, and his Prophesie in Reference
thereunto ... (1650)

[Anon.] A Declaration of the Bloudie and Unchristian Acting of

William Star and John Taylor of Walton, vvith divers men in
Women's Apparell, in Opposition to those that dig upon George
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Reasons why we the Poor Inhabitants of the Town of
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______. A VVatchvvord to the City of London, and the Armie

wherein you may see that Englands Freedome, which should be
the result of all our Victories, is Sinking Deeper under the
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with Divers Questions to the Lawyers, and Ministers proving it an
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[_____],A Declaration to the powers of England, ... (1649); [


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Restoring the Whole Creation from the Bondage of the Curse. Or
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______, An appeale to all Englishmen, to judge between bondage

and freedom, sent from those that began to digge uppon George
Hill in Surrey,but now are carrying on that publick work upon the
the little heath, in the parish of Cobham, near unto George Hill,
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______, [Another ed.] (1650); [Thomason Tracts;

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______,A NewYeers Gift for the Parliament and Armie Shewing

what the Kingly Power is, and that the cause of those that are
called Diggers is the life and marrow of that cause the
Parliament hath Declared for, and the Army fought for, ...
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