Production Technology PENG 607: Semester 2, 2011

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Production Technology PENG 607

Semester 2, 2011
Official Reading Time: 10 minutes
Writing Time: 120 minutes
Total Duration: 130 minutes
Total marks = 60
Instruction for Candidates
This is a close book examination.
Switch off mobile phones; use of mobile phones, in any form, is prohibited during
examination period.
Points for each question and part question are given in the question sheet
Answers to questions should be written legibly, using correct units and schematic drawing
where appropriate. These aspects will be taken into account in the assessment.
Any rough sketches and calculations in answer book should be clearly marked.
If you think that there are error(s) and/or missing data, please feel free to make your own
judicial assumption(s), which should be supported by appropriate comments
Examination materials must not be removed from the examination hall.
Permitted Materials
Calculator without alphanumeric memory or remote communications
capability is
permitted, and this equipment is to be supplied by the examinee.
The use of any calculator or electronic devices with communication links is
Do not commence writing until instructed to do so.
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lOMoAR cPSD| 1809205

Curtin University
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Assume reasonably in case of any missing data. Assumption(s) should be supported
appropriate comments
Consider psi as pisg
Use graph paper while necessary
Question 1: Briefly answer the following questions (10 Marks):
(i) What is liquid hold up (HL) in a multiphase flow? (1 Marks)
(ii) The tubing pressure loss during gas production becomes more viscous dominated close
to the surface as compared to that of bottomhole. Why? (1 Marks)
(iii) Give two reasons (utility) for using wellhead flow line chokes (1 Marks)
(iv) What could be the possible roles of extra Gas Lift Valves? (1 Marks)
(v) Write two main functions of a packer (1 Marks)
(vi) Draw the schematic of various pressure relations necessary to design gas lift and define:
(a) Point of balance, (b) point of injection, and (c) system pressure (2+3 = 5 Marks)
Question 2 (10 Marks)
(a) For the following oilwell data, calculate: (i) the Productivity Index (2 Marks) and (ii) the
absolute open flow (AOF) and draw the IPR (3 Marks); for non circular drainage.
Permeability, = 30 md
Pay thickness, h= 40 ft
Avg. reservoir pressure = 3000 psi
Reservoir temperature, T = 200F
Well spacing, A = 160 acres
Drilled hole size, D = 121/4 in. (open hole diameter)
Formation volume factor, Bo = 1.2 (res bbl/stb)
Oil viscosity, = 0.8 cp
(Assume skin = 0 and no turbulence)
Non circular drainage shape factor CA = 4.5
(b) For the following gaswell data, calculate: (i) Productivity Index (2 Marks) and the
absolute open flow (AOF) for circular drainage (2 Marks).
Permeability, = 1 md
Pay thickness, h= 200 ft
Avg. reservoir pressure = 3500 psi
Reservoir temperature, T = 200F
Well spacing, A = 80 acres
Open hole radius = 0.365 ft
Average Zfactor = 1.1
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Curtin University
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Average viscosity, = 0.019 cp
Skin = 1
Neglect turbulence effects
(c) What is flow efficiency (FE)? Prove that,
ln( . r /r ) s
ln( . r /r )

0 472
0 472
(1 marks)
Question 3 (10 Marks)
(a) The average reservoir pressure of a reservoir is 5,500 psi, with bubble point pressure of
3500 psi. Using following test data calculate:
(i) qo,max (AOF) for WellA and WellB (5 marks)
(ii) Bottomhole flowing pressure necessary to obtain an inflow rate of 1000 stb/day for
WellB (3 Marks)
(iii) Which well has better production potential and why? (2 Marks)
Flow rate: q = 1,300 stb/d
Bottom hole flowing pressure, pwf = 4000 psi
Well B
Flow rate, q = 1,800 stb/d
Bottom hole pressure, pwf = 2000 psi
Question 4 (10 Marks)
WellX produces single phase liquid with GLR = 1000 scf/stb. The productivity index of
this well and average reservoir pressure are respectively, 0.5 stb/day/psi and 2600
psi. Determine the operating flow rate and bottom hole flowing pressure at the mid
perforation of depth 8000 ft, when the well is operated through 27/8 inch tubing at
a wellhead pressure of 200 psi. Use attached pressure traverse curve and consider at
least 4 rates. (10 Marks).
Question 5 (10 Marks)
(a) It is planned to boost the oil production rate from 200 stb/day to 600 stb/day for a
well equipped through a 27/8 inch production tubing using gas lift with a surface
casing injection pressure of 1000 psi. Estimate:
(i) The depth of injection point if the injection point GLR = 800 scf/stb (2
(ii) Flowing bottomhole pressure at the midperforation depth of 10,000 ft (3
(iii) Average reservoir pressure (2 Marks).
(iv) Gas injection rate, if the initial formation GLR = 300 scf/stb. (1 Marks)
Following additional data are available.
Flowing fluid gradient bellow the injection point = 0.375 psi/ft
Flowing wellhead pressure = 200 psi
pvalve = 100 psi
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lOMoAR cPSD| 1809205

Curtin University
Production Technology page 4of 14 pages
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Productivity index = 1.5 stb/day/psi
Necessary pressure traverse curve is attached.
(b) Estimate maximum possible production rate, if the gas is injected at the mid
perforation (2 marks).
Question 6 (10 Marks)
(a) A well of depth 10,000 ft TVD drains 35 API degree oil from a reservoir with PI = 0.4
stb/day/psi. Calculate the minimum possible depth of ESP if you are interested to obtain
a production rate close to 80% of AOF rate? Assume, average reservoir pressure =3000
psi and pump suction pressure = 50 psi (5 Marks)
(b) Briefly explain the working principle or mechanism of dynamic and positive displacement
pump ( 2 marks)
(c) Write two main limitations of following pumps: (3 Marks)
- Beam Pump
- Hydraulic Jet Pump

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