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Bartering Simulation

1. Students choose a total of ten cards, made up on

only three of the following goods to barter: sheep,
wheat, cow, rope, and shoes. For example, they
could end up with 3 cows, 2 ropes, and 5 shoes.
2. Have the students double check their tablemates.
Everyone should have a total of 10 cards, and exactly
3 colors. (8+1+1, 6+2+2, etc.).
3. Give students a time limit to barter. The goal is to
end up with 2 cards each for sheep, wheat, cow,
rope, and shoes. DO NOT TELL THEM THE GOAL
4. After time is up, see how many students survived
by reaching their goal. Discuss the advantages &
disadvantages to bartering, and what strategies the
Mesopotamians must have used to get the things
they needed.
- Stealing? (it happens!!!)
- Merchants (those who stay at their desks and
wait for people to come to them)
- Traders (those who carry their cards around
with them)

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