Starship Troopers Skinnies Army Book

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Doug Birtles (order #11026579)

Credits and Contents


Matthew Sprange
Introduction 2
Editor The Skinnies 3
Ted Chang
Skinnie Physiology 12
Cover Art
Chris Quilliams Know Your Enemy 15
Internal Art The Skinnie Military 17
Enrique Diaz, Rhonda Libbey,
Sergio Villa Isaza, Chris Waller, Hobby Section 21
Robert Chase, Alejandro Villen,
Iordanis Lazaridis and Empty Room
Studios: Bob Cram, Jeff Cram and
The Skinnie Army List 26
Dan Howard Skinnie Leaders 27
Figure Painter
Adrian Walters The Skinnie Army 34
Sculptors Weapons & Equipment 48
Bob Naismith, Chris Jackson,
Steve Saunders, Ben Saunders, Heroic Traits 53
Paul Muller
Miniatures Manager
Emplacements 56
Ian Barstow Arachnid Control 57
Production Director Skinnie Reference Guide 59
Alexander Fennell
Sarah Quinnell

Starship Troopers: The Skinnies Army Book TM & (C) 2006 TriStar Pictures Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Mongoose Publishing Ltd. Authorised User. Reproduction of any part of this work by any means
without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. Printed in China.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)

Battered and drawn across a huge area of space in Army List: The complete Skinnie army list, allowing you
his war against the Arachnids, Mankind does not see the other to use all the units, equipment and vehicles in the Starship
alien races gathering their forces, ready to make their own Troopers miniatures game.
claims on his worlds.
New Rules: Including new Heroic Traits, psychic powers and
For too long, the Skinnies have been treated as a second class, other rules.
inferior race by humanity, primitives who can
barely sail across the sea of space. They have
been used and discarded by the Fleet and Mobile
Infantry in mans relentless battle against the bug.
Promises have been broken and non-aggression
treaties ignored. Humanity has stirred a hornets
nest, one that threatens to destabilise the balance
of power in the galaxy.

No longer willing to exist peacefully alongside

their neighbours while armies clash across dozens
of worlds, the Skinnies have mobilised their forces
with the intention of protecting their territory and
expanding their reach across the stars.

The battle against man and bug has turned into a

War of the Species and only one will survive to
become the dominant force of the galaxy.

The Skinnies Army Book

This army book provides a full update to the
Skinnie list found in the main Starship Troopers
rulebook. Here you will nd all the tools you
will require when ghting the Arachnids, Mobile
Infantry and new alien races lurking at the far
edges of civilised space.

The Skinnies Army Book contains the following


Forces of the Skinnies: Overview of the Skinnie

army, including its place in their society and the
technologies this race employs.

The Hobby Section: Photographs of gorgeously

painted Skinnie models.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnies

Though the Federation has been aware of the
presence of the Skinnies along the borders of human-held
territory for some years, little attention has been given
to these aliens. The war against the Arachnids has gone
hard and the Road to Victory has failed. No Sky Marshal
has given the Skinnies much thought beyond how they
can be used as a weapon aimed at the bugs.

The Skinnie worlds, or the Hegemony, as it has become

known, have been viewed as a buffer zone, shielding the
Federations ank from the growing Arachnid presence
along its borders. However, the Skinnies possess many
worlds that are rich in resources and many Sky Marshals
have viewed them hungrily, willing to accept any risks
when invading systems belonging to a primitive race.
Humanitys encroachment on the Hegemony, driven by
an absolute need to defeat the Arachnids, has turned a
potential ally into a bitter enemy.

Visiting the Skinnies

As a whole, the Skinnies are a fractious race, comprising
tens of thousands of clans, tribes, sects and warbands.
Each has its own culture, government and social structure,
its own laws and its own view on the rest of the galaxy. In
many regions, these individual sections of Skinnie society
live together, more or less harmoniously, and their larger
settlements are an example of eclectic living. On more
remote Skinnie worlds, these tribes and clans may exist
in isolation, each Skinnie primarily dening itself as part or clans standing within the Hegemony. As such, there has
of that structure. always been a constant ow of slaves into the Hegemony.

In theory, the Skinnies are united by an over-arcing, race-wide Within each faction or tribe, a system of internal rulership
government through which all clans and tribes are represented, exists below that of the race-wide government but it varies
forming the Hegemony. However, this is a tenuous system at greatly across the Hegemony. Some are dominated by
best, dominated by the most powerful and better represented hereditary kings or chiefs, while others are commanded by
factions. In the past, a single tribe has managed to gain elders or have elected councils. Among the more barbaric,
dominance of the entire Hegemony, while at other times, a simple might is right doctrine can work well. A visitor
an uneasy alliance of three or four factions work together travelling into the Hegemony may therefore nd much that is
to ensure no one gains enough inuence to rule the others confusing. They could be presented to a king but may have
without question. This has led to planet-wide wars but the no way of knowing whether they are dealing with the ruler
stabilising inuence of an overall government is beginning of a small town, an entire world or a major dignitary of the
to pay dividends for Skinnie society and such outbreaks of Hegemony. When all is said and done, leadership among
violence are far less common now. Skinnies is usually a triumph of the individual rather than
organised society.
Military might still remains a key to power for many factions,
be it proved against other Skinnies or neighbouring races in the Each faction will often nd itself rising and falling by the
galaxy. Slaves, too, mark a factions power base and a wide- Skinnie that best denes its leadership. An ailing elder can
ranging expedition to alien worlds can greatly elevate a tribe sink a tribe or clan into obscurity for years while a slave who

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnies

A Brief History of Skinnies

The Age of Tribes: Before the Skinnies developed the technology to lift them from their homeworld
of Ptolemy, a multitude of tribes dominated their society. The Time of Peace put an end to millennia
of world-wide warfare and counter-conquest, though it would never completely unify the Skinnies.

The Age of Hegemony: Once the Skinnies started exploring their nearby worlds and star systems,
the Age of Hegemony came upon them. A centralised government was put in place, representing
every tribe, clan and other faction, though this was quickly destabilised and replaced with the current
system no tribe or nation is automatically guaranteed representation within the Hegemony and
must instead seek to consolidate its power base.

The Time of the Headless Tribe: When the Arachnids arrived, the Skinnies fought. Like the
humans, they initially underestimated their enemy but when their most powerful ruling tribe,
the GenTak, were wiped out by a single invasion, they retreated the bulk of their armies and
fortied their most valuable worlds. This had the effect of turning the Arachnids towards weaker
human systems but the damage had been done. Without the centralised core of power coming
from the GenTak, the Hegemony has become destabilised and a period of fractious rule now
exists, with many tribes competing for power, some desperate enough to stoop to assassination
or starting wars in order to rule.

has bought his freedom and then elevates himself to great always the case. A powerful religious movement, for example,
power can bring every Skinnie who follows him to greatness. may form its own nation and yet have constituent members
It is not uncommon for a great leader to emerge from a tribe, strung throughout the entire Hegemony, living within the
its power growing immensely during his lifetime, only to fade geographically dened nations of others. This can, of course,
away just as quickly upon his death. create a truly chaotic state of affairs with a single Skinnie
belonging to a tribe that may have its power base situated light
The rise and fall of ambitious individuals is the chronicle of years away, owing its allegiance to a nation that denes the
Skinnie history as a whole. entire Hegemony as its territory. Yet this Skinnie may live
and work within another nation based in his home city that
The Nations could be hostile to his own nation. In theory, each Skinnie
Beyond the division of tribes and clans, there lie the Skinnie belongs to one tribe and one nation, though convenience and
nations. There are perhaps a hundred such nations, all practicality often takes precedence.
nominally united under the banner of the Hegemony. However,
the nations are not a simple stratication of Skinnie society, The one thing all Skinnie nations have in common is that they
nor are they always dened geographically or by allegiance to can all be dened by an ever-shifting balance of power. A
a single leader or set of ideals. single very powerful or very remote tribe can form a nation
unto itself, while another nation may be ruled by a king whose
A nation is usually a collection of tribes or clans that have a role is decided by single combat among champions. The
common set of interests normally, these interests revolve differences in the structure and rulership of a nation can be as
around the city, continent or planet they inhabit but this is not varied as that of an individual clan.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnies

The Skinnie Language

The spoken word of the Skinnies is difcult to comprehend even in concept. Formed by
alien mouths, the speech has never been successfully duplicated by human interpreters of the
Federation and even computerised translators have had only limited success.

This is compounded by the fact that dialects can vary wildly across nations and tribes, making
them appear as completely new languages and further throwing human study of the tongue into
confusion. Among themselves, Skinnies seem to have no problem with communication, even
between tribes normally situated light years apart.

The current Federation theory is that the Skinnies have a psychic capacity that overlays the spoken
word, forming a context that humans can never understand. Some SICON scientists have begun
to postulate another theory, however. It is suggested that Skinnies have an understanding of the
core of their language that enables them to integrate with one another. On rst encountering
a new tribe, some time will be spent communicating only in base concepts which, in itself,
is usually enough for a Skinnie to get what he wants. As time goes on in the company of
other Skinnies, he will gradually pick up the nuances of individual dialects by instinct so that
communication becomes seamless.

Throughout this study of Skinnie society, culture and military capability, human equivalents
have been substituted for real Skinnie terms in order to better familiarise the reader with the
concepts covered.

Every nation has the right, in theory, of representation in the equivalent of Citizenship or, sometimes, SICON, but this is a
Hegemonys Council. However, as is the case with much fallacy. Comprising representatives from most nations within
of Skinnie politics, this is rarely clear cut either. A nation the Hegemony, the Council is more of a forum than a ruling
may dispatch a champion or set of delegates to the Council in body.
order to speak for its people, while others send their overall
leader who will both rule the nation and speak for it within All nations have, in theory, a right to representation though
the Council. There has never been a clear ruling of whether how large a voice they have usually depends on their overall
a nation has one voice in the Council or many and so some standing and status within Skinnie society. Small nations
nations, at times, have sent dozens of delegates, while others may have a single, insignicant, representative while very
believe that a single voice is ultimately more powerful. It has large ones tend to have either dozens of delegates or a single,
even been known for a nation to relinquish its representation renowned individual speaking for them. Small nations are
in favour of another, either through bribery or threat. leaned upon by the strong while past alliances can cause
friction as a nation moves from one camp to another. The
The Council nations, therefore, tend to form clusters within the Council,
At the heart of the Hegemony lies the Council. The often ultimately ruled by a single, very powerful nation.
Federation often assumes that the Council is the Skinnie

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnies
Additional power can be gained by a nation within the Council
by assigning representatives to multi-national bodies, such
as trade organisations, scientic delegations or legal panels.
While these are often titles of convenience, temporarily
created to solve a single problem, real power can be wielded
within, as this is where many of the decisions that effect the
Hegemony as a whole are nally made.

The Age of Hegemony

While outright war is not unknown between nations or tribes,
Skinnie society is, at whole, at peace with itself. Their
governmental system, however, often makes them appear
primitive or even barbaric to humans who enjoy a unied
political body.

Many violent rituals are practised among the Skinnies, such

as gladiatorial combat that harks back to ancient wars and
struggles for power. While Skinnies still compete in these
contests, and can gain a great deal of personal power by doing
so, most are forms of entertainment that use the slaves of
various tribes to ght one another to the death.

The use of slaves is widespread throughout Skinnie society,

be it for entertainment in the arena, back-breaking manual
labour or cannon fodder in battle. During the Age of Tribes,

Space Travel
The Skinnies have possessed the ability to cross the light years between stars for some
centuries, using a star drive similar in concept (though radically different in design) to the
Federations own Cherenkov Drive. Content to live in their own region of space, they have
only travelled to the worlds of other aliens for trade and raiding, depending on the tribe sent
on the voyage.

Skinnies, like the Arachnids, have avoided the development of huge starships capable
of winning entire wars by themselves. The Federations Fleet, therefore, is arguably the
undisputed master of space. Instead, the Skinnies tend to build lightning fast raiding craft,
the largest of which is capable of transporting an entire tribe to a combat zone. Possessing
advanced stealth characteristics, Skinnie craft are designed to avoid combat and approach
unseen upon a target, deploying troops and then retreating until needed.

For a Federation that invests so much self-esteem in the building of massive warships, this
philosophy seems like a backwards step but the frightening speed by which the Skinnies can
attack and dominate a world suggests much that remains unseen by human eyes.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnies

Reclaiming Humanity
It is with growing concern that SICON has studied the reintegration of recently
freed human slaves from Skinnie raiding forces. Those who have been only
recently abducted are quickly welcomed by their families and, in many cases, have
gone on to live normal, productive lives. Abductees who spend any great length of
time in the Hegemony, however, almost never survive the Federations debrieng
process. Most appear to have turned feral, in some cases losing all capability of
intelligent speech or higher reasoning. What horrors they may have faced at the
hands of the Skinnies can only be imagined but it should be noted that most bear
physical scars and long-term wounds consistent with blunt traumas and injuries
from primitive weapons. Military Intelligence presumes this is related to hideous
torture and medical experimentation for ends that can only be guessed at, though
plenty of theories have been raised.

it was common for slaves to be taken from defeated enemies burning desire to dominate the galaxy possessed by humanity
but since the rise of the Hegemony, the practice of using other but necessity has propelled them forwards as the Federation
Skinnies as slaves has grown into a repugnant practice, only and Arachnids slowly draw them into the galactic war.
seen rarely on border worlds. With the advent of space travel
and the acceptance of their own morality, the Skinnies found The Skinnie Military
many alien races that could be used as slaves instead. The The diverse nature of the Skinnie Hegemony forms its main
rst appearance of Skinnies in Federation space were raiding strength on the battleeld. The raiders and militia sighted by
parties on missions designed to capture humans alive, to be Federation colonists in the past represent the merest fraction
sent back to their respective nations within the Hegemony. of Skinnie military power.
The thought that sentient races should not be subjected to Each army can be considered to be the sum total of ghting
slavery simply does not enter the mind of a Skinnie, any more units within a single Skinnie tribe, clan or sect, led by a
than a human can accept the concept of a bug that thinks. powerful chief, warlord or similar rank. Several such armies
can combine to form a massive allied force, one that can be
Morality in a universe with no over-arcing god of all races deployed by a nation, formed from its best ghting troops.
is an articial construct and though the Skinnies can seem However, the single tribe is the basic component of an army,
purposefully cruel or wicked to human eyes, they are better which will always be a reection of the tribes customs and,
described as alien and inhuman, in the traditional sense. more importantly, the will of its leader.
Gifted of a similar intellect as humans, they have reached
different conclusions. While most tribes can form units of raiders and militia, Skinnies
possessing a basic level of military training and usually drawn
When held up to the Federation, the Skinnies are, ultimately, from the general populace, the professional soldiery will have
a parallel culture of comparable (but incompatible) intellect, their weapons, equipment and tactics dictated to them by their
scientic understanding, technological development, moral overall military commander. The army, therefore, becomes an
standards and social organisation. They have not had the same extension of its leader and the tribal customs with which he

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnies
is most familiar. A tribe from the edge of
Hegemony space, for example, is unlikely
to have access to the latest in weapons
development and so will compensate by
other factors perhaps adopting the guise
of a Skinnie general from ancient times,
allowing him to recruit increased numbers
of warriors. Another leader might adopt
a reliance on technology while a rival
develops a high degree of tactical thinking
that, alone, can win battles.

When confronting Skinnies, an enemy may

never know just what to expect and this has
enabled the Hegemony to capture vast tracts
of territory since its emergence. When
rst deployed to counter a Skinnie thrust
into the Federation, the Mobile Infantry
equipped itself to eradicate large numbers
of raiders and militia, as these units were
the only ones the Skinnies had ever sent
into human space. When troopers started
battling against powerful venerables and
vicious brutes, the true capabilities of the
Hegemony became startlingly apparent.

No longer a race of primitives or a small

band of raiders ghting across the colony
worlds of the Federation, the Skinnies have
manifested themselves into a dangerously
effective force with a level of technology at
least the equal of the Mobile Infantry.

Going Native
A worrying development arising from reclaimed abductees is the appearance of
humans who appear to have gone native, to use an antique term. Exhibiting a
desire to wear Skinnie clothing and adopting their customs, these rare individuals
have also taken to communicating purely in the alien tongue. Reports from frontline
Mobile Infantry units have given rise to rumours of such men and women rising
within the Hegemony to claim high rank, permitting them to lead entire raiding
forces. This has been put down to combat stress and a lack of discipline within
certain Mobile Infantry platoons, with the appropriate action being taken.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Skinnie Physiology

Skinnies are tall, grey-skinned bipeds with thin The unusual traits of the Skinnie hand are mirrored in the
limbs and knobbly hides. Ranging from seven to nine feet pedicular array of this race. While each foot has ve toes,
in height these wiry humanoids are covered in a hide with these are jointed in three places. Skinnie toes splay our in
occasional greenish blotches, this coloration seemingly either a wide fan with the third or central toe being the longest, at
shifts throughout the Skinnie lifecycle or are a sign of racial almost 12 inches in length. This fan of toes elevates the ankle
variation, similar in nature to the skin tones of humanity. joint, as the Skinnies appear to lack any form of heel. As with
Their leathery epidermis is pierced in places by protrusions Skinnie ngers, each toe is tipped with a sharp cuticle.
of bone, most commonly on the shoulders, elbows and the
length of the spine. Skinnies are completely hairless and do Skinnies have the same sensory capabilities as human organs;
not appear to require surface respiration. Skinnies have a they smell, sight, hear, touch and taste, with the tongue
much higher body temperature (45C/113F), a temperature appearing to aid both consumption and communication.
that can be fatal to humans. This higher body temperature Scientists have so far been unable to attribute any function to
causes a naked Skinnie to show up on a pair of Federation the mandibles that lie to either side of the Skinnie mouth, lled
snoopers like a neon sign. with a wide row of large incisors. Their other four senses are
presumably as sharp as a humans, though their sense of smell
The appendages of a Skinnie are elongated and, as mentioned may be far less acute due to the reduced size of a Skinnies
above, bear numerous bone protrusions. These protrusions nasal passages, the nostrils of which are situated between
come to distinct points and suggest that while they may not the bulging, close-set ocular organs. Also, given the slightly
exhibit any pugilistic tendencies now, their ancestors may caustic effect of methane on scent receptors, this would not be
have been physical hunters at some point in their evolution. a surprising biological adaptation.

The combination of their long limbs, thick skin and height It is likely that a Skinnie can see only in the red spectrum, in
requires a remarkable efcient cardiopulmonary and much the same fashion as dogs, this would certainly explain
respiratory system to ensure proper circulation of gas and their proclivity for gaudily coloured garments. Hearing is
uid to the structures of the body. similarly no more acute than a humans audio sensitivity.
Surprisingly, the structure of their ears, the ve jointed
Sex traits are almost completely concealed inside a Skinnies appendages, similar to ngers that crest the elongated skull of
body and though there is certainly a gender difference as the Skinnie, does not grant the same ability to sense vibrations
of the dozens of specimens taken during their unprovoked outside their normal hearing range. It is possible that their
attacks, nearly 50% have been what SICON researchers humanoid evolution has robbed them of this capacity or
have determined to be females. SICON scientists are still that on their homeworld such a feature was never part of
not prepared to conrm, however, whether or not Skinnies the forebear race they came from originally. Regardless,
reproduce sexually. these ngers serve as the Skinnies aural organs, capable of
receiving the vibrations of sound waves across their surfaces
Skinnies have four joints in every one of their three ngers, before transmitting them to the brain.
improving their manual dexterity by an estimated 12% when
compared to that of a human. The most prominent feature Their tactile senses are in no way limited by their dense
of the Skinnie hand is the sweeping talon on the back of the layers of skin that covers the Skinnie body. A Skinnie has a
palm, which appears to be similar in nature to the dew claw thinner layer of skin over his hands, feet and face, while this
of a neodog. This fearsome spike is typically between six and is still noticeably thicker than the epidermis of a human, an
eight inches in length, however, some rare specimens have advanced nervous system and a greater propensity of nerve
exceeded ten inches. endings seems to have adapted to this. SICON scientists are,
however, at a loss to explain this apparent adaptation, as there
does not seem to be any biological reason for this degree of

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Skinnie Physiology

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Skinnie Physiology
sensitivity, suggesting that this adaptation is environmental in enough that even without external preservation they can be
nature. It is likely that if the Federation could answer the examined in detail.
tactile riddle of the Skinnies, they would learn a lot more
about their homeworld. The skeletal structure of a Skinnie is intriguing in its basic yet
elegant design. Every joint in the body of a Skinnie is omni-
SICON medical staff have been able to closely examine jointed through the same uniquely shaped open socket and
Skinnie cadavers and in doing so have uncovered a number even their spinal columns are free moving to a certain extent,
of microscopic lacerations on the back of the neck. These making them nearly impossible to immobilise. However
lacerations have been the subject of special investigation, as the constriction of their own muscle mass, which is severely
the small incisions and discoloration surrounding them form a limiting and the thickness of their skin impair their ability to
distinct pattern that match other cadavers autopsied by SICON move many parts of their body in alternative directions.
Skinnie bones are not built in layers by their bodies as with
While Military Intelligence would have preferred to perform human skeletal systems. They are a form of permeable but
these examinations directly, it is their opinion that these marks insoluble organic calcium growth, strong yet uniform in
are a form of cultural patterning, much akin to ritualistic composition. As a Skinnie grows, it is theorised that they
scarication seen on Earth before the Disorders. They may add density to their bones through a chemical rebuilding and
indeed have some racial importance, but SICON scientists transport process researchers have yet to fully comprehend. It
have made the assertion that these lacerations indicate the is known that Skinnie bones are not as resistant to injury as
presence of a piece of equipment or some other foreign object those of a human would be, though they are theoretically also
that disengages from the user immediately upon death. easier and faster to heal.

Internal Anatomy The brain of a Skinnie is as complex as their bones are simple.
While cadavers have been captured for study, only very little is Four lobed, as opposed to the human two, and extremely well
known of Skinnie internal physiology. The Skinnies display a developed, its overall composition is still very much a mystery
reex that permits a Skinnie to die at will by activating a gland to SICON scientists. Through laboratory analysis, it has been
or organ within their bodies to self-destruct, releasing some determined that every Skinnie dissected at the cerebral level
kind of putrefying agent into their bloodstream. Indeed, this shows no evidence of psychic capability. This thinking has
acidic chemical has made it almost impossible to determine so far been borne out by the fact that Skinnies have never
anything substantial about their organs and blood chemistry, been witnessed exerting any form of mental ability on the
as so little of it remains uncorrupted after this toxin has been battleeld. The Skinnies lack of psychic potential, however,
released. Theoretical anatomical models indicate that Skinnies makes this race no less worrisome to the Federation and they
share many basic biological traits with humanity, but the full require continued investigation.
extent of that similarity is impossible to accurately gauge.

It has been determined from the recovery of Skinnie power

suits that the Skinnies are methane breathers, the nature
of these suits respiratory systems imply that this must be
supplied at a constant rate suggesting rapid, shallow breathing
is normal for this race. Their respirators cycle pure methane
and carry a typical supply that, at the assumed rate of breath
for a Skinnie, lasts roughly two hours. This is probably
because of the heavy nature of methane and the amount of
space it requires for storage. This may explain the rapid
nature of Skinnie raids; they do not have time for protracted
battles given their limited methane supplies.

Bones and cerebral matter have both been difcult to study

as neither is sufciently intact after Skinnie putrefaction to
promote analysis. In the case of a Skinnie brain, decapitation
and hydrogen freezing are required to preserve a useful
sample, as the decomposing chemicals will work their way
into the skull and liquefy it within minutes. Bones will also
eventually decay if permitted, but this process takes long

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Know Your Enemy


Encounter Helmet
Protects wearers head and regulates flow of
methane life support systems.

Helmet also incorporates various sensory

enhancing systems and a lamp.

Environmentally Sealed
Sealed against gases, liquids and
other contaminants. Sealed suit
also protects against harmful
atmospheres and vacuum.

Temperature &
Biological Regulator
Skinnie armour has a
built-in climate and health
control. These regulators
can only operate for
approximately 24 hours
before their power cells
and chemical supplies are

Psychic Shielding
Though we cannot isolate
any equipment we surmise
that an inherent property
of the polymer used in this
suits composition generates
psychic interference.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Know Your Enemy

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Military

ARMY LEADERS ranks of the professional soldiery, he is wise in the ways of
The leader of a Skinnie army usually denes the battle and leads forces well-equipped from the riches of the
composition of his force, becoming an outward projection of tribe.
his tribe, personality and tactics. Such Skinnies adopt various
titles and legends, often shaped by the way they see themselves
and how they wish their tribe to be seen by others.
Leader of Slaves
Many slaves who are captured by the Skinnies either buckle
down to servitude or die at the hands of their masters. Few
Cabal have the opportunity to rise above their station and the chances
On worlds dominated by the primitive brute gene, Skinnies of rescue are slim once they have been taken deep into the
displaying psychic potential are often treated with mistrust Hegemony. A rare few are spared the back-breaking burdens
and suspicion. Forced to gather together in small groups of hard labour for the terrors of the gladiatorial arenas, where
known as cabals for mutual protection, they are capable of their lives are often brutally short. A skilful warrior, however,
dominating lesser brutes with the power of their collective may survive hundreds of matches as he begins to learn the
minds, becoming leaders of their tribe. Newly born Skinnie ways of Skinnie society. If he possesses the traits of a great
brutes displaying similar talents are either taken into the cabal leader, he may gather other slaves to his banner, nally
or cast out of the tribe altogether, often on the whim of the rising up in rebellion against his Skinnie master. Successful
ruling psychics. Those who are thrown into the wilderness rebellions are usually crushed by a fully mobilised
and survive to adulthood will often be drawn together, army but, occasionally, a leader of slaves may gain
forming their own cabal, albeit one without a tribe the respect of a neighbouring tribe as he proves
to rule over. Occasionally, they return to their his strength and courage.
original homes, challenging the ruling cabal
for leadership in a psychic duel to the

Born into the highest
orders of Skinnie society,
the general usually arises
from tribes who have
grown fabulously wealthy
from an iron grip held on
their local resources, be
they precious minerals, vast
herds of livestock or huge
swathes of industrial
developments. Trained
from birth to lead, the
general has a nely tuned
military mind, possessing
a military genius that is
almost unmatched within the
Hegemony. Rising through the

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Military
Permitted to rise within the ranks of the Skinnie military, he is Tyrant
allowed to wield real power in exchange for serving the tribe The tyrant is a rare tribal leader who believes that the Hegemony
and Hegemony. Now turned truly native, the leader of slaves is at its strongest when tribe conquers tribe, when the survival
often returns to his homeworlds at the head of a mixed slave of the ttest is allowed to play to its logical conclusion. He
and Skinnie army, looking for new blood to throw into the thinks nothing of slaughtering thousands of innocents in a
arenas, the spectacle of which he now enjoys himself. defeated and weaker tribe, if it means his own force is allowed
to prosper. The tyrant aims for nothing less than the total
Lord domination of the entire Hegemony, with himself as Emperor
Having served the Hegemony and tribe as a soldier, the lord at its head. With so vast an aim, the tyrant is often forced
has risen through the ranks by dint of hard work and proven to look beyond the boundaries of the Hegemony for new
ability. The veteran of a hundred or more battles, he has territory and resources, looking to harness entire alien worlds
progressed through the ranks of the elite venerables and and so build an empire vaster than the rest of the Hegemony,
now stands at the head of his tribe, the undisputed leader. becoming its sole ruler by default. This is an attractive goal
Possessing both great tactical cunning and ownership of the to many Skinnies who have chosen a career as a professional
nest warriors and technology the Hegemony has to offer, soldier, for the tyrant always has need of good warriors and
there are few armies that can stand toe to toe with his force. will keep them gainfully employed. It is believed that the rst
Though rarely seen far outside Skinnie held systems, a lord true military campaign against the Federation was initiated by
will always be present at the head of an army for campaigns a Skinnie tyrant.
which the Council deems critical.

Arachnids Within the Hegemony

The Time of the Headless Tribe was only the beginning of Arachnid domination within
Hegemony space. Indeed, the Mobile Infantrys rst encounter with the Skinnies was
with a tribe that was directed by control bugs. Though the Roughnecks, famously,
freed the Skinnies from this oppression and earned the respect of their leader, TPhai,
more worlds along the borders of the Hegemony are under constant threat from the
Arachnids and the bugs seem more likely to try to dominate the Skinnies than they
do human colonies.

SICON Military Intelligence does its best to keep track of Arachnid movements
within the Hegemony but even its top ofcials acknowledge this can be a difcult and
dangerous pursuit at best. Mobile Infantry companies, particularly pathnders, may
be deployed in deep strike missions to identify the nature of the threat that may be
faced on Hegemony worlds.

More worryingly, SICON analysts have begun to suspect that some Skinnie leaders
are acting in voluntary concert with the Arachnids, willingly giving up their people
in order to muster a strong military force that can conquer entire systems and thus
provide them with more leverage within the Council.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Military
Warchief issue equipment. Designed to be elded in huge numbers
Blessed with a natural ability of inspirational leadership, by leaders who cannot afford a large professional force, the
warchiefs liken themselves to the heroes of old during the Age tactics used by the militia tend to be very basic, revolving
of Tribes. Dressed in armour similar in style to the ancient around their weight of numbers. They are sometimes used
livery said to be worn by these heroes, he also charges into by more callous leaders to tie enemy troops up and bog them
battle astride a pecadon, a reptilian riding beast that once down in a reght while the rest of the Skinnie army moves
carried tribal kings. As skilled an orator as he is a military into an advantageous position relatively unharmed.
leader, the warchief is able to make great speeches of the
glories of the old days, bringing huge numbers of common Raiders
Skinnies into his force and moulding them into an effective Many in the Mobile Infantry consider these to be the original
ghting force. Though archaic in his approach, the warchief Skinnies, rst encountered on colony worlds at the edge of the
is capable of stunning heroic feats on the battleeld, serving Federation. Sharing much in common with the under-equipped
to further inspire his devoted followers. militia, raiders are the Skinnie equivalent of civilians, though
they all have some degree of military training, surpassing
the brief compulsory service of the militia. In effect, raiders
operate as reserve forces within the Skinnie military, though
SKINNIE UNITS they are seen in many armies. Encased in simple power suits,
Most Skinnies are taught to ght, forming large raider and raiders are able to ght in any environment and can be elded
militia bands. Others become professional soldiers, ghting by most tribes in large numbers. They are used primarily for
for a living an occupation that grows in necessity as the low-priority raiding missions (hence the name) and as a light
galaxy slowly descends into total war. ambushing force in larger battles, brandishing constrictor
ries and a variety of smaller, more specialised pistols.
On the furthest edges of Skinnie space, there exist tribes
for whom the Age of Hegemony never truly happened.
In the rst expansion of the race across the stars, these
tribes were dumped by colony ships and then left to
their own devices. For whatever reason, they soon
devolved into their base state, becoming savages who
constantly ght with any intruder. These Skinnies have
grown stronger and more violent than their civilised
cousins and are able to wield huge weapons in battle.
Neighbouring tribes sometimes recruit these brutes
as heavy shock troops, while others will use them on
great riding lizards known as tawns.

Many tribal leaders create an inner cadre of warriors,
troops fanatically loyal to him and rewarded by the very
best weaponry and armour he can provide. They are
often drawn from the ranks of professional soldiers but
very rich tribal leaders will often expand the concept,
creating an entire army of guard. In doing so, he will
ensure that few enemies can match his troops one-to-
one, as his guard will be deployed in heavy armour that
will shrug off most hits and be armed with weapons that
can even blast apart armoured vehicles. The prestige
such an army gains him is without match.

Almost as common as raiders, militia are invariably
drawn from the same section of the population when
recruiting drives are in operation but they do not
receive the benet of armour or much other military

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Military

Slaves developed by the Federation, they are capable of astonishing

Ranking below the militia in a Skinnie army are slaves, drawn speeds and are used as front line attack craft, relying on
from a pool of millions of alien races that have been raided agility to avoid incoming re. Two-seater versions mount a
throughout the years. Such is the population of slaves in some heavy weapons pintle in their rear hardpoint, enabling them
Skinnie settlements that many are bred for the sole purpose to engage an enemy in a strang run and then dispatch any
of entering the gladiatorial arena or battle. Though most survivors as they sweep past.
tribal leaders have the option of using slaves, many do not,
preferring instead to rely on troops that will not run at the rst Venerables
sign of danger or try to escape when sent on patrol. They are Regarded as the elite among Skinnie warriors, venerables are
armed very poorly and most are not expected to survive the drawn from the ranks of soldiers and the guard, individuals
confrontation into which they are sent. who have distinguished themselves in some way during
battle. Most are veterans of many ghts, hence the name, but
Soldiers a few are far younger, having gained their position by acts of
Similar to raiders in many respects, soldiers are professional incredible heroism or sacrice. Becoming a venerable is a
warriors in Skinnie society. They are therefore accorded a mark of distinction in Skinnie society and marks an individual
higher status with most tribal leaders and so eld better for greatness later on, be it as a potential leader of the tribe or
armour and weaponry. They are solid troops and are representative within the Council. Venerables have access to
certainly the equal to the Mobile Infantry in most battleeld the very latest in technology and sport highly advanced power
conditions. Though most have the standard issue constrictor suits with deadly weaponry. They have no real equivalent
ries used by raiders, squads also have access to a variety of within the Mobile Infantry.
heavy weaponry that enables the soldiers to engage almost
any enemy. Venerable Marauders
Used only by well-funded units of venerables, these Marauders
Speeder Chariots (dubbed this by SICON, in recognition of the role they serve
Crewed by soldiers, speeder chariots are small one and two in battle) are fast, well-armoured and carry a lethal array of
man fast attack craft. Utilising a technology that seems weaponry. They are used to ank enemy positions before
to replicate anti-gravity, a technique never successfully turning into an assault force that will crush any weakly held

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)




Doug Birtles (order #11026579)







Doug Birtles (order #11026579)







Doug Birtles (order #11026579)





Doug Birtles (order #11026579)



Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army List

This section gives you all the information you need Skinnie Champions
in order to recruit your own Skinnie army before blasting off In a Skinnie army every unit has a designated unit leader,
across the stars to join in with the war of the species. You will usually a renowned champion or other high-ranking
have a great deal of exibility in the forces you can commit to individual. They command the unit until they are removed as
battle many types of units are available from simple militia a casualty. Some units have the option of taking more than
through to the heavily armed venerables. It is up to you what one champion. In this case, the champion is the unit leader
kind of force you choose to eld. Do you want a simple lightly but should he die, another champion immediately steps up
armed reconnaissance force or a full army of bug-smashing, and becomes the overall unit leader. A Skinnie unit that loses
trooper-hurting Skinnie guard? This army list will guide you all of its champions falls out of command into Alert Status.
through the choices and options you can take. Either the leader of the army or a champion from another unit
(who will likely still be leading that unit!) can take command
Choosing a Skinnie Leader so long as all members are within its command range.
A Skinnie player can choose to eld many variations of an
army. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses which make Skinnie Command Range
some preferable for specic tasks or missions. Skinnie command range is the standard 6 unless the leader
of the army and all champions have been killed, in which case
Before choosing which troops will make up your army, you it becomes 3.
must choose what type of leader will command your army.
The type of leader you choose will affect the composition of
your entire Skinnie army, dictating which units are available Skinnie Alert Status Reactions
and in what quantity. You may only ever include one leader Skinnie models on Alert Status can use the Flee or Hide
in any Skinnie army. reactions in addition to the default Shoot reaction.

Once you have chosen which platoons to include in your army, Flee (special Skinnie Move reaction)
you can pick the individual units which will form the ghting Any Skinnie model on Alert Status can take a single Move
men and women you use in battle. You may only choose reaction when an enemy unit completes an action within 10.
units appropriate to your leader, as shown on pages 27-33. Turn the model around after moving to signify that it cannot
Certain other restrictions may apply, such as the minimum make any further reactions for the rest of the player turn.
or maximum number of squads of a certain type that can be Models that are readied can use a special movement mode
included in the army. when making a Flee reaction if desired.

The Priority Level will depend on the leader you have Hide (special Skinnie Ready
chosen. reaction)
Any Skinnie model on Alert Status can take a Hide reaction
when enemy models complete an action within 10. Lie the
SKINNIE SPECIAL RULES model on its side to show it is hiding. The model gains a +1
save bonus until the end of the player turn. This bonus applies
The following special rules apply to all Skinnies, regardless of
to any kind of dodge or armour save the model is called upon
the leader you choose.
to make. It is cumulative with any other save bonus, such as
that provided by cover and does not interfere with the models
Partially Exothermic ability to Shoot as a reaction. If the model chooses the Flee
Skinnies thrive in high temperatures but suffer badly in colder reaction, any save bonus gained from Hide is lost.
climes. Skinnie units do not lose a dodge save when targeted
by weapons with the Flame trait.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Skinnie Leaders

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
General 95 1 5 2xD6+2 5+ 4+/5+ 8+ Jump/12
Elite Guard 40 1 5 2xD6+1 4+ 4+/6+ 7+ Jump/12

Unit Size: The generals unit consists of the general and four elite guard.

Priority Level: An army led by a general may choose its Priority Level before the start of the game.

Unit Options: Up to ve extra elite guard may be purchased at a cost of +40 points each. Each guard may be bought up to +25
points of heroic traits.

Weapons/Equipment: The general has a light neural beamer and shock stick. The elite guard have boneshard ries and shock

Heroic Traits: The general may purchase up to 150 points of heroic traits.

Special Rules
A general is subject to the following special rules.

Improved Training: Every guard unit in the generals

army may re-roll one missed shooting or close combat
dice per action.

Tribal Army
An army led by a general may choose units from the
following list.

Brutes: Up to 1 unit.
Guard: Any number of units.
Militia and Raiders: Any number of units.
Raiders Speeder Bike and Heavy Speeder:
Total may not outnumber Raiders units.
Slaves: Up to 1 unit.
Soldiers: Up to 2 units per 1,000 points.
Venerables: Up to 1 unit if the army exceeds
1,000 points.
Venerable Marauder: Up to 1 unit per Venerables

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Skinnie Leaders
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Cabal Psychic 75 1 6 D6 3+ -/5+ 6+

Unit Size: A cabal consists of three cabal psychics.

Priority Level: An army led by a cabal has a Priority Level of 1.

Unit Options: Up to seven extra cabal psychics may be purchased at a

cost of +75 points each.

Weapons/Equipment: Shock sticks.

Special Rules
A cabal is subject to the following special rules.

Psychic Talent: Working together, members of the cabal can fuse their
minds in order to wield powerful psychic forces. This talent grants the
cabal a number of permanent effects, depending on how many cabal
psychics are within command range. These effects can never exceed the
maximum bonus shown, no matter how many cabal psychics are present.

Psychic Effect Bonus per Cabal Psychic Maximum Bonus

Battle Masters +1 Close Combat bonus +8
Resolute Leaders +1 Target/+1 Kill 7+/10+
Slippery Opponents +1 armour save 3+

Psychic Lightning: This is a powerful psychic attack, manifesting itself

as multi-hued energy charges streaming from the outstretched ngers of
cabal psychics. Only one cabal psychic may use it per action, as he calls on the mental energies of the other members. It is used
as a ranged weapon with the prole detailed below, depending on how many members of the cabal are within command range.

Cabal Psychics Range Damage Type Traits

1-3 15 3xD6+1 Innite Piercing/1
4-5 18 4xD6+1 Innite Piercing/2
6-8 24 5xD6+1 Innite Piercing/3
9-10 30 6xD6+1 Innite Killshot

Alternatively, psychic lightning can be focussed into a huge mega-blast designed to hammer the greatest of enemies, using the
prole below instead. At least 4 cabal psychics must be within command range to use this talent and it may not be used in the
same turn as the attacks described above.

Range Damage Type Traits

24 2xD10+D6 Internal Killshot

Tribal Army
An army led by a cabal may choose units from the following list.

Brutes: Any number.

Brute Tawn Riders: Any number.
Militia and Raiders: Up to 3 units total per 1,000 points.
Slaves: Any number.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Skinnie Leaders

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Skinnie Leaders
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Leader of Slaves 80 1 4 2xD6+1 4+ 5+/5+ 7+ Independent

Priority Level: An army led by a leader of slaves has a Priority Level of 2.

Weapons/Equipment: Constrictor pistol, disruptor glove.

Heroic Traits: The leader of slaves may purchase up to 100 points of heroic traits.

Special Rules
A leader of slaves is subject to the following special rules.

Im Spakartus: If the leader of slaves is killed while a friendly slave

model is within 3 of him, roll a dice. On a 2 or more, the slave leaps
forward and is killed by the attack instead. On a 1, the leader of slaves
is killed as normal.

Loyalty: All slave units in an army led by a leader of slaves ignore

the Bid for Escape special rule.

Only Human: The leader of slaves does not benet from the
Partially Exothermic special rule.

Regroup: If a slave fails a save and is removed from the table,

roll a D6. On a 4+, it may instead be placed within command
range of the leader of slaves at the end of the Skinnie players
next turn. The enemy only receives Mission Points for slaves
that are permanently removed from the table, not those that
manage to regroup in this fashion.

Tribal Army
An army led by a leader of slaves may choose
units from the following list.

Brutes: Total may not outnumber Slaves units.

Brute Tawn Riders: Up to 1 unit per 1,000
Militia and Raiders: Up to 1 unit total per 1,000 points.
Raiders Speeder Bike and Heavy Speeder: Total may not
outnumber Raiders units.
Slaves: Any number.
Soldiers: Up to 1 unit if the army exceeds 1,000 points.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Skinnie Leaders
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Lord 200 1 6 2xD10 5+ 3+/4+ 9+ Independent

Priority Level: An army led by a lord has a Priority Level of 3.

Weapons/Equipment: Advanced targeting array, boneshard rie, two disruptor gloves, a dual laser, and light neural

Heroic Traits: The lord may purchase up to 150 points of heroic traits.

Special Rules
A lord is subject to the following special rules.

Trophy Hunter: Any Independent or multi-Hit model killed by the Lord is worth a bonus number of Mission Points equal
to one half its points value.

Tribal Army
An army led by a lord
may choose units from the
following list.

Guard: Up to 1 unit total

per 1,000 points.
Militia and Raiders: Any
Raiders Speeder Bike
and Heavy Speeder:
Total may not outnumber
Raiders units.
Soldiers: Up to 1 unit
total per 1,000 points.
Venerables: Any
Venerable Marauder:
Up to 1 unit per Venerables

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Skinnie Leaders
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Tyrant 100 1 6 2xD6+1 5+ -/5+ 7+ Independent

Priority Level: An army led by a tyrant has a Priority Level of 2.

Weapons/Equipment: Harmonic shield, light neural beamer.

Heroic Traits: The tyrant may purchase up to 100 points of heroic traits.

Special Rules
A tyrant is subject to the following special rules.

Callous: The weak have no right to survive. The

rst unit in the tyrants army to be destroyed does
not grant any Mission Points to the enemy.

Dreadful Inspiration: The tyrants followers

will seek to do their utmost best if they believe
he is watching. Any unit with at least one model
in line of sight of the tyrant may re-roll any one
failed shooting or close combat roll, and one failed
armour or dodge save it is called upon to make.

Megalomaniac: The tyrant utterly dominates

his army but, by the same token, is also its weak
point. If the tyrant is killed, every Skinnie unit
has its command range reduced to 3, no matter
how many champions are still alive.

Personal Stronghold: The tyrant may take

double the normal number of Emplacements, as
shown on p56.

Tribal Army
An army led by a tyrant may choose units from
the following list.

Guard: Up to 1 unit per 1,000 points.

Militia and Raiders: Any number.
Raiders Speeder Bike and Heavy Speeder:
Total may not outnumber Raiders units.
Slaves: Up to 1 unit per 1,000 points.
Soldiers: Any number.
Venerables and Venerable Marauders: Up to 1
unit total if the army exceeds 1,000 points.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Skinnie Leaders
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Warchief 175 3 8 2xD10+2 6+ 5+ 10+ Hits/4

Priority Level: An army led by a warchief has a Priority Level of 2.

Weapons/Equipment: Shock lance.

Heroic Traits: The warchief may purchase up to 150 points of heroic traits.

Special Rules
A warchief is subject to the
following special rules.

Command Range: The

warchiefs command range is

Improved Ambush: Every raider

unit in the warchiefs army may
use the special Ambush rules.

War Cry: Every Skinnie unit with

at least one model in command
range of the warchief gains a +1
bonus to its Target score.

Tribal Army
An army led by a warchief may
choose units from the following

Brutes: Up to 1 unit per 1,000

Brute Tawn Riders: Up to 1 unit
per 1,000 points.
Militia and Raiders: Any
Raiders Speeder Bike and
Heavy Speeder: Up to 2 units
total per Raiders unit.
Slaves: Up to 1 unit per 1,000
Soldiers: Up to 1 unit per 1,000

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Brute 40 1 6 2xD6 5+ 6+/4+ 7+
Brute 15 1 6 2xD6 5+ 6+/5+ 7+

Unit Size: A brute unit consists of four brutes and a champion.

Weapons/Equipment: Each unit member is equipped with a disruptor glaive.

Special Rules
Brute units are subject to the following special

Berserkers: Brutes may not choose to Shoot

or Hide as a reaction. However, a brute model
may choose to Berserk Charge if an enemy
completes an action within 10. This is treated
as a normal Charge action.

Brute units may purchase the following

Veterans: Champions may be bought heroic

traits up to a total value of +25 points.

Unit Upgrades: Up to four brutes may be

upgraded to brute champions for +25 points
each. Up to ten extra brutes may be added to
the unit for +15 points each.

Weapon Options: Up to two models may

replace their disruptor glaive with one of the
weapon choices below:

* Mass Driver for +75 points.

* Constrictor Cannon for +30 points.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army


Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Brute Tawn 65 2 8 2xD10 6+ 5+ 8+ Hits/3
Rider Champion
Brute Tawn 40 2 8 2xD10 6+ 5+ 8+ Hits/2

Unit Size: A brute tawn rider unit consists of four brute tawn riders and a brute tawn rider champion.

Weapons/Equipment: Each unit member is equipped with a disruptor glaive.

Special Rules
Brute tawn rider units are subject to the following
special rules.

Berserkers: Brute tawn riders may not choose to

Shoot or Hide as a reaction. However, a brute tawn
rider model may choose to Berserk Charge if an enemy
completes an action within 10. This is treated as a
normal Charge action.

Brute tawn rider units may purchase the following

Veterans: Champions may be bought heroic traits up

to a total value of +25 points.

Unit Upgrades: Up to four brute tawn riders may be

upgraded to brute tawn rider champions for +25 points
each. Up to ve extra brute tawn riders may be added
to the unit for +40 points each.

Multihit Model Units

The main rulebook does a good job of describing how units act when their Multihit leader
is reduced to a single Hit (see Unit Command in the Basic Rules chapter). However, it is
worth looking at what happens when another model in an entire unit of Multihit models is
reduced to a single Hit and, therefore, can only take one action per turn.

Instead of the entire squad being forced to stay in command range of the wounded model,
they are free to use one of their actions to move away from it. This effectively takes the
wounded model out of command range, meaning he will drop to Alert Status for the rest
of the game (unless another unit moves close enough to cover him with their command
range, however briey).

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army


Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Guard 60 1 5 2xD6 4+ 4+/5+ 7+ Jump/12
Guard 35 1 5 2xD6 4+ 4+/6+ 7+ Jump/12

Unit Size: A guard unit consists of four guards and a guard champion.

Weapons/Equipment: Each unit member is equipped with a boneshard rie and shock stick.

Guard units may purchase the
following options.

Veterans: Guard champions

may be bought heroic traits up to
a total value of +50 points.

Unit Upgrades: Up to four

guards may be upgraded to guard
champions for +25 points each.
Up to ve extra guard may be
added to the unit for +25 points

Weapon Options: Up to
two models may replace their
boneshard rie with one of the
weapon choices below:

* Constrictor Cannon for

+20 points.
* Neural Beamer for +40

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army


Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Militia 45 1 5 D6 4+ 5+/5+ 6+
Militia 7 1 6 D6-1 3+ -/6+ 5+

Unit Size: A militia unit consists of nine militia and a militia champion.

Weapons/Equipment: Each militia is equipped with a constrictor rie. The militia champion is armed with
a constrictor pistol and shock stick.

Militia units may purchase the following options.

Veterans: The champion may be bought heroic traits

up to a total value of +25 points.

Unit Upgrades: Up to ten extra militia may be added

to the unit for +7 points each.

Weapon Options: The champion may replace its

constrictor pistol and shock stick with a constrictor
rie for +0 points. Up to two models may replace
their constrictor rie with one of the weapon choices

* Constrictor Cannon for +20 points.

* Neural Beamer for +40 points.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army


Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Raider 45 1 5 D6 4+ 5+/5+ 6+
Raider 20 1 5 D6 4+ 5+/6+ 6+

Unit Size: A raider unit consists of seven raiders and a raider champion.

Weapons/Equipment: Each squad member is equipped with a constrictor rie.

Special Rules
Raider units are subject to the following special rules.

Ambush: One raiders unit in every army is considered to comprise of veterans of many raids. It may be
concealed in an area of terrain outside the enemys deployment zone before the game begins. Write down the
location of the unit before any models are deployed on the table. You can reveal the ambush by placing the unit
on the table at any time. However, the unit must be revealed by the end of the air phase in turn three or be counted
as destroyed.

Raider squads may purchase the following

Veterans: Champions may be bought heroic

traits up to a total value of +25 points.

Unit Upgrades: Up to two raiders may be

upgraded to raider champions for +25 points
each. Up to ten extra raiders may be added to
the unit for +20 points each.

Weapon Options: Any model can replace its

constrictor pistol with:

* Boneshard pistol for +5 points per

* Light neural beamer for +10 points
per model.
* Phase beamer for +5 points per model.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army


Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Raiders Heavy 165 3 4 2xD10 5+ 4+/5+ 8+ Hits/3
Speeder Hover/18

Unit Size: Every raiders heavy speeder unit consists of one model.

Weapons/Equipment: Two constrictor cannon (FxF) and one mass driver (FxR).

Special Rules
Raiders heavy speeders are subject to the following special rules.

Lock and Load: Raiders heavy speeders can re three weapons in a Shoot action.

Unstable Weapons Platform: The constrictor cannon on the raiders heavy speeder have a maximum range of

Raider heavy speeders may purchase the following options.

Weapon Options: The mass driver may be replaced with a heavy laser for +30 points.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army


Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Raiders Speeder 90 2 4 2xD6 5+ 4+/5+ 7+ Hits/2
Bike Hover/18

Unit Size: Every raiders speeder bike unit consists of one model.

Weapons/Equipment: Two constrictor cannon (FxF).

Special Rules
Raiders speeder bikes are subject to the following special

Lock and Load: Raiders speeder bikes can

re two weapons in a Shoot action.

Unstable Weapons Platform: The

weapons on the raiders speeder bike
have a maximum range of 12.

Skinnie Leadership
Mobile Infantry units deployed within the Skinnie Quarantine Zone have reported a
certain tangible resilience within the command structure of the raiding forces they ght.
Though not on par with the colony-driven mind of the typical Arachnid, Skinnies seem
capable of accepting and receiving command of units within seconds of their leaders
suffering debilitating wounds. It is theorised that Skinnies must have some common
military training within the Hegemony, leading to the conclusion that they are drafted into
service rather than being a volunteer force.

Earths history demonstrates that conscripted armies can never be the equal of an all
volunteer force. SICON has concluded that Skinnies will never be a match for the Mobile

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Slave 30 1 4 2xD6 3+ 6+/6+ 6+
Slave 5 1 4 2xD6 3+ 6+ 5+

Unit Size: A slave unit consists of nine slaves and one slave champion.

Weapons/Equipment: Each squad member is equipped with a blast gun.

Special Rules
Slave units are subject to the following special rules.

Bid for Escape: If a slave model nds itself more than 24 from any Skinnie at the end of a either players
turn, roll a D6. On a 5 or more, it sees a chance of freedom and runs from the battleeld. Remove it as a
casualty immediately.

Only Human: Slaves do not benet from

the Partially Exothermic special rule.

Slave units may purchase the following

Veterans: Champions may be bought

heroic traits up to a total value of +25

Unit Upgrades: Up to four slaves may

be upgraded to slave champions for +25
points each. Up to ten extra slaves may
be added to the unit for +5 points each.

Weapon Options: Any model may

purchase a shock stick for +5 points or
a disruptor glaive for +10 points. One
model may replace his blast gun with one
of the weapon choices below:

* Mass Driver for +75 points.

* Constrictor Cannon for +30

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army


Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Soldier 45 1 5 D6 4+ 4+/5+ 7+
Soldier 20 1 5 D6 4+ 4+/6+ 7+

Unit Size: A soldier unit consists of four soldiers and a soldier champion.

Weapons/Equipment: Each unit member is equipped with a constrictor rie.

Guard squads may purchase the following options.

Veterans: Champions may be bought heroic traits up to a total value of +25 points.

Unit Upgrades: Up to four soldiers may be upgraded to soldier champions for +25 points each. Up to ten
extra soldiers may be added to the unit for +20 points each.

Weapon Options: Up to ve models may replace their constrictor rie with one of the weapon choices

* Constrictor Cannon for +20 points.

* Neural Beamer for +40 points.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army


Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Venerable 100 1 6 2xD6+1 5+ 3+/4+ 8+ Jump/12
Venerable 75 1 6 2xD6+1 5+ 3+/5+ 8+ Jump/12

Unit Size: A venerable unit consists of two venerables and a venerable leader.

Weapons/Equipment: Each unit member is equipped with an advanced targeting array, boneshard rie,
two disruptor gloves, a light neural beamer, and a light rocket launcher.

Special Rules
Venerable units are subject to the
following special rules.

Lock and Load: Venerables can re

two weapons in a Shoot action.

Venerable units may purchase the
following options.

Veterans: Champions may be bought

heroic traits up to a total value of +50

Unit Upgrades: Up to four venerables

may be upgraded to venerable
champions for +25 points each. Up to
seven extra venerables may be added
to the unit for +75 points each.

Weapon Options: Any model can

replace its light rocket launcher with
a dual laser for +10 points.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army


Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Venerable 220 3 8 D10 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/4
Marauder Jump/12

Unit Size: Every venerable marauder unit consists of one model.

Weapons/Equipment: A mass driver (FxF), a heavy laser (FxF), a dual laser, and an harmonic shield.

Special Rules
Venerable marauders are subject to the
following special rules.

Lock and Load: Venerable marauders

can re two weapons in a Shoot action.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army
Before he was freed from the bondage of the Arachnids and their control bugs by the Roughnecks, TPhai enjoyed an elevated
status within the Hegemony and commanded a sizeable military force. Bearing a rank that roughly equates to a colonel in the
Mobile Infantry, this now famous Skinnie was responsible for successfully launching raids on a dozen Federation colonies,
greatly adding to his stock of slaves.

A keen attendee of the gladiatorial arenas on Tophet, TPhai refused to dirty his own hands with combat outside of a bona de
war, regarding his peers with disgust as they toyed with slaves for the adulation of the crowd. However, he had a ne eye for a
good slave and became quite wealthy through gambling on the successful outcome of matches.

This changed when the Arachnids entered Hegemony space,

attacking several worlds with lightning speed. TPhai and his
raiders were enslaved by the use of control bugs and forced to
toil in their planets mines. When freed by the Roughnecks,
TPhai could not bear the shame of having been so successfully
subjugated by his enemy and so he ed the Hegemony to
eventually join the Roughnecks, leaving behind a bride and
their children.

Using TPhai
TPhai was a popular leader who refused to squander the
troops under his command like many other Skinnie leaders.
He was adept at creating ambushes and though his name was
not known to the Federation before he joined the Roughnecks,
his exploits certainly were.

You can use TPhai as the leader of a Skinnie force, using the
rules below.


Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Colonel TPhai 95 1 6 D6 4+ 4+/4+ 7+ Jump/13

Priority Level: An army led by TPhai has a Priority Level of 1.

Weapons/Equipment: Constrictor rie, harmonic shield.

Heroic Traits: TPhai has the Fast Mover and Pathnder Heroic Traits (see main rulebook).

Special Rules
TPhai is subject to the following special rules.

Command Range: TPhais command range is 12

Improved Ambush: Every raider unit in TPhais army may use the special Ambush rules.

Tribal Army
An army led by TPhai may choose units from the following list.

Militia and Raiders: Any number.

Raiders Speeder Bike and Heavy Speeder: Up to 1 unit per Raiders unit.
Slaves: Any number.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army
Skinnie forces range throughout the galaxy, seeking new resources and slaves to fuel their ever-growing Hegemony. Their
lightning strikes and stealthy spacecraft allow them to operate almost with impunity but sometimes a Skinnie leader nds he
has bitten off more than he can chew. Occasionally, an alien world that has been raided in the past will fall to the Arachnids,
and the next Skinnie leader that fancies his chances of an easy raid may suddenly nd roles are reversed as his raiding force is
ambushed by waves of bugs.

Skinnie Brieng
Rich pickings were promised to you on this world, but trust a Venerable to get it wrong this is the last time you will take his
advice. Instead of lowly Cirricans lying helpless before your troops, Arachnids are rising out of the ground and closing on your
landing party. You must ght for your very survival!

You have 1,500 points which may be spent on any Skinnie forces. You may not select a Lord or brain bug as a leader.
You deploy rst.
You may choose to take the rst or second turn.

Arachnids Brieng
This world has proved to be truly bountiful! First you assimilated a weak race that had no right to survive in this galaxy, and
now newcomers have landed. Slaughter them, but remember to capture at least one alive so you can suck their brains dry and
nd out where they came from!

You have 1,500 points which may be spent on an Arachnid force at Priority Level 2. You must include a single brain
You must select the Endless Tide option for warrior bugs.
No tunnel entrances may be deployed in the Skinnies deployment zone.
Up to half your units may be kept in reserve and brought in from any table edge detailed on the map as belonging to

Scenario Length
The battle will continue for
six turns or until one army
has been completely wiped

Victory Conditions
Mission points are used to
calculate the victor of this
mission. Both sides earn half
the value of every enemy unit
reduced below half strength.
Both sides earn the value of
every enemy unit wiped out.
The Skinnie player loses 50
points for every Arachnid
model in his deployment
zone at the end of the battle.
He gains a +250 point
bonus if there is at least one
Skinnie unit in the Arachnid
deployment zone with no
Arachnid models within

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
The Skinnie Army
Skinnie raiders have been detected around a Federation colony and the civilians are panicking, fearing they will be carried
away to some far off world in the Hegemony for a short life of terror and violence. Fortunately, a single Mobile Infantry
platoon has been garrisoned on this world for just such an eventuality. Dispersing his squads, the Lieutenant scours the
surrounding wilderness in an effort to root out the raiders.

Mobile Infantry Brieng

The civvies call for aid and the Mobile Infantry responds! This is a dreadful world to ght on, as there are a million places
the Skinnies might be hiding. Your squad has been detailed to sweep through the sector and deal with any alien resistance

You have one squad (power suit or light armour) with which you may spend up to 400 points on troopers and
You may not use drop capsules or WASP packs.
You take the rst turn, moving on from any one table edge of your choice.

Skinnies Brieng
Your force managed to land on this Federation world without hindrance but the accursed Mobile Infantry seems to have
detected your approach. Spreading out, you wait in ambush, determined to wipe out these human soldiers before sweeping
into the colony and taking your pick of slaves.

You have three units of raiders, each with 2 champions. You may replace any number of constrictor ries with phase
beamers or boneshard pistols.
You may place terrain on the table as you see t the more, the better!
All three raiders units will use their Ambush special rules. Pick a piece of terrain for each unit and secretly note it
down. Each unit must be at least 18 from the other two.
You are not required to reveal your units by the end of turn three as normal. However, you must reveal them if
any Mobile infantry
model moves within
6 of the terrain piece
they are hiding in.
Otherwise, you are
free to reveal them
whenever you wish.

Scenario Length
The battle will continue until
one army has been completely
wiped out.

Victory Conditions
The victor will be the army
that has models left on the
board after its last enemy has
been destroyed.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Weapons & Equipment

Squad Weapons
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Blast Gun 12 2xD6 Squad
Boneshard Pistol 15 2xD6 Innite Multihit
Boneshard Rie 24 2xD6+1 Innite Multihit
Constrictor Pistol 12 D6 Innite Piercing/2
Constrictor Rie 18 D6 Innite Piercing/2
Light Neural Beamer 8 D6 Innite
LZ (Stream)

Blast Gun Boneshard Pistol

Similar in principle to the shotguns of the Federation but using Firing tiny slithers of toxic darts, the ammunition for the
exotic Skinnie reactive shells, the blast gun is of limited use on boneshard pistol is grown organically and impregnated
the modern battleeld. Generally conned to the gladiatorial with a lethal molecular acid. Though not especially
arena, where its ashy effects and smoke are appreciated, the long-ranged, these weapons are manufactured by most
blast gun is only given to slaves herded into battle. tribes, giving birth to a wide variety of designs. The
efciency of the pistol itself is widely recognised
among SICON intelligence agents as it has the power
to blast its projectiles through weak points within a
troopers power suit. Once in contact with his skin,
the trooper will succumb to the darts acids within

Boneshard Rifle
Identical in concept to the boneshard pistol, this rie
is considerably more powerful in terms of range, re
rate and penetrative force. A longer barrel with more
conductor nodes provide the motive power to re
shards over greater distances, with amazing accuracy.
The rie uses the same acidic ammunition as the pistol
but can deal serious damage to even a tanker bug or
Marauder pilot.

Boneshard Pistol

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Weapons & Equipment

Boneshard Rifle

Constrictor Pistol Constrictor Rifle

A smaller version of the rie, the constrictor pistol uses the The classic Skinnie weapon and the scourge of Federation
same ammunition but cannot discharge the plasmatic coils as colony worlds, the constrictor rie can be used to either
fast as the larger weapon, limiting its range of targets on the capture live victims or be red with lethal effect. The
battleeld. The constrictor pistol will not affect any target of plasmatic coils red by this weapon react violently to matter
Size 2 or greater. and a solid hit will leave a victim covered in a semi-liquid
mass that immediately constricts, rendering him immobile or
crushing him. Constrictor ries will not affect any target of
Size 3 or greater.

Light Neural Beamer

Though lacking any great range, the light neural beamer is
one of the most powerful weapons built within the Hegemony
and is favoured by many of its military leaders. Projecting
disruptive psychic waves that can scramble even the organic
neural circuits used by thinking machines of the Federation,
the light neural beamer will literally blast the brains of its
targets. The light neural beamer will not affect structures or
Constrictor Pistol

Constrictor Rifle

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Weapons & Equipment

Light Neural Beamer

Phase Beamer

Disruptor Glaive When red, this weapon creates a very narrow arc of agitated
Constructed from an alloy known only to the Skinnies, the particles drawn from the surrounding environment which
disruptor glaive channels an energy eld across its blade that literally ay a victim of its armour, reducing it to bare bone or
can literally blast the atoms of a target apart. The disruptor smoking circuits in seconds.
glaive is an unwieldy weapon, relatively primitive by the
standards of the Hegemony and so is usually only employed Shock Lance
by brutes who have the muscular stature to use it effectively. Based on the same technology as a shock stick, the lance is
designed to be used at speed, combining momentum with an
Disruptor Glove energy discharge that can crack the toughest armour plating.
Similar to the much larger glaive, the technology has been The shock lance may only be used if the model travels at least
much rened in the disruptor glove, leading to a smaller and 6 in a straight line during a Charge action.
more intuitively used glove that mirrors the movements of the
users own hand. If two disruptor gloves are used by the same Shock Stick
model, one close combat dice may be re-rolled. More elaborate than the tools used occasionally by the Mobile
Infantry, the Skinnie shock stick is no better than its human
Phase Beamer equivalent, though its wielders are often better trained in its
A very short-ranged pistol, the phase beamer is a difcult use.
weapon to use but highly effective against the right targets.

Shock Stick

Close Combat Weapons

Name Range Damage Type Traits
Disruptor Glaive Close combat As user +2 Piercing/2
Disruptor Glove Close combat As user +2 Piercing/2
Phase Beamer Close combat As user Killshot
Shock Lance Close Combat As user +3 Piercing/3
Shock Stick Close combat As user

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Weapons & Equipment
Support Weapons
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Constrictor Cannon 30 2xD6+2 Innite
Dual Laser 15 2xD10 Pack Auto
LZ (Stream)
Heavy Laser 60 D10+3 Pack
Light Rocket Launcher 20 6xD6 Pack AA
Mass Driver 24 3xD10+2 Pack
Neural Beamer 30 D6 Innite
LZ (Stream)

Constrictor Cannon Heavy Laser

The ultimate evolution of constrictor technology, the cannon The process of rening Skinnie laser technology has led to
has massive power reserves and a rapid re capability that can this weapon, noted for being the most advanced land-based
prove highly effective against numerous enemies. In addition, laser system known to the Federation. Recovered examples
it throws out enough plasmatic coils to bring down even a are eagerly sought after battle and SICON scientists have yet
Marauder. The constrictor cannon will not affect any target to deduce just how the Skinnies can maintain the focus of such
of Size 4 or greater. a powerful beam over the effective range of the weapon.

Dual Laser Light Rocket Launcher

Unlike the experimental weaponry of the Federation, Skinnies Tied into a venerable suits advanced targeting matrix, the light
have highly focussed laser technology. The dual laser, usually rocket launcher unleashes a hail of high-yield but unguided
found mounted on the shoulder of a venerable, res high- warheads at a target.
powered bursts of laser light in rapid succession, each salvo
capable of punching through the thickest armour.

Constrictor Cannon

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Weapons & Equipment
Mass Driver Neural Beamer
Using electromagnetic principles to eject heavy matter at With power reserves far outweighing those of the light neural
incredible speeds, the mass driver is a huge weapon normally beamer, this support weapon is truly lethal, able to wipe out
only found on vehicles and small emplacements. Only brutes vast swathes of oncoming enemies. Even those who survive a
are strong enough to carry one into battle and they eagerly direct hit from a neural beamer tend to be so agonised by the
trade with more advanced tribes for the technology. experience, they are rarely left completely unscathed. The
neural beamer will not affect structures or emplacements.

Mass Driver

Neural Beamer


Advanced Targeting Array Harmonic Shield
Used almost exclusively by venerables, this targeting array is Utilising advanced Skinnie eld technologies, the harmonic
a shoulder mounted device that automatically feeds tactical shield distorts space and time in a very limited space around
information into the Skinnies power suit via a neural link tuned the user, interrupting incoming re and diverting its course
to his own brain. This provides him with deadly accuracy. A around him. Whenever the model is targeted by an attack, roll
unit with at least one array may re-roll one missed shooting 1D10. If the roll equals or exceeds the damage of the attack,
dice for every array present within the unit. Weapons with the the model will be completely unaffected by the attack. This
Accurate trait may not be re-rolled. does not affect any saves the model may have.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Heroic Traits

The average Skinnie is a pale imitation of
the Mobile Infantry trooper, lacking both training
and equipment. However, there are many Skinnies
within the Hegemonys military forces who possess
a great deal of experience of battle, whether earned
on alien systems light years away or the gladiatorial
arenas common on most Skinnie worlds.

All Skinnie heroic traits are considered to be


Any heroic trait marked with an exclamation mark

(!) may only be used once per battle.

The traits in this section are only available to Skinnie

armies and replace those in the main rulebook.

Agile! (+20 points)

With reexes honed in the arena, the model may gain
a +2 bonus to any dodge saves it has to make. This
may only be done once per game but lasts for the
entire turn in which it is declared. Agile! must be
declared before any dice are rolled for dodge saves.

Climber (+10 points)

Having grown up in a mountainous area or one
with many cliffs, the model gains the Climb special
movement mode, at a distance equal to its basic

Crack Shot (+50 points)

The model is trained to shoot with pinpoint accuracy. So long
Dacon Hound (+15 points)
A hunter by profession or in its spare time, the model has
as it does not move in the same turn as it shoots, the model
befriended a dacon hound, a reptilian creature that will serve
gains a +1 bonus to any Piercing trait possessed by its ranged
it faithfully and ght by its side. The dacon hound may never
weapon. If the ranged weapon does not have a Piercing trait,
be moved more than 6 away from the model and uses the
it gains Piercing/1
prole below.

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Dacon Hound 15 1 8 2xD6+1 4+ 5+/4+ 5+ Hits/2

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Heroic Traits
Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Slave 5 1 4 2xD6 3+ 6+ 6+

Devoted Slave (+10 points) Increased Constrictor Coverage

Whether through fear or good favour, the model has a slave (+25 points)
in its possession that will remain loyal, even in battle. This The model is adept at using constrictor-based weaponry to
slave may never be moved more than 6 away from the model best effect. The Size of models affected by its constrictor
and uses the prole below. The slave does not benet from weapon is increased by +1.
the Partially Exothermic special rule and is armed with a blast
gun. The slave may be purchased a shock stick for +5 points
or a disruptor glaive for +10 points. These points must come Loner (+25 points)
from the models heroic traits allowance. Used to ghting alone, the model avoids grouping itself with
other Skinnies in battle. It gains the Independent trait.

Dive for Cover (+15 points) Orbital Support! (+100 points)

Adept at using the tiniest scrap of cover for shielding itself Skinnie spacecraft rarely stay in place long enough to aid a
from enemy re, the model gains a +2 save bonus when using battle by bombarding the surface but the model has sufcient
the Hide reaction. clout with a ships captain for him to make one targeted attack
with an advanced anti-shipping missile. Once per game, the
model may call upon this orbital support as a Ready action.
Disruptor Glove (+25 points) This is treated as an artillery re attack with the following
A relic from its days in the arena, the model has kept the prole.
disruptor glove it earned during its duelling. The model gains
the full use of the disruptor glove, as detailed on p50. This
trait may be bought twice for the same model, allowing it to
carry two disruptor gloves into battle.

Extended Jump (+25 points)

Having been trained in extracting every last ounce of power
from its jump pack, the model may extend its Jump trait and
that of all models in its unit by +50%.

Gladiator Champion (+25 points)

The model is used to ghting a single opponent to great effect.
Whenever it concentrates all its close combat dice against a
single enemy, the models close combat attacks gain the
Multihit trait.

Harmonic Shield (+25 points)

Whether through theft or great wealth, this model has gained
the use of an Harmonic Shield. The details of this equipment
can be found on p52.

Hit and Run! (+25 points)

Adapting the ambush tactics used by many Skinnies, this
model and all models within its unit may make a 4 movement
in any direction immediately after making a shooting attack.
This is considered to be part of the Shoot action. Hit and Run
may only be used once per game.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Heroic Traits
Name Range Damage Type Traits Throwback (+100 points)
Flame Though the model may try to hide any telltale signs, it has
Orbital a great deal of brute blood owing in its veins. Increase the
120 3xD10+3 One-Shot! LZ (4)
Support models Target and Skill scores by one and add another Close
Combat dice (including any default bonuses). In addition, its
dodge save become one better.
Psychic Throwback (+50 points)
Whereas most throwbacks possess the physical characteristics
of brutes, this model has gained a limited psychic ability Vital Strike! (+10 points)
normally found among cabals. As a Shoot action, the model This model is adept at judging an opponent and striking with
can summon psychic lightning to hurl at enemies, using the devastating effect. Once per game, the model may add a +1
prole below. bonus to all of its close combat dice.

Name Range Damage Type Traits

15 3xD6+1 Innite Piercing/1

Skilled Warrior (+15 points)

Scarred from a hundred duels in the arena, there
are few enemies that can best this model in close
combat. It gains the Parry trait.

Sharpshooter (+25 points)

The model rarely misses when he takes the time
to aim. So long as it is readied, the model gains
the Accurate trait to any shooting attacks made in
its next Shoot action.

Steadfast (+10 points)

There is little that daunts this veteran warrior. It
may choose to not inch if ever forced to do so.

Stealthy (+25 points)

An expert of ambushes, this model, and all models
within its units, will not trigger any Alert Status
reactions in the rst turn of the game.

Tactical Ambush (+100

Having spent a great deal of time ghting
alongside veteran raiders, the model has learned
the principles of ambush warfare. The model
can choose one unit in the Skinnie army that has
no model above Size 1, and grant it the Ambush
special rules used by Raider units on p38.

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)

Though not used by raiding forces, emplacements are Outpost Wall Sections and
greatly valued within Skinnie colonies and often allow them Platforms
to defend against much tougher threats from the Federation or By using Outpost Wall Sections and Platforms, you can
Arachnids. A few tactically placed emplacements can often construct an entire Skinnie outpost, ready for defence against
make the difference between victory and loss in a battle. the Federation or other alien forces! A Wall Section can be
anything up to 6 high and 10 wide, and may have a ledge at
Using Emplacements the top for defenders to stand and re from.
Emplacements are universally available to Skinnie forces
they are not restricted by the type of leader you choose for A Platform is any building connected to one or more Wall
your force. With the many benets troops gain by occupying Sections that measures no more than 8 high and 10 wide.
an emplacement, structures can become a valuable or even The Platform may or may not have a roof and it can hold 8
indispensable asset for a Skinnie force, especially if a Hold Size points of models (maximum individual model Size of 2,
mission is called for. granting a +2 cover bonus to their armour save). Platforms
can be stacked to create multi-storey buildings.
If a Skinnie force chooses any emplacements, it may only
deploy them if using Defend tactics for the engagement. Weapon Emplacement: These are armoured turrets, complete
with crew encased in a sealed environment. With complex
Emplacements List targeting systems, a weapons emplacement can sweep the
surrounding area for threats, designate those that pose the most
0-2 Bunkers per platoon, for 80 points each. danger, and direct a stream of re across the defence network
of an entire outpost.
0-6 Outpost Wall Sections for 25 points each.
Skinnie Structures & Emplacements
0-4 Outpost Platforms for 40 points each. Name Size Target Kill Hits
Bunker 6 8+ 12+ 9
0-5 Weapon Emplacements, armed with a Constrictor Cannon Outpost Wall Section 4 8+ 10+ 6
for 100 points each.
Outpost Platform 6 8+ 10+ 9
* Replace Constrictor Cannon with Heavy Laser at +90 Weapon Emplacement 4 8+ 10+ 6
* Replace Constrictor Cannon with Mass
Driver at +50 points.
* Replace Constrictor Cannon with Neural
Beamer at +20 points.

Skinnie Emplacements
A Bunker is an armoured building measuring no
more than 6 along any one side and up to 4 in
height. No more than 10 Size points of models
can occupy a bunker (maximum individual model
Size of 2), gaining a +3 cover bonus to their armour

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Arachnid Control

The first Skinnies encountered by the Mobile Infantry Weapons/Equipment: None.
were under the sway of the Arachnids, whole legions of
them directed by control bugs. This was not the last time Special Rules
that Arachnids were able to successfully dominate an entire Brain bugs are subject to the following special rules.
Skinnie colony, as the fragmented nature of the Hegemony
often makes a comprehensive defence of several systems Big, Fat, Smart Bug: Brain bugs may take control of out of
difcult to co-ordinate. command Arachnid and Skinnie models within their command
range. When doing so, the species of Arachnid does not matter
This army list allows you to combine your existing Arachnid a brain bug can command tanker and plasma bugs as easily
models with the latest Skinnie releases, so you can get the new as it can warriors.
aliens onto the tabletop in double quick time! An Arachnid-
controlled Skinnie army uses all the rules presented in this Brain Suck: If a brain bug survives to the end of the game,
army book, but features a brain bug as its leader. you can see if any enemy models that have been removed as
close combat casualties (for any reason) are in fact prisoners
at the end of the game. Roll D6 for every casualty removed
in close combat only one roll is made, no matter how many
ARACHNID-CONTROLLED SKINNIES brain bugs are in the force. On a roll of 6, that casualty is a
By choosing a brain bug as a leader for a Skinnie army, you prisoner and will get his brain sucked. You score a bonus +10
may use the special rules presented here. mission points for every prisoner brain-sucked. Obviously
non-organic units missiles and CHAS cybernauts, for
Partially Exothermic: This only applies to units that example cannot be brain-sucked.
appear in the Skinnies Army Book, not those presented in the
Arachnid Army Book. Colony Mind: If a brain bug is removed as a casualty, all
Arachnid and Skinnie units are thrown into confusion. Until
Command: All Skinnie units in this army follow the Arachnid the end of your next turn, no Arachnid or Skinnie units are
command rules, allowing any model in a unit to act as the unit considered to be on Alert Status and they may only perform
leader during an action. The command range for this army is one action, rather than the usual two.
always 6.
Co-ordinate: Each brain bug in a force generates a bonus
Reactions: Models in this army can use the Arachnid action for your force during your turn. This action can be used
Alarm Screech and Countercharge reactions, as well as the by any one Arachnid or Skinnie unit on the tabletop during the
Shoot reaction. They may not use the Skinnie Flee or Hide turn, enabling that unit to complete a total of three actions in
reactions. one player turn. The brain does not need to do anything special
to generate the action; its mere presence is sufcient, even if
Unit Size: Brain Bugs are independent models. it is underground. Once the brain bug is wounded (reduced
to one hit) or removed as a casualty, Co-ordinate no longer
Priority Level: An army led by a brain bug has a Priority
Level of 3.


Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Brain Bug 300 3 6 D6+3 4+ 4+ 8+ Hits/8

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Arachnid Control
applies. Each unit may only benet from one bonus action per Entrances, Camouaged Tunnel Entrances, Nest Entrances
turn no matter how many brain bugs are on the table. and Bug Central when underground (they do not randomly to
determine their direction when moving underground). Brain
Entourage: Brain bugs are physically weak and are attended bugs can only enter or exit the tunnel network at an existing
at all times by an entourage of chariot bugs. However, as the tunnel entrance; they cannot create their own.
brain bug is hit, more and more of its entourage die until the
Brain bug is left crawling along completely alone. Every hit
the Brain bug takes affects its characteristics in the following TRIBAL ARMY
manner: An army led by a brain bug may choose units from the
following list.
-1" Move (to a minimum Move of 1).
-1 Close Combat (to a minimum Close Combat of Blister/Blaster Bugs: Up to 1 unit.
D6+0). Brutes: Any number.
Brute Tawn Riders: Up to 1 unit per Brute unit.
Flinch: Brain bugs, for all their formidable presence and Cliff Mites: Any number.
powers, are very conscious of their own vulnerability. As Control Bugs: Up to 10 per 1,000 points.
such, unlike other models with the Hits trait, brain bugs do Guard and Soldiers: Up to 1 unit total per 1,000 points.
not ignore the inching rules. Hopper and Rippler Bugs: Up to 1 unit total.
Militia and Raiders: Any number.
Special Talents: The brain bugs value includes up to 150 Slaves: Any number.
points of Arachnid Talents (see the Arachnid Army Book, page Tanker Bug: Up to 1.
56). A brain bug cannot use special talents against models on Tunnel Entrances: Up to 2 per 1,000 points.
the surface while it is underground and vice versa. Tunnel Markers: Any number.
Warrior Bugs: Any number (may use Workers & Warriors
Subterranean: Although Brains lack a tunnelling movement option).
speed, they may move toward other Tunnelling Markers, Tunnel


Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Skinnie Reference Guide

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
General 95 1 5 2xD6+2 5+ 4+/5+ 8+ Jump/12
Elite Guard 40 1 5 2xD6+1 4+ 4+/6+ 7+ Jump/12

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Cabal Psychic 75 1 6 D6 3+ -/5+ 6+

Leader of Slaves
Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Leader of Slaves 80 1 4 2xD6+1 4+ 5+/5+ 7+ Independent

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Lord 200 1 6 2xD10 5+ 3+/4+ 9+ Independent

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Tyrant 100 1 6 2xD6+1 5+ -/5+ 7+ Independent

Type Value Size Move Close Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Warchief 175 3 8 2xD10+2 6+ 5+ 10+ Hits/4

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Skinnie Reference Guide

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Brute Champion 40 1 6 2xD6 5+ 6+/4+ 7+

Brute 15 1 6 2xD6 5+ 6+/5+ 7+

Brute Tawn Riders

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Brute Tawn Rider 65 2 8 2xD10 6+ 5+ 8+ Hits/3
Brute Tawn Rider 40 2 8 2xD10 6+ 5+ 8+ Hits/2

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Guard Champion 60 1 5 2xD6 4+ 4+/5+ 7+ Jump/12
Guard 35 1 5 2xD6 4+ 4+/6+ 7+ Jump/12

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Militia Champion 45 1 5 D6 4+ 5+/5+ 6+
Militia 7 1 6 D6-1 3+ -/6+ 5+

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Raider Champion 45 1 5 D6 4+ 5+/5+ 6+
Raider 20 1 5 D6 4+ 5+/6+ 6+

Raiders Heavy Speeder

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Raiders Heavy Speeder 165 3 4 2xD10 5+ 4+/5+ 8+ Hits/3

Raiders Speeder Bike

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Raiders Speeder Bike 90 2 4 2xD6 5+ 4+/5+ 7+ Hits/2

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Skinnie Reference Guide

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Slave Champion 30 1 4 2xD6 3+ 6+/6+ 6+
Slave 5 1 4 2xD6 3+ 6+ 5+

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Soldier Champion 45 1 5 D6 4+ 4+/5+ 7+
Soldier 20 1 5 D6 4+ 4+/6+ 7+

Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Venerable Champion 100 1 6 2xD6+1 5+ 3+/4+ 8+ Jump/12
Venerable 75 1 6 2xD6+1 5+ 3+/5+ 8+ Jump/12

Venerable Marauder
Type Value Size Move Combat Target Save Kill Traits
Venerable Marauder 220 3 8 D10 6+ 3+ 9+ Hits/4

Squad Weapons
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Blast Gun 12 2xD6 Squad
Boneshard Pistol 15 2xD6 Innite Multihit
Boneshard Rie 24 2xD6+1 Innite Multihit
Constrictor Pistol 12 D6 Innite Piercing/2
Constrictor Rie 18 D6 Innite Piercing/2
Light Neural Beamer 8 D6 Innite
LZ (Stream)

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Skinnie Reference Guide

Close Combat Weapons

Name Range Damage Type Traits
Disruptor Glaive Close combat As user +2 Piercing/2
Disruptor Glove Close combat As user +2 Piercing/2
Phase Beamer Close combat As user Killshot
Shock Lance Close Combat As user +3 Piercing/3
Shock Stick Close combat As user

Support Weapons
Name Range Damage Type Traits
Constrictor Cannon 30 2xD6+2 Innite
Dual Laser 15 2xD10 Pack Auto
LZ (Stream)
Heavy Laser 60 D10+3 Pack
Light Rocket Launcher 20 6xD6 Pack AA
Mass Driver 24 3xD10+2 Pack
Neural Beamer 30 D6 Innite
LZ (Stream)

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Do You Want To Know More?

If you have enjoyed reading about the Mobile Infantry and using them in battle, then you will be
interested to learn more about Starship Troopersthere is an entire galaxy out there!


The best trained troopers within the Mobile Infantry, it is the role of the Pathnders to accept and
complete the most hazardous missions in any war zone. Equipped with the advanced M-1A6 power suit
and trained to take the ght to the Arachnids, Pathnder platoons can be found in every campaign. With
squads having easy access to specialists and advanced weaponry, the Pathnders represent the pinnacle
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This is a supplement for Starship Troopers: Pathfinders Army Book
The Miniatures Game MGP9107 $14.95/10.00


Within the pages of this book you will nd loads of handy hints on how to make and paint our exciting
range of Starship Troopers miniatures. There are also tips on constructing scenery to make your games
really look like they are taking place on another planet.
This is a supplement for Starship Starship Troopers Modelling & Painting Guide
Troopers: The Miniatures Game MGP9108 $9.95/5.00


Featured on recruitment adverts throughout the Federation, the Roughnecks have grown into a legend.
From their rst encounter with the Arachnids on Pluto to the Klendathu Invasion and beyond, the men
and women of the Roughnecks have defended the Federation with their lives. Always at the centre of
a campaign, the Roughnecks are a veteran unit of the Mobile Infantry. The command squad, including
Rico, Dizzy, Jenkins and their allies, contains some of the toughest and most experienced troopers
found on any battleeld.
This is a supplement for Starship Troopers: Roughnecks Army Book
The Miniatures Game MGP9105 $12.95/8.00


This book details the invasion of Klendathu by the Mobile Infantry in an attempt to bring about a quick
resolution to the Arachnid War. Introducing the Light Armour Troopers, this book contains a detailed
list for the Federation army that made its rst appearance in this ill-fated campaign.

This is a supplement for Starship Troopers: The Klendathu Invasion

The Miniatures Game MGP9103 $14.95/10.00

Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Do You Want To Know More?



Doug Birtles (order #11026579)
Doug Birtles (order #11026579)

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