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Offshore Facilities

In the relentless quest for reserves replacement, global upstream oil and gas opera- Ian G. Ball, SPE, Subsea Domain Ltd.,
tors continue their migration into deeper waters. The latest generation of subsea was retained by Reliance Industries,
production facilities is widely applicable with confidence when specified correctly. Bombay, as Senior Advisor for deepwa-
However, selecting the optimum associated surface-processing facilities, and how ter challenges to open the KG basin off
best to link them to the subsea system, generally requires a more location-specific
deliberation. the east coast of India. Previously, he
was with Shell where he specialized in
While field developments in established deepwater provinces such as the Gulf of deepwater subsea and floating produc-
Mexico, Brazil, and west Africa continue to expand, new deepwater regions such tion, storage, and offloading field devel-
as in Southeast Asia and the Bay of Bengal off the east coast of India are being opment with assignments in Norway,
opened. However, even the well-established structural-design standards evolved
UK, and US Gulf of Mexico. Ball also
by the industry for the Gulf of Mexico were recently shown by hurricanes Katrina
and Rita to need a further overhaul in the way they are applied. had assignments in The Netherlands and
Brunei. He earned a BS degree in elec-
An unprecedented scarcity of equipment and resources suitable for deepwater trical engineering from the University
drilling and construction also has driven up the unit costs and project durations of Manchester Institute of Science and
sharply for deepwater developments in recent times. Technology. Ball cochaired the 2008 and
All these factors have, collectively, encouraged the industry to seek and qualify an 2009 SPE Annual Technical Conference
expanded and more flexible range of modular and integrated field-development and Exhibition Program Committees,
solutions that can be optimized and applied more quickly in a reliable and cost- and he serves on the SPE Executive
effective manner for the wider spectrum of deepwater challenges ahead. Among Advisory Committee and on the JPT
the most notable is the industrys first floating-drilling, -production, -storage, and Editorial Committee.
-offloading-based system that went into operation in deep water offshore west
Africa during the past year.

These innovative floating and subsea deepwater solutions, when demonstrated

by analyses and tests to be truly fit for purpose, are, however, only of meaningful
value if upstream operators respond proactively with practical ways to apply them
in the field quickly and confidently. JPT

Offshore Facilities additional reading available

at OnePetro:

OTC 19929 The Greater-Plutonio Riser Tower by Daniel de la Cruz,

BP, et al.

OTC 19857 Tahiti Spar as a Wet-Tree Concept by P. Griffin, Chevron,

et al.

SPE 124158 Northwest Hutton: Decommissioning the UK North Seas

First Large Platform With a Fixed Steel Jacket: Topside Removal
by Chris R. Farrow, BP, et al.



Offshore-Pipeline and -Riser IntegrityThe Big Issues

The dominant corrosion and integrity at the engineering stage by compliance Problems usually are associated with
issues affecting offshore rigid and flex- with design guidelines. the following.
ible pipelines and risers in the North Compared to rigid pipelines, the Areas of localized corrosion caused
Sea were examined. For many aging operational experience of flexible pipes by a lack of corrosion-inhibitor avail-
rigid pipelines, extension of life beyond is relatively limited. The complex com- ability or systemic underdosing (oil
the design criteria is increasingly com- posite nature of flexible-pipe construc- and gas)
mon, and the increasingly dominant tion means that there is a large range Underscale or underdeposit corro-
integrity issues are associated with of failure modes that occur in service. sion (oil)
internal and external corrosion. The A key conclusion from various studies Preferential weld corrosion (oil and
use of flexible pipes is increasing expo- was that although there was a spread gas)
nentially, and by definition they are of failure modes occurring in service, Lack of corrosion-inhibitor availabil-
aging. Over the coming years, an breaches to the outer sheaths of flexible ity, or systemic underdosing, remains
increasing number of flexible pipes pipes was the most common issue. a major problem. With older pipelines,
will reach the end of their design life; where an extension of life beyond the
therefore, prudent operators should Internal Corrosion of Rigid original design life is common, it is
focus on understanding the integrity Pipelines and Risers especially important that these issues
status of their flexible pipes. The primary internal-corrosion threats be dealt with because the remain-
vary for different pipeline types. Broadly, ing wall thickness may require high
Introduction these threats can be divided into water- corrosion-inhibitor availability. This
Some of the earliest pipelines installed injection pipelines, multiphase oil- and is achievable but requires substantial
in the North Sea have experienced a gas-production pipelines, and oil- and effort by the operator.
wide variety of issues that required dry-gas-transport lines. In multiphase pipelines, preferential
intervention. One dominant issue was weld corrosion has been found to be
pipeline instability. The early 1990s Water-Injection Pipelines. The two a substantial problem. Many corro-
saw issues with hot high-pressure primary mechanisms for internal cor- sion inhibitors are highly effective
pipelines and upheaval or lateral buck- rosion of water-injection pipelines are against parent-metal corrosion, but
ling. Failure of an early pipe-in-pipe oxygen corrosion from poor deaera- are far less effective against weld or
oil-line construction provided design tion practice and microbial-influenced heat-affected-zone corrosion. This is
lessons that have benefited subse- corrosion (MIC) from poor hypochlo- especially problematic for 12% Ni
quent designs. rite and biociding treatment. From type welds.
More recently, with the use of experience, MIC appears much more In some older multiphase pipelines
corrosion-resistant alloys, risk from of a threat than oxygen corrosion. In a with higher water cuts, there is evi-
hydrogen-induced stress cracking from study of 23 pipelines, nine failed. The dence of MIC taking place, even when
overprotection by cathodic-protection failures were all attributed to MIC, pipelines are hot and have reasonable
systems has become a major issue. and the average life was approximate- flow. Several riser-topside leaks have
However, this issue can now be resolved ly 8 years, with some as short as 4 been attributed to this mechanism.
years. The typical corrosion rate was 2 Evidence from reduced H2S generation
This article, 1,000th written by Senior mm/a. As a result, some operators have and the positive effect on corrosion
Technology Editor Dennis Denney, con- installed high-density-polyethylene control from biocide treatment support
tains highlights of paper SPE 125060, water-injection pipelines. this theory.
Offshore-Pipeline and -Riser Integrity Erosion. Erosion is a problem that
The Big Issues, by Jonathan Marsh Multiphase-Production Pipelines. CO2 can affect both new assets and older
and Phil Duncan, J.P. Kenny and Ionik Corrosion. Despite the best efforts of the facilities. The best way of maintaining
Consulting, and Ian MacLeod, MCS, chemical companies, various aspects of control of the risk is by solids monitor-
prepared for the 2009 SPE Offshore CO2 corrosion continue to be an issue. ing, well control, and flow modeling.
Europe Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition, Where corrosion-inhibitor availability is
Aberdeen, 811 September. The paper maintained, general corrosion of pipe- Oil- and Dry-Gas-Transport Pipe-
has not been peer reviewed. lines usually is well controlled. lines. Problems have been caused

For a limited time, the full-length paper is available free to SPE members at


predominantly by external corrosion. riser exposed to a North Sea marine flexible-pipe system. An important
For oil lines, CO2 corrosion usually environment is likely to remain intact part of this system must include feed-
appears to be relatively well controlled for less than 10 years. back from the periodic review of the
by corrosion inhibition, except when Less visible is corrosion under pas- strategy to readdress any changes in
specific problems with underdosing sive fire protection or insulation. Also, risk and the corresponding modifica-
and corrosion-inhibitor availability many riser topsides, while not insu- tion of the strategy.
have been noted. The dominant cor- lated, are coated with intumescent An integrity-management strategy in
rosion issues in oil-transport lines passive fire protection. Similar in con- place through the life of a flexible-pipe
appear to be associated with decreas- cept to corrosion under insulation, system cannot guarantee that a flexible
ing flow rates over time, leading to cracking in intumescent passive fire pipe will be suitable for life exten-
wax/asphaltene deposits and water protection can lead to water ingress sion. However, it will ensure that an
dropout, which has led to increased into the crack and corrosion of the operator has the best possible chance
risk from MIC. The flow rate of the riser. The corrosion scale (5 to 6 times to extend the life on the basis of known
crude-oil stream must be maintained more voluminous than the steel it operating parameters through the life
at a velocity greater than 1 m/s. As replaces) then pushes against the cov- of each flexible pipe. If operational
the oil-flow rate drops below 1 m/s, ering, extending the crack and allow- parameters (e.g., annulus condition,
there is a rapid drop in the water- ing more water penetration, which temperature, pressure, bore-fluid com-
entrainment capability of the crude leads to more corrosion. position, and anomalies) are not well
oil; for light crudes flowing at very low understood through the past life of a
velocities (<0.2 m/s), even 0.2% water Integrity of Flexible flexible pipe, then it is likely that con-
entrainment may be difficult. Risers and Pipelines servative assumptions will have to be
A second issue is the problem of Since 2001, the operational experience made with regard to the potential for
sour-service compatibility. Much of the of flexible pipe in terms of riser-years life extension.
export/transport-pipeline infrastructure has increased by more than a factor of
in the UK sector of the North Sea is not three. There is also a related increase Annulus Flooding of Flexible Pipes.
fully sour-service compliant. Strict con- in the number of monitored cases of There are three key failure modes that
trols on H2S content are often in place. damage, degradation, and failure. A must be considered as a result of an
This is becoming problematic because growing number of flexible-pipe assets outer-sheath breach and flooding of
production from many older facilities are reaching an operational experience the annulus.
contains increasing levels of H2S, caus- of 20 to 25 years. This represents Corrosion-fatigue failure of armor
ing field/well souring. the original flexible-pipe design life in wires
many cases. General corrosion leading to metal
External Corrosion of Rigid Previous studies concluded that loss and failure of the armor wires
Pipelines and Risers approximately 90% of flexible-pipe Stress-corrosion cracking of armor
Anode Depletion. With respect to damage and failure cases occur in the wires
external-corrosion threats, anode de- first 4 years of operation. Should To mitigate risks associated with
pletion is an increasingly common flexible-pipe failure rates follow other flooding of the riser annulus, it is
phenomenon below the water line industry failure databases, it is possible important to understand the ongoing
as pipelines age. Measured cathod- that there may be an increase in late- condition of the annulus. The main
ic-protection levels continue to be life failures as the hardware reaches its method used to perform this task is
adequate even after 30 years of ser- wear-out phase. vacuum-testing techniques. Inspection
vice. However, the condition of sacri- contractors are developing inspection
ficial-anode systems is of concern with Effective Integrity Management. As technologies to provide an improved
respect to providing cathodic protec- hardware ages, there is an increased understanding of the internal condition
tion for the 15- to 20-year extended industry focus on the life-extension of the riser armoring materials deep
life. Most of the riser and spoolpiece potential of flexible-pipe systems. To within the annulus.
anodes are in excess of 75% depleted. ensure a realistic target, it is essential
Pipeline anodes have a high degree of to have a well-documented operational Conclusions
wastage, especially near the pipeline history of each flexible pipe in service. For rigid pipelines in aging assets
ends. Therefore, the current anode This documentation normally is gener- where design life has been exceed-
materials are inadequate to protect the ated through an integrity-management ed, the dominant integrity issues are
facilities for the predicted remaining system and should cover the full life linked to internal and external cor-
15- to 20-year life. cycle of the flexible pipe. Generally, rosion. For flexible pipes, although
an effective integrity-management sys- the range of potential failure modes
Coating Degradation. At and above the tem should ensure that a risk-based is relatively large, breaches of the
water line, riser coatings often passed approach is used to generate a spe- outer sheath with subsequent seawater
the end of their service life in the late cific integrity-management strategy. ingress is the most common problem.
1990s but were not renewed because This strategy will be used to define All of these issues can be controlled.
of low oil prices and reduced fabric- the inspection, monitoring, testing, However, this requires knowledgeable
maintenance spending. Anticorrosion analysis, and management measures personnel, effective design, compre-
coatings do not last indefinitely. Even that must be implemented to ensure hensive testing, and effective corro-
left undisturbed, a paint system on a the ongoing fitness for purpose of the sion-management systems. JPT



Post-Mortem Analysis of MODUs

in Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

Several hurricanes have passed through

the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) resulting in
mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs)
parting moorings or collapsing, but
none have come close to the devasta-
tion caused by Hurricanes Katrina and
Rita, in August and September 2005.
Twenty semisubmersible MODUs suf-
fered significant mooring impairment,
and eight jackups were declared total
losses (with many more suffering addi-
tional settlement and other damage). In
the aftermath of these hurricanes, which
followed Hurricanes Lili and Ivan, the
industry re-examined and upgraded the
standards for setting MODUs.

Overview of Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita
In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina
moved through the US GOM. Katrina
was the second Category-5 hurri-
cane of the 2005 Atlantic season. In
September 2005, Hurricane Rita also Fig. 1Trajectory of some of the MODU failures in Hurricane Rita.
tracked through the GOM. Hurricane
Rita reached Category-5 strength Sixteen semisubmersible MODUs were extreme for the location. During these
before entering the warm waters of the in the vicinity of Hurricane Katrina, with hurricanes, there were approximately
oil- and gas-exploration regions in the two other MODUs stacked, undergoing 90 jackups in the GOM. Of those, 25
central GOM where it passed over the repairs. Of these MODUs, five suffered jackups were impacted by Katrina and
deeper outer-continental-shelf (OCS) complete mooring failure, two had partial 54 were impacted by Rita. Two were
structures as a Category-4 hurricane. failure, and one incurred limited anchor a total loss in Katrina, and six were a
Rita weakened to a Category 3 before slippage. Most of the semisubmersibles total loss in Rita. Of those that survived
making landfall along the upper coast were on the less-severe west side of impact, seven were surprising survivals
of Texas. the storm track. However, Hurricane in Hurricane Katrina and sixteen were
Rita passed to the south of most of the surprising survivals in Hurricane Rita. Of
This article, written by Senior Technology semisubmersible MODU fleet leading to the jackups damaged, but not destroyed,
Editor Dennis Denney, contains highlights more MODUs being exposed to severe only three independent-leg jackups and
of paper OTC 20144, Post-Mortem conditions. Seven semisubmersibles suf- two mat-supported jackups needed to
Analysis of MODUs in Hurricanes Katrina fered complete mooring failure, four suf- return to the shipyard for repair. Five
and Rita, by Malcolm Sharples, fered partial failure, and one had limited independent-leg jackups and four mat-
Offshore: Risk and Technology Consulting anchor slippage. supported jackups were repaired on
and John Stiff, ABSG Consulting, pre- The route of Hurricane Rita prob- location and returned to work.
pared for the 2009 Offshore Technology ably was the worst possible regarding
Conference, Houston, 47 May. The the number of jackups exposed. Many Semisubmersible MODUs
paper has not been peer reviewed. of the jackups were in water depths Eighteen semisubmersible MODUs were
where the storm was greater than the reported as being in the proximity of
Copyright 2009 Offshore Technology design extremes, and in many cases the Hurricane Katrina. Four were within 25
Conference. Reproduced by permission. storm was greater than the 100-year miles of Katrinas storm track, with the

The full-length paper is available for purchase at OnePetro:


Diamond Ocean Voyager and Noble Jim ing in the majority of the GOM pro- Hurricanes Katrina
Thompson almost coincident with the duction being shut in for months, the and RitaJackup MODUs
storm track. Another four MODUs were vast majority of the damage was related The results from Hurricane Katrina show
within 50 miles of Katrinas storm track. directly to hurricane loads on the infra- that the Ocean Warwick and Rowan New
At the time of Hurricane Rita, three semi- structure, not caused by drifting MODUs. Orleans were overloaded by a factor of
submersible MODUs were within 25 The greatest drifting-MODU damage, approximately 2.5. Seven jackups in
miles of the storm track and another four caused by dragged anchors, was to the the path of the storm were similarly
were within 50 miles of the storm track. MARS oil-/natural-gas-export lines. This overloaded and survived and, thus, were
damage could have resulted in the field termed surprising survivals. Two other
Component Failures. Data were col- and its entire production pass-through jackups were marginally overloaded and
lected on mooring failures, supplement- being shut in for 3 months. The actual were termed expected survivals.
ed by data from failures in Hurricanes consequences, however, were more than Hurricane Rita caused more dam-
Lili and Ivan. It is important to know an order of magnitude less because the age to the jackup fleet than any storm
where mooring lines fail and how far facility had been independently subject worldwide previously. Six jackups failed
anchors are dragged because the poten- to severe wind damage that resulted in completely: GSF Adriatic VII drifted
tial to cause damage to subsea equip- an 8-month shut-in. 118 miles northwest, GSF High Island III
ment is governed by what is dragged drifted 108 miles northwest, Rowan Fort
over the seabed. Hurricanes Gustav and Ike Worth was never found, Rowan Halifax
Most striking was the number of Fortunately, the 2006 and 2007 hur- sank on location, Rowan Louisiana drift-
mooring lines that failed at the fairlead: ricane seasons were relatively benign, ed 103 miles northwest and was subse-
more than 80% of the line failures thereby allowing companies to imple- quently repaired, and the Rowan Odessa
occurred at, or close to, the fairlead ment necessary MODU modifications sank near location. These jackups were
and, hence, did not result in a dragged and become more familiar with a risk- estimated to be structurally overloaded
mooring component. For a drifting based approach to MODU setting. It by a factor exceeding 2. Sixteen jackups
MODU to not drag any component was not until 2008 that the MODU fleet were determined to be surprising sur-
across the seabed, all the lines must was put to a real test. On 1 September vivals. Of these, some were overloaded
break at the fairlead, and there were 2008, Hurricane Gustav, a Category-3 by a factor exceeding 2.5. Four of the
only two cases in which less than 100 ft hurricane, passed several MODUs mat-supported jackups were reported to
of line was dragged beneath the hull. before landfall west of the Mississippi have moved, but without damage to any
There were few cases of dragged delta. On 13 September Hurricane Ike structures or any consequence to wells.
anchors. In most cases, the anchors made landfall at Galveston, Texas, hav- Another point of note was the GSF High
held well, and managed to hold a load ing passed over several MODUs. Island II, which settled on location with
greater than the mooring-line strength. Hurricane Gustav was a relatively some structural failure of the legs.
In some cases, the anchors slipped up to normal storm and was not partic- After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita,
a few thousand feet before resetting suf- ularly large, so it affected only the some of the drilling contractors under-
ficiently for the mooring line to break, MODUs it passed directly over. There took extensive and detailed hindcast
but that appeared to be the exception. were three semisubmersible MODUs studies to ascertain the causes of the
close to its path, with the Transocean jackup failures. These studies often
Mooring Failures. The offshore indus- Amirante almost directly in the path. included the effects of increasing the
try has been extremely successful in The Transocean Amirante stayed near air gap.
evacuating platforms in a timely fash- its location, but did part seven of its In Hurricane Ike, two independent-
ion ahead of hurricanes and without eight mooring lines. No other MODUs leg jackups became total losses. The
loss of life. In the 2004 and 2005 were reported to have suffered any reasons for the losses were still being
hurricane seasons, there were some other mooring damage. investigated at the time of writing,
small spills from damaged pipelines, Hurricane Ike was a strong Category-2 although both rigs were subjected to
but these were minor compared to storm when it passed over the main forces well in excess of design.
potential losses. Also, the spills may not drilling areas, with a very large radius
have been related to MODU-mooring of maximum winds and it generated Jackup Performance
failures. Fig. 1 shows the trajectory of its largest waves many miles north of The structural performance of the
some of the MODUs that suffered fail- its track. The size of the storm exposed jackups, without exception, was much
ures in Hurricane Rita. MODUs to high winds for a much greater than anticipated. There were
It was in the areas of asset loss and longer time than would normally be no jackups that failed in hindcast site-
industry reputation that the greatest expected for a strong Category-2 storm. specific metocean conditions that were
damage occurred. There was a percep- Of approximately 10 semisubmersibles below the marine-operating-manual
tion (exacerbated by lack of understand- in the path, two MODUs parted all design condition for comparable water
ing of the details) that the industry had their moorings and went adrift, both of depth and soil conditions. While all the
not done a good job and that the drifting which were close to the storm eye, and data on soils were not available or not
MODUs were responsible for much of three MODUs suffered some level of known, in sites with known data, there
the shut-in production. This perception mooring-system damage but remained were no unexpected foundation under-
was misinformed: Even though there near their location. Study is continuing performances (i.e., those that failed all
was a large number of fixed platforms regarding why the mooring lines part- exceeded the preload values used to site
destroyed and pipelines damaged, result- ed, and new lessons are anticipated. the jackup). JPT



MA D6: A Fast-Track Deepwater Project

The MA D6 field-development project split into two phases: one before the
in 1100 m of water is the first deep- monsoon season of 2008 to allow
water development on the east coast first oil on arrival of the FPSO and
of India. The MA D6 project has been the second one the following year for
one of the fastest deepwater projects the full production system. However,
of its size involving a large amount of the engineering design of the whole
technical content in a location with riser system was needed at the early
minimal established infrastructure. stage of the project to address all
The full-length paper describes the the interferences between the various
technical aspects of the project and risers during installation and opera-
the resulting designs that were select- tions and to define all the riser equip-
ed, and it outlines the logistical issues ment in a pliant-wave configuration
associated with this first deepwater (Fig. 1), such as buoyancy modules,
and fast-track project in the region. riser-anchoring piles, and tethers Fig. 1Pliant-wave riser system.
and clamps.
Subsea System Architecture The field production system is
The MA D6 field is in the KG D6 based on the production of six wells free-issued dynamic umbilical and
Block 60 km from the east coast of through a production manifold, the two umbilical jumpers. Installation
India and is exposed to the eastern injection of part of the produced gas of the moored turret buoy and the
monsoon from April until September into the reservoir by a satellite well, production manifold was performed
and to cyclones in the following and the export of the gas to the future by the main contractor.
months. This limits the safe and effi- KG D6 gas-development field though
cient operations of offshore construc- a gas-export manifold (GEM). First Challenge: Flexible-
tion vessels to a window extending The four 8-in.-inside-diameter (ID) Structures Design
from December to April. flexible production risers connect the It was important to determine rapidly
The occurrence of cyclones led the FPSO to the production manifold, the the flexible-riser structure designs
operator to select a floating produc- four 8-in.-ID gas-export flexible risers and lengths to confirm the orders of
tion, storage, and offloading (FPSO) connect the FPSO to the GEM, and raw material to meet the delivery date
vessel equipped with a disconnect- the gas-injection well is connected because the manufacturing slots in
able turret buoy that required a riser directly to the FPSO with a 6-in.-ID the factory were very tight. This was
system designed for both connected- flexible riser/flowline. Each subsea a challenge because some of the basic
and disconnected-turret-buoy situa- tree is linked to the production mani- pieces of information required for the
tions. The limited working window fold with 6-in.-ID flexible flowlines/ design were still to be confirmed.
caused the project installation to be jumpers, and control of all the subsea The supply scope for the riser sys-
structures is achieved by a dynamic- tem of the MA D6 field development,
This article, written by Assistant Tech- umbilical connection between the issued in December 2006, had very
nology Editor Karen Bybee, contains FPSO and the production manifold limited design and functional speci-
highlights of paper OTC 20174, MA and with static umbilical jumpers fications. The first production risers
D6Going Beyond the Limits of Deep connecting the production mani- that were proposed were designed
Water Fast Track Projects, by Georges fold to the seven subsea trees and for mild operating temperatures
Michel, Willy Gauttier, and Pierre the GEM . and without any specific thermal-
Savy, Technip, originally prepared for Phase 1 of the project consisted of insulation requirement. Hence, the
the 2009 Offshore Technology Con- the addition of two flexible produc- construction of the riser was very
ference, Houston, 47 May. The paper tion risers, the gas-injection riser, and conventional, and a polyamide ther-
has not been peer reviewed. two production jumpers and associat- moplastic was selected for the pres-
ed equipment, totaling 14 km of lines sure sheath.
Copyright 2009 Offshore Technology out of an overall total of 32 km, and While the procurement of raw
Conference. Reproduced by permission. their installation together with the material already had begun for the

The full-length paper is available for purchase at OnePetro:


fabrication of the flexible risers, a connection, the turret buoy drops tered areas to load out the risers and
more stringent design temperature by approximately 100 m. Hence, the umbilicals from the heavy-lift vessels
was imposed very rapidly and some overall configuration of every riser (HLVs) to the Deep Constructor, a
thermal insulation was required. As is affected significantly. As a conse- powerful deepwater pipelay vessel;
a consequence, the following major quence of these extreme loads, there and to contract locally all services to
changes had to be made: were interference issues between all organize the custom clearances of the
The polyamide thermoplastic risers when considering possible com- vessels and assist the intermediate
material had to be replaced by a poly- binations of events. This issue was mobilization of the vessels. A major
vinylidene fluoride material (bilayer), mitigated by adjusting per riser pair effort was made to place all these sub-
compatible with much higher fluid the height of the hog-bend section. contracts within the best quality and
temperatures. The design of the end After an optimized dynamic-umbili- safety standards of the industry in a
fitting also had to be modified. cal configuration was provided by the region where no deepwater opera-
To achieve a lower overall-heat- client, at a later stage of the engineer- tions had ever been undertaken and
transfer coefficient, syntactic foam ing, when the interference with adja- with minimum infrastructure.
was added onto the static section of cent flexible risers was re-examined,
the riser and onto the infield sec- again serious clashing issues were Fifth Challenge:
tions. On the dynamic section of the detected. Because the fatigue per- Complete Offshore Installation
risers, where the buoyancy modules formance of the dynamic umbilical Before the Monsoons
are clamped, no insulation foam was was essentially linked to the selected Five vessels were mobilized from
added, but the outer sheath thickness configuration, the decision was made December 2007 to May 2008:
was increased. This kept the clamp- to modify a flexible-riser configura- The Deep Constructor for the
ing system of the buoyancy modules tion instead of that of the dynamic installation of all the lines and the
simple and of lower cost. umbilical. The consequence of that suction piles.
late change was yet another increase The Skandi Achiever for all satu-
Second Challenge: of the riser length and the amount of ration-diving work, additional light
Flexible-Riser Configuration distributed buoyancy. construction work, and surveys. In
The second challenge was to reach an addition, the Skandi Achiever was
acceptable riser configuration, given Fourth Challenge: equipped with laying winches as a
the many constraints and require- Procurement and Subcontracts backup for Deep Constructor to install
ments. The preselected riser configu- Within the time frame of less than the flexible flowlines and jumpers.
ration was a free-hanging configura- 11 months between the award of Two HLVs were necessary to
tion, where the total top tension of the project at the end of 2006 and transport from Europe the 10 flexible
every riser (180 tons for an 8-in. the mobilization of the first vessel in reels, the dynamic-umbilical carou-
riser) was supported by the FPSO. Europe, the project team had to place sel, the three static-umbilical reels,
Quickly, it appeared that the turret all subcontracts both in Europe and the suction piles, and all the buoy-
buoy in disconnection mode was not in India while engineering work was ancy modules, for a total weight of
sufficiently buoyant to support the still progressing. The main concern more than 5,000 tons.
freestanding risers. Furthermore, the was the delivery of all the risers in a A dynamically positioned Class 2
excursion amplitude of the FPSO was period when the raw-material supply assistance vessel was mobilized from
too extreme to be accommodated by was a major issue in the industry. For India for all ancillary work.
a free-hanging riser configuration. the risers, a total of 450 buoyancy
Hence, it became obvious that the modules was manufactured in less Results
riser-configuration system had to be than 6 months. Only 17 months elapsed between
modified to reduce the top tensions The suction piles (two per riser) the award of the MA D6 contract
and be more compliant to the FPSO were being manufactured when the and its offshore completion. During
excursion amplitudes. A pliant-wave results of the geotechnical engineer- this period, all the usual prepara-
configuration was adopted and, com- ing survey were obtained in mid- tory phases of the project were con-
bined with a significant increase of 2007, and they had to be redesigned. ducted simultaneously rather than in
the buoyancy capacity of the turret As a result, their weight increased sequence to integrate all the technical
buoy, was able to meet the differ- significantly. All the piles of the sys- data and specifications made progres-
ent requirements. tem (Phase 1 and Phase 2) had to sively available to the project team
be installed before the start of riser until the mobilization of the offshore
Third Challenge: installation but also before the arrival campaign. Although it may appear
Riser Interference of the FPSO. Therefore, their delivery that each technical particularity of
The riser system on the MA D6 field was on the critical path. this project may be standard in the
is exposed to extreme environmental No infrastructure except the port of deepwater subsea industry, it was the
and operating conditions. Because of Kakinada was available on that part of first time they were implemented in
a very strong surface current, each the east coast of India. It was neces- a single project executed in such a
individual riser with all its distributed sary to establish a temporary base to fast-track mode. This project was a
buoyancy is exposed to large lateral store and prepare all the equipment; success thanks to a fully integrated
excursions. Furthermore, during dis- to select adequate quays and shel- and dedicated project team. JPT


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