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"On page 93, Mark has gone from being an unsure astronaut to a more confident one. At the start, when his crew left him behind on
Mars on Sol 6, he was extremely doubtful. "...I'll surely die here. Just not on Sol 6 when everyone thought I did (1)" Since then, he has
built some contraptions to help him survive, and he says that "The time has come...(ominous musical crescendo)for some missions
(71)!" He has really changed."

On page 145, Lina is a very confident character. even though the soviets are keeping her and her family hostage, she stands strongly for
what she believes in. "I heard mothers voice, warning me to be careful but my hand began to move." (116) this shows that even though
her mother is telling her not to draw and to be careful, she does it anyway because she thinks strongly and confidently about he beliefs."

On page 75, Brian made a character change in my book. In the beginning he wasn't confident and knew he would starve to death. But
then, when he built shelter and ate berries he decided that he might be able to live after all. "Outside the rain poured, but Brian lay back,
drinking syrup from the berries, dry and with the pain almost gone, the stiffness also gone, his belly full and a good taste in his

"On page 333, Alby has also been facing inner conflict in The Maze Runner. For example, Alby can't decide whether to go with Thomas's
plan with the rest of them or stay because he knows how bad the real world is. "I don't think I can go back to the normal world" (307).
This quote shows that Alby cannot decide whether or not to go on the trip through the maze and try and get back home."

On page 51, Chip and Alaska are very confident. For example, Alaska stood up to her teacher when he humiliated Miles. Chip leads all
the cheers at the school sports games to distract the other team because there's no cheerleaders at his school. "I've gotten thrown out of
37 straight games(49)." This shows that they don't care what other people think."

"On page 156, Blake is very understanding. He's understanding because when Chloe broke up with him unexpectedly, he accepted it and
gave her the space she needed. He didn't argue with her because that's what she wanted. After Chloe broke up with him, Blake said "Of
course, take your time. You know I'll be here" (147). This proves that Blake is understanding."

"On page 100, Grover seems very nervous and scared. For example, when he is picked to go to the labyrinth, he is scared about what
monsters might be there. He has a fear of cyclopes because they are big, huge, and eats people. Grover got stuck in a cyclopes' cave once
and doesn't want it to happen again. "Juniper is waiting for me. It's a good thing that she finds cowards attractive" (50). Grover's fear
will get worse and worse."

"On page 387, Caleb has gone from being loyal to a turncoat. Tris shouts at Caleb "When did you betray our parents?"(368). Caleb went
back to the Erudite even though they had killed their parents. To help Tris understand, Caleb says "I did what I had to do." (367). Caleb
must have been forced into joining Erudite or he wouldn't have admitted to it her afterward."

"Over the last few chapters Brynn has been getting very mature. She is not staying up late when she knows she has swim practice the
next day. She knows that she has the national swim competition and she is preparing herself for that. For example " I promise mom that
I will eat right and not stay up late. I have to work hard to win" (226). This proves that she is taking her responsibilities much more

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