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The most prominent painting in Davao Museum representing the tri-people

september 2017 issue no. 01 of Mindanao, namely: the Moros, the Christians, and the Lumads.


The European Union (EU) remains a committed partner in the Philippines quest for peace and development
in the southern region for the past 25 years. The EU alongside the Philippine Government, has been promoting
peace, human security, and development in the most vulnerable, conflict-affected communities.
(continue in page 3)


(story in page 2) (story in page 3)

DELACSE continues to...

from page 1

Democratic Leadership and Active

Civil Society Empowerment in the
Bangsamoro (DELACSE Bangsamoro),
through the consortium Konrad-
Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Philippines,
and the Institute of Autonomy and
Governance (IAG) and funded by
Leadership Training held in Davao City, DELACSE Bangsamoro seeks to extend
the European Union (EU), remains a
titled A Workshop on Leadership and more support endeavors such as this
committed partner of the Indigenous
Party Building for the Indigenous Peoples by providing technical assistance and
Peoples (IPs) in ARMM in exercising its
of Bangsamoro. expertise from invited reputable political
crucial role in a democratic society.
The Advance Leadership Training scientists and political party organizers.
The Organization of Teduray and
is a proof of the positive impacts of Learning from these experts should help
Lambangian Conference (OTLAC) and
previous EU financed projects under facilitate the completion of the IPDPs
Timuay Justice and Governance (TJG)
KAS and IAG such as the Recognition pertinent documents (e.g. Constitution
together with other IP organizations in
of the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples and By-Laws and Party Platform of
the Bangsamoro region, decided to form
in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Governance) prior to its application
a regional political party in 2016 called
Mindanao for their Empowerment and before the COMELEC, and facilitate the
the Indigenous Peoples Democratic
Sustainable Development (IPDEV) and general plan of activities of the IPDP in
Party. This political party has been
the Democratic Party Development preparation for its official registration as a
further capacitated under DELACSE
(DEPADEV) Bangsamoro . Today, IP regional party.
Bangsamoros three-day Advance
leaders in the ARMM - for the first time The training also builds on the IP
ever - got the chance to get together organizations knowledge base
regularly, discuss their concerns and established through the conduct of
interests and, most importantly engage basic seminars focused on enhancing
in political discourse, so as to be heard. participation in political processes in the
Now these IP organizations understand Mindanao context, advanced leadership
and appreciate that the way for them and political management courses, to
to be represented formally in the future include organizational leadership skills in
Bangsamoro parliament is to become a times of transition, as well as developing
solid political institution. The way to do policy inputs to the Bangsamoro
this is to organize a legitimate, genuine, Transition Commission, both in terms of
and democratic political party; hence, content and technical skills.

By conducting seminars and trainings, DELACSE empowers and encourages civil society organizations
(CSOs) to be actively engaged in drafting a political framework towards a peaceful transition in the

We remain... from page 1 From bullets... from page 1

The EU believes in the importance The Moro Islamic Liberation Front that make it distinct from other political
of a holistic approach to (MILF)-United Bangsamoro Justice parties: It has to be ran and managed
Party (UBJP), a political party whose by the Bangsamoro for the Bangsamoro
development and humanitarian
people; be pro-people and inclusive; has
assistance in the form of direct pursuit is to promote and strengthen
its own standards of discipline; should
support for confidence-building peace and development and help
have human resources above all forms
measures and capacity building facilitate political and economic of assets; and be service-oriented.
on political engagement stability in Moro communities in
among various organizations in Mindanao, shifts gears and speeds Despite MILF-UBJP members lack of
Mindanao. up democratization process experience in mainstream politics, they
through mainstreaming real party are actively undergoing continuous
Through establishing a creative politics in preparation for either political training to make them capable in
partnership with Konrad- an autonomous region or a federal dealing with the partys affairs and effect
Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) state of Bangsamoro. governance so that they are prepared
as future leaders of the Bangsamoro.
Philippines and the Institute
for Autonomy and Governance
Aside from Maguindanao, Lanao del
(IAG), the DELACSE Bangsamoro Sur, Lanao del Norte, Sulu, Basilan, and
project was designed to prepare Tawi-Tawi, there are also UBJP groups
decision-makers and civil society in Sarangani, Sultan Kudarat, North
leaders to be actively engaged in Cotabato, Davao City, Compostela
designing the new Bangsamoro Valley, Davao del Norte, Davao Oriental,
political framework. Butuan, Bukidnon, and Palawan.

Other activities of the project

include Basic Leadership
Seminars, Advanced Leadership
Seminars, Lecture Series, Training
of Trainers, and International Study
Tours. The EUs pledge to peace
and development in Mindanao The UBJP is a political party organized
is not limited to the DELACSE in 2013 marking MILFs shift from an
project, but as a long-term armed group to a progressive political
party that adheres to democratic
development actor and a partner
engagement with the aim of promoting
for peace in Mindanao. It remains justice-based governance. The MILF
steadfast in strengthening this organized UBJP as a political party to
commitment in the future. In support the governments efforts to end
Last May 2017, 40 MILF-UBJP leaders were
fact, the EU has funded capacity- the more than four decades of conflict
trained under DELACSE Bangsamoros
building programs and activities and struggle in Muslim Mindanao
two-day seminar-workshop in Davao
that will facilitate a more through signing the Comprehensive
City to identify, understand, and
democratic leadership and strong Agreement in the Bangsamoro.
appreciate the components of effective
empowerment among the civil communication skills as key to winning
society active in the Bangsamoro. UBJP Secretary General Sammy Al-
the campaign.
Mansour said the political party is
the start of the MILFs evolution from
DELACSE Bangsamoro builds The seminar was an advanced-level
an armed revolutionary group into
on the results of the Democratic training workshop focused on providing
a political organization that would
Party Development (DEPAdev) UBJP members with strategic political
continue struggling for peace and
project, an communication skills to correct
development in the homeland in
negative and wrong public perceptions
another arena: governance and politics.
on the MILF and most importantly, help
18-month EU-funded undertaking
educate the public on the peace and
also implemented by KAS and Al-Mansour added that UBJP advocates
development objectives of the political
IAG. a distinct brand of ideology uniquely
party aligned to its vision of a self-
for the Bangsamoro people. He
governing Bangsamoro.
enumerated five UBJP political platforms

Whats good for the Bangsamoro shape of the Basic Law which
is good for the other Bangsas But will be the legal foundation. Our
what is good for the Bangsamoro? angle is to guide the inhabitants
And how can it be achieved?
of that region to meaningful
For too long, the hopes and self-determination. Self-
aspirations of the people have been determination requires both, the
placed on the legal framework of knowledge and the capacities to
an autonomous region (an existing determine your future. Together
one and another one that is still to with our partners we follow a
BENEDIKT SEEMANN be born). In fact, we have focused bottom-up approach, based on
Resident Representative the idea of subsidiarity. To us
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
on legal frameworks so much that
we forgot the most important this means: democracy needs
factor in the equation: the people. democrats! If we fail to train and
Who will run the Bangsamoro? capacitate civil society we will
Who will determine whats good lack the leaders that we need in
for the future of Muslim Mindanao? the future, the leaders who truly
The angle of our project DELACSE represent the people and make
Bangsamoro is not influencing the the Bangsamoro work.

The Institute for Autonomy the platform to effect political

and Governance (IAG) is reforms and to give full meaning
honored to implement with to the exercise of the right of self-
KAS the EU-funded DELACSE determination and autonomy of
project. the Bangsamoro.

Promoting democracy, political IAG reiterates its commitment

participation and political to provide technical assistance
institutions in southern in building strong political
ATTY. BENEDICTO BACANI Philippines is one of keys to institutions in the Bangsamoro.
Executive Director achieving sustainable peace and
Institute for Autonomy prosperity in the region.
and Governance May this newsletter be a vehicle
not only to inform stakeholders
Peace agreements are a set of the projects activities but
of political reforms that must more importantly to spread
be painstakingly nurtured, the message of hope that so
supported and pursued by all long as we continue to work for
women and men of goodwill. inclusive political participation
and institutions, there is the
Strong political institutions that light of peace at the end of the
exist for the common good are tunnel.

SONA 2017:

In his 2nd State of the Nation until the end of 2017 in a joint session The President has always been vocal
Address (SONA) on July 24, held two days before the Presidents about the elusive peace in Mindanao. I
President Rodrigo Duterte stood by 2nd SONA. will persist in our goal of attaining peace
his decision to declare Martial Law to the last day of this administration
in Mindanao because it was the The death toll in Marawi has gone and maybe even beyond although in a
fastest way to quell the rebellion at beyond the 500 mark and thousands different capacity, he said.
the least cost of lives and properties of people have already been displaced
and to ensure that the government from their homes. The President is One of the goals of the Duterte
was adequately equipped with encouraging the entire country to help administration is an inclusive peace
the constitutional tool that would people of Marawi, who have been process that reflects the aspirations
enable it to catch rebels who through hell. of our Muslim brothers and sisters as
attempt to escape and block the well as our indigenous brethren. This
efforts of these rebels in spreading Duterte stood by his decision to declare is manifested in the Executive Order
their gospel of hate and violence in Martial Law in the entire Mindanao, No. 8, expanding the membership of
the rest of Mindanao. dispelling claims that the rebellion is the Bangsamoro Transition Committee
only limited to Marawi City. He said that (BTC) to include the Indigenous
Duterte declared Martial Law in Mindanao is a very porous area, where Peoples, women, and children. The
Mindanao on May 23 when the Maute conflicts are likely to spill over from one BTC submitted the 2nd draft of the
Group went on a full-blown rampage in area to the other. Bangsamoro Basic Law to the President
Marawi City following the government days before the SONA.
troops operation to go after high-value Duterte assured the people that the
targets from Abu Sayyaf and Maute Martial Law is only intended to quell Duterte also announced the test
Group. The Supreme Court affirmed rebellion, not to extend his power. I do broadcasting of the first Muslim TV in
the Presidents decision on July 5. The not intend to go beyond my term, he the Philippines- government-owned
House of Representatives and Senate said. Salaam Digital TV- a step forward
voted on the extension of Martial Law Coming from Mindanao himself, the towards greater inclusivity.


One cannot sideline federalism when
talking about the enduring peace process in
Mindanao. Back in 1998, the Moro National
Liberation Front (MNLF) held the Mindanao
peace caravan to campaign for a Federal
Republic of the Philippines. After all, pre-
colonial Mindanao was an independent
nation. Although the present Autonomous
Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) was
granted autonomy to govern its territories,
its budget is still pegged with the national
government through the Department of
Budget and Management (DBM).

In the current unitary form of government, coordinate and provide support for the federalism is to grant states and its LGUs
most resources and administrative powers activities and projects of LGUs. autonomy, it is also important to consider
are concentrated upon the national rapid and inclusive economic growth.
government based in Metro Manila or Under Federalism, states may use a greater
the National Capital Region (NCR). More percentage of budget allocation to design and According to House Majority Leader Rodolfo
than P 536B or 27% of the overall budget develop their own programs that are beneficial Farias, the passage of the Bangsamoro
was reserved for NCR for 2017, which is to their development. For example, if the Basic Law (BBL) must be prioritized first
equivalent to the combined budget of eight suggested 80-20 division of revenues between so that BBL provisions that are deemed
regions (five of which are from Mindanao). LGUs and the national government will be unconstitutional can be addressed once
approved, ARMMs 2016 budget amounting to the Congress convenes to amend the
The efforts to push for decentralization are P94B will increase to P250B. Constitution for a federal government.
fueled by the long-standing notion that While federalism and the BBL are part of
the central government in Metro Manila Federalism will also bring local governments the priority list of both the Senate and the
holds the power of the purse, giving them closer to its people. Local governments will House of Representatives, it is still important
authority to decide on matters concerning be granted more autonomy in designing and to monitor movements of both so the
even the budget of Local Government Units implementing projects that will be directly development of one does not hamper the
(LGUs). Furthermore, they pass on unfunded beneficial and relevant to them. Because development of the other.
mandates to the LGUs. local citizens are closer to their government,
they will be inspired to participate actively in Apart from greater autonomy, advocates
Some critics of federalism argue against selecting their local public servants. After all, of federalism envision the reform of the
the need to shift to federalism because of their taxes will be paying for these projects. electoral process, establishment of political
the existing Local Government Code (LGC) parties that truly represent the aspirations of
or the RA7160. Approved back in October Economic development can be achieved the people they represent, and eradication
1991, the LGC gives LGUs a substantial beyond Metro Manilas boundaries because of political dynasties. Its critics, on the
degree of independence from the central domestic economic activity will be dictated by other hand, are doubtful of the countrys
government. LGUs can impose taxes each states terms. Since local governments will readiness to this drastic change. Supporters
to generate their own income, provide be given more fiscal and political autonomy, of federalism believe that the right leader
basic social services to constituents, and even neglected rural areas will have access to will have the unparalleled conviction and
administer over matters concerning public more job and business opportunities. political capital to jumpstart their dream.
works, telecommunications, tourism
development, etc. One of the provisions Change, even for the better, comes with its There is no single form of federalism. It is
in the LGC is a mandatory review of the own set of challenges. If local officials are to important to understand the pre-existing
LGC at least once every 5 years to make it be granted more decision-making powers conditions of society to create a stronger
create a more responsive and accountable in a federal government, their accountability foundation for a federal government that
local government structure. Surprisingly, should be strengthened as well. It is also a call addresses the existing needs of its people.
the code has never been amended since its for local citizens to select their local leaders In the shift to federalism, policymakers
approval. carefully. must consult stakeholders from all levels,
especially the local government and its
A federal type of government will devolve Struggling LGUs still suffer from the existing citizens.
powers of the central government to uneven distribution of development across the
the local government units. It does not country. The equalization fund is a mechanism
Sources: Department of Budget and Management:
completely diminish the powers of the where rich states will assist the poorer states. Regional Allocation of the Expenditure Program by
central government because it will still While one of the primary objectives of Department/Special Purpose Funds

2. Current OPAPP Secretary
3. Representing the final peace agreement between the GPH
and the MILF
6. A country in Europe that has a parliamentary system of
10. The process through which communities affected by the
decades-long armed conflict in Mindanao can return to a
peaceful life and pursue sustainable livelihoods free from
fear of violence and crime
11. The largest city in Mindanao
12. The division of power between a central government and
state governments
13. A form of government in which the people choose leaders
by voting
14. The collective group of indigenous tribes in Mindanao
16. Republic Act 8371 is also known as the _______ Peoples
Rights Act
18. The office mandated to oversee, coordinate, and integrate
the implementation of the comprehensive peace process
19. _______ democracy is a democratic form of government in
which the party (or a coalition of parties) with the greatest
representation in the parliament (legislature) forms the
government, its leader becoming prime minister

1. Outlines the political settlement between the GPH and the
MILF, the process of transition from ARMM a new Bangsamoro
autonomous political entity
2. The transfer of authority from central to local government
4. Type of government where states and a central government
share power
5. Refers to the tendency to avoid political extremes by taking
an ideologically intermediate position
7. The agreement between GPH and Nur Misuari of MNLF, which
established autonomy in the Southern Philippines within the
realm of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of
the Philippines
8. A Muslim inhabitant of the Philippines
9. ______ lands are the lands, territories and resources of
indigenous peoples
15. MILF starts shift to non-armed political party with the
establishment of the political party
17. System of centralized government

Answer key will be posted

on DELACSEs Facebook and
Twitter page.


5F Cambridge Center Building
108 Tordesillas corner
Notre Dame University
Gallardo streets, Salcedo Village
Notre Dame Avenue
1227 Makati City
Cotabato City
Phone: +632 801 9837
Telefax: +63 64 552 2017
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+632 894 3737
Fax: +63 64 557 1638
Twitter: @IAGorgph
Instagram: iagorgph

We are very lucky to be part of

DELACSEs workshop because
through the said activity, we are
What we expect is for this project
to further empower the Bangsamoro

capacitated as civil society leaders. people, especially the party [UBJP],
We are very happy with the speakers. in making sound decisions and
They have imparted us with sufficient crafting effective strategies that would
knowledge that could help us prepare lead to the realization of a self-ruling
for the Bangsamoro political entity. Bangsamoro region.

Mambai Sapalon Atty. Naguib Sinarimbo

United Youth Alliance for Peace United Bangsamoro Justice
and Development Party (UBJP)

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