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Otology & Neurotology

38:e345e353 2017, Otology & Neurotology, Inc.

Cochlear Implantation in Otosclerosis: Surgical and Auditory

Outcomes With a Brief on Facial Nerve Stimulation
Ashish Vashishth, Andrea Fulcheri, Gianluca Rossi, Sampath Chandra Prasad,
Antonio Caruso, and Mario Sanna
Department of Otology and Skull Base Surgery, Gruppo Otologico, Piacenza, Rome, Italy

Objectives: 1) To review the surgical and auditory outcomes Results: The mean age and duration of deafness of patients
in patients of cochlear implantation in otosclerosis. 2) To was 59.72 and 28.9 years respectively. Twenty-three of 38
review complications and postimplantation facial nerve ears had cochlear ossification, with exclusive round window
stimulation (FNS). 3) To compare the auditory outcomes involvement in 60% of the patients, with the rest having
between patients displaying cochlear ossification to the partial or complete basal turn ossification. 36.8% ears
nonossified ones. underwent subtotal petrosectomy for cochlear ossification.
Study Design: Retrospective study. One patient underwent scala vestibuli insertion and two had
Setting: Quaternary Otology and Skull base surgery center. incomplete electrode insertion. Patients with no ossification
Subjects and Methods: Charts of 36 patients (38 ears) with had no intra or postoperative complications. One patient had
otosclerosis undergoing cochlear implantation were reviewed bilateral FNS managed by alterations in programming
from the cochlear implant database. Demographic features, strategy. Auditory outcomes in patients without any ossifica-
operative findings, auditory outcomes, and postimplantation tion were better than in patients with ossification, though
FNS were analyzed. Operative findings included extent of statistically insignificant in most parameters.
cochlear ossification, approach (posterior tympantomy/subto- Conclusion: Cochlear implantation in otosclerosis provides
tal petrosectomy), electrode insertion (partial/complete, scala good auditory outcomes, despite high incidence of cochlear
tympani/vestibuli), and complications. All the patients under- ossification. Patients of FNS can be managed by alterations
went implantation using straight electrodes. Auditory out- in programming strategy, without affecting auditory outcomes.
comes were assessed over a 4-year follow-up period using Key Words: Cochlear implantationFacial nerve stimulation
vowel, word, sentence, and comprehension scores. Patients Ossified cochleaOtosclerosisScala vestibuli.
were divided into two groups (with and without cochlear
ossification) for comparison of auditory outcomes. Otol Neurotol 38:e345e353, 2017.

Otosclerosis is a progressive temporal bone dysplasia Despite widespread improvements in cochlear implan-
characterized by bony resorption, vascular proliferation, tation results in varying indications and clinical scenarios
cavitation, and sclerotic new bone formation (1). Cochle- over the years, otosclerosis as a pathology poses unique
ar histological changes in otosclerosis range from challenges. Intraoperative difficulties range from ossifi-
endolymphatic flow obstructions, spiral ligament degen- cation and the need for drilling to locate cochlear lumen,
eration and hyalinization, vascular obstruction and de- possible false tract and difficult insertions due to cochlear
crease in endocochlear potentials (2), with correlation demineralization and obliteration and incomplete inser-
between the extent of hyalinization to degree of sensori- tion of electrode array (6). Postoperative considerations
neural hearing loss (3,4). Advanced otosclerosis is char- can develop because of altered bone properties caused by
acterized by sensorineural hearing loss and reduced progressive bone remodeling leading to altered current
speech discrimination scores that is amenable to treat- distribution, hence causing higher current levels or max-
ment by cochlear implantation (5). imum comfort levels (MCL), increased impedances (7
10), and facial nerve stimulation (712), necessitating
changes in cochlear implant fitting strategies (8,13).
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Ashish Vashishth, Otosclerosis has been defined as one of the etiological
M.S., D.N.B., Department of Otology and Skull Base Surgery, Gruppo factors having a negative correlation with postimplanta-
Otologico, Piacenza, Rome, 29121 Italy; E-mail: drashishvashishth@ tion speech performance scores, independent of compli- cations with electrode insertions (14), with a requirement
All the authors take responsibility of the contents of the article.
This article has been sponsored by the Mario Sanna Onlus Foundation.
of frequent alterations of electrical stimulation levels
The authors disclose no conflicts of interest. (T and C scores) postimplantation for 24 months at
DOI: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000001552 least (15).


Copyright 2017 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

The current study was conducted to review the patients sentence recognition, and common phrase comprehension)
of otosclerosis who underwent cochlear implantation to with monitored live voice through sound field at a level of
analyze the surgical and postoperative considerations, 70 dB sound pressure level. The protocol used is described
complications, and assess the postimplantation auditory elsewhere (19).
Auditory outcomes were compared between patients dis-
outcomes with a careful insight into evaluation and playing cochlear ossification and the ones without ossification.
management of facial nerve stimulation, including alter-
ations in postimplantation fitting strategies.
The mean age of patients was 59.72  12.53 years with
Medical records were analyzed of cochlear implant recipients
21 females and 15 males. The age at implantation ranged
to identify patients with confirmed otosclerosis who underwent
cochlear implantation. Thirty-six patients with confirmed from 25 to 86 years. Twenty-one right ears and 17 left
otosclerosis underwent cochlear implantation until 2016 with ears were operated.
two patients receiving bilateral implants, hence leading to a total The mean duration of deafness was 28.9  13.73 years
of 38 ears. All patients had a 4-year minimum follow-up period and ranged from 1 to 66 years. Figure 1 shows distribu-
postimplantation except one who was implanted in the last year. tion of age at implantation and distribution of duration of
The same patient is excluded from audiological outcomes but is deafness in years.
considered in surgical data. Hence, the surgical dataset consists Twenty-three patients had previous stapedotomies in
of 38 ears (36 patients), whereas the audiological dataset consists the operated ear (cochlear implant side) and one patient
of 37 ears (35 patients). For patients with bilateral implants each had a bone anchored hearing device placed for hearing
ear was analyzed separately.
rehabilitation before cochlear implantation. All stapedot-
One patient with osteogenesis imperfecta, despite having
previous stapedotomy was excluded from the analysis due to omy prosthesis in the current series were Teflon only,
difference in pathology. hence no separate MRI considerations were applied
Patient records were analyzed to evaluate demographic before preoperative scanning.
features, duration, and onset of hearing loss, history of previous
surgical procedures for hearing rehabilitation such as stapes
surgery or bone anchored hearing aids. Preoperative high-
resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scans were obtained
for all the patients and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
was obtained to ascertain patency of cochlear lumen when
evidence or doubt of obliteration or ossification was observed
on HRCTs. Operative records were analyzed to ascertain details
of the implantation procedure, particularly to identify instances
when cochlear ossification was encountered necessitating dril-
ling to obtain cochlear lumen, the extent of drilling, approach
used (posterior tympanotomy/subtotal petrosectomy), the
instances of scala vestibuli insertion, extent of electrode array
insertion (complete/partial), and intraoperative complications if
any such as false tract insertions. The technique, indications,
and follow-up of subtotal petrosectomy (STP) patients relevant
to cochlear implantation can be referred to from our previous
publications (6,16,17). Salient features of STP with relevance to
cochlear implantation are blind sac double-layered closure of
the external auditory canal, removal of all possible mastoid cell
tracts after canal wall down mastoidectomy, total removal of
mucosa from middle ear cleft, removal of entire medial canal
skin and tympanic membrane/ossicles, anterior canalplasty, and
drilling of anterior bony annulus, eustachian tube mucosa
removal/coagulation and its obliteration with periosteum, car-
tilage and bone wax, and obliteration of cavity by fat harvested
from abdomen.
Postoperative audiological parameters observed were vowel,
word, sentence, and comprehension measured over serial time
points till 4 years, beginning from activation. Note was made of
revision surgeries due to device failures or implant extrusions
if any. Postimplantation facial nerve stimulation (FNS) was
carefully analyzed and graded as per the grading system
proposed by Kelsall et al. (18) and alterations in programming
strategies needed to alleviate the same were reviewed.
Postoperative auditory performances were evaluated in FIG. 1. (A) Demonstrating the distribution of age at implantation
the auditory-only condition in both closed-set (vowel identifi- and (B) demonstrating distribution of duration of deafness in years
cation) and open-set formats (bisyllabic word recognition, in the study population.

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 38, No. 9, 2017

Copyright 2017 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Surgical Results of false tract insertion of electrode array through the

Twenty-three of 38 (60.5%) ears in the study group had vestibule into the superior semicircular canal was
some degree of cochlear ossification observed during observed intraoperatively and was identified using a
surgery ranging from round window (RW) to complete perioperative computed tomography (CT) scan, with
basal turn ossification. Fourteen of 38 (36.84%) ears correction of the same and re-insertion into scala
were implanted using the STP approach following evi- tympani, confirmed radiologically.
dence of significant cochlear luminal obliteration or Three patients underwent revision implantation, two
ossification preoperatively on the HRCT or MRI scans due to device failure (one traumatic and other idiopathic)
to obtain a larger and unhindered access. A posterior and another due to implant extrusion.
tympanotomy or extended posterior tympanotomy ap- Only one patient in the study cohort had postimplan-
proach was used in the rest of patients with no or minimal tation (FNS) (bilateral FNS). Since the case was compli-
cochlear ossification. Diamond burr was used to drill in cated by FNS and implant extrusion, a short summary is
the direction of basal turn scala tympani to obtain co- provided below with the mention of post-FNS program-
chlear lumen. Failure to obtain scala tympani lumen till ming details.
the beginning of ascending basal turn was used as an
indication for scala vestibuli insertion. Implants with Patient Details
straight electrode arrays were used in all the patients A fifty-one-year-old male patient with otosclerosis
from Cochlear, Medel, and MXM. underwent right-sided cochlear implantation using the
Table 1 summarizes the surgical details of patients STP approach for modiolar spongiosis using the slim
exhibiting cochlear luminal obliteration/ossification. straight electrode array. Electrode 9 was observed to have
high impedance and was nonfunctional on activation.
Complications One year later, sequential left-sided cochlear implanta-
Table 1 reviews the complications in patients with tion was performed using the STP approach due to RW
ossification. All the patients in the study group had a obliteration and full scala tympani insertion was done
successful scala tympani insertion except one patient after drilling to open the scalar lumen using the same
in whom scala vestibuli insertion was done due to implant type. The right implant exhibited extrusion
near-total ossification of the basal turn. One incidence through the postaural skin and was subsequently removed

TABLE 1. Elaboration of patients with otosclerosis who displayed cochlear ossification with mention of electrode insertions, scala
inserted into, number of electrodes outside the cochlea, surgical approach used, and extent of ossification
Scala Age Sex Side Approach Extent of Ossification Inserted Into Extent of Insertion Complications If Any

1 51 M L STP RWO ST Full FNS

2 51 M R STP RWO ST Full Extrusion-revision and FNS
3 66 F R PT RWO ST Full None
4 52 M R PT RWO ST Full None
5 66 M R STP RWO ST Full CSF gusher
6 55 F L PT RWO ST Full None
7 75 F L STP RWO ST Full None
8 61 F R STP Extensive RWO ST Full None
9 38 M L STP RWO partial BTO ST Full None
10 65 M R PT Partial RWO ST Full None
11 53 F R PT RWO ST Full None
12 65 M R STP RWO ST Full None
13 43 M R PT RWO ST Full None
14 71 F L STP RWO partial BTO ST Full None
15 71 M L STP Complete BTO, no ST lumen SV Full None
16 62 M L PT RWO partial BTO ST Full None
17 82 F L STP Extensive RWO ST Full None
18 62 F L STP RWO ST Full None
19 65 M L STP RWO BTO ST Partial, two electrodes out None
20 25 F L PT RWO ST Partial, two electrodes out Device failure and revision
21 50 M L STP RWO ST Full False tract insertion into
vestibule and SSC
22 66 F R PT RWO ST Full None
23 45 F R STP RWO BTO ST Full None

BTO indicates basal turn ossification; FNS, facial nerve stimulation; PT, posterior tympanotomy/extended posterior tympanotomy; RWO,
round window ossification; SSC, superior semicircular canal; ST, scala tympani; STP, subtotal petrosectomy; SV, scala vestibuli.

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 38, No. 9, 2017

Copyright 2017 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

with transected array left in the cochlear lumen. One year Figure 4A and B displays stratification of maximum
later, reimplantation was performed in the right ear with word and sentence scores achieved with respect to dura-
full insertion using a slim straight electrode. The patient tion of deafness in both the ossified and no-ossified
exhibited signs of FNS on both the sides with grade III on groups.
the left side and grade II on the right side which was
alleviated by switching off electrode 18 on the right DISCUSSION
side and electrodes 13, 14, and 15 on the left side.
No significant reduction in speech performance was The benefits of cochlear implantation in the rehabili-
observed by switching off electrodes on either side tation of severe sensorineural hearing loss in otosclerosis
and no new FNS was noted postprogramming changes. are now well established and supported by many studies
(711,2026). However, both surgical and auditory out-
Auditory Outcomes comes reported have been heterogeneous, coupled with a
Figure 2 displays the serial charting of pre- and lack of elaboration on operative considerations, particu-
postoperative vowel, word, sentence, and comprehension larly in obliterated and ossified cochlear turns. Table 3
scores observed 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48 months presents a brief comparison of the previously published
postsurgery. Table 2 demonstrates the scores over series of cochlear implantation in otosclerosis in terms of
the same follow-up period separately for patients with surgical and auditory results.
cochlear ossification and the ones with no ossification.
All the patients remained motivated implant users and Demographics
achieved telephonic conversation. Long duration of deafness and a higher age at implan-
All the audiological scores demonstrated statistically tation have previously been negatively correlated with
significant improvements over the preoperative values postimplantation speech performance scores (27,28).
with a p value <0.05 at all time points of follow-up. However, Matterson et al. (23) in their review of otoscler-
Figure 3 displays the comparison of postoperative otic patients undergoing cochlear implantation concluded
hearing outcomes between the patients having cochlear that the age at implantation and duration of deafness only
ossification with those without. Though patients without make a significant difference in early postoperative speech
any ossification did uniformly better in all the audiologi- outcomes and not in long-term and recommended the
cal parameters with a trend toward significance, the implantation of worst hearing ear despite longer duration
difference could not reach a p value < 0.05, except in of deafness. In the current study, the worst hearing ear was
sentence scores at 24 months ( p 0.03) which were always chosen for implantation, given the conditions for
significantly better in the group without ossification. electrode placement were satisfied on radiology. The mean

FIG. 2. Demonstration of serial charting of vowel (A), word (B), sentence (C), and comprehension scores from preoperative period to 1, 3,
6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48 months postimplantation. mo indicates months; pre, preoperative.

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 38, No. 9, 2017

Copyright 2017 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 2. Vowel, word, sentence, and comprehension scores over a 48-month follow-up period from preoperative levels for patients
with and without cochlear ossification
Vowel Scores
Follow-up Intervals Preoperative 1 mo 6 mo 12 mo 24 mo 36 mo 48 mo

Ossified 42.1 71.4 78.3 84 75 73 74.2

Nonossified 53 86.5 90.7 80.3 82.6 81.1 81.9
Word Scores
Follow-up Intervals Preoperative 1 mo 6 mo 12 mo 24 mo 36 mo 48 mo

Ossified 13.5 30.7 44 56.5 53.4 52.4 52.6

Non-ossified 17.8 51.4 65 73 76.4 73.2 72.4
Sentence Scores
Follow-up Intervals Preoperative 1 mo 6 mo 12 mo 24 mo 36 mo 48 mo

Ossified 14.9 34.3 47.1 55.4 54.7 59.2 61.2

Non-ossified 26.3 71 79.5 82.9 88 85.5 84.2
Follow-up Intervals Preoperative 1 mo 6 mo 12 mo 24 mo 36 mo 48 mo

Ossified 20.4 35.2 48.6 70.4 71.8 75.9 75.9

Nonossified 25 68.3 79.1 91.6 90 85 80.8

Scores are provided in percentages.

m indicates months.

age at implantation was 59.7 years, ranging from 25 to has been reported frequently even in the absence of any
86 years. The mean duration of deafness was 28.9 years, ossification on the scan (9), but has high specificity with
ranging from 1 to 66 years. higher grades of otosclerotic changes on CT (11,25)
associated with difficulties in electrode insertion and
Surgical Considerations even postimplantation FNS (11,25). Patients with scle-
The HRCT scan of the temporal bone plays a vital role rotic changes on CT with ossification noted intraoper-
in the preoperative evaluation of otosclerotic patients atively displayed some degree of difficulty in electrode
planned for cochlear implantation (5,11,25). It lacks insertion in the current study. A correlation of CT with
sensitivity as the presence of intraoperative ossification postoperative FNS, however, was not noted as only a

FIG. 3. Graphs depicting comparison of auditory outcomes between ossified and nonossified patients. A, Vowel score. B, Word score. C,
Sentence score. D, Sentence comprehension.

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 38, No. 9, 2017

Copyright 2017 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

with two electrodes outside the cochlear lumen in both

the instances. Whereas one of these patients had exten-
sive basal turn ossification, the other had RW obliteration
only with successful entry into scala tympani lumen.
While some degree of difficult electrode insertion or even
misplacement into a false demineralized ring in instances
of cochlear ossification (6,8,11), including partial elec-
trode insertion (8,9,11), has been reported, others have
not mentioned any difficulty or incompleteness of inser-
tion if the ossification can be drilled to obtain a patent
cochlear lumen (10,23). In a histopathologic study, Lee
et al. (30) analyzed histopathologic features in instances
of incomplete insertions and found ossification or soft
tissue presence in the cochlear lumen to be the reason in
only minority of the patients. They remarked that the only
statistically significant feature leading to incomplete
insertion was dissection of electrode through spiral liga-
ment to the lateral cochlear wall with a trend toward
incomplete insertion as a function of the number of times
electrode array crossed from one scala to the other (30).
In the current study, despite two cases of incomplete
FIG. 4. A, % improvement in maximum word score attained. B, % insertion, in all cases of ossification, a patent lumen could
improvement in maximum sentence score attained. be obtained after drilling, hence casting doubt over
whether ossification, when adequately managed, has
any association with incomplete insertion.
Scala vestibuli insertion in patients of complete basal
single patient had postoperative bilateral FNS (discussed turn ossification occurred in one patient in the current
later). series, in the presence of no identifiable lumen in scala
The proportion of patients in the literature displaying tympani. Full electrode insertion was achieved with no
varying degrees of intraoperative ossification requiring postoperative complications or adverse outcomes. Scala
drilling to obtain scalar lumen ranges from 5% (9) to 51% vestibule insertion has been suggested as a valid insertion
(11) (Table 3), whereas it was 60% (23/38) in the current option in patients of totally ossified scala tympani with-
series. A referral bias could be the reason for a much out any adverse outcomes (31). In one study, however,
higher percentage of ossification cases in the otosclerotic scala vestibuli insertion in one patient in a series of
cohort. In cases of ossification, 16 of 23 ears (69.55%) otosclerotic patients led to diffuse facial nerve stimula-
had obliteration or ossification limited to the RW region, tion and had to be switched off (23).
6 of 23 ears had extensive partial basal turn ossification, One intraoperative false tract insertion into the supe-
and 1 patient had complete basal turn ossification, rior semicircular canal was observed in the current study
requiring scala vestibuli insertion. which was identified using a perioperative CT scan and
On suspicion or confirmation of extensive bony was corrected at the same time. No extensive demineral-
demineralization or basal turn ossification on CT, the ization or ossification was present on preoperative CT,
surgical approach used for implantation can be either and basilar membrane damage with slightly superior
posterior tympanotomy or STP. Though limited round trajectory of insertion postdrilling of the obliterated
window/basal turn ossification can be managed by an RW niche could be the reason for the same. This,
extended posterior tympanotomy or an anterior posterior however, emphasizes the importance of radiological
combined transcanal approach (29), over the years, we confirmation of correct electrode placement postimplan-
have developed a low threshold for STP for patients in tation in otosclerotic patients with ossification.
whom significant promontorial drilling is anticipated for The prospect of cochlear luminal ossification and
obtaining cochlear lumen (6,16,17). Though developed slight difficulty in electrode insertion has even led to
and used initially for implanting radical or infected certain authors performing auditory brainstem implants
cavities (6), in our opinion, a wider exposure to the (32) for cochlear otosclerosis as a spectrum of nontu-
obliterated round window is one of the most important moral indications for the same. This, in our opinion, is
indications for the procedure. incorrect as it has been proved by our previous multi-
In our series, it is a safe approach with comparable centric review (33) that patients who were previously
complication rates as closed cavity surgeries, while per- implanted using an auditory brainstem implant for co-
mitting wider exposure for visualization, drilling, and chlear otosclerosis with ossification did not obtain any
instrumentation, all of which cannot be over emphasized. significant auditory rehabilitation using the same, and
Two of the patients with RW or basal turn ossification were subsequently rehabilitated with a cochlear implant
had incomplete electrode insertion in the current study, with complete electrode insertion, despite ossification.

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 38, No. 9, 2017

Copyright 2017 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 3. Brief comparison of previous literature on series of cochlear implantation in otosclerosis with surgical and auditory outcomes
% of Patients Electrodes Used Intraoperative Complica-
Number With Cochlear Surgical (Straight/ tions/Extent of Electrode Postoperative Revision Surgery
Studies of Patients Ossification Approach Perimodiolar) Insertions FNS With Indications Auditory Outcomes

Rotteveel et al. 53 32% PT Straight and Three misplaced 38% (5% with Two contralateral Speech performance
2004 perimodiolar insertions (one LSSC, perimodiolar) revisions due to scores negatively
and 2010 one SSSC, one primary single correlated with disease
otosclerotic cavity), channel (later extent on CT and
seven partial ST revised by percentage of inactive
insertions, one partial multichannel partial electrodes
SV insertion, one tip insertion) and partial
rollover electrode insertion
(later revised by
double array
insertion). Two
misplaced and
partial insertions
with 1 eventual
Psillas et al. 5 40% PT Perimodiolar Full insertions, ST 20% 1 year SC 60.5
Quaranta et al. 9 100% PT Straight Full insertion, ST 44.4% 1 year SC 83.1
Sainz et al. 2007 15 PT Straight One incomplete insertion 13.3% None 1 year SC >80
and 2009
Rama Lopez 30 13.3% PT Straight and Full insertion, ST 0% None 1 year SC 66
et al. 2006 perimodiolar
Matterson et al. 59 18.6% PT Straight and ST and SV (number not 23.7% (0% with No correlation between
2007 perimodiolar mentioned) perimodiolar) speech scores in
obliterated and
nonobliterated cochleae
Mosnier et al. 16 37.5% PT Straight Full insertion, ST 6% 1 year SC 89
Marshall et al. 30 10% PT Straight and Full insertion, ST 17% (0% with 1 year SC 75
2005 perimodiolar perimodiolar)
Semaan et al. 30 29.4% PT Perimodiolar Full insertion, ST 0% 1 year SC 92. No

2010 difference in outcomes

between ossification
group and no
ossification group
Castillo et al. 17 5.8% PT (14) and Straight One incomplete insertion, 11.7% None 1 year SC>80
2014 transatical (3) ST
Current study 36 69.5% STP (14 ears) Straight Two incomplete 5.2% Three revisions due to 1 year SC 68 (82 for
and PT insertions (ST), one two device failures patients with no
misplaced insertion and one extrusion ossification, 55 for
(SSSC), one complete patients with

Copyright 2017 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
SV insertion ossification)

FNS indicates facial nerve stimulation; LSSC, lateral semicircular canal; PT, posterior tympanotomy/extended posterior tympanotomy; SC, postoperative sentence scores in %; SSSC, superior
semicircular canal; ST, scala tympani; STP, subtotal petrosectomy; SV, scala vestibuli.

Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 38, No. 9, 2017


Out of three revision surgeries, two were due to device significant differences in speech discrimination were
failure and one post-extrusion. All patients underwent found between otosclerotic patients and nonotosclerotic
uneventful reimplantation with complete electrode controls in many studies (7,9,10), though higher MCLs
insertion. and electrical thresholds were observed in otosclerotic
patients (7) that did not correlate with any of the auditory
Facial Nerve Stimulation parameters. Rotteveel et al. (11,12), apart from disease
Varying rates of postimplantation FNS in otosclerotic extent, also attributed the reduced performance to lesser
patients have been reported in the literature ranging from active electrodes on follow-up, coupled with a high
none to 38% (711,2024) (Table 3). However, on percentage of electrode deactivation to manage FNS.
analyzing these results closely, they differ when corre- Semaan et al. (10) found worse short-term speech
lated with the kind of electrode used (straight/perimo- reception thresholds associated with intracochlear ossi-
diolar). Although the incidence of FNS with perimodiolar fication but found no difference in short or long-term
electrodes has been reported to be close to 0% (10,23,34), word or sentence scores or long-term speech reception
it has varied from 6% (24) to 40% in the subset of patients thresholds. In the current study, all parameters such as
implanted using straight array (23) respectively. vowel, word, sentence scores, and comprehension im-
In the current series using straight arrays, 1 patient of proved significantly activation onward and remained
36 developed postoperative FNS bilaterally (5%) which relatively plateaued 1 year onward. Though all patients
was successfully managed by reducing current levels and without any cochlear ossification fared better in all
increasing pulse widths initially followed by switching auditory scores throughout postoperative period ranging
off 1 electrode (No. 18) on right side and 3 (nos. 13, 14, 4 years with a trend toward significance, no statistical
15) on the left side. This is since the electrode contacts significance could be achieved for any of them except
most often implicated in FNS are the mid array ones word scores at 24 months. This seems since a long
located in the upper basal turn, being closest to the duration of hearing loss, such as observed in the current
labyrinthine facial nerve (18,35). Seyyedi et al. (36) in study itself can lead to a delay in eventual auditory
a histopathological study concluded that the only micro- outcomes, with 2 years being the representative period
scopic finding significantly associated with FNS was for the assessment of the same.
full-thickness replacement of normal bone by pathologic
bone with spongiosis, neoangiogenesis, cavitation, and
soft tissue deposition with invasion of endosteum of both CONCLUSIONS
the upper basal turn of cochlea and facial nerve canal by
otosclerosis. The specific involvement of this bone can Cochlear implantation in otosclerosis provides good
be sought on preoperative CT scanning to undertake auditory rehabilitation despite higher incidence of
preemptive measures, such as use of perimodiolar elec- cochlear ossification. The completeness of successful
trodes or alterations in a programming strategy. electrode insertion may not depend on ossification, if
In a computer model, the spiral ligament was observed patent cochlear lumen can be obtained, and postoperative
to have a much higher conductivity to current spread, as radiological confirmation is strongly recommended.
compared with the more resistive organ of corti and Facial nerve stimulation must be sought on CT changes
basilar membrane (37). Extensive structural alterations preoperatively and use of modiolar hugging electrodes
such as hyalinization of spiral ligament are a hallmark of seem to be preventive. In the event of FNS, alterations in
otosclerosis (24), possibly leading to the conductance programming strategy including switching off offending
of current to the facial nerve canal. In another computer mid array electrodes may not affect speech outcomes
model (38), the same authors concluded that the excita- significantly. Auditory outcomes do not seem to be
tion thresholds for facial nerve remain relatively constant significantly worse for patients with ossification in
in otosclerosis, and the main effect seems to be an otosclerosis than in those patients who do not have
increased current required to produce MCLs with higher any ossification.
bone conductivity. The progressive requirement of
higher MCLs in otosclerosis has been observed by others Acknowledgments: The authors thank Dr. Charu Shukla for
as well (7,8). indispensable assistance in statistical analysis.

Auditory Outcomes
Despite some concerns that otosclerosis is associated REFERENCES
with negative postimplantation speech scores (14), most 1. Schuknecht HF, Merchant SN, Nadol JB. Schuknechts Pathol-
studies on otosclerosis have uniformly demonstrated ogy of the Ear. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Medical; 2010 .
auditory outcomes and speech performance scores that 726 37.
are comparable to age-matched controls (711,2025). 2. Doherty JK, Linthicum FH Jr. Spiral ligament and stria vascularis
Although Rotteveel et al. (11,22) found positive corre- changes in cochlear otosclerosis: Effect on hearing level. Otol
Neurotol 2004;25:45764.
lation between reduced speech performance postimplan- 3. Parahy C, Linthicum FH Jr. Otosclerosis: Relationship of spiral
tation with extent of disease, as observed on CT ligament hyalinization to sensorineural hearing loss. Laryngoscope
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Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 38, No. 9, 2017

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Copyright 2017 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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