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Evaluating Ideas and Making Judgments on Texts Presented Orally

Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion

I. Learning Objectives

Evaluate ideas and making judgments on texts presented orally.

Distinguish between fact and opinion.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Evaluating Ideas and Making Judgments on Texts

Presented Orally, Distinguishing Between Fact and
B. References: PELC I 14.1
The Daily Tribune, May 29, 2007
C. Materials: dictionary, charts

Value Focus: Listening attentively

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities

1. Recall the lesson about real or fantasy.

2. Tell whether the event is real or fantasy

a. The tree bears gold fruits. (Fantasy)

b. Crocodiles stay in the water. (Real)
c. A person can be burned to death. (Real)
d. A magical mountain can be found in Davao. (Fantasy)

1. What do you see in the picture? (a volcano is about to erupt)
2. Can you give examples of active volcanoes? (Mt. Mayon, Mt.
Pinatubo, Mt. Bulusan, Mt. Taal)

Unlocking of Difficulties

Look up the meaning of these words in the dictionary.

1. allayed (lessened)
2. peg (fix)
3. decline (drop)
4. impending (about to occur)

B. Developmental Activities
1. The teacher reads the news report to the pupils: Phivolcs allays
fears of Bulusan erupting

Phivolcs allays fears of Bulusan erupting

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

(Phivolcs) has allayed fears by the public that Mt. Bulusan would soon
erupt after reports circulated yesterday saying the volcano was going
to erupt within the next 48 hours.
Phivolcs Director Renato Solidum said the institute is not
pegging a specific time frame for Bulusans eruption, despite its having
spewed smoke and its periodic grumbling over the past weeks.
He said Phivolcs was maintaining Alert level 2 over Bulusan,
which means any human activity within the imposed four-kilometer
radius permanent danger zone from the volcanos crater was
Phivolcs said yesterday it monitored Bulusan to have generated
a total of 21 volcanic quakes, which was lower than the 56 quakes that
was recorded last Sunday.
The quakes were accompanied by steaming activity that rose 50
meters and blew southwest of the volcano, the institute said.
Solidum said despite the decline in the number of volcanic
quakes, Bulusans repeated grumbling could however be a sign of an
impending eruption.
After the Phivolcs raised the alert level over Bulusan last May
13, the government of the United States, the United Kingdom,
Australia, and Canada have warned their citizens against venturing in
areas near the volcano.
Bulusan, some 155 miles south of Manila, is situated in
Sorsogon province in the Bicol Region. Its earliest recorded eruption
was in 1852. Other eruptions before the 20th century were in 1886,
1889, 1892 and 1894.
2. After reading the news report, ask the following questions.

a. Which volcano is about to erupt? (Mt. Bulusan)

b. In what province is Mt. Bulusan located? (Sorsogon)
c. What agency announced the impending eruption of Mt.
Bulusan? (Phivolcs)
d. Who is the head of the Phivolcs? (Director Renato Solidum)
e. What situation proved that Mt. Bulusan is about to erupt?
(The quakes that were accompanied by steaming activity)

Analysis and Discussion

1. Is the newscast you heard a fact of on opinion? (a fact)

2. Why do you say that it is a fact? (It is happening in real life.)

Give sets of sentences taken from the news report.

Mt. Bulusan is found in Sorsogon.

Is the information in the sentence found in the news report?
If it is found in the news report, then it is a fact.
Director Renato Solidum heads the Phivolcs.
Is the information in the sentence found in the news report?
If it is found in the news report then it is a fact.
Mt. Bulusan is very dangerous.
Is the information from the sentence found in the news report?
If it is not found in the news report then it is an opinion.
The people living in Sorsogon left their homes.
Is the information in the sentence found in the news report?
If it is not found in the news report then it is an opinion

You learned two words today: Fact and Opinion


What is a fact?
A fact is a reality, something that has existed or happened.
What is an opinion?
An opinion is ones viewpoint, what one believes or thinks about
C. Post Activities

Say F if the statement that I will say is a fact. Say O if the statement is
an opinion.

1. The Philippines is an archipelago. (F)

2. All Filipino families are known for strong family ties. (O)
3. A bat is a nocturnal animal. (F)
4. The sun is a star. (F)
5. The Philippines has two seasons. (F)


The teacher says a statement. If the statement is a fact, the pupils will
stand. If the statement is an opinion, the pupils will sit.

1. Salt is the most essential of all raw materials. (O)

2. Gregorio del Pilar defended Pasong Tirad from the American
soldiers. (F)
3. Planet earth has only one satellite named moon. (F)
4. All hardworking people succeed in life. (O)
5. Simple machines are useful to mankind. (O)

Optional: IC Materials

Can a Fica climb a Trec British Council, Audio Video

http://www.british council org/hn/hid

IV. Evaluation

Clap once if the statement that I will say is fact. Clap twice if the statement
is an opinion.

1. The early Filipinos lived in caves. (F)

2. Stars are made up of gases. (F)
3. Books play an important role in the life of humans. (O)
4. Artificial air is good for the body. (O)
5. The sun is at the center of the solar system. (F)

V. Assignment

In your assignment notebook, write five statements stating facts and five
statements stating opinions.

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