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Judeged By: Francis De Veyra

Best Short Film (Professional and Amateur)

Award Criteria

On a scale of 1-to-10, with 10 being the best, give each entry a rating in the following categories.

Cinematography ----------------

Consider the directors choices for shot and angles, lighting. Did they try to change things up or were
the shots static? How was the film visually?


1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 7


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag 7
3. Kahoynon 8
4. Guliat Han Baboy 9
5. Ako - 8

Editing -----------------

Did the film flow? Did editing impact the film, making it better or worse? Was it smooth?


1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha - 7


1. Otso 9
2. Uswag - 7
3. Kahoynon - 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy - 9
5. Ako - 8
Sound ----------------

Was the sound quality good? Were song selections good? How did sound impact film?


1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha - 7


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag - 7
3. Kahoynon - 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy - 8
5. Ako - 8

Storyline -----------------

Could you follow the show? Did the director/writers lead you through the story?


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha - 8


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag - 8
3. Kahoynon - 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy - 9
5. Ako - 8

Film as art ------------------

Did the film have an artistic quality? Was it just a home movie, or was there more to it?

1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 7
3. Alibugha - 7


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag - 7
3. Kahoynon - 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy - 8
5. Ako - 8

Special effects ------------------

Were there special effects? Were attempts made to spice up the film?


1. Pasidaan 6
2. Departures 6
3. Alibugha 6


1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag - 7
3. Kahoynon - 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy - 8
5. Ako - 8

Subject ------------------

Was the subject of the film worthwhile? Was it entertaining?


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha - 7

1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag - 9
3. Kahoynon - 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy - 8
5. Ako - 8

Creativity ------------------

How much thought was behind the film? Was it ordinary, or more than that?


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha - 7


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag - 7
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy - 8
5. Ako - 8

Intangibles ------------------

Judges discretion


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 7
3. Alibugha - 7


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag - 7
3. Kahoynon - 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy - 8
5. Ako - 9
Overall ------------------

How well would this film represent the Babe Stewart Short Film Competition?


1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures - 8
3. Alibugha - 7


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag 7
3. Kahoynon - 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy - 8
5. Ako - 8

Total -------------------


1. Pasidaan 74
2. Departures 76
3. Alibugha 70


1. Otso - 89
2. Uswag 73
3. Kahoynon 89
4. Guliat Han Baboy 83
5. Ako - 81

Best Documentary (professional and amateur)

On a scale of 1-to-10, with 10 being the best, give each entry a rating in the following categories.



Choice of subject and relevance to today's issues - 7


Creativity and Originality - 7


Purpose and Focus on the topic - 7


Strength and diversity of research and sources - 7


Technical Execution camera/sound/lighting/editing/transitions - 6


Total - 34



Best Director

This category should be judged on the overall effectiveness of direction and the cohesive vision of the
production. Scores should be based on the following criteria:

On a scale of 1-to-10, with 10 being the best, give each entry a rating in the following categories.

Understanding of and commitment to the script ___________


1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 7


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag 7
3. Kahoynon 8
4. Guliat Han Baboy 9
5. Ako - 8
Conceptual design and style ____________

1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag 7
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 7
5. Ako - 8

Thematic development )____________


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 9
5. Ako - 8

Overall effective execution of direction ____________


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 7


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag 7
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 8
5. Ako - 8

Total ____________


1. Pasidaan 29
2. Departures 32
3. Alibugha 31


1. Otso - 35
2. Uswag 29
3. Kahoynon 35
4. Guliat Han Baboy 33
5. Ako - 32

Best Production Design

This category should be judged on the effective use of physical environment of the production. Scores
should be based on the following criteria:

On a scale of 1-to-10, with 10 being the best, give each entry a rating in the following categories.

Creating tone and mood that is conducive to the other design elements and the production
as a whole _____________


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 7
5. Ako - 8

Originality of the set design _________________


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 7
5. Ako - 8

Theatricality of the set design ________________


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 7
5. Ako - 8

A set design that is technically sound _______________


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 7
5. Ako - 8

Overall effective use of the physical environment ________________


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 7
5. Ako - 8

Total _____________


1. Pasidaan 35
2. Departures 40
3. Alibugha 40


1. Otso - 40
2. Uswag 40
3. Kahoynon 45
4. Guliat Han Baboy 35
5. Ako - 40

Best Screenplay

On a scale of 1-to-10, with 10 being the best, give each entry a rating in the following categories.

The Story engaging, contextually believable? _________


1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 9
3. Alibugha 9


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag 9
3. Kahoynon 8
4. Guliat Han Baboy 8
5. Ako - 9

Structure hook-aim-conflict-climax-resolution, solid plot, intriguing? _____________


1. Pasidaan 9
4. Departures 8
5. Alibugha 7


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 8
5. Ako - 8

Was the films message/intent clear from the first viewing? ___________


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 9
3. Alibugha 9


1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag 9
3. Kahoynon 8
4. Guliat Han Baboy 7
5. Ako - 8

Dialogue efficient, meaningful, clever? ___________


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 9
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag 9
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 8
5. Ako - 8

Total ______________


1. Pasidaan 31
2. Departures 35
3. Alibugha 33


1. Otso - 34
2. Uswag 35
3. Kahoynon 34
4. Guliat Han Baboy 31
5. Ako - 33

Best Cinematography

On a scale of 1-to-10, with 10 being the best, give each entry a rating in the following categories.
Consider the directors choices for shots, angles and lighting. _______

1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 7


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 8
5. Ako - 8

Were shots static? ______


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 8
5. Ako - 8

Visual storytelling? _______


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 7
5. Ako - 8

Composition, framing, camera angle. Camera movement appropriateness and quality. Style
consistency. ______


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 7
5. Ako - 8

Total ______


1. Pasidaan 29
2. Departures 32
3. Alibugha 31


1. Otso - 34
2. Uswag 32
3. Kahoynon 36
4. Guliat Han Baboy 30
5. Ako - 32
Best Actor In a Lead Role

This category should be judged solely on the merits of the individual performance and the effective use
of the craft of acting to portray the character and serve the overall production. Scores should be based
on the following criteria:

On a scale of 1-to-10, with 10 being the best, give each entry a rating in the following categories.

Understanding of and commitment to the script ______


1. Pasidaan No Lead Actor

2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 10
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 8
4. Guliat Han Baboy 9
5. Ako - 8

Embodying the character (including physical and vocal traits where appropriate) _______


1. Pasidaan No Lead Actor

2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 10
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 8
4. Guliat Han Baboy 9
5. Ako - 8

Giving a performance that is conducive to the production _______

1. Pasidaan No Lead Actor
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 10
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 8
4. Guliat Han Baboy 9
5. Ako - 8

Overall effectiveness of the performance _______


1. Pasidaan No Lead Actor

2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8


1. Otso - 10
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 8
4. Guliat Han Baboy 9
5. Ako - 8

Total ______


1. Pasidaan No Lead Actor

2. Departures 32
3. Alibugha 32


1. Otso - 40
2. Uswag 32
3. Kahoynon 32
4. Guliat Han Baboy 36
5. Ako - 32
Best Actress In a Lead Role

This category should be judged solely on the merits of the individual performance and the effective use
of the craft of acting to portray the character and serve the overall production. Scores should be based
on the following criteria:

On a scale of 1-to-10, with 10 being the best, give each entry a rating in the following categories.

Understanding of and commitment to the script ______


1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 7


1. Otso No Lead Actress

2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy No Lead Actress
5. Ako - 6

Embodying the character (including physical and vocal traits where appropriate) _______

1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 7


1. Otso No Lead Actress

2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy No Lead Actress
5. Ako - 6

Giving a performance that is conducive to the production _______


1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 7


1. Otso No Lead Actress

2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy No Lead Actress
5. Ako - 6

Overall effectiveness of the performance _______


1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 7


1. Otso No Lead Actress

2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy No Lead Actress
5. Ako - 6

Total ______

1. Pasidaan 32
2. Departures 32
3. Alibugha 28


1. Otso No Lead Actress

2. Uswag 32
3. Kahoynon 36
4. Guliat Han Baboy No Lead Actress
5. Ako - 24
Best Original Music
This category should be judged on the original music used within the production. Scores should be
based on the following criteria:

On a scale of 1-to-10, with 10 being the best, give each entry a rating in the following categories.

Creating tone and mood that is conducive to the production as a whole _____

1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 7


1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 8
5. Ako - 8

Originality of the music ______


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 7


1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 8
5. Ako - 8

Theatricality of the music ______


1. Pasidaan 7
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 8

1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 7
5. Ako - 8

Overall effectiveness of the music _______


1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 7


1. Otso - 8
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 8
5. Ako - 8

Total ______

1. Pasidaan 30
2. Departures 32
3. Alibugha 29


1. Otso - 32
2. Uswag 32
3. Kahoynon 36
4. Guliat Han Baboy 31
5. Ako - 32

Best Editing
On a scale of 1-to-10, with 10 being the best, give each entry a rating in the following categories.
Editing and Use of Visual Enhancements (Transitions, titles,credits, special effects) _________

1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 7


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 9
5. Ako - 8

Compositions and structure of the whole film _______

1. Pasidaan 8
2. Departures 8
3. Alibugha 7


1. Otso - 9
2. Uswag 8
3. Kahoynon 9
4. Guliat Han Baboy 9
5. Ako - 8

Total _______

1. Pasidaan 16
2. Departures 16
3. Alibugha 14


1. Otso - 18
2. Uswag 16
3. Kahoynon 18
4. Guliat Han Baboy 18
5. Ako - 16
Best Music Video (Professional and Amateur)

On a scale of 1-to-10, with 10 being the best, give each entry a rating in the following categories.

Relevance of Visual Images To Music _______


1. Kabataan Kontra Droga - 10


1. Madigon Na Pagpadayon - 8
2. Nag-uusa Kala 8
3. Sa Panaginip Na Lang - 9

Performances ______


1. Kabataan Kontra Droga - 6


1. Madigon Na Pagpadayon - 9
2. Nag-uusa Kala 8
3. Sa Panaginip Na Lang - 8

Production Design(props, costumes,sets, locations) ______


1. Kabataan Kontra Droga - 7


1. Madigon Na Pagpadayon - 9
2. Nag-uusa Kala 8
3. Sa Panaginip Na Lang - 9

Visual Composition/Cinematography _______

1. Kabataan Kontra Droga - 7


1. Madigon Na Pagpadayon - 9
2. Nag-uusa Kala 8
3. Sa Panaginip Na Lang - 8

Editing and Use of Visual Enhancements _______


1. Kabataan Kontra Droga - 7


1. Madigon Na Pagpadayon - 8
2. Nag-uusa Kala 7
3. Sa Panaginip Na Lang - 9

Total ______


1. Kabataan Kontra Droga - 37


1. Madigon Na Pagpadayon - 43
2. Nag-uusa Kala 39
3. Sa Panaginip Na Lang - 43

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