Can Vitamin D Status Be Assessed by Serum 25OHD in Children2015

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Pediatr Nephrol (2015) 30:327332

DOI 10.1007/s00467-014-2927-z


Can vitamin D status be assessed by serum 25OHD in children?

Mara Agustina Alonso & Zamir Francisco Pallavicini &
Julin Rodrguez & Noelia Avello & Pablo Martnez-Camblor &
Fernando Santos

Received: 9 June 2014 / Revised: 21 July 2014 / Accepted: 22 July 2014 / Published online: 20 August 2014
# IPNA 2014

Abstract higher in children aged6 years. There was no significant

Background To examine the relationship of serum 25- correlation between serum 25OHD and PTH concentrations.
hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) concentrations with serum para- Totals of 15.6 % and 2.1 % of children had 25OHD values less
thyroid hormone (PTH) levels, body mass index (BMI), and than 20 and 10 ng/ml, respectively, but none had elevated
environmental factors in a population of Caucasian children serum PTH or clinical manifestations related with vitamin D
living at latitude 43N. deficiency. Age (inverse correlation) and season (higher
Methods Cross-sectional study on 288 children aged 1 month values in summer), but not BMI, sex, and time spent outdoors,
to 13 years who presented to a pediatric emergency unit influenced serum 25OHD concentrations.
during a 21-month period. Conclusions Our results raise doubt on the assumption of
Results Mean (SD) serum 25OHD concentrations were 40.6 only a serum 25OHD threshold as indicative of vitamin D
(17.6), 30.9 (12.0), and 26.4 (9.9) ng/ml (1 ng/ml=2.5 nmol/ deficiency in children.
l), in children aged 01, 25, and6 years, respectively.
Serum PTH levels were 26.6 (13.6), 24.3 (11.9), and 32.7 Keywords 25OHD . PTH . Deficiency . Correlation .
(12.1) pg/ml in the same groups. Infants had 25OHD concen- Threshold . Children
trations significantly higher. PTH levels were significantly

M. A. Alonso (*) : J. Rodrguez
Department of Pediatrics, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias,
Oviedo 33011, Spain Vitamin D is essential for health. Its major physiologic func-
e-mail: tion is related to the homeostasis of mineral metabolism by
maintaining serum calcium and phosphorus levels within the
Z. F. Pallavicini
normal physiologic range to ensure bone mineralization.
Primary Health Center, Oviedo, Spain
However, nowadays the vast majority of publications on
N. Avello vitamin D are not focused on rickets or its prevention. A
Laboratory of Medicine, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, recent PubMed search yielded only 1,118 references on this
Oviedo 33011, Spain
topic out of a total of 25,928 on vitamin D published over the
P. Martnez-Camblor last 10 years. Thus, current priority lines of interest on vitamin
Oficina de Investigacin Biosanitaria (OIB) de Asturias and D focus on its physiological extraskeletal effects are not well
Universidad Autonoma de Chile, Oviedo 33011, Spain known yet [1]. The potential link between adequate vitamin D
status and decreased risk for a variety of diseases [2, 3] has
F. Santos
Department of Pediatrics, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, given rise to a growing demand for measurement of serum 25-
Medical School, University of Oviedo, Oviedo 33011, Spain hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) concentrations [4] as a reliable
biomarker of an individuals vitamin D status useful to define
M. A. Alonso : Z. F. Pallavicini : J. Rodrguez : N. Avello :
P. Martnez-Camblor : F. Santos
vitamin D deficiency. However, the basis for determining
Health Service of the Principality of Asturias (SESPA), what represents an adequate vitamin D status in the pediatric
Oviedo 33011, Spain population is not clear [1, 5]. Intestinal calcium absorption,
328 Pediatr Nephrol (2015) 30:327332

bone mineral density and rates of bone loss, falls, and fractures Laboratory measurements
have all been proposed as physiological criteria to define
vitamin D sufficiency but there are no studies that support Serum 25OHD and intact PTH concentrations were measured
the validity of these clinical indicators in children. Studies on in the hospital clinical laboratory by one of the investigators
the relationship between serum 25OHD and parathyroid hor- (AN). Serum 25OHD was measured by using chemilumines-
mone (PTH) concentrations in adults have suggested that the cence (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany and
optimal serum 25OHD concentration could be defined as the DiaSorin, Saluggia, Italy). Interassay coefficients of variation
level at which PTH declines to a minimum [6, 7]. On this basis, were less than 8.2 %. Intact PTH concentrations were mea-
a serum 25OHD concentration of 20 ng/ml is usually consid- sured by electrochemiluminescence (Roche). Interassay coef-
ered in adults as the threshold of vitamin D deficiency [8]. The ficient of variation was less than 3 % for the intact PTH. The
American Academy of Pediatrics revised its policy on vitamin reference ranges provided by the manufacturers of the assays
D supplementation in 2008 and proposed new recommenda- were 10 to 68 ng/ml for 25OHD and 15 to 65 pg/ml for PTH.
tions on the daily intake of vitamin D with the aim of main-
taining serum 25OHD concentrations greater than 20 ng/ml. Definitions
However, pediatric studies have yielded no uniform results
about the threshold level [7, 913]. In addition, mathematical Values of serum 25OHD less than 20 ng/ml [2124] and less
models have disclosed a strong influence of age on the PTH- than 10 ng/ml [12, 2529] were taken as cut-off thresholds
25OHD relationship [14], which complicates the setting of a indicative of vitamin D deficiency.
safety threshold. These observations strengthen the need of BMI was calculated as weight (kg)/height (m 2 ).
undertaking pediatric studies and prevent from adopting vita- Overweight was defined as BMI80th percentile for age in
min D thresholds extrapolated from adult series [1, 5]. boys and85th percentile for age in girls. Obesity was defined
The present study was designed to determine the serum as BMI97th percentile for age and sex. BMI percentiles
25OHD concentrations of a pediatric population living in a were determined by using age- and gender-specific growth
poorly sunlit geographical area located at a latitude of 43 charts for the Spanish population [30].
North (N) to analyze the correlation between serum 25OHD
and PTH concentrations and to assess the influence on Statistical analysis
25OHD levels of variables such as age, season of the year,
sun exposure, dietary calcium intake, and body mass index The usual descriptive statistics were used to represent the
(BMI) [9, 11, 1520]. general characteristics of participants (sex, age, residence,
ethnicity, exposure to the sun, BMI). Mean and standard
deviation (SD) were used for continuous variables and relative
Methods and absolute frequencies for the categorical variables. The
differences between continuous variables in the different
Design and participants groups (age, sex, deficiency of vitamin D) were contrasted
by the non-parametric test of MannWhitney (two groups)
A clinical, prospective, and cross-sectional study approved by and by the test of KruskalWallis (more than two groups). Chi-
the Regional Ethics Committee of the Principality of Asturias square test was calculated for assessing differences in qualita-
was conducted. Children (aged 1 month to 13 years) who tive variables. The relationship between the 25OHD and PTH
presented to the pediatric emergency unit of a tertiary hospital levels was studied with a dispersion graph, and the Pearson
sited in a community of northern Spain (Asturias, latitude, 43 correlation coefficient was calculated. Multivariate regression
N) during a 21-month period were enrolled in the study. analysis was performed to disclose the potential effects of
Inclusion criteria were the need of drawing a blood sample other variables on the serum concentrations of 25OHD.
for clinical reasons, the informed consent of parents to partic- Confidence intervals at 95 % were calculated. A p value<
ipate in the study, the absence of severe disease, otherwise 0.05 was considered as indicative of significant difference.
healthy, and place of residence in Asturias. Those children
with conditions that might affect vitamin D or bone metabo-
lism were excluded. Serum 25OHD and PTH concentrations Results
were measured. After the visit to the emergency room, one of
the investigators (ZP) interviewed by phone one of the parents A total of 310 children were enrolled in the study, but the final
to collect the following data included in a questionnaire: sample included 288 individuals. Twenty-one blood samples
ethnicity, urban or rural habitat, existence of chronic diseases, were inadequate and one child was excluded because of living
treatments with drugs or vitamin supplements, daily intake of outside Asturias. Characteristics of the participants are shown
milk and estimated time spent outdoors. in Table 1.
Pediatr Nephrol (2015) 30:327332 329

Table 1 Characteristics of the children Table 3 Serum concentrations [mean (SD)] of 25OHD and intact para-
thyroid hormone (PTH) in the three age groups
n (%) CI (95 %)
Age (years) 25OHD (ng/ml) PTH (pg/ml)
Boys 166 (57.6) [51.963.3] 01 40.6 (17.6) 26.6 (13.6)
Girls 122 (42.4) [37.648.1] 25 30.9 (12.0) 24.3 (11.9)
Age group 6 26.4 (9.9) 32.7 (12.1)
02 years 102 (35.4) [29.940.9] p<0.01 p<0.01
26 years 112 (38.9) [33.344.5]
> 6 years 74 (25.7) [20.630.7]
Habitat For the whole sample, there was a weak inverse correlation
Urban 212 (76.8) [71.881.8] between serum PTH and 25OHD levels (r= 0.099) (Fig. 1).
Rural 64 (23.2) [18.228.2] Correlations were 0.033, 0.017, and 0.079 for children
Ethnicity aged 01, 25, and6 years.
Caucasian 243 (88.1) [82.690.6] Serum 25OHD concentrations were higher (p<0.001) in
Asian 1 (0.3) [0.02.0] spring and summer (from April to September) than in autumn
Hispanic 20 (7.4) [4.411.0] and winter (from October to March) [38.2 (17.1) vs. 30.1
Gypsy 12 (4.2) [2.27.4] (12.5) ng/ml]. There were no significant differences in serum
Body mass index PTH levels between these two groups (p=0.250).
Obesity 27 (9.5) [6.2713.5] Multivariate regression analysis showed no effect of sex,
Overweight 39 (14.2) [10.118.3]
ethnicity, habitat, outdoor exposure, milk consumption, and
Normal weight 210 (76.3) [71.381.4]
BMI on serum concentrations of 25OHD.

n sample size; CI confidence interval

The questionnaire could not be completed in 12 children Discussion

Totals of 15.6 % and 2.1 % of children had serum 25OHD This study shows that 15.6 % of children living in an area
concentrations less than 20 ng/ml and 10 ng/ml, respectively located at 43N latitude, which may preclude the cutaneous
(Table 2). Their PTH levels were not significantly elevated in synthesis of vitamin D [9], were vitamin D deficient according
comparison with those children having serum 25OHD values
equal to or greater than 20 ng/ml. The greatest prevalence of
25OHD levels<20 ng/ml was found in the group of children 6
or more years of age (p=0.006). There was no significant
difference in the prevalence of 25OHD levels<20 ng/ml be-
tween girls and boys (16.4 vs. 15.1 %, p=0.499).
Serum concentrations of 25OHD and PTH are shown in
Table 3. Serum 25OHD concentrations were significantly
higher (p<0.010) in children younger than 2 years whereas
serum PTH concentrations were higher in children of 6 years
of age or older (p<0.010).

Table 2 Prevalence of serum 25OHD concentrations less than 20 and

10 ng/ml according to age

Age (years) 25OHD<20 ng/ml 25OHD<10 ng/ml

n (%) CI 95 % n (%) CI 95 %

01 7 (6.8) 2.813.6 1 (0.9) 0.00.5

26 18 (16.1) 9.222.9 3 (2.6) 0.57.6
>6 20 (27) 17.438.6 2 (2.7) 0.39.4
Total 45 (15.6) 11.419.8 6 (2.1) 0.74.4
Fig. 1 Relationship between serum 25OHD and parathyroid hormone
n sample size; CI confidence interval levels (r=0.099)
330 Pediatr Nephrol (2015) 30:327332

to an upper limit of serum 25OHD concentration to define commonly recommended from birth to 18 months of age in
deficiency of 20 ng/ml. Only 2.1 % of children had 25OHD our community and the consumption of foods fortified with
levels less than 10 ng/ml. Importantly, this study shows that vitamin D in infants (formula-fed, cereals), variables that
children with serum 25OHD values considered to be insuf- likely influence 25OHD levels [9, 41].
ficient did not have apparently related clinical manifestations The mean serum PTH concentrations were normal at all
or elevated levels of serum PTH and that the correlation age groups although significantly higher in the group of older
between serum PTH and 25OHD concentrations was extreme- children. Only four children had PTH levels above the normal
ly weak. These findings indicate that the threshold for vitamin reference values, two of them were infants and two were in the
D deficiency in the pediatric population still needs to be 25 years group. These four children had 25OHD concentra-
established. tions greater than 20 ng/ml and did not present clinical or
Other studies that assessed the prevalence of biochemical data of secondary hyperparathyroidism [42].
hypovitaminosis D in a healthy population using different As for the influence of the season of year on vitamin D
thresholds of deficiency obtained similar data [31, 32]. In a status, the serum 25OHD concentrations were significantly
sample of US children from the 20012006 National Health higher in spring and summer, from April to September, the
and Nutrition Examination Survey, Mansbach et al. found that period of greater solar irradiation in our region [43].
1 and 18 % had serum 25OHD concentrations lower than Nevertheless, serum PTH levels did not vary. As more than
11 ng/ml and 20 ng/ml, respectively [31, 33]. 90 % of vitamin D comes from photo conversion of 7-
It is controversial if these thresholds are adequate to define dehydrocholesterol to cholecalciferol by solar ultraviolet B
vitamin D deficiency in the pediatric population [2, 4, 5, 7, radiation in the skin, the latitude is considered a factor that
34]. Several measurable functional outcomes have been sug- affects cutaneous vitamin D synthesis and therefore a risk
gested to define clinically relevant vitamin D deficiency in factor for vitamin D deficiency [44]. This agrees with the
children. The most studied has been the occurrence of rickets, mean serum 25OHD concentrations below 20 ng/ml found
but a circulating concentration of 25OHD, above which rick- in February and March in our study.
ets does not occur, cannot be defined for a general population An apparently paradoxical finding of our study was that the
[5, 7, 22, 35]. Anyway, no clinical signs or symptoms of group of older children spent more time outdoors according to
rickets were found in any child in our study. If maximal the questionnaire and, however, its serum 25OHD concentra-
suppression of serum PTH concentrations is taken as a sign tions were lower. By contrast, the group of infants younger
of good vitamin D status, it is of note that children theoreti- than 2 years had high circulating levels of 25OHD but spent
cally deficient in our study did not have higher levels of PTH less time outside. Besides the potential limitation of the infor-
than children with 25OHD levels greater than 20 ng/ml. The mation obtained by a telephonic questionnaire, the vitamin D
correlation between the serum concentrations of 25OHD and supplementation received by infants must be taken into ac-
PTH, widely used in adults to assess the threshold of adequacy count for the interpretation of these results, as stated above.
of vitamin D, was weak and not significant in our study. There is controversy about the relationship between body
It could be argued that children with circulating 25OHD fat and vitamin D status. Some studies have associated vita-
levels less than 20 ng/ml might benefit of vitamin D supple- min D deficiency with excessive body weight [45, 46], per-
mentation because of potential extraskeletal effects. Currently, haps as a result of the sequestration of vitamin D by the fat, but
there is insufficient evidence from interventional studies to others found opposite results [47]. Few data are available in
support vitamin D supplementation on this basis [22, 29] and children [18]. We did not find any significant relationship
the values of serum 25OHD concentrations required to obtain between BMI and serum 25OHD levels as well as we did
these hypothetical beneficial effects on global health are un- not demonstrate any influence of sex, habitat residence, milk
known [1, 2, 7, 3537]. In our study, only two children having intake, or time outdoors on serum concentrations of 25OHD.
25OHD levels lower than 20 ng/ml underwent chronic illness This study shows that 15.6 % of children aged 013 years
(bronchial asthma), this prevalence being even lower than had serum 25OHD concentrations below 20 ng/ml, but not
expected in the general child population in our community associated to elevated levels of serum PTH or clinical mani-
(4 vs. 11.7 %) [38]. festations. Recent publications [48, 49] indicate that the con-
Regarding the influence of age on vitamin D status, we cept of vitamin D deficiency needs to be redefined to consider
found that children of 6 years or older had the highest prev- not only total but also bioavailable 25OHD levels. In the
alence of 25ODH levels below 20 ng/ml. This finding is circulation, 25OHD is bound to vitamin D binding protein
consistent with former pediatric studies showing lower levels (DBP) and albumin. Only a small fraction is unbound.
of 25OHD as the childs age increases [31, 39, 40]. It is also of According to the free-hormone hypothesis, the free form
note that serum 25OHD concentrations were higher in the is primarily responsible for biological activity. Variation in
group of infants younger than 24 months of age, likely as a DBP levels and binding properties related with genetic differ-
result of the supplementation with vitamin D (400 IU/day) ences may affect the amount of free 25OHD. New research
Pediatr Nephrol (2015) 30:327332 331

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Meeting of the European Society for Pediatric Nephrology. 16. Ashwell M, Stone EM, Stolte H, Cashman KD, Macdonald H,
Lanham-New S, Hiom S, Webb A, Fraser D (2010) UK Food
Funding/support Partly supported by grant FIS ECO8/00238 from the Standards Agency Workshop Report: an investigation of the relative
Instituto de Salud Carlos III and by the Fundacin Nutricin y contributions of diet and sunlight to vitamin D status. Br J Nutr 4:19
Crecimiento. 17. Jamal-Allial A, Griffith JL, Tucker KL (2013) The longitudinal
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Author contributions Dra. Alonso had full access to all of the data in type. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. doi:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2013.12.004
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Rodrguez, Santos. Obtainment of data: Pallavicini, Avello. Analysis mass index on vitamin D status in a group of Spanish schoolchildren.
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