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The European Journal of Heart Failure 6 (2004) 257260

Essential biochemistry and physiology of (NT-pro)BNP

Christian Hall*
Research Institute for Internal Medicine, University of Oslo, Rikshospitalet, 0037 Oslo, Norway

Received 3 December 2003; accepted 20 December 2003


Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a 32 amino acid cardiac natriuretic peptide hormone originally isolated from porcine brain
tissue. The human BNP gene is located on chromosome 1 and encodes the prohormone proBNP. The biologically active BNP
and the remaining part of the prohormone, NT-proBNP (76 amino acids) can be measured by immunoassay in human blood.
Cardiac myocytes constitute the major source of BNP related peptides. The main stimulus for peptide synthesis and secretion is
myocyte stretch. Recently, cardiac fibroblasts have also been shown to produce BNP. Other neurohormones may stimulate cardiac
BNP production in different cardiac cell types. In contrast to atrial natriuretic peptides (ANPyNT-proANP), which originate
mainly from atrial tissue, BNP related peptides are produced mainly from ventricular myocytes. Ventricular (NT-pro)BNP
production is strongly upregulated in cardiac failure and locally in the area surrounding a myocardial infarction. In peripheral
organs BNP binds to the natriuretic peptide receptor type A causing increased intracellular cGMP production. The biological
effects include diuresis, vasodilatation, inhibition of renin and aldosterone production and of cardiac and vascular myocyte growth.
In mice BNP gene knockout leads to cardiac fibrosis, gene over-expression to hypotension and bone malformations. BNP is
cleared from plasma through binding to the natriuretic peptide clearance receptor type C, but it seems relatively resistant to
proteolysis by neutral endopeptidase NEP 24.11. Clearance mechanisms for NT-proBNP await further study. While the plasma
concentration of NT-proBNP and BNP is approximately equal in normal controls, NT-proBNP plasma concentration is 210 times
higher than BNP in patients with heart failure. This relative change in peptide levels may be explained by shifts in cardiac
secretion andyor clearance mechanisms.
2004 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Brain natriuretic peptide; Human; Prohormone

1. Introduction peptide containing a disulfide bridge constituting a ring

structure w4x.
The suspicion that the heart may have an endocrine In 1988 Sudoh working in Matsuos research group
function was raised approximately 50 years ago. At the demonstrated an ANP-like natriuretic peptide from por-
time it was shown that dilatation of cardiac atria pro- cine brain, named brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) w5x.
duced natriuresis w1x. Furthermore, demonstration by Subsequent experiments showed that BNP was produced
electron microscopy of intracellular granules in atrial in cardiac myocytes and that it shared peripheral recep-
myocytes resembling those found in endocrine cells, tors with ANP w6x. Thus, today we know that the heart
supported the notion that the heart might be an endocrine secretes two cardiac natriuretic peptides with a homol-
organ w2x. The definitive demonstration of this was ogous structure, ANP and BNP (Fig. 1). A third homol-
provided by deBold and associates in their classic ogous natriuretic peptide, termed CNP, is produced in
experiment published in 1981 w3x. They injected extracts brain and endothelium, but apparently not in cardiac
from atrial myocytes into rats and a brisk natriuresis myocytes.
and diuresis was observed. Flynn later showed that the
active factor, termed atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), later 2. Structure and measurement of (Nt-pro)BNP
atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), was a 28 amino acid
The human BNP gene is located on chromosome 1
*Tel.: q47-23073612; fax: q47-23073630. and encodes the 108 amino acid prohormone proBNP.
E-mail address: (C. Hall). In the circulation the biologically active 32 amino acid

1388-9842/04/$ - see front matter 2004 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
258 C. Hall / The European Journal of Heart Failure 6 (2004) 257260

Fig. 1. Cardiac natriuretic peptides ANP (28 aminoacids) and BNP (32 aminoacids) are homologous in structure, forming a ring with a disulfide
bridge. Identical aminoacids are marked black.

BNP hormone is separate from the n-terminal part of be found in the circulation and split prohormone can be
the prohormone termed NT-proBNP (Fig. 2). It is found in cellular extracts. Data from in vitro experiments
currently debated when and where the prohormone split indicate that the proteolytic enzyme furin is responsible
takes place since small amounts of intact proBNP may for splitting the prohormone into its two subsections w7x.

Fig. 2. Schematic drawing of proBNP showing enzymatic cleavage into biologically active BNP and NT-proBNP.
C. Hall / The European Journal of Heart Failure 6 (2004) 257260 259

Table 1 (Table 1). In the normal organism the atria is the main
Qualitative summary of some clinically relevant physiologic charac- source of both peptides. However, with chronic myocyte
teristics of cardiac natriuretic peptide systems ANP and BNP
stretch as in chronic heart failure there is an upregulation
Characteristic ANP BNP of ventricular natriuretic peptide production w1719x. In
relative terms this upregulation seems quantitatively
Localisation within heart Atrial Atrial and ventricular
Atrial storage pool Large Small more important for the BNP related peptides than for
Basal cardiac secretion qq (q) the ANP related peptides. Thus, in the literature BNP is
Gene transcription response to stretch Slow Rapid often called the ventricular hormone, but this represents
Relative increase in heart failure q qqq an oversimplification. Nevertheless, it seems clear that
when atrial tissue is taken as a reference, ventricular
BNP production is higher than that of ANP, especially
NT-proBNP and BNP can be measured by immuno- in heart failure. Similarly, after myocardial infarction
assay. The first measurement of NT-ProBNP was report- ventricular BNP production seems to be upregulated to
ed by Hunt w8x while other groups have also developed a greater degree than ANP production, possibly second-
their in-house methods w911x. Early work utilized ary to local stretch mechanisms in the area surrounding
competitive radioimmunoassays while a commercially the infarcted area w20x.
available method from Roche Diagnostics utilizes a two-
site sandwich principle and detection by 4. Physiological effects of (Nt-pro)BNP
The physiological effects of BNP have been studied
3. Secretion of (Nt-pro)BNP by injection of BNP into the intact organism, by expos-
ing cells or organs to increased BNP concentrations, or
Cardiac myocytes constitute the major source of BNP- by the design of mice overexpressing BNP, or with BNP
related peptides in the circulation. Recently, cardiac gene knockout. This work has shown that BNP (like
fibroblasts have also been shown to produce BNP w12x. ANP) binds to the natriuretic peptide receptor type A,
The quantitative contribution of this latter source to causing increased intracellular cyclic GMP production
circulating plasma concentrations is not known. The w6x. The biological effects thus produced include diure-
main stimulus for ANP and BNP peptide synthesis and sis, vasodilatation, inhibition of renin and aldosterone
secretion is cardiac wall stress w13x. In addition in vitro production and of cardiac and vascular myocyte growth.
experiments have indicated that other neurohormones Mice overexpressing the BNP gene exhibit systemic
may modulate cardiac BNP production in a paracrine hypotension and bone malformations w21x. BNP knock-
and possibly endocrine fashion w14x. Since increased out mice exhibit cardiac fibrosis, but no hypertension
cardiac wall stress is a common denominator of many w22x. This has led to the speculation that there may be
cardiac diseases, it follows that circulating natriuretic a separate hitherto unknown receptor for BNP in cardiac
peptides may serve as clinical biochemical markers of fibroblasts. In addition to the natriuretic peptide receptor
these states. A, BNP also binds to natriuretic peptide receptor type
There are clear differences between the two cardiac C, which is thought to function as a clearance receptor.
natriuretic peptide systems with regard to intracellular Whether NT-proBNP has biological effects on its own
storage and secretion mechanisms (Table 1). ANP is is currently unknown. Likewise it is unknown whether
stored in atrial granules and atrial stretch is accompanied intact prohormone can bind to the peripheral receptors.
by a rapid outpouring of ANP-related peptides. With
respect to denovo synthesis of peptide there is a rela- 5. Clearance of (Nt-pro)BNP
tively slow activation of the ANP gene. In contrast (Nt-
pro)BNP is secreted by a constitutive mechanism. This Natriuretic peptides are cleared from plasma by bind-
implies that only small amounts are stored in granules ing to the natriuretic peptide receptors, but also through
and the cells are dependent on activation of the BNP proteolysis by peptidases, the most closely studied being
gene when increased peptide secretion is called upon. neutral endopeptidase (NEP) 24.11. Compared to ANP,
However, in comparison to ANP, the activation of the BNP, seems relatively resistant to NEP degradation w23x.
BNP gene occurs more rapidly w15x. In summary, in Studies in sheep have demonstrated that NT-proBNP has
settings where acute changes in atrial stretch is incurred a longer half-life than BNP w24x. Renal excretion is
the change in the circulating peptide levels are more currently regarded its main clearance mechanism, but
rapid for the ANP related than for BNP related peptides this topic awaits further study. Interestingly, some data
w16x. have indicated that the relative concentration between
Studies comparing the peptide production in different NT-proBNP and BNP may shift when healthy individ-
cardiac chambers have disclosed further important dif- uals are compared with patients with heart failure w25x.
ferences between the two natriuretic peptide systems The mechanism underlying this concentration shift is
260 C. Hall / The European Journal of Heart Failure 6 (2004) 257260

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