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DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2013/5207.

Original Article

Estimation of the Serum and the

Dentistry Section

Salivary Trace Elements in

OSMF Patients
Manasi Ankolekar Kode, Freny Rashmiraj Karjodkar

ABSTRACT Results: The results were tabulated and they were subjected to
Objectives: Gutkha packets contain trace elements like copper, a statistical analysis.
zinc, iron and magnesium. This study compared the levels of Conclusion: There was a significant difference in the serum Mg
the trace elements in patients with gutkha eating habits with or and Fe levels between the patients with habits and the normal
without oral submucous fibrosis and in healthy patients. healthy individuals. A significant difference was observed in the
Study Design: A total of 75 patients were included in this study serum zinc levels in the patients with habits with and without
and they were divided into three groups; the individuals with a OSMF. Altered serum trace element levels are documented in
history of gutkha intake with OSMF, the individuals with a his malignant cases and they are considered to be good biomarkers
tory of gutkha intake without OSMF and apparently healthy for malignancies. The serum copper and Zn levels and the Cu/
individuals without OSMF and without any habits. Zn ratio in OSMF patients can be considered as the markers
which show a susceptibility towards cancer.
Blood and saliva was collected and they were subjected for
analysis by using atomic absorption spectrometry and a differ
ential pulse anodic stripping voltmeter.

Key Words: OSMF, Gutkha, Copper, Zinc, Iron, Magnesium

Introduction The correlation between serum copper and the stage of the disease
Oral Submucous fibrosis (OSMF) is known and established to be has indicated that serum copper might serve as a tumour marker
precancerous. In 2002, the statistics for OSMF from the Indian or a tumour antigen, in a study which was conducted by Thorling
continent alone was about 5 million people (0.5% of the population EB and Thorling K [5].
of India) [1]. This rise in OSMF in India has been attributed to the Khanna S and Karjodkar F [6], in their study, concluded that there
increased consumption of Gutkha, of which areca nut is the main was an increase in the levels of CICs in precancer and cancer
ingredient [2], along with detectable levels of trace elements like patients, that there was a gradual increase in the serum Cu levels
copper, zinc, iron and magnesium [3]. from the precancer to the cancer patients and that the serum Fe
Considering the role of the trace elements in precancerous and levels were significantly decreased in cancer patients. Fisher GL
cancerous conditions, and the contents of areca nut, a study was et al., [7] deduced that the ratio between the serum copper levels
undertaken to estimate the serum/saliva concentrations of the trace and the serum zinc levels may be useful in discriminating between
elements in patients with gutkha chewing habits with or without the the patients with primary and metastatic osteosarcomas.
incidence of OSMF. Vyas RK et al., [8] concluded that the zinc, serum magnesium
and the calcium levels were found to be low in the patients with
Aims and Objectives malignancies and cirrhosis.
The estimation and comparison of the serum and the salivary
levels of the trace elements in OSMF patients with gutkha Oyama T, Kawamoto T et al., [9] in their study, concluded that a
chewing habits, in individuals with a habit of gutkha chewing preoperative increase in the Cu/Zn levels predicted the tumour
but who were not suffering from OSMF and in healthy progression better than the changes in the Cu or the Zn levels.
individuals with no habits. Also, the measurement of Cu/Zn was useful for assessing both
Evaluation of the role of the trace elements in the aetio the extent and the prognosis of the disease in NSCLC patients,
pathogenesis of OSMF. which was similar to the measurement of the tumour markers
such as CEA. Also, the measurement of Cu/Zn had a prognostic
Review of the Literature significance.
The trace elements have been extensively studied in recent years, Rajendran R, Babu KN, Nair KM [10] found high levels of
to assess whether they had any role in the aetiology of cancer. magnesium, cadmium and selenium in OSMF. They also stated
Magnesium and zinc are the elements which have essential roles that the increased levels of cadium and selenium in OSMF might
in the regulation of the cell growth, division and differentiation. High be a part of a mechanism which was involved in the malignant
levels of copper have been observed to protect against a chemical transformation of OSMF.
induction of tumours [4].

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2013 June, Vol-7(6): 1215-1218 1215
Manasi Ankolekar Kode and Freny Rashmiraj Karjodkar, Trace Elements Levels in OSMF www.jcdr.net

Material and Methods To the collected serum and saliva; after quantifying them, 2ml of
A study was conducted on the patients who attended the hospital electronic grade concentrated nitric acid and 1ml of concentrated
OPD. The age group of the patients ranged from 16 to 45 years. perchloric acid were added. The mixture was boiled till the acid
The patients were randomly selected and they were divided into evaporated and a white residue remained. To this, 0.25% nitric
three groups. acid was added and the solution was warmed up. On cooling, the
solution was transferred to 5ml volumetric flasks and a more dilute
Group A: 30 individuals with a history of gutkha intake of more solution was added to make up the volume to 5ml .
than one year, with the occurrence of OSMF.
The digested serum and saliva samples were subjected to an
Group B: 30 individuals with a history of gutkha intake of more analysis of the trace elements (copper, zinc, iron and magnesium)
than one year, without any evidence of OSMF. by using atomic absorption spectrometry and a Differential Pulse
Group C: 15 apparently healthy individuals without OSMF and Anodic Stripping Voltmeter (DPASV).
without habits were taken as the controls.
Results and Observations
Inclusion Criteria The data was subjected to a statistical analysis by using mean,
The individuals who gave a positive history of areca nut intake standard deviation and the Students unpaired t-test [Table/Fig-1
in the form of gutkha. and 2].
The individuals who consumed gutkha for more than one year.
The criteria for the presence of disease was made on the Discussion
basis of the clinical inspection, a restricted mouth opening, In our study, the mean serum copper levels in the Group A.
the presence of fibrous bands and the complaint of a burning (0.8763) were not significantly increased, as compared to those in
sensation. Group B. (0.8109) or Group C. (0.8285), and they were statistically
Exclusion Criteria The copper which is released during chewing is brought in direct
The individuals with a history of the consumption of tobacco in contact with the oral mucosal keratinocytes and it is present in the
any other form such as cigar, bidi, mawa, etc were eliminated. oral environment. It is dissolved in the whole saliva for a prolonged
The patients with a history of any systemic disease. period (up to 30 minutes). Following chewing, the uptake of
The patients who gave any history of being treated for the copper into the epithelial cells occurs probably by a non energy
same complaint, in the form of local applications, intra lesional dependent diffusion, where it is either bound to the proteins (mainly
injections or a systemic administration of drugs. metallothioneins) or transferred across the basement membrane
The patients who had OSMF but had stopped the habit of [11]. The absorbed copper appears in the blood stream in as little
gutkha chewing. as 15 minutes after its ingestion. In our study, most of the patients
Any patient who did not want to be a part of the study. had the habit of chewing and spitting out the contents of gutkha
after 20-25 minutes.
The informed consents of all the patients who were included in the
study were taken. A thorough history was taken from each patient The salivary copper levels in our study were increased from Group
and clinical examinations of all the patients were performed; OSMF C (0.0168) to Group B (0.0268) to Group A (0.0338). This was in
was confirmed on the basis of the biopsies and the histopathological accordance to the findings of the study of Trivedy C et al., who
reports. 5cc of blood was collected for serum and stimulated saliva suggested that the increased copper levels in the saliva enhance
(10ml) in the morning session. the uptake of copper by the tissues and that this increase the levels

Copper Zinc Iron Magnesium
Group Mean (g/ml) S.D. Mean (g/ml) S.D. Mean (g/ml) S.D. Mean (g/ml) S.D.
A 0.8763 0.2625 1.7926 0.2625 0.6399 0.3379 16.9382 3.9287
B 0.8109 0.2022 1.0000 0.3536 0.603 0.4561 16.559 3.1375
C 0.8285 0.1379 1.2228 0.5761 0.836 0.1998 15.2189 2.128
[Table/Fig-1]: Mean and Standard deviation of levels of Trace Elements in Serum in Group A, B and C
p=0.004 for Zn between Group A & B = Significant; p=0.004 for Fe between Group A & C = Significant

Copper Zinc Iron Magnesium
Group Mean (g/ml) S.D. Mean (g/ml) S.D. Mean (g/ml) S.D. Mean (g/ml) S.D.
A 0.0338 0.0393 0.4472 0.4111 0.1037 0.1135 6.938 2.557
B 0.0268 0.0221 0.3821 0.2470 0.1064 0.0996 7.7469 3.1621
C 0.0168 0.0080 0.2740 0.1006 0.1589 0.0843 5.6600 1.1750
[Table/Fig-2]: Mean and Standard deviation of levels of Trace Elements in Saliva in Group A, B and C
p=0.01 for Mg between Group A & C = Highly Significant

1216 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2013 June, Vol-7(6): 1215-1218
www.jcdr.net Manasi Ankolekar Kode and Freny Rashmiraj Karjodkar, Trace Elements Levels in OSMF

of copper within the tissues [11]. The increased salivary copper levels patients; which was statistically significant. Iron is essential for the
come back to before the-chewing values in about 40 minutes. body as an oxygen-carrying pigment of the RBCs (haemoglobin),
which accounts for 50% of the body iron. It also participates in the
Trivedy et al., [12] has also reported on the copper induced muta
energy producing reactions (the cytochromes of the Krebs cycle) in
genesis through the p53 aberrations in OSMF, which may be critical
all the cells, it activates the energy producing oxidizing enzymes, it
in the progression of the potentially malignant lesions to squamous
is necessary for DNA, RNA collagen and antibody synthesis, etc.
cell carcinoma.
Most of the studies on the serum and salivary iron levels in OSMF
The copper which is added at various concentrations in vitro has
and cancer have reported a decrease in the iron levels [20].
also been shown to increase the proliferation of the fibroblasts in
the culture [12]. Another study which was based on the ultrasound In our study, with respect to the iron levels, we hypothesized
investigations of the visceral organs in OSF patients reported that that the iron which was ingested by the patients via the gutkha
there was no evidence on the fibrotic changes elsewhere. The products was utilized in the synthesis of collagen by the enzymes
faecal copper was also normal, thus suggesting that the copper which were involved in the hydroxylation of proline and lysine. This
levels were within the tolerance levels [13]. As the oral mucosa is could lead to a decrease in the proline levels and an increase in the
directly exposed to the copper challenge in the chewers, its effect hydroxyproline levels in the tissues of the oral submucous fibrosis
may well be local. These different growth characteristics may either individuals. This utilization may cause a decrease in the serum and
be due to the direct effects of the ingredients of the areca nut or the salivary levels in Group A. But since no such increased collagen
they may be secondary to the inflammatory factors which are activity was present in Group B, their iron levels could be increased
mediated by the areca nut, such as IL-1, TGF- , IGF and EG [14]. or near normal.
There is a definite trend with the cases which have the lesion in the
The magnesium levels of serum and saliva were increased in
faucial bands (1st stage), which exhibit the lowest serum copper
the Groups A and B as compared to those in Group C. A similar
and those in stage 3 (the faucial, labial and the buccal bands),
increase was reported by other studies also [8,10]. Magnesium is
which present the highest copper levels in the serum. Hence, the
known to play a vital role in the collagen biosynthesis. Hence, it may
serum copper levels are directly proportional to the increase in the
play some role in the aetiopathogenesis of OSMF. The increased
severity of OSMF [15].
levels of magnesium in our study group can be attributed to the
In our study, the serum zinc levels increased from Group B. ingestion of magnesium through the ingredients of gutkha.
(1.000g/ml) to Group C. (1.2228g/ml), to Group A. (1.79g/ml).

On studying the salivary zinc levels, it was found that the descending Conclusion
order was from Group A. (0.4472g/ml), to Group B. (0.3821g/ In our study, the patients who had the habit of only gutkha chewing
ml), to Group C. (0.2740g/ml). were included. It has been established that gutkha contains in
creased amounts of trace elements [3], which could contribute to
Zinc is essential for the function/structure of several enzymes. At the changes in the serum and the salivary levels as compared to
least 20 different zinc-containing proteins have been identified, those in the controls. These trace elements could play a key role
which include anhydrase, alcohol dehyrogenase, leukocyte elastase in the aetiopathogenesis of OSMF. The role of copper has already
and insulin [16]. There are conflicting reports in the literature on the been documented. Iron and magnesium play key roles in the
decreased levels of serum zinc [8] and on the increased to the biosynthesis of collagen along with copper; hence, more studies
normal levels of zinc [17] in cancer patients. need to be conducted on these trace elements and on their roles in
In our study, increased levels of serum and salivary zinc were the pathogenesis of OSMF. Also, the malignant transformation rate
present in Group A. as compared to Group C., which could be of OSF was found to be in the range of 713%. Altered serum trace
due to the increased zinc transfer from the gutkha packets. If the element levels are documented in the malignant cases and they
chewing is on a regular basis, then the salivary zinc levels may are considered to be good biomarkers of malignancies. The serum
remain raised for a longer time, thus allowing a greater absorption copper and Zn levels and the Cu/Zn ratio in the OSMF patients can
through the mucosa. These increased zinc levels can lead to be considered as the markers for a susceptibility towards cancer.
an increased DNA synthesis and they could play a role in the The potentially strong points of this study are that the subjects with
carcinogenic potential of OSMF. While the decrease in the Zn levels the gutkha chewing habits with and without OSMF were included,
in the diseases with benign characteristics appears to be less than following stringent inclusion and exclusion criteria. Besides, atomic
that in the normal cancer cases [18], in malignancy, the Zn levels absorption spectrophotometry was used to analyze the elements,
drop more [19]. OSMF, being a precancerous condition, may not which is more accurate in the elemental analysis than the traditional
classically show the dropping serum and salivary Zn levels .Its calorimetry method.
transition to malignancy and the changes in the Zn levels should
then be evaluated. It can be concluded from the present study, that the serum trace
element levels could be used as potential prognostic and diagnostic
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1. Dr. Manasi Ankolekar Kode AUTHOR:
2. Dr. Freny Rashmiraj Karjodkar Dr. Freny Rashmiraj Karjodkar
Professor & Head, Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology,
Nair Hospital & Dental College, Mumbai- 400 008,
1. Reader, Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology,
Maharashtra, India.
Shri Aurobindo College of Dentistry, Indore, Phone: 9869652213
Madhya Pradesh, India. E-mail: fkarjodkar@yahoo.co.in
2. Professor & Head, Department of Oral Medicine &
Radiology, Nair hospital & Dental College,
None. Date of Submission: Oct 22, 2012
Mumbai- 400 008, Mahrashtra, India. Date of Peer Review: Jan 19, 2013
Date of Acceptance: Apr 06, 2013
Date of Publishing: Jun 01, 2013

1218 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2013 June, Vol-7(6): 1215-1218

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