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Anthroposophy in Edinburgh

Newsletter Winter/Spring 2016/17

Warm winter greetings to all members and friends at this turning point of the year.
We can share experiencing something of this midwinter transition at the Holy Nights
gatherings in the Steiner School Eurythmy room. The Society group meetings are held
at 7.30 p.m. on alternate Monday evenings in the Eurythmy Room. We will continue
working with the meditations in A Road to Self-Knowledge (1912), perhaps with a
feeling that in these contentious times one positive thing we can do is to work on our own self-
awareness and develop a healthy relationship with others and the worlds around and within us. All are
welcome to join our endeavours.
Please take special note of the new arrangements for the use of the library outlined below
(Anthroposophical library).
We are pleased that Katherine Buchanan is able to return with her presentation on Healing Places in
Scotland, postponed from October.
Marjatta van Boeschotten will visit again at the end of March, to keep members up to date about the
work of the Anthroposophical Society in GB and offer a public workshop on meditation.
There are other events pending, awaiting confirmation - watch out for further details which will be
circulated when available. We are always interested to hear ideas from members for presentations,
events or themes which may be of interest. Please contact any of the trustees (see below).
Please let Huw Sheppard know if you change your address or contact details.

It is the time once again for the annual reminder about contributions. Please see the attached request
from our treasurer.

PROGRAMME: (members meetings are held on alternate Mondays at 7.30 pm in the Eurythmy room at
the Edinburgh Steiner School)

Sat 24th December 5th January 2017; Holy Nights Gatherings: Nightly from 24th December 7.30 pm in
the eurythmy room, except 25th at 8pm and 27th (see below). The theme will be drawn from
lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in England in August, 1922, to be found in The Mystery of the
Trinity and The Mission of the Spirit, (Part 2, lecs. I,II,III,IV, Oxford Aug. 20, 22, 27 and London 30)
also available from Rudolf Steiner Archive (

Tuesday 27th Dec: 6.30pm 8.30 pm Christmas Celebration, with music, eurythmy, carols
and refreshments (bring something festive to share).

Sunday 15th Jan: Conference for Class members and those interested in joining the Class.
11 am - 5pm. Eurythmy Room. See below.

Monday 16th Jan: Members meeting 7.30 pm. Eurythmy Room: Study: A Road to Self-Knowledge;
Second Meditation.

Friday 20th Jan: Winter Plant Observation in Fountain House Garden; start of 4 week
course with Lynda Hepburn and Jane Sheppard. See below under Activities
Friday 20th Jan: Individual Forgiveness and Social Healing: A Public talk by Rev. Paul Newton
7.30 pm. At the Christian Community, 21 Napier Road, EH10.

Mon 30th Jan: Members meeting: Study: A Road to Self-Knowledge; Second Meditation, contd.
Mon 13th Feb: Members meeting: Experiencing the world in the light of the Life Processes:
Some thoughts about the seven life processes with Huw Sheppard.

Mon 27th Feb: Members meeting: study: A Road to Self-Knowledge; Third Meditation.

Mon 13th Mar: Members meeting: Some Healing Places in Scotland; A Goethean study,
presented by Katherine Buchanan, East Lothian.

Mon 27thMarch: Members meeting: study: A Road to Self-Knowledge, Third Meditation, contd.

Friday 31st March / Saturday 1st April: Visit by Marjatta van Boeschotten, Gen. Sec. of the
Anthroposophical Society in GB:
Friday evening 7.30pm - report to members on Society matters and recent initiatives.
Saturday morning - workshop open to the public "From Ideas to Experience The Inner Path of
Meditation". Further details to follow.

Mon 10th April : Members meeting: Easter preparation

For further information on any of the above events, or to be added to the e-mail list contact
Huw Sheppard: sheppardhuw[at] T:0131 229 7803

Study and Activity Groups

Theosophy: Alternate Monday evenings at 7.15 pm from 9th Jan in the interview room, Edinburgh
Steiner School. For information contact Iddo Oberski: ioberski[at]

Gospel of St Matthew: Weekly Monday mornings from 9th Jan at 11 am 12.15 at

4A Polwarth Terrace, EH11. For information contact Shirley Noakes 0131 453 3253

Life Between Death and Rebirth: weekly Wednesday mornings from 11th Jan, 11 am.
At 4A Polwarth Terrace EH11. For information contact Huw Sheppard, 0131 229 7803.

World Economy: 1.30pm Monthly on the second Monday in the month at 21 Napier Rd.
For information contact Paul Newton: 0131 229 4515, paulknewton[at]

Eurythmy: The Wednesday evening group with John Andrich will continue from 11th January, 7.30 pm in
the eurythmy room at the Steiner School. Contact John on 07775833032.

Working with Will - a group supporting Inner Work

Weekly, alternate Wednesdays and Tuesdays, 7.30pm - 9pm
Supporting inner work and the motivation of our individual will into action with conversation, study and
reflection on practice.
Contact Janice Hutchinson, (0131) 443-2113, janice.h[at]

PLANT OBSERVATION in the Fountain House Garden.

with Lynda Hepburn and Jane Sheppard
Using examples from the garden, careful observation will be complemented by guided artistic exercises
towards enhancing our way of perceiving and knowing Nature.
Location: Fountain House, 21 Napier Road, EH10 5AZ.
The next 3 blocks of the course will be:
4 sessions on Friday mornings, 9.30am 12.30 pm, weekly from 13th January (20th, 27th, 3rd Feb);
Spring: 17th, 24th, 31st March, 7th April; Summer: 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st June.
Cost 40 for 4 sessions, payable at 1st session or 15 per individual session.
No previous skills required. Materials and refreshments provided.
To book or for more details contact Jane: 0131 229 7803 / 07792029608
or Lynda: 0131 337 5914; lynda[at]

Threshold Care Circle

Saturdays 4.30-6pm - roughly monthly. Practical and spiritual work in the sphere of dying and death.
Contact Anne Byrne 0131 669 9480, annebee106[at]

Biodynamic Group in the Borders with Gerard Kelly, biodynamic gardener. For study and practical work.
On-going, All welcome. First Thursday of the month 7.30 9 p.m.
Contact Gerard on 0771459 03830 gerard[at]


The School of Spiritual Science, First Class Lessons

Class Members only.

The Anthroposophical Library Fountain House, 21 Napier Road, EH10

Dear friends,

As you know, Paul and I have created a home for the Edinburgh Anthroposophical Library in our flat. It
has not been straight forward - it is hard to find a right balance between allowing people to use their
library and meeting our need for privacy.

We think we have found a solution! The library now lives in a room in our flat which can be accessed
without going through our house - or the church.

A lock and a key which is in a box has been fitted on the wall - the box is opened with the code
1925 - the year Steiner died. We will have instructions on the wall with a small torch so that
people can manage to open the door!
However, since the library remains in a space we use it cannot be accessed by library users at all
times. It will be open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10am to 10pm. Then it will be bolted
from inside, so please arrange in advance by email to me for a time to use it.

So, from Tuesday 10 January, please feel free to come to the library - or to get in touch to
arrange an alternative time!

When you come to Fountain House, walk along the left side of the building past the bike shed.
We hope to have a motion sensitive light installed soon. Go down the steps and you'll see that
the black door to the right has a sign which says 'anthroposophical library'.

Feel free to pass this information on and the code to anyone who might like to use the library.
But please emphasize that it is only open during the times specified and that at other times it is
by arrangement - and also please emphasize that it is a 'do it yourself' library and that people not
knock on our door for help! This arrangement will only work if people abide by these requests!

Within the library there will be signage guiding people as to what books are where and how they
can sign out and return books. Books can also be returned to the kitchen counter top in the
community room in Fountain House - but please put a note with your returned books. It is
frustrating for me to find returned books and not know who they are from!

Any questions or comments? Don't hesitate to get in touch (and please - contact me, not Paul. He is not
the librarian!) And by the way - the sale has been a great success so far. There are still some wonderful
books available!

Best wishes, Donna morningglory62[at]

Services Offered:

Rhythmical Massage: Please contact Lisa Smith 07501 777 583

Christine Lynch: 0796 842 1451
Maggie Brink (also Bowen Technique): 0131 466 3482

Art therapy: Jane Sheppard: 0131 229 7803

Therapeutic Speech: Emily McLean: 0131 447 9182

Biographical Counselling: Lucila Machado: 0131 443 3945

Edinburgh Group Trustees: Huw Sheppard, 0131 229 7803, sheppardhuw[at]

Denis Wight, Treasurer, deniswight[at]; John Andrich; Janice Hutchinson; Tatjana Krebs; Iddo
Oberski;; Lorraine Turner.

It is once again time to ask members for a donation to cover the work of Anthroposophy in Edinburgh.

Last year members increased their donations and we were able to put on several worthwhile events. The
library at 21 Napier Road is now much more accessable and is a rich resourse. This year we want to
make a financial contribution towards housing it.

As a guide, a contribution of 25 to 50, with couples contributing as one, will meet our costs. Personal
circumstances differ and any contribution is welcome. However, if you cannot contribute to both
organizations it is important to send something to Rudolf Steiner House in London.

The Gift Aid regulations mean that we can claim tax back on all donations from taxpayers
provided a Gift Aid declaration has been signed.

Denis Wight

Anthroposophy in Edinburgh
Income and Expenditure Account for year ending 31 July 2016

Income Expenditure
Members donations 1,330 Programme 291
Collections 1,491 Room Hire 2,000
Interest 1,365 Events 1,806
Gift Aid 260 Library 60
Miscellaneous 111 Miscellaneous 300
Total expenses 4,457
Surplus 100
____ _______
Total Income 4,557 4,557
===== ======

Full accounts available from the treasurer.

To the Treasurer
Anthroposophy in Edinburgh Scottish Charity No. SC 008243

I enclose a cheque for ______________ payable to Anthroposophy in Edinburgh.

OR I enclose a standing order (see below).
OR I already pay by standing order or other arrangement. (please give details)
OR I cannot pay at the moment but I still wish to receive the newsletter.
OR I have paid online.
(Available to those with online banking. Use the account details below.
Name _________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________

Gift Aid Declaration (Taxpayers only)

Please treat my donations for the last six years to Anthroposophy in Edinburgh as GIFT AID
donations. I pay sufficient Income Tax to cover the tax reclaimable on my donation (25p for every 1 I

Signature ______________________ Date ______________________

Standing Order
Your bank name & address in To____________________________________________________



Please pay to Bank of Scotland , Sort Code 80-02-24 .

300 Lawnmarket Edinburgh EH1 2PH
for the account of Anthroposophy in Edinburgh
Account No. 00128216.
Yearly amount in figures and
words The sum of __________(________________________________)

on the_____day of _____________20__ and thereafter the same

sum annually on the same day each year until further notice.

Signed _________________________ Date _________________

Name ___________________ Account No.__________________

Note to Bank:- this has no connection with any standing order I may
have given you in favour of The Anthroposophical Society in Great
Britain, Park Road, London.

Please return the whole form to:- Denis Wight,

43 Thomson Road, Currie, Midlothian, EH14 5HT

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