Shakespeare & The Elizabethan Theatre Project Work

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All students must read Hamlet in Spanish and will do the analysis of the
play in Spanish guided by the Spanish Literature teacher.
Some of the students will read some scenes of the play and will do the
analysis in English guided by the English Language teacher.

Students are to form either four-or-five-student groups and will choose one
out of the following tasks:
A) Do some research on William Shakespeare, pointing out his most
remarkable aspects as a playwright and poet as well as making a
brief account of his life. Afterwards, students are to prepare a Power
Point and be ready to give a short talk on the topics investigated.
Finally, students will have to choose one of the sonnets written by
Shakespeare, which the participants will be handed out as a
souvenir at the end of the talk. Students will have to account for
such choice. (In English or in Spanish)
B) Put a scene of the famous play ‘Romeo & Juliet’ on stage and
prepare a power point with a brief summary of the play, its
importance from the literary point of view. (In English).
C) Do some research on the Elizabethan Theatre and make a webpage
with all the information requested. (In English & Spanish)
D) Do some research on Shakespearean poetry and prepare a power
point with all the information found. A poem will be read by one of
the students. (In English)
E) Do research on The Globe Theatre, make a scale model of the
theatre and speak about it in detail, pointing out its main features
from the architectural and literary point of view. (In English or
F) Analyse the scenes provided by the English Language Teacher and
prepare a four-or-five-page brochure to be handed out to the
authorities the day of the exhibition. The analysis will be based on
the notes and guidance provided by the Spanish Literature teacher.

At last, students will have to make a poster depicting the main ideas of the
work being done. The posters will be shown on the school premises.

The exhibition will take place on November, 4th.

As a result of their work, students will be given a mark from 1 to 10, which
will be included in the last term of both subjects.

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